Monday, October 28, 2024

A Royal Night Out Review

 Note: My computr keyboard is spazzy

A Royal Night Out

his is my reviw on A Royal Night Out from the distant fture year of 201(the year of alien soldier on sega genesis)

Its directed by Julian Jarrold who did  nothing I saw

It stars Sarah Gadon from The Amazing Spider-Man 2/Are You Afraid of the Dark?/Mattimeo: A Tale of Redwall/Cadet Kelly/My Dad the Rock Star/This Is Wonderland/Ruby Gloom/Total Drama/Flashpoint/Murdoch Mysteries, Bel Powley from Mary Shelley, openly monarchist gay h==ker Rupert Everett from butt f==king Shakespeare in Love/the live ation Inspector Gadget/the 00s The Importance of Being Earnest/Shrek 2/Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children/Boston Legal, Emily Watson from Punch-Drunk Love/Red Dragon/Equilibrium/Corpse Bride/The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep/War Horse/The Theory of Everything, left wing pinko Roger Allam from V for Vendetta/the live action Speed Racer/Inkheart, Jack Laskey from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and a buncha frooty brits who i never saw in anything

i never saw this butmy dad whos openly monarchist wants to watch it as he like thos e devolved brits and their regent who oppresses the lesser men

after logos we hear its may 08 in 1945 and we see this chick in b/w and historical cr-p of the brits cleebratig beating the germans which allowed the soviets to take over Europe andkill far more than the axis was accused of doing

If only we sided with zee kaiser, then we;d not have cr-ppy a55 royal weddings when a prince nmeets an alleged woman he wants to b0ne

so princess lilibet as brits ant say Elizabeth aand her sister wanna go out to selebrate and her demon worshipping dad and his b--ch want em to do cr-p

the princesses mock the French for s-cking and talk about how the country will be cleebratig tnight and its mist be liz and not dick who asks the rents fo consent to come out

the sisters talk of celebs like Gregory peck who's irish and then brits are genetically programmed to hate, but after biden ba rock and Trudeau, can ya blame em?

princess marg wants to go out but her mom said no as he mom married for love and it cost her status so she was a big influence on Elizabeth and why she put honor and uty over love and had diana iced for defying em

or was it the queens grandma cant keep these evolutionarily challenged brits streiahgt, as most of em aint

they watch ther demonic faith dad trying to read a speech as he stufdders and we saw the kings speech and they ask their rents for the right to celebrate outside and liz sez "i dont know and never will if i dont go out tonight"

the evil king of his high level paganism sez the fam was together and her b--chy mom sez "1 day you'll be queen and people will look up to you" and as liz whines dad sez "let them go" to shut those b--ches up as it might be their only chance to go out

the mom calls someone to keep tabs on on nd maybe wack em to blame the humans or irish so they can go after others they dont like if she steps outta line and we get these brit soldiers who probably have ptsd from chopping up german fams to loo after em

dad king sez to come back by 1 am and they go out in a car as the morass of immorality of brits swarm around andspazz out hat they dont have to keep killing germans and Italians

they get ou go he car and marg is like that chimp who saw the sky for the 1st time and sldiers come by after being killing oepele days before and proably wil again

the chcks get herded into a room like fat cattle to b slaughtered and its a prim proper party of ev olved brittish c-ck suckwrs who have no souls an its boring  and gay

marg escapes and goes out to drink which caused her cancer like vaccines and liz w/o dick is stuck there til she sneaks out and goes in a conga line which i didn't now they had in the 40s or England

then the place blows as the germans fighters made 1 last do or di attack andkamikaze'ed their ets with gasoline into the city and lis had an arm blown off and marg lost both beet under a piece of rubble

jk really marg escapes and lis chases and bumps a tray that hits a toper of glasses that shatters

marg gets away and lis chases after her as the guards stay behind and bri army chicks like in obotech come by to sedue em as if they were hetero

lis gets on a bus and sh bangs on the wall ani mean window at marg at aother bus next to em nd her t-ts are in this guys face who dont seem interested as hes a brit and they pefer b0ners

the guy who got a face full of her low sized t-t pays for lis and she goes to stop the trolley but this guy who i thik payed her way not gay in the A trys helping but she falls out and on him and she hurts her hand

he helps it and shes surprised a commoner is touching her

marg meets a birt guy whos in naval intelligence and i think wants to b0ne her and one of the guards is b0ning a brit woman like hes straight or something and gets a call from the king who wants to know what everyone thought of the princesses

the king has a faeg as a lot of 40sguys smoked and it killed him and in a bar he liz has a pint of booze and wants to see her sister in Trafalgar law square

the king gives the kings speech rated r cuz tey said f--k a buncha times f--k f--k f--k f--k f--k and radios

the guy lis was with didn't stand for the king on the radio andthe brits throw him out and spazz out over him not honoring a guy whos not there and dont care

solier whines of England being cr-ppy and liz sez her fam eas in the war and dont ay shes a royal and not a rebel like ben franklin or George washingtom or Jefferson davis

they go to Trafalgar square andits like a b l m riot but less murder

they get separated in the morass of immorality but she finds her sister marg making out with a dude and probably gonn get mouth cancer from all the b0ners they both mouthed

i think she loses marg again and meet sa soldier with 2 girls, mary and ane, like chronic

btw tis is colored and dull 2010s colors and widescreen

so lis goes  to the gates of the palace as building a wall to protect your family from gaijin works for elites but when huamsn wanna do it, its bad

lis talks with a chick who dont like the war and they see the evil king and the clock hts midknight and the war ens in Europe but Japan is still fighting the good fight against the soviets and gaijin an jigku no maruta

lis sees the soldier making out with a chick and sez hes her bf and the chick sez bye for now and is gonna b0ne him later

lis sez shes got a b but overseas dont count and its ok to cheet when ur away and they need to find this place her sister the marg sed she was going to

the guards who were guarding em wake up in bed with a bucnha brittish possible women andcome down to see everyones gone

i dooo say olde chappe, we gon be getten da vivisection

indubidably olde beane, our organs are gon be pulls frum we groins

marg goes to some hole in the walls a55 with a slummy club and is givedn something which means she's gonna get sodomized like in svu

lis and soldier find info where they were going and  the king worries of the land after the war butdon worry, we got the soviets to fight an maruta

lis goes in an alley and a creeper treis making out with her and might be jack the ripper jr but not the royal member of the family coverd up by the regent

she escaps an finds sldier andafter a talk goes to find the place the marg went

in the slum sin hole marg drinks drugged booze andgoes off to puke as they gamble and goes in the basement and meets a frooty brit she out herdwlf to and sez 1 guy hurt her

the guy is beat as frooty brit talks of the evil queen victoia in a good way as the brits like being oppressed unlike the Honorable Americans who stand for Freedom and Heteronormality

In America its WE the People, in England its, we who are subservient to the regent

marg reveals shes german and wants to go to a party and has the password and her and frooty monarchist go off

lis and soldier and a lady goes by the sin hole and the chicks get in butsolder is kept out

mrg goes in a car after seeing a horse chopped up and in the ride these possible h==jkers who think her skin is nice like their before the hiv or cooties or w/e

lis lets solier in thwindo and they find from a drunk chic that marg went off with h--kers

a big hairless guy finds solfier and beats on him while taking no damage from his blows but lis beats his head in with a metal thing and they dance in the hall to cover it

she finds out and yells "ur a deserter" and they run out as the hairless guy chases em out

lis dont like slder for going awol and he sezuf they catch him he'd be tortuted or executed for not fighting in a war he din;t wanna

he might go to Canada or France but not French Canada cuz that s-cked and its like the slavs who had to flee when the soviets took over eastern Europe

so lis and soldier go on a boat or w/e and go by people burning hitler lie they burned Trudeau or other worse rulers as they dont know they are out the frying pan into the fire with mao ze dong andhis 30-80 million victims

marg give the pass word, gd save the king,(from what? is there a demon after him? this is what you get for getting into the black arts)  and the frooty brit and the h00kers come in the party

solier tells of nearly dryong in the war and how his fried bit it as he held his hand the whole way back, then was sent out to figt the Honorable Japanesethe guards are gonna say they f'd up but go off for 1 last drink

th king and his b--ch worry as its 3 am and the girls should have been back

the guards are p-ssing and sing god save the king and soldier main guy comes in and se incognito and sneaks in

lis comes in this party and they find marg dancing and solfier dancers with her wait its another guy and2 guys pull on her like a wish bone andwanna dance with and maybe butt hamme her

lis sees marg and main guy soldier called jack like violence jack or jack atlas in yugioh 5Ds comes in and beats the guys out for the crime of being into the opposite gender like in the 120 days of Sodom by openly French por queer pro abortion Christianity hating tudeau i mean the marquis de sade

the guys he beat out vanish as its a viceo agme and they blinked out like in Zelda or golden axe and the girls dance

some guys beat onjack and its military guys andlis comes out about beign a man i mean the princess and everyone even the jack is shocked

she invites jack to come wity em and the gaurds do stuff and jack goes off as she lied to him and she can get away with anything cuz shes a royal

he dont like being deceived but she sez she had to and never had anything on her own and its like on springer when the guys woman reveals he's a dude

he dont car and goes off and this was her 1st night to do something and i think he went to see his mom

she goe to see jacks mom and she sez da king didn't wanna have the job but did it and talks of how boys went in the war gung ho but got f'd

marg goes off on a cab and lis but not lisa hayes in robotech with the sdf III stays behind to go with the jack

mrg comes home andthe king is gonna deal with the guards later and will probably ahve them tuned inside out slowly in public as a warning to the rest like braveheart

marg sez she was everywhere and lis went off with the jack and likes him but dont kow where he is

lis goes to se jack an he'scut open and his guts are spilled out on the floor and he gurgles "i learned this in Ja pan"

jack drives her back hoe and they talk of living a good lie together butsay it cant happen as its not like she can surrender the throwne like her uncle did a few years ago

marg tells her rents of her night and lis brings the jack in and wants breakfast with the fam but kings b--ch dont think is appropriate but lis sez she does

kings b--cjh starts screaming and foaming at the mouth and saying "you belong to me" and lis has enough an guves her an uppercut in the jaw and says "sic semper tyrannus"

jk really theyhave breakfast and she sez he shotdown 5 planes like its a goo thing to kill hsi fellow man and the ing oses him 7 pounds 50 w/e

king se no one must now of ths and she spnt the night at the ritz, which is a good thing they made this movie, so no one will know

lis sez to the jack the future dont belong her her lot, before she found who THEY serve and the global gangs who own from the blackest shadows and had diana and Charles other women iced

jack is gonna go back i think to the army an lis drives him as she drove since she was 11 and went to the base and used her pull to keep him from being executed andhe gives her a daisy he foun growing on the ground

after a kiss on the lips and not the anus, she drivs bacl and credit happen to 40s music

the end

that was pretty good

i liked it

kinda like roman holiday or royal wedding with fred Astaire

i know i dumped on England the whole time, but the movie is likable

even though the main character went on to have a number of people iced

kinda like Histeria in the 90 with joe stallin as a comedic character

its an entertaing film and is lite nd fun and upbeat

its petty brittish but in a lite way like hogans heroes for Germany

For A Royal Night Out 2 I want it to be about the jack pilo in apan and the brits keep sending him on death missions and he keeps surviving as he's destned to  bring down the monarchy with leading an uprising like 1776 2 or the confederates G. Also its an 8 bit game on Sega Master System, Gam boy and NES, TG16, Atari Jaguar and Lynx whee you play as guardian angles and gotta protect the guy on missions by following instructions to alter his planes cource when its gonna me hit and damage its engine so it falls before a big battle. Then he lives on an island andyou gotta keep the giant sasquatch monsters and dinosaurs away from him in battles with a holy sword.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Cosmos Pink Shock Review

 Note I spell wa shock

Cosmos Pink Shock

This is my rvirw on Cosmos Pink Shock from the distant future year to Shiro Ishii of 1986(the year Dragon Ball started and maybe Saint Seiya)

Its diected by Keisuke Matsumoto who did nothng I saw and Yasuo Hasegawa who did animation diction for Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future: Future Force Training, Megazone 23/The Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross(robotech season 2)/Wanna-Be's

Its writyen by Takeshi Shudo who did pokemon when it was good and had music by Kenji Kawai who did the Devilman 80s oavs

It stars Rei Sakuma from Lunar: Silver Star Story/Angel Cop/Cardcaptors/Dragon Half/Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz/New Dominion Tank Police/Pokémon/Pokémon Advance/Pokémon Chronicles/Pokémon XY/Pokémon XY & Z/Ranma ½/ShutenDoji/Sword for Truth/Wedding Peach, Daisuke Gouri from Shuten Doji//Cutey Honey/Fist of the North Star/Dragon Ball/Sakigake!! Otokojuku/DBZ/Urotsukidoji/Transformers Victory/DBGT/Inuyasha/Yugioh GX/Transformers Zone/Dead Or Alive/Tekken/Star Fox 64/Ninja Gaiden/Dragon's Heaven, Kaneta Kimotsuki from Astro Boy in the 80s/Dororon Enma-kun/InuYasha the Movie 3: Swords of an Honorable Ruler/Jungle de Ikou!//Maya the Bee/Zatch Bell, Kazue Komiya from Fist of the North Star/Fullmetal Alchemist/Iron Virgin Jun/Kekko Kamen/Pokémon/Transformers/Transformers: The Headmasters/The Transformers: The Movie/Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Masaru Ikeda from Jushin Liger/Case Closed/Death Note/butt f--kin Dragon Ball Super/Dream Dimension Hunter Fandora/Fist of the North Star 2/Jungle Book: Shōnen Mowgli/One Piece/Pokémon, Norio Wakamoto from Violence Jack/Cyber City Oedo 808/Dog Soldier: Shadows of the Past/DBZ/DBGT/Fist of the North Star/Ghastly Prince Enma Burning Up/Monster Rancher/Ninja Scroll/Transformers Animated/Transformers Cybertron/Urotsukidōji/Yugioh GX/Street Fighter IV and V/Capcom vs SNK 1 and 2/The King of Fighters 2002/MD Geist/Ninja Gaiden OVA, Sho Hayami from Beyblade metal f/Jushin Liger/Cutey Honey F/Dinozaurs/Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture/Gravion/Robotech and its Japanese Macross spin offs/New Cutey Honey/Riki-oh OVA/Saint Seiya/Transformers G1/Transformers: Super God Masterforce/Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer, and Tomomichi Nishimura who was in Street Fighter cr-p/the cg astro boy movie/Diginon season 4/Dinozaurs/Hokuto No Ken 2/Garzwy's Wing/Genesis Climber Mospeada (Robotech season 03)/Genocyber/Riki-Oh OVA 2/Sailor Moon/Shutendoji/Transformers G1 and The Headmasters.

I never saw this bt its an 80s oav and wasn't released on laserdisc but vhs and VHD and was based on a 1984 serial from the 'Animevision' video magazine.

and despite the name its not a p0rn0 and i think has no b0ning

So after the totle i mean title its the ditant future year of 2206, or200 years after Transformers Season 3 and 100 years before Beast Wars

in pluto base 17 a hyper rocket bu its not cleared and turns off communications and the fighters try to stop it

the rocket goes i light speedo and it a chick driving t and then we get a robot bbe ball gamr for The Tigers who had a 210 year losing streak like the cubs or maple leafs

the other team is the lions like detoilet and his a big hit but a shp sends the ball back by flying over it and its caught so the toges lose again

this guy in a tiger outfit but probably not a furry sends ships after the ship fir revenge but the chic sez she dont get baseball but loves cats and jets off with the tigrs after her

later in a nebula 10s of thousands of light years away from earth, if yu believe the eggheads who think its billions of years old, this dausuke gouei captain talks of how humans want his planet anded over

then these chicks like in robotech sing a song of culture shock like macros or w/e and captain wants to attack and this blue haired cick like an 80s noin from gundam wing sez civiltin is like culture and the 2 sides battle in space with mech warriors and phaIIidc ships

Hyper Rocket goes by and she sez she don't care for wars and the sides call a ceasefre and the tigersfans come by after her as narrator sez the ocket was called the hwole galaxy is stooped but others wound up calling i pink shock after itc color and not her nips

it went past all patrols and chasers and whats this thing run on? protocultue?

she puts on the autopilot and has a shower but4 warships from Jupiter  ilitary expedition fleet are nearing and she wants to get dressed being a girl and 17 even though its a computer and feels no lust

she gets dressed as she only wants 1 guy to see her nude and the forces say shes on theur terf and she sez she wont stop and rckets away

a hairless guy with big ears and looks like the guy from that game gear shining force game  is in the absolure defence fleet and she sez hes in her way and otta move

hairless fires on her ad she evvadesand goes by and sez no one can stop er and this go nagai loking dude is mad she got past the fleet so Yosho his pretty boy comes in like tuxedo mask and fangirls spazz out over it

he hates girls and is called captain Gatsby and sez pink shock will run outta fuel as it went by the nearest system 6 months ago and will stop here for more

go nagai lookinghomie wans to catch her and Gatsby  looking bishonen wants tofind out why shes doing this and thinks it got a crew of manly men he' like, but not in a queero way, just manly

as fangirls squeal he sez he dont have yaoi feelings for men as devolved fangirls often want men to have like making captain America and bucky as butt buddys or spider man and uncle ben

so the ship runs otta gas and she wasn't keeping track and gets caght by jupiters gravity andcalls out to hiro

then on a desert planet we see tank and troopscome to the pink ship andit opens so they go in and look arund and see her stuffed plushies including what ooks like captain harlock

they fin e chick ad bring her in and Gatsby finds its a woman b 83 w 58 h 85 which isn't much and should be 2x that

shes frm earth and Gatsby sez shes removed from spe and time and she comes to the video phone like in pokemon abd sez its rude to feel up a sleeping girl and thinks hey b0ned her like he soviets in ww2

Gatsby sez they checks her for weapons and he wants to talk to her and she wans food and a shower and he lets her and whines about women

in the bath she is shoulder deep with long hair, but when she puts her head in fast, the end of her long hair flies up, which shouldn't happen as shes in a small tub

he ez thigs will work out with Hiro ab later ge b to meet Gatsby and ass if hes got a gf and he sez he wont marry cuz he hstes chick and she sez es handsome

he rags on women frhiding anger(they often show it and spazz out) back inflattery(that ones right) and move in fir te kill (unless they'fe bimbos) ad how they stand y 1 man they love and have another in their dreams(like a crush on the dbz guys?)

an how women say pretty things but thats all they are and she sez he s=cked with chicks so he rags on his mom being that kinda chick wo ditched him and his dad for another man

So now he thinks women s=ck and not only foot long b0ners, which makes sense as he was soured on em, like me dealing with dogs and how ret-rded they are, like brain damaged kids, and not only cuz they eat their own waste

so he asks why shes going around and she eventually sez its for her bf hiro who she loves and wante to marry her as kids and got her a pendant with chocolates

in the flash back we seemasks of kinniku man, masked rifer and i think a v r trooper and at a summer thing Japan doeshiro got abducted by a light and she tried but didn't save him

Gatsby sez they often take specimins from backwater planets and she asks why they ignored her and took hiro but he dont know

she swore on the pendant and headband to look for him and we get a flashback to her asking the cops to find hiro but they cant do jack and hiros rents didn't know of him, nor did anyone else

this is like that twilight zone ep with the jet that went missing for 2 hours, came back, and 1 by 1 the people were unexisted and no one knew they were there

so she left home and went off as a grade schoolwr or 4 yeaf ol d or w/e and went to a space shuttle to find him

imagine if some creeper like bi den jr came for her?

she sez he might be in the universe center called the sacred ealm

like the kaiohshin realm in dbz?

so she got the pink shok andstarted flying to it and has searched 13 years and worries of getting old

she shows his picture and he dont think much of some 4 year old candya55 and she sez she loves him

so he lets her go or w/e and thins about how pik shock made the universe trebmle and its only a lovey girl, also he dont like chicks but thinks of her and wait she's in a jail cell

gatsy sends a rebort and go nagai dude sez hes gonna have her xecuted as 17 is old enuff to pay for crimes, like THEy said about Ritenhouse but not Trayvon or omar kahder

also he has the pink shock and Gatsby sez she's doing it for love bt go nagai dde who looks like a cross of kishiza abashiro, boss and maybe chokkei Hayami's dad, sez firing squad is the only way to keep their honor as its the sacred will of space and he wants to make his space foe ce famous

Gatsby has doubts and the news sez the pnk shock was caught and  the pilot is Mitsuko Hayami like Mitsuko Yagyu from Harenchi Gakuen and Danbei Hanami in Cutey Honey and the news makes her look bad like the news does as go nagai guy sez only his side can catch her

Gatsby shoots the tv lie elvis and Mitsuko is being takes away by armed guards and told no one leaves here alive

they tie her down each limb with a different chain and put a hose in her butt and start filling her up with an enema like G Nagai likes and she screams like an anime girl as she expands ad start barfing up chocolate water

jk really as shes gonna be firing squadded the tigers in tiger colored  mech suits attack and save her 

he runs through the base to get back the pink shock and a guard gets her at gunpont but is iced by Gatsby with his rod in the guys face and i mean walking stick or cane

he takes her out of the way and she wants to get elemental hiro cyber neos and Gatsby ses one day someone ill give her a real endant not a cheap ptize and she sez hers is real

they go tothe pink shock and its repaired and loaded with high octaine super fuel like liquid schwartz in spaceballs or the thing star wars ripped off in solo a star wars story

he dont wanna f her dream and she sez he hopes he finds love soon and he sez he hates women and she kisses his right face cheek and not a55cheek and he smiles at her and wwaves before catching hiself andshe goes ou in the pink shock

the guards drive cars as they still use cars and not hover cars in 2206 and probably use vhs tapes and Walkman tapesand she escapes the planet

shining force guy comes after her wanting to be put in a captains chair for catching her but th tigers go by and attack hi and it a maelstrom of laser fire

Hayami wont stop and shining force guy spazzes out and fites away and she escapes with the tigers

go nnagai commander dude finds Gatsby let her go and yells at him but he resins and he sez he hates women ut theres 1 woman he wants to protect and trns off the video sphere

he sez he'd watch over her until she finds her love and hopes to find love one day and i hope he dont go yaoi like the fangirls want

the tigers fans invite Gatsby to join e as they are fans of her as the tigers s-cl and wanna be in a fanclub with monthy or yearly plan for pink shock girl andhe joins a yealy plan as the 1st month is free

Hayami goes off to find hiro and her pirate crew go after her through space

the credits to a catchy 80s song and clips of the anime we saw mins ago

the end

then a other song with images of the chick looking 80s anime

that was grand

a classic 80s oav with that 80s look like valis or barabanba or wanna be's

i love the vhs grain it has and the art style and how its mostly pg wo nudes or b0ning

the animation is good and the character designs is really 80s and cool

the music is nice and the voicing is good

its under 40 mins and has a good feel and the designs are like a better MD Geist

its pretty cool and is good sci fi with romance and heart and the writer did well in this like Pokémon when it was good

For Cosmos Pink Shock 2 I want her to get to the center of the universe and find her bf hiro is the leader of the aliens that took him as he worked his way up from slave to right hand of the emperot and after the emperor was wacked by malcontens, he was  net in line, but theres a civil war in the empire and the malcontents wanna take over under the guise of equlity but really they want dominance and enslave the former masters. So using her forces she built up over the years as she's now 25 and thicc and in a mini bikini, they go on an epic campaign to wipe out the malcontents and their allies and she marries him and becomes his empress and Gatsby marrys a thcc catgirl with pink hair in a leather mini bikini and finds love. Also its a 16 bit Srpg like Shining Force on Sega Genesis, Snes, TG16, Atari Jagua and GBA where you play as members of a squad of mechs and ships to go into enemy terf and take out their bases and forces before taking on the malcontent leader who's a la blue girl/urotsukodoji/guy double target monster and he absorbes the bodies of his men tobe a cosmic horror and you gotta take out his gems to make him unstable and mutate into a slob monster that blows apart whenthe head gem is blown.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Pirate Radio Review

 Note: i spell like a pirate of butts

Pirate Radio

This is my review on Pirate Radio from the distant furture year to roger c car,mel of 2009 (the year of robotech season 1)

its directed by Richard Curtis who did nothing I saw and was called the boat that rocked in soviet England

it stars Philip Seymour Hoffman from Twister/The Big Lebowski/Patch Adams/The Talented Mr. Ripley/Punch-Drunk Love/Red Dragon/Cold Mountain/Mary and Max/The Ides of March/Law & Order/Arthur, Tom Sturridge from Mary Shelley, Bill Nighy from Underworld/Shaun of the Dead/The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy/Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest/Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End/G-Force/Astro Boy/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1/Rango/Total Recall reboot/Jack the Giant Slayer, openly welsh Rhys Ifans from Notting Hill/The Replacements/Little Nicky/The Shipping News/Hannibal Rising/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1/the butt f--king The Amazing Spider-Man, faith traitor Nick Frost from Shaun of the Dead/The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn/Snow White and the Huntsman/Supernanny(ew)/Phineas and Ferb, Tom Brooke from Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason/The Death of Stalin/Sherlock, Rhys Darby from Trolls/aids bag Modern Family/Hot in Cleveland/2010s Thunderbirds Are Go/devolved Voltron: Legendary Defender/gay a55 We Bare Bears/Bob's Burgers Duncan / Quincy Cox/Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/The Venture Bros/Star vs. the Forces of Evil/Yo Gabba Gabba!/Late Night with Seth Meyers(soviet seth), Katherine Parkinson from Sherlock/The Kennedys, opely irish and Faith Hater Chris O'Dowd from the 2010s Gulliver's Travels/Bridesmaids(f--k dat abomination)Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children/the 2010s The Twilight Zone, Tom Wisdom from 300/Hannibal, Ralph Brown from Alien 3/Wayne's World 2/Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace/Lexx/Exorcist: The Beginning/Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist/Life on Mars/Jack the Giant Slayer/The Blacklist/Turn: Washington's Spies, Kenneth Branagh from Chariots of Fire/Mary Shelley's Frankenstein/Othello/Wild Wild West/The Road to El Dorado/Rabbit-Proof Fence/Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets/Dunkirk/Murder on the Orient Express/Death on the Nile/Oppenheimer/Shackleton/Walking with Dinosaurs/World War 1 in Color, Sinead Matthews from Pride & Prejudice 2005, Jack Davenport frpm The Talented Mr. Ripley/Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl/Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest/The Good Wife,mrs elon musk Talulah Riley who got him to free twitter from 2005 Pride & Prejudice, Openly Brittish Creator hater Emma Thompson (ene enema) from Much Ado About Nothing/The Remains of the Day/Junior/Treasure Planet disney version not the weird a55 hungarian one/Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban/Nanny McPhee/Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix/I Am Legend/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2/Bridget Jones's Baby/Cheers/bytt pl=g Saturday Night Live, and a buncha guys i never saw in anything and are probably from back door, candy a55, aids bag, banaa crammer sodonm bottm, frooty booty, gender offender, cri;e nipplsoviet beta male England which does everything wrong that Amerca soes right

after logos we get a boy going to bed andlistening to the raiot and title and credits to a song of eople vhimp i mean rocking out

then this guy is sent by his mom to be on a boat with bill nighy and back door bill finds his mom hot and might wanna b0ne her

after meeting the crew we see em airing music on a boat then they play charades but by telling emclues instead of acting it out

in a meeting the high rank brits wanna shut down pirate radio who int breaking laws and the elites want em silenced as big gov dont like dissenters

main guy the count is gonna be the 1st to say the f word on the air but abck door billy sez he elites and gov will hate em more

he sez sorry we cant then turns to a song andesez "its ust a little f--k" and billy wnes about em sayinh f==k over and over then finds the radio was on

the gov sez how the gov can make laws to make things THEY don't lie illegal and this glasses guy wants a gy to change his haircut ashe dont like it

in America, its WE The People, in englandm its, we who are subservient to the regent

so the boat has no women but 1 chick is queer so they otta say no one here likes men and they get to invite a woan once a month to probably b0ne

1 guy sez how he likes having small parts like in syink a55 india and can ave smaller undies

the people smoke faegs and joints and they go by a boat of 5kanks and wants to b0ne em

so a firl comes on board and the fatty wants to b0n her cuz its always fat dudes not fat chckscz THEY wanna trn us queer

a guy goes in a dark room withthe chic ut she turns on the ligt and its not fata55 and they scream and he leaves

the gov guy wants to end rock radio in 12 month and chooses a guy to do it

at dinner this hippie or hobo looking guy is bob ho does the morning show from 3-6 am and no one noticed him b4

the brit gov wants to make advertising withthings the gov dont like illegal even though its the companies mney and the gov shouldn't tell em what to do like ussr china cuba and England

so the pirates get a guy named gavin who was a legend or w/e so people will pay their bills ofschore and in other areas so its not endland doing it

man, we're nearly an hou in, that felt like noting i mean nothing

so vagin i mean gavin like spinner in Degrassi with the aids bags does well and more stations spring up and glasses wants to find a lop hole in the law like big gov does to those it can't ompete with

back door billy invites his niece mary awnne like giligans island or the fat chck ho married openly briiither alleged male littleuriboh to meen the teen or we on board and he wa ts borrow a c0nd0m from the fata55

and by borrow it means hes gonnareturn it after use full of spurm and aids and poop and as teen talks with mary anne, fata55 meets em anmentions the c0nd0m and she talks of it

he sez he loves her and makes excies for wanting to b0ne her and throw the c0nd0m out the window in the sea topoison the fish with the lube on it that rots your parts

they kiss and she wants another c0nd0m and he brings her to his room o do butt stuff and gets another c0nd0m from gavin who sez rince it out and reuse it and when he gets back finds her in bed with fata55 who looks like Jonah hill but less evolved

she couldn't wait 10 mins ad had to b0ne someone, if she makes it to the 80s she gon get hiv

the gov sez cuz a boat f'd out and the calls for help disnt get through as the band they used was usedby rock radio and they wanna use that agains em, even though the gov kills more people than that

1 guy founda new gf called Lenore like the chipette and wants to marry erand main d phipl Seymore horowitzhas a stag party where they poison themselves wt chronic and liquor

1 guy wonders why teens om sent him here to get put straight and its a place of lust and drgs and suggests his long lost dad is on the boat after ditching em

1 guy suggests they trick the public to agree with em and use a marine offence act to make pirate raio illegal

so they have a counterfeirt marriage as thre's no prest orholiness and its like reading calvin at hobbes at a school library and saying its a real bar mitzvah

back door billy marrys em and after he admits their b0ning was cr-ppy he gets her tea and toast and his wife ins in love with gavn who wont marry her but let her marry him and live with him in sinas his woman is with a better man like with Trudeau

husband dont like how his woman is cheeting on him and she sez she'd be b0nig gavin and friend zoned him like seiya in sailor sara

so he dumps her even though its not a real marriage andshe goes back to the land

the crew confronts gavin for his sins andhe thinks he did nothing wrong and b0ned her once and phillip seynoe horowit sez nam is nothing to the pain gavin will get

they have a game of chickenwhere theyclimp the radio tower wh is not how chicke works, in chickeh they drive off a cliff and last to jump out wns

they go up and Philip snormy butts want to queer out but gavin dont wanna and they et to the topof the tower and gavin jumps off int0o the endless sea

Philip Seymore buts jumps and the hoffman and gavin admit they were wrong on air

aftr goofing off they play "i hve never" and lesbian like in violence jack with evil town and tom cat, sez she never bned a man and 1 guy on hee did b0me a dude

gavin reveals he never b0ned a chick and pooted but its the runs and splorged in the bed and fata5 revealed he did

93% would vote for the pirats than the gov and the ov guy want toshut down the pirates and not tell anyone

some chicks come on the boat and  is anna mary who sez sorry for b0ning that guy and they g to teens room or w/e t b0ne

the lesbian meets a blonde chick and ts like in a go nagai manga and as teen comes out he sees the crew thereand phipp seynore anus is ready and broadcasts teen b0ned

also the women did what they consider b0ning like in la blue girl

back door billy se teens mm is coming and to hide his p0rn0 and hippi sez to tell his mom he sed muddy waters rocks

is muddy waters related to john waters?

so mom comes on and son asks if question is his dad and she sez no

the crew has a meal with mom and sez she b0ned well to make him and want him to stay

oh and its Xmas and gov guy has a lifeless dinner with his fam and indentured servants for it

mom eaves and son sez hippie sed muddy waters ricks andshe asks if he told him

turns ut mom b0ned him and hes the kids dadbut its more implie w/o directly saying it

so he finds out his moms a 5kank and has dads devolved and goes t spend time with him

so the gov signs a marine offences act saying the pirate radio stations and theirlisteners are illegal as the gov decides what the people can listen to and punish them for hearing or sayng things (see also china/ussr/cuba/ww2 germany/post ww2 germwny, australia, back door aids bag new zealand, soviet canada, ect)(you know, the cr-ppy countries)

Philip sez hes Amercan and wont give up as he dont care about those gay a55 brits and gavin sez he's gonna keep it with him and the crew says "me too" but not like a feminazi and how they wanna keep going

its like when back door commie aids bag Sodom bottm brazil banned twitter and people used ways to get around it

so Philip seynmore man prts sez bye andmidknight happens and he sez "only kidding, lets rick" and plays music

afer rocking out thegov sends out ships to stop people from playing music like Oscars orchestra in the 90s

they come across a boat of fsherswho deniesbeing the rckersand the brits go on the hunt as the ship is moving around

is his where one piece got it from?

they run into a thing and the boat got f'd and blly sezthy are going to die by drowning in ice wter of the norty sea

they hit a giant squid and its tearing the boat apart and eating people alive

jk it hit a rock and the life boats are useless lilethe reds in Canada and they bradcast their location as water fills the boats a55 like spurm from big mike in back door ba rick

the gov guy sez not to sve the pirae guys as thats how the gov feels about its people, not worth the cost

this is like titanic but not f--kin gay with cr-ppy excruciating length andfeeling every ne of its severa hours

so they gather and find no ones broadcasting andteen slogs through the f==ked ship and gets his hipoie dad to say the boat is sinking and they play the csi yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah thing

dad hippie and sonswim through the boat like alien resurrectionand dad has to ditch his rcords to suviv and gets 1 he likes and swims to the air

man his bains must be fried orthinking records = life, iblame the drugs

fata55 gets em out and sez the rcord he chose s=cked and sorry for b0nin his gf 3x

Philip Seymore sea man signs off and sez in the future there will be more good songs(spoiler, we had the 80s)

so they garher on da outside and the boat is sticking its nse or a55 or a55 in the nose in the air andthe power f'd out

they are all dead and go under and yel "rock and roll" befoe the sea consumes them

jk realy a swarm of fans saves e in a fleet of independent boats as the private ecor gets things done when big gov f==ks it up

so 1 chick i thnk mary anne is pregnantand reunites with teen and probabl had fata55es baby in her

the boat goes under but oops out phillip Seymore hoffmanskin

he text sez the summpf of 1967 ended but the music kept goingand we see guys dancing to grainy 60s camera and crefits to varuois albim cobers incudng nirvana and inxs  which was 80s and 90s

the end

that was pretty good

better than titanic

nice feel and light style

shows the dangers of brts and their gov

nice colors and its widescreen but despite that disability its not so bad

good acting and showing the American Way over the commie pagan daemonic occultist brits

a bit of sin to show both sides have bad in em and the 60s were a cessopoole of lusty and vice, but this made it seem fun like hogans heroes

is a well made movi and i hear the bittish veriso has a lot of extra scenes that slow it down, but this was like 2 hours and didn't feel long

it had good flow and didn't drag and holds attention

its a n entertaining movie and some liked it but others didn't

i enjoyed it and its a much higher step up over candya5 titanic

For Pirate Radio 2 I want it to be the 80s and the brits have cracked down on dissent lie the maruta and live in a police start where people are vivisected in ublic for braking the regents commands, but help comes form America who wants to do to englan what Geoge Washtington did to Amefica and free it from the sodmasters of the regent and have the good people deicde who rules. also it sa 16 bit srpg on sega genesis, snes, tg16, arari jaguar and gba with you playing as Americans in a squad of mech armor and fiht brit mech armor ships and solfiers across various areas in the sea and land and air and their power fortresses that you gotta take out the control places to cripple it. also the regent is in demon armor and fuses with it to become a flesh monstrosity and you gotta take out its tendrils and organs

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A Man Alone Review

 Note: I spell manly

A Man Alone

Tis is my revuiew on A Man Alone frm the distant future year to Lon Chaney of 1955 50 years before Trandformers The Movie)

Its directed by Ray Milland who did Panic in Year Zero! which was good so i hope this will be

it stars Ray Milland from Piccadilly/Dial M for Murder/the 60s King of Kings/Panic in Year Zero!/X: The Man with the X-ray Eyes, Mary Murphy from Ward Bond from the 20s Noah's Ark/The Affairs of Cellini/The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse/They Made Me a Criminal/Gone with the Wind/Son of Frankenstein/The Grapes of Wrath/Kit Carson/Santa Fe Trail/Sergeant York/The Maltese Falcon/It's a Wonderful Life/The Quiet Man/Hondo/The Searchers, John Russell from Yellow Sky/The Gal Who Took the West/Frenchie/The Outlaw Josey Wales/Pale Rider, Fort Massacre, Raymond Burr from Adventures of Don Juan/Fort Algiers/Rear Window/Godzilla, King of the Monsters!/Airplane II: The Sequel, Arthur Space from The Cockeyed Miracle/Tomahawk/50s A Star Is Born/20 Million Miles to Earth/Taggart/The Shakiest Gun in the West/The Swarm/50-s Dennis the Menace/Little House on the Prairie/The Waltons, Lee Van Cleef from Kansas City Confidential\The Lawless Breed\Joe Dakota\The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance\How the West Was Won\For a Few Dollars More\The Good, the Bad and the Ugly\Escape from New York\The Rifleman\The Andy Griffith Show/The Road To Denver, Alan Hale GX from The Big Trees/Destry/The Indian Fighter/Hang 'Em High/The Andy Griffith Show/My Favorite Martian/Gilligan's Island/60sv Batman/Rescue from Gilligan's Island/ALF, Thomas Browne Henry fropm Tulsa/Samson and Delilah/Deadline – U.S.A./50s Julius Caesar/The Robe/The Violent Men/20 Million Miles to Earth/Airport, Grandon Rhodes from White Heat/Indian Uprising/Cripple Creek/Them!/50s A Star Is Born, Martin Garralaga from Casablanca/

For Whom the Bell Tolls/The Outriders/Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla/The Snows of Kilimanjaro, Kim Spalding from The Day the Earth Stood Still, and a fw guys not on back door, candy a55, aids bag, banana crammer, Sodom bottom, frooty booty, cripple nipple, stoner b0ner, wiener cleaner, gender offender, hippe vegan stoner peta tree kug fu based on plants Wikipedia which thinks global warming is real but Acupuncture is "pseudo science"..

I never saw this but its giving on Grit and that usually has good films

fter title and logos and creitds in widescreen and 50s color we see a cowbow going through a wasteland and his horse falls

he checks it and finds blood so he blows the horse out and after checking the items like saddle goes on foot through the wasteland and puts money in his shirt lie chicks stuffing their bras

he cuts a cactus and eat it and blows out a snake rattlng at him, which it shows unlike the horse being capped offscreen

later he comes across some bodies and 1 guy has a bullet hole n his face b some horses

he feels the deaf womans hair like bi den on teen girls who are currently alive and goes through their things like swigging their water and finds a dead little girl in the cart

main guy lets a horse free and covers the dead with blankets and rides a horse off as the wind blows sand on em

he goes 2 a dark dusty tow at night and wait its the free hrses who did and alan hale GX is the sherrif asguys play cards

the undertaker has low business as the guys joke of it and the Mexican who saw the horses tells the guys

main guycomes in and sherrif goes out but a buncha guys come at him and open fire w/o axking who he is or why he's there or his side like the media on a guy accused or something THEY dn't like

he escapes and a guy in a tux talks with guys and a geezer sez hes shocked they iced the people including a kid anda bada55 sez the people saw his face and they can go back and scalp the bodies to blame apache

main guy hears and geezer goes ot and fires on the darkness but tux guy wh was steve martin in Godzilla caps geezer names luke and main guy escapes

the townsfolk say main guy held up the coach and took the money and martin sez main guy capped luke and sends the guys after him

man guy hides in ahouse and turns on a light which might ive him away and cuts a piece of meat to lube the water pump sink for a drink

theres cats there and he eats a canned peach with a knife and gives em syrup

theres a sandstorm and no one saw his face and i think main guy shot the sherrif which i missed a part where sherrif came behind him and readied his gun and main guy shot him with a quik turn

now it makes sense why they were after him, my dad filled me in dring a commercial

in the day this blonde sees theres 7b cats andlves there and wants to name em after 7 wonders of the wor;d or w/e, maye the 7 deadly sins, andgoes through items ti soft music like a dress

main guy nearly leaves but goes out into the house from the basementand can't open the door as its full of sand

he sneaks around and catches blonde at gunpoint but puts his gun away and sez he came in the celler door but she sez theres 2 feet of sand on it

he sez he came ib last night and had  a jar of peaches and they getta long andhe answers her question of 7 wives 7 cats and 7 kits or w/e going to st ives and she sez sthe answer is 1 as shes going there and they came from there

he learns they treat those with yellow fever (RACIST!!!!!!)  and hides there with a gun on herand hopes she wont out him and the dr comes in to treat the sherrif

dr sez sherrif needs rest and attention and she needs sleep and they have coffee and tells her of the guy icing luke and sherruf and he's probably still in town

she suspects main guy who books it and dr hears andgoes out saying keep the door locked and dont let anyone in

main guy is there and sez he'd staeven if theres yellow feaver and sherrif wait its her dad is spzzing out andhe ad chick help him

turns out alan young i mean hale is the deputy and sherrif is the dad and  hale comes to and gives a description and they make a sketch

he gives her20$ in 1800s mobey to pay for his time there and food an talks of how he didn't cap luke in the bank but his name is wes steele and is an outlaw like robinhood and a  gundam i mean gunman

his dad didn't use guns and got capped by ome so he ecame supe gun good to defend himself

then dr comes by and asks if he came ack and she sez no one came in since he left and is told the guy iced the coach and it wasn't apache and shes upset for the girl

shes told to keep a gun handy and shoot 1st bit when she comes in e sez he didn't do it and the town shoots 1st at him and cr-p

she gives him til datk to et out and later a lady tells main chick something I mssed

main guy is gonna leave but goes upstairs and to soft music ges her in ed and takws off her shows andshe wakes up b4 b0ning can happen

he checks the dad andgves him water and its playing soft music and he checks the paper with a cr-ppy drawing of him looking nohing like him saying killer at large

the next day she walks in like a nina and thanks him for putting her to bed and that he looks nothing like the picture

they talk of how luke was talking with a gy but she sez it can't be him who iced him and how luke fired on main guy but main didn't reyurn fire

after a dr stops by main guy is gonna go as they are looking for the bad drawing and hes gonna go to a place Wesley steele is a name not a legnd

he suggests shes running away w/o running and has a box in the celler but she sez its her hope chest ad dad dont like it so she hides it

he sez dad wont let her grow up and they smooch to get back at daddy like dating a gaijin

later the town has a sevice fo the coach guys who got iced nd tux martin gives a speech thatthey gotta get revenge even though The Bible sez no and he's taking watch over the bodies 1dt

like the gov icing people and saying "imma look into this nd do my best to help you"

man guy comes in to the church and introduces himself to tux martin and sez who he is and what he did how he knows tux martin iced his partner

tux martin  offers to help him or join him but man guy dont trust him and tux martin drops his gun claiming nt to be a gun man and that main guy can't shoot an unarmed man

main guy beats on him but gets hit a few times bit main gy punches him in te ut to get him fist pregnant and leaves him there blood and beat

main guy goes back to i think dr's place and bada55 guy wo iced the kid seez em

he tells chick tu martin was behind it and he beat him then blictetee blacks out from damage

dr treats him for a concussion and that the town knows hes here.

the townnies come up and dr sez he dont fit the description and has yellw fver and the dont care and are gnna ice him

chick fires to keep em away but dad comes out and is better and sez he'd handle it and inside when he fids wes steele is there, don't believe its him who helped a sherrif

dad thinks chick is b0ning him an she sez hes got dirty thoughts so he slaps her and she sez he does it again she'd ice him

dr sez drs and sherrifs oath to protect things and he upholds lives and shwrrif upholds the law and keeps the innocent safe

sherri tells the people he'd not give them their meat puppet and to get leg irons as wes aint going

he wakes up in cains like an indentured servant if they had non Wites un the 1800s andshe comforts him and sez he can get him proven

chick sez she heard dad talking in his fever and that he gts his house free and 110$ a month and tuxedo martin was paying his way

dad sez main guy iced a man in the back and shot a deputy but chck sez he disnt mention the coach

she msez he wasn't round during a robbery but he sez no one was iced there and he taught her right fro wrong but if he runs her he;d ice him

so dr sez main guy is doing better and didn't have yellow fever and chick comforts main guy whothinks hes gonna get it and dad sees

later chic gets a gun and dad sez if wes steels had it would ice 5 men incluing him but she sez the girl didn't have a chance w/o one

chick wants dad to come out about being part of it and dad talks of how mom was hot like her and the hard country iced her from dry wells and no windmill turn for over 200 days and over 1000 cows die

can you hear the lambs, screaming?

dad went to work for 6 cents an hour and when he came back she was starved and h had no choice on how the west was too hard and the easters don't gte how bad it is

she was 2 when her mom bit it and he had to make a deal with tuxedo martin and then goes to free main guy and gives him his gun and main guy wnts to ice the guy who did the crime

sherrif dad let him out the celler door and leades him out in the wasteland and tells him to get to soviet Colorado and through the wicked apache lands

dad sez he wants chick to marry a gy with a long life and he'd handle the town and they go in opposite directions

dad comes back and tells dr and chick he let main guy go and didn't think he did it but dr wants the court to decide despite a rigged jury

chick wants to skip toen but he dont wanna and some kids look at the spooky old tree where they strung up the bad guys like in the bearenstain bears like with the black bears

tuxedo martin has a bandaid on his head and word happens there sno lynching and the people get p-ssed and come to his home

they say he let the guy go as main guy is b0ning his daughter and he slugs the guy and jumps in the corwd

they swarm him and tear him apart, flesh by chucnk and eat as he screams "choak on them"

jk really they go to lnch him but main guy comes in and fires wasting a bullet and tells em to let him go and he'd ice the 1st who goes for a gun and can take out a lot of em b4 h goes down

they let sherrif frre and he sez tuxedo martin is behind it  and tuxedo wants him iced like tieh cl in tin and those who have dit on him

1 guy runs out and sz main guy is telling the truh as he works for tuxedo martin but is gunned down and main guy goes in the enemy base and takes out more guys working for tuxedo martin

he wastes lee vab n clef who loks mongo loid or some other kind of Asian wit those eyes andtuxedo martin has main guy at gunpont but dont fire cuz hes a j=rk off

dad gets tuxedo martin at gunpoint and instead of both sending each othe to h=ll,  he brings him in and tells chick to go off with wes steele and leave him in this cesspoole town

but main guy sez he's staying and this town will get better

then end

that was pretty good

expected the dad to get it but i guess he came clean and it attoned for his crimes

good actingand writing

the filing was well done

much of it is visual and no dualogue so its like a 20s film

its got good atmosphere and style and the color is pretty good

nice twists to the formula but staying true to it

i liked it and its a solid fim

For A Man Alone 2 I want the trial of the bad guy to happen and after hes found gulty he declare-s a curse on the town to have everyone die in a year after he's executed. So the main guy and dad go on a quest to find a curse remover item to save the town and fight various animals an d cryptids to get it in this temple from long ago. Also its a 16 bit metroidvania on Seg Genesis, Snes, TG16, Atari Jaguar and GBA where 1 or 2 guys fight in a series of room cubes to get to the core and fight bosses to get ancient high tech to beat the guardian daemon and get the item.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

King Of Fools Review

 Note: I spell devolved, but the gut I'm doing this fr makes me seem normal

King Of Fools

This is my review on King Of Fools from the distant furure year to Kaneto Shozawa of 2004 (The year after Astro Boy)

Its directed by Olaf Encke who did juas and Jesus which was really f'd up, but he's german so i kinda see the weird p0rn0 thing fitting

its got no actors and is like 8 mins, which isn't that long and I'm not sure I can write enough for a real review on this, but I can try

This devolved guy keeps wanting me to review these weird lusty animations and wants to make a cross of Urotsukidoji and steven universe

Well the last thing he wanted Ore Samma to review was kinda f'd up, but I'll do this cuz I'm nice

Even though I dumped on morgan spurlock hours after he went back to h=ll in my review on his propaganda cr-p

so it stars in a cuty wth big apartment houses and a greenfrog  at a stool drnking what i think is beer ir spurm

this deer furry walks by looking like the ones from that jusad thing and having a big butt but not as big as Natasha Crown

froggo makes frog sounds to attract her but she dont like it cuz thats interspecies

what if this was froggy from Sonic, the pet/lover of big the cat?

so he sucks in air and inflates but not like in deviant art and turns int a panther with muscles and poses and wiggles his tail like a d0ng

the shape shifting frog wants to b0ne the deer who dont like him and he pops like a balloon as he deer has dark nips

frog turns into a bat or gremlin or we and piano lays as i rubs a wine glass but deer don like it and it acts sad

trying to win sympathy with fake tears like a woman

deer licks her fingers and grabs him by the d0ng and slams him on the ground and sits on him, then eats him into her a55 and he's got his face on her butt cheek

jk really she puts out the candle and the wine glasses crumbles to dust

frog disintegrates and then comes back as av bird with a long beak like a vulture ad talks with blah blah and acts like an art critic

then he flips through the book and shows an occult image of the deer and frog on a circle as this sirecter is a satanist

bird rps the book and pages fly out ad then is a monkey fluppingand doing tricks like juggling on a unicuvle

deer still dont like t and mobke burps up a green dog that goes up t her with big eyrs and rolls on the groundand licks her foot lustily like a weird fetish

then turns into a panther, then the gremlin then monkey then bird then panther then dog

then turns into devolved mizes of the forms and then a pile of goo with several heads on tendrils like some weird h anime

finally it goes back to frog and deer chic walks off with her big butt moving around and frog lusts for it like hes straight unlike soviet california

frog jumps on her and clings to her a55 and deer pulls him off but his limbs stretch like stretch Armstrong and not lance Armstrong who did a lot of good for raising money for research

she pulls him off and hes all defvoved and i thik just tried b0ning her woc with out consent like frenchies and in sibnk a55 india

he goes bac to the table and beats his head on the table and breaks his cup and  puts a piece of it on his head like a crown that makes him bleed

then we see him as a big cat in a sports car n then a newspaper saying hes crippled in a car accident

then he gremlin in therapy and a newspaper saying he suicided

then the bird in a public reading then paper saying hes got brain damage

then monkey partying and paper sez dead from drugs like that criminal who puta gun to a pregnant chicks belly ater breaking into her place and said he'd blow out her and her kid

then the dog back home watching tv and paper sez he bit it in a tv chair wth the tv on ad his bones in it

rhen frog with a video camera and paper showing him with a bunch of deer  on an island and its life magazine and hes a new star cuz of it

then cedits to some sng

the end

that wasnt so bad

kinda like a 30s cartoon like red hot rding hoot but lustier

good animation

shows how people act like they aint to win chicks

shows the dangers of cr-p like the ending of everyone getting f'd

didn't expect the good ending for the frog

the music was decent and fit

its at least not a butt f==king p0rn0 like his last one

its not bad, but seems to do that furry thing

not as well as Minerva mink in animaniacs

but its not bad

if youre a furry or w/e you might like the thicc deer more

I did this for you edgar, hope you like it

For King Of Fools 2 I want the frog to be tired of all the deer bimbos and go on a quest to find is 1st love and follow clue to clue on a grand adventure across ww2 ruined cities as its rectonned to be the 40s and fighting people devolved by the chemcals used in the war into mutants and cannibals. Also its a 16 bit platformer on Sega Genesis, Snes, TG16, Atari Jaguar and GBA where you do Bubsy and Sonic Things like Radical Rex and Aero The Acro Bat.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Glo Friends Save Christmas Review

 Note: I spell wormeriffic 

The Glo Friends Save Christmas

This is my review on The Glo Friends Save Christmas from the distant future year of 1985 (the year after tat George orwell book and wonder woman movie)

Its directed by Terry Lennon, hopefully not connected to john or vlad, who did eps of the 80s my little pony, transformers, bigfoot and the muscle macgines, g i joe, andmuppe babies

It stars Carroll O'Connor from The Defiant Ones/60s Cleopatra/The Outer Limits/All in the Family/Party of Five/Mad About You, Sally Struthers who got thicc from All in the Family/TaleSpin/Dinosaurs/Tom & Jerry Kids/Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa/Tiny Toon Adventures/Droopy, Master Detective/Duckman/Cow and Chicken/The Wild Thornberrys(ew)/As Told by Ginger(ew)/Sabrina the Teenage Witch/Odd Job Jack/American Dad!/Celebrity Ghost Stories, openly commie Charlie Adler from Trandssformers/G.I. Joe/The Little Mermaid/DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp/The Rescuers Down Under/The Prince and the Pauper/Aladdin\Rugrats/Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild/The Smurfs\The Glo Friends\The Flintstone Kids\The Real Ghostbusters\DuckTales\/Paddington Bear/Tiny Toon Adventures\TaleSpin/Tom & Jerry Kids/Bobby's World/Darkwing Duck/Captain Planet and the Planeteers/Goof Troop/Super Dave: Daredevil for Hire/Eek! The Cat/Biker Mice from Mars/Mighty Max/the cartoon Problem Child/Bonkers/Sonic the Hedgehog sat am/Rocko's Modern Life/the carytoon Aladdin show/Duckman//Aaahh!!! Real Monsters/What-a-Mess/Santo Bugito/Earthwom Jim/The Mask: Animated Series/The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat/Timon & Pumbaa/The Spooktacular New Adventures of Casper/The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest/Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series/Quack Pack/The Tick\Freakazoid\Bruno the Kid/Extreme Ghostbusters/Men in B|ack: The Series/Cow and Chicken/Space Goofs/Mad Jack the Pirate/Toonsylvania\Hey Arnold!/Johnny Bravo/Rugrats\The Wild Thornberrys\As Told by Ginger (ew!)/The New Woody Woodpecker Show/Rocket Power/All Grown Up/Rocket Powwer/ dave the slave i mean dAve The Bsarbarian/The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius (i didnt care for it)/Loonatics Unleashed/El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera/Wolverine and the X-Men/The Super Hero Squad Show/Word Girl\Ultimate Spider-Man/Harley Quinn/Baldur's Gate II/Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer, el deviento Susan Blu from The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo/Aaahh!!! Real Monsters/Beast Wars/Bigfoot and the Muscle Machines/Captain Planet and the Planeteers/Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers/Clifford the Big Red Dog/Droopy, Master Detective/DuckTales/Extreme Ghostbusters/G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero/Godzilla: The Series/Jackie Chan Adventures/The Jetsons/Madeline/The Magic School Bus/80s My Little Pony/OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes/Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/The Simpsons/The Smurfs/The Tick/Tiny Toon Adventures/Tom & Jerry Kids/The Transformers/Transformers: Animated/Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiego?/The Transformers: The Movie/Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood/disneys The Hunchback of Notre Dame/Finding Nemo/The Land Before Time XII: The Great Day of the Flyers, Jill Choder from the live action hulk show, Townsend Coleman from the tick/TMNT/Fewrngully/Inspector Gadget/90s superman/Timon & Pumbaa/90s Spider-Man/Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series/Batman Beyond/The Batman/Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H./Animaniacs/Danny Phantom/Earthgworm Jim/Dexters Lab/Fairly Odd Parents/Cartoon All Stars to the Rescue, Laura Dean from Fame, the honorable Pat Fraley from Monsters, Inc./Princess Mononoke/Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer/Toy Story 2/Aladdin/Alvin and the Chipmunks/Batman: The Animated Series/Bigfoot and the Muscle Machines/Biker Mice from Mars/Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures/Bobby's World/Bonkers/CBS Storybreak/Cow and Chicken/Darkwing Duck/Droopy, Master Detective/DuckTales/Extreme Ghostbusters/G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero/Garfield and Friends/Gargoyles/Goof Troop/King of the Hill/Men ln Biack: The Animated Series/Muppet Babies/My Life as a Teenage Robot/My Little Pony and Friends/Ozzy & Drix/Pound Puppies/Problem Child/Quack Pack(ducktales gt)/Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM)/Super Friends/TaleSpin/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(80s and 10s )/90a The Addams Family/The Angry Beavers/The Fairly OddParents/The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy/The Jetsons/The Little Mermaid show/The Secret Files of the Spy Dogs/The Smurfs/The Super Hero Squad Show/The Mask: The Animated Series/The Tick/The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat/The Tom and Jerry Kids Show/The Woody Woodpecker Show/Timon and Pumbaa/Tiny Toon Adventures/What-a-Mess/Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa/X-Men: Pryde of the X-Men/Bubsy games and pilot, Ellen Gerstell from Tonic Trouble/ Captain Simian And The Sopace Monkeys/Aaahh!!! Real Monsters/Mighty Max/Darkwing Duck/Back To The Future Cartoon/Bobby's World/Talespin/Lrrle Nemo Adventures In Slumberland/My Little Pony/CBS Storybreak, Renae Jacobs from My Little Pony/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (80s and 00s show)/Bride of Chucky, Katie Leigh from Aladdin the series/All—New Dennis the Menace/As Told By Ginger(get this abomination out of my realm)/B—Daman CrossFire/Blue Dragon/Bonkers/Darkwing Duck/Dungeons & Dragons the 80s cartoon/Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi/Jim Henson's Muppet Babies/My Little Pony/The Real Ghostbusters/90s Richie Rich/Rugrats/Sailor Moon Sailor Stars/Slimer! And the Real Ghostbusters/The Smurfs/Totally Spies!/Yo—kai Watch/Zatch Bell!, Mona Marshall who was Devilman (Live Action Film)/Hokuto No Ken/Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer/Who's the Boss/G I Joe/Transformers/Rambo the kids show/The Smurfs/Iron Monkey/Apocalypse Zero/Jungle De Ikou/Rave Master/Jackie Chan Adventures/Daigunder/Rocket Power (Ewwwwwwwww!!)/Mahoromantic/Rugrats/Eiken/ .//Hack Sign/Battle B-Da Man/Blue Dragon/Idaten Jump/Naruto/Diggimnon/B Daman Crosssfire/Tranzor Z/South Park. Mihael Mish from Ducktails, Lorenzo Music from Garfield/The Incredible Crash Test Dummies/The Real Ghostbusters/The Jetsons, Laurie O'Brien from Harry and the Hendersons/Dungeons & Dragons the 80s caryoon/Muppet Babies/The Transformers/The Real Ghostbusters/Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue/Chicago Hope/Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction/The Zeta Project, Patricia Parris from Mickey's Christmas Carol/Rover Dangerfield/The Smurfs/DuckTales/The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh/Back to the Future the cartoon/Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too/Tom & Jerry Kids Show/Droopy, Master Detective, Susan Silo from The Jack Benny Program/60s Batman/Highway to Heaven/X-Men: Pryde of the X-Men/Attack of the Killer Tomatoes cartoon/Darkwing Duck/The Addams Family 90s caetoon/Biker Mice from Mars/The Tick/The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat/Richie Rich te 90s cartoon/The Mask: Animated Series/Zatch Bell!/Xiaolin Showdown/Ozzy & Drix/Avatar: The Last Airbender/Robot Chicken/El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera/Digimon Data Squad/Jetsons: The Movie/Beauty and the Beast 90s movie/Bebe's Kids/The Little Mermaid 90s movie, and Frank Welker from pretty much everything.

I'm not sure I saw this but vageuley recalla clip of the glo friends with them walking in the woods at night and the moligans walking with em in a line like an ending or w/e and the moligans look like alf.

i actually had a glo worm as a kid but took out the glow pack and later lost both it and the worm, but it was innocent and cute and pure

And I'm not sure its connected to Kiss Saves Santa

after title we gets happy colorful bright bugs ad things on light blue snow on Xmas eve andits proper fullscreen and colorful

they thro snowballs and have fun and cartoon tuff wth the worms on a single skate on their body

they sing of being glo friends and having xmas and i think eat roaste nuts

granny tells the baby Santa is real and will come and then we see Santa getting eady with his elf property getting his sleigh filled and Santa being postve

the elves want him to furry and this old lady wants to ruin santa and has a moosethat tals that was tred dow fot beng clumsy  that she turns against Sant  with it

shes a witch of the north pole who wants fame like santa and moose sez w/o Santa there wouldn't be Xmas (What about The Bible?? or the solstice?)

this ges the wtch with the long nose and chin an dea and wamts to be the wtch tha stopped chrstas which the moose dont want

she sings about getting rid of mas like a rogressive as the pagans and demo worshippers don celebrate it

somehow she thinks ruining chrsitman wull make people like her like the progressives and has an ice wand that casts magic like naga from slayers bt evil

Santa goes off and the witch named blanche like blanche sweet from the 1910s rides on the moose and casts a spell that makes the trees come aloive(they were dead?) and grab Santa nd throw him in the river

witch uses an ice spell to freeze Santa and his raindeel in an ice cage and I guess Santa dont go magic or w/e and cant cast fire arrow and this glo dragonfly goes off to get hlp

moose dont lik her ruining mas and she easily dodges his charge with a trip like ultra instinct and she aps him to the nowhere zone

the glo friends go up to save Santa including a turtle who is probably cold blooded and walking in now, but maybe the light makes heat, and they run into blanche who tells em to go home and they dont obey her like Americans in 1776 or the confederates in 1861

she summons a storm monster that eats em and is a living cloud and sends em off like the evil dragons in dbgt and they regather and go onward but ot like that queer Disney movie

santa cant get out the bars with his beer belly andneither can the deer but it looks like they could and Santa sings of having the Blues and not the Mega Man guy and how he wanted to help the kids giving them cool toys like transformers and g i hoe and robotech nd he man and other things REagan made happen

the Glo Friends go on and an owl comes by and i realized the dragonfly glo friend is like the yard long ones from the past in like before noahs flood

they get scared and sing about being brave and its cheerful and upbeat and happy

then they hear screams for help and think its a ghost or moose and glo worm sends a squad to ceck it out and another squar he takes to find Santa

The dragonflyz flight is might crw finds da moose called moose like in franklin with bear and snail andhelp him

witch plays a trap of summoning ice flowers thar eat the glo friends and they get captured in a cryo prison like demolition man

the moose and rescue squad comes back and the glo spiderpull open a floqer and the other glo friends fee em

moose knows where santa is and carrys em on his back and moose can get huge, its like a horse and a sasquatch fused

the ater rages like a progressive seeing a White guy being manly and moose jumps on the ice thing but falls in and 1 glo friend is swept away but dragonfly saves him

moose is overwhelmed by the water and overpowers the current by being told to swim(he wasn't swimmibg b4!?) and goes back to shore after dropping off the glo friends

they cant braeak the ice so they hld hands and sing and power up and is this where Sailor Moon gt te Sailor Planet Attack??

the glo worm cant reach thehand of the other next to him anddont think to take a step closer!! come on! does it have to be a perfect curcle?! does it need to be that size?!

so witch comes in and starts casting a spell saying the Easter Bunny is next ad her living scarf thats a cartoon fox like something outta the smurfs or maybe a 90s game like aer the acro bat or radical rex, sez nothers day after that, which i guess means he'd kidnap all the mothers, which would take a long time

glo worm wants to talk but she dont an casts a spell but her heat melts the spell and ait it was the turtle glo heat and she falls in the artc water and is swept away like Voltron with lothor falling off the cliff

the turtle completes the glo circle and care bears, stare! moon healing activation! we need hunderzord power! lets samuraize guys!

they melt the ice cage and witch gets out of te waer and walks off to die of frost bite and hypothermia, unless shes some kinda ice yokai like a Yuki Onna, and goes to do another plan for the next episode lie Megatron or Skeletor

Santa thanks em and they say they almost lost xmas but Santa sez if the spirt of xmas is in their heart  it wont go

he has moose lead them out and he can flyand the glo friends light the way

then credits to a happy song like a better version of the snmurfs thing and ends with we'll see you all next year

the end

that was fu and positive

a nice little Christmas Special for a half hour toy add

its innocent, positive and takes you back to a time wen things were clean and wholesome

the musuc and animatuon are classic and it has good production values

i liked it and its well voiced and tells a simple rescue mission with  nice music and songs

its only like 25 mins and is a nice special and makes me wanna be a better guy

glad i saw it

Good stuff by Hasbro when they were good.

For The Glo Friends Save Christmas 2 I want the witch to come after Halloween and tries to change it so the sun stops moving on October 30 and the glo friends gotta gotta find the sun stoppers which are magic jewels in key points on the flat earth that use beams to hold the 30 mile diameter sun in place, they gotta avoid ice bugs and plants and traps and beat them with glow beams that melt em and after the magic jewels ae busted, have to face her and evade her ice beams and melt her key points til her body melts and shes an ice spirit that made a physical body of ice and controls it with blac magic. Also its a 8 bit platform game on Nes, GB, Master System, Game Gear, TG16, Atari 7800 and Lnx where you choose a Glo Friend and do different levels to bust the sun stones and fiht ice huards protecting the jewels.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Myra Breckinridge Review

 Note i spell better than a man in a dress

Myra Brecenruidge

This is Ore Samma No Review of Myra Breckinridge from the distant future year (to Bela Lugosi) of 1970 (50 years before Transformers Super Gd Master Force)

Its directed by David Giler who was a writer for aliens, alien III, 1st blood, Beverly hills cop 2, the man from uncle, and other things

Its writer by back door gore vidal and the book was attacking Gender

Back when I was a teen I had gender issues and got over em as my fam and loved ones cared for me enough to not go with my delusions, So seeing people promote it to kids in the 2020s was like an ex junkie seeing metyh sold to kids.

Raquel Welch from Legally Blonde/Naked Gun 33+1⁄3: The Final Insult/Hannie Caulder/One Million Years B.C., film critic/booty boy Rex Reed(like reed rchards, scott summers, peter parker, bruce banner, Minerva mink, maxi mounds, lexi luxxxe, Chelsea charms, pandore peaks, ect) from The Critic/superman 01/Inchon, the bada55 John Huston from 50s Moby Dick/The Bible: In the Beginning/Battle for the Planet of the Apes/The Wind and the Lion/Wise Blood, the lusty and child sacrificing Mae West from nothing I saw, the criminally overlooked Farrah Fawcett from Logan's Run/The Cannonball Run/The Partridge Family/Charlie's Angels/Johnny Bravo/South Park, Roger C. Carmel from The Patty Duke Show/Star Trek: The Original Series/the Batman/Star Trek: The Animated Series/The Transformers/the 80s The Berenstain Bears/DuckTales/The Transformers: The Movie, booty boy George Furth from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid/Blazing Saddles/Oh G=d!/The Cannonball Run/Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman/I Dream Of Jeannie/The Monkees, openly black Calvin Lockhart from 60s Cleopatra, Jim Backus from Deadline – U.S.A./It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World/The Cockeyed Cowboys of Calico County/Pete's Dragon/Mister Magoo/The Beverly Hillbillies/Gilligan's Island/I Dream of Jeannie, David Carradine from Kill Bill: Volume 1\Kill Bill: Volume 2\Kung Fu: The Legend Continues\Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman\Lizzie McGuire\Jackie Chan Adventures\King of the Hill\Danny Phantom, Jack Kelly fro0m The Violent Men\Forbidden Planet\60s Batman\The Incredible Hulk/Young Billy Young, Andy Devine from the 20s Noah's Ark\30s Romeo and Juliet\30s A Star Is Born\30s Stagecoach\The Red Badge of Courage\the 50s Around the World in 80 Days\The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn\The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance\How the West Was Won\It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World\The ballad of Josie\the 73 Robin Hood\60s The Twilight Zone\60s Batman, booty boy Grady Sutton from The Freshman/My Man Godfrey/50s A Star Is Born/White Christmas/Dirty Dingus Magee(the p0rn90?)/60s Dennis the Menace/60s Batman, commie Kathleen Freeman from The Seven Year Itch/The Blues Brothers 1/Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland/Gremlins 2: The New Batch/FernGully: The Last Rainforest 1/Hocus Pocus/Naked Gun 33+1⁄3: The Final Insult/disneys Hercules/Blues Brothers 2000/Richie Rich's Christmas Wish/Baby Geniuses(which was heartwarming)/Nutty Professor II: The Klumps/Joe Dirt 1/Shrek 1/The Beverly Hillbillies/The Facts of Life/The Hogan Family/DuckTales/Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers/Doogie Howser, M.D./Party of Five/Married... with Children/The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest/Duckman/Cow and Chicken/Home Improvement/Rugrats/Detention(which was good)Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show/Batman Beyond(which was cool)As Told by Ginger(which s=cked), Buck Kartalian from Cool Hand Luke/60s Planet of the Apes/Conquest of the Planet of the Apes/The Outlaw Josey Wales/60s Get Smart/60s Batman/Friends, Monte Landis from Charade/60s Batman/The Monkees/Targets/Young Frankenstein/Pee-wee's Big Adventure/The Golden Girls, Toni Basil from Easy Rider and who song the song Mickey(hay micky, ur so fine), Tom Selleck from The Rockford Files/Magnum, P.I./Friends/Boston Legal/Blue Bloods/Myra Breckinridge/Coma/Quigley Down Under/The Shadow Riders/The Sacketts, Dan Hedaya from The Hunger/The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension/Commando/1991 The Addams Family/Benny & Joon/Maverick/The Usual Suspects/Clueless/Daylight/Marvin's Room/Alien: Resurrection/A Night at the Roxbury/The Hurricane/Shaft/Mulholland Drive/HiPs/Law & Order/Gotham/Blue Bloods, William Hopper from Stagecoach/Santa Fe Trail/The Maltese Falcon/Yankee Doodle Dandy/Rebel Without a Cause/The First Texan/The Bad Seed, and a number of dinks i never saw in snything or aint on back door, candy a55, aids bag, banana crammer, Sodom bottom, drooty booty, queer as a deer with a steer in its rear, hppie vegan stoner peta tree kung fu based on plants, wikip4dia which denies truth and praised lies.

I never saw this but it got a lot of hate and back door gore disponwed it. critics said its "as funny as a child mo les tier" but not everyone gets woody allen

after logo we get a hand written note from Myron Breckenridge saying he ota act out hs fantasies nd this if rally widescreen and in 70s color

then we see a guy at a play or s dungeon or spa or movi thing and singing lite and cr-ppy

a dr comes in and sez if u cut it off it wont grow ba ck and i think its an operating room and he suggests circimsizing him but he dont care ad they talk of implants

the dr has a smoke in his mouth andtheres an audience and they applaude and we geta clip of Shirley temple singing a song about smiling and feet on the star walk of fame and the guy walking to see Raquel dancingin a dress to credits and showing undies in a twirl and a bra like top

then we see a nuke and clips of Raquel saying its myra Breckenridge and Myron died to make myra and myra is the fulfillment of his dreams

after clips of a classic babsemale game, Raquel sez the reason to come to holywood isto destroy the American Male and will go after a relative, like many feminists and boory boys wanna do

Raquel goes to this studio and meets a cowboy guy who asks if Raquel cantake it and gloria swanson was one of his students and lana turner

Raquel claims the name is myra and wife of his late nephew Myron andit shock him off his plastic horse with classic movie clips and claims Myron didn't leave a penny and claims the dead mom wanted Myron to have the property she had and wants Raquel  to have it

cowboy is uncle buck not like the john candy movie and buck dont wanna give it so Raquel wants to see lawyers bubuck offers to take Raquel in and claims he senses Breckenridge blood in Raquel who wants 1000$ a month that uncle buck wants to keep quiet

a frooty blackasaur comes in and is a student and buck has back issues and they cut to a 3s film of a chick german in military dress singing

then we see buck wating a chick in wait its Raquel  i think saying howamerican woman want men to b0ne em w/o consent and in 1935-1945 no unimportant films were mande in America and buck gets hard looking at Raquel 

sodomus blakasaur talks with a guy named irving and blackasuar says he ised to be jewish but had a transformation, wih i thnk is race transition surgery like beta males who wanna be Korean do

then a swarm of people watching a love scene being filmed and i think this is an academy that teches acting or w/e

irving asks blacakaur is hes a faeg and he dont know as i gues he isn't fully turned

buck gets a masaausge by a black possible woman and tells a recorder he should have thrown Raquel out on the a55 and masaguser smachks his a55

in an acting class this chick dont wanna be touched and teacher sez to touch and this is how Weinstein happened

we see a cowboy in a big white hat ride around a studio and this guy was in a fe wscenes b4 and Raquel  wants to brign back star quality with a close up on the mouth as Raquel talks of teaching posture class and talks of a guys big b0ner and having a bimbo gfs whos probably ret-reded

buck comes in wearing the white hat and i guess that was hm and he feels the shoulders of a blonde like biden on an 8 year old and Raquel sez the people were taught cr-p and buck sez the staff were commies and faegs but are pros

Raquel  leaves and buck complains of Raquel making the staff look bad and the stufends talsk of views on wanting to b0ne Raquel/finding Raquel weird

then at a talent agency mae west is ms van allen, which is a name if a guy i knew in grade school and hated, and is proof against the dangers of feminism

we get a clip of a 30s movie with a guy lik Skunk i Astro Boy saying he lets squealers have it in the belly, like Tommy Wiseau b0ning a belly button, and i think Tom Sellack is meeting mae and yah its him and his credit is a bed and he never saw a bed in an office b4

they egt close and we get clips of 30s military guys and a guy carrying a long piece of wood and mae sends him out an we see the wood go the other way implying b0ning

a cowboy whos 6'7 comes by and she wangts the 7 inches(like my uncut weener) and it cuts Raquel  talking of the past with spike jones and other things being better in the past but this chick with her never heard of past singers/actors

the chick is mary anne like giligans island and sez she can b a good singer but she wants to be with Rusty and settle down with him and be a loving wife and mother

Raquel trys to talk her outta her dream and sends her off then wigs out over singers from decades ago and how she wants to have 4 kids and  the lie of overpopulation and hates her genes going on despite Raquels choices

irving whines with Raquel about Raquels lan to destroy the Traditional man to lower population and  make people happier(will they own anything?) and Raquel primises to give irving mae, mary arnn and Rusty but cant do Buck and starts undressing irving and does mouth stuff to him off screen

btw i assume this had the mainstrwam hate em for outing their plans to make men candya55 and breed less

as he's being moutheded he phantasizes of this blonde talks of food and feeds him a banana and peanut butter(poop ) jelly(blood ) whipped cream(spurm ) znd has him have a hot dog and this just went Eiken withouht the G Cup bikini chicks

then it cuts gto this guy popping champaign and blasting foam in his face, classy

then we see Raquel talkig of tarzan and the amazon movie was great even though a guy sez its cr-ppy cuz its not realistic and Raquel asks if the REAL Savior was as good as HB Warmer or Jeffery Hunter, which He IS and couldn've saved Raquels character if only asked

then we see buck with some bikini chick he carrys on his back and Raquel goes aon about the 50s Tarzan and has to be reminded who played Jane and talks of her in James Bond with a blowtorch at his parts

then Buck comes in and tells her to stop ruining his students and she compares it to lying to someone who's sick and telling em not to get an operation, and he says its like saying he's got hope to stay happy in the last bit

Raquel sez she got the f ups of the culture in thr class and threatens to take away the business which he says he questuns if Raquel married  myron and Raquel slaps him and fakes saying it was a fake one

mae is being driven and the cops asks if she's o and she sez a car is following her and wants to be introduced to him

an italiano goes to meet mae and sez hes from feliniand is romantic on her as he's super gay for her and wants to be her man

kinda f'd as her boyfeienrd in real life was italiano and got her pregnant and she killed their kid and he couldn't handle her evil and ditched her

Raquelgoes to see Buck and not to f==k who she slaps a whip to make him stand but Buck reveals he boned up on Raquel an found Bron wasn't married as theres no record of it in America but Raquel reveals it was in mexico

later a guy called charlie comes out of a movie implied to be p0rn0 and meets Buck and is disgusted by the filth n movies today and saw a movie of people b0ning (each other, not animals or plants or items or fungus) as you gotta know ur enemy

Buck wants to have Charlie plant drugs or something on Raquel and Charclie sez its not only the b0ning but queers and Buck sez its destroying the nation(spoiler: he called it!!)

then we see a guy telling students, i think its the touching scene guy from b4, of a guy who wans to take a girl to the prob but has a crotch disease and she wants to do stuff with him

then a naked hetero crouple running from a lawn with birds and Raquel meetsRusty and sez the reason Raquel picks on him is thinking he's got something special

Rusty sez he broke ribs and has back cr-p and Raquel has him walk to the wall and back and asks to dance and has he needs to stand straight wants him to take off the shirt to see where the muscle broke and has him stand against the wall with hands on the wall and pulls down his panks off his a55

then film clips of vaiorus things and some naked people in sm like spande at a party, kinda like a sailor moon character, and mae comes in with people drinking liquor and having painted on outfits

i think irving comes in this room with Raquel and we get clips of a classic film with chatanooga choo choo

later buck has mae come by and Raquel claims to have reccomened mary anne  to mae but mary is worried of Rusty whos got issues and Raquel promises to take care of it

mae comes in and sez the gayboys will take over the business as everyoes on drugs and Raquel comes by and sez her brain is the only one close to Myron in brains as Myron wrote a book on it and mae thinks Myron is a queer

unlike in real life, Raquel and mae get along and Raquel sez how stars are like gods who get replaced by new ones and mae wants men and Raquel offers rusty and buk dont want him as rusty got busted for parole

mae sez she's getting an award; the golden phaIIis (like in family guy where btian won a w00dy for directing xxx?) and she wants a man bank of men to use for her lusts and Raquel asks God to bless America and mae for Him to hep America(Which god?)

mae calls the judge and judge is against the commies and tells Raquel to be aware and how the NRA stands between commie take over and Freedom(like with china and England and cuba falling w/o guns?)

judge has a smoke and mary anne is bummed for her love and Raquel brings him back and tey all hug and go off an we see some 30s clip then some musical with tribal women holding large plastic bananas then maw goes on to sing a song

rusty sez jail wouldn't be so bad if not for all the faeggitz and how he don't like men trying to b0ne him, as men should be men and mary anne talks of thing men should be like and how they otta be normal

Raquel asks("whats normal" and mary anne bmboly sez "what the majority sez" which is not true as many places have deviants and monsters running things

mae goes on to sing with a buncha adricanized men dancing nd is singing 5kanky and is kind of a rap but like chef in south park singing of b0ning

then buck comes by the pool with some hags by it and a blonde in the water and then meets come corboys and hay its andy devine, not the cross desser calling himself divine or the yugioh character divine censored to sayer to avoid kids looking up the sodomite, as they learned their lesson calling johan Anderson jesse Anderson, a real life murderer, and didn't call go Onizuka o j gacy

after a poker game buck comes home and has Asian food and this blonde has a Swedish massage thing thats for beating a55

rusty goes by Raquels place and thanks Raquel for getting mary anne work at maes and Raquel ihas him take off his shirt to get a thing of his spine forthe chiropractor and   stands on a scale and rakes off his shoes for height and weight

he's 174 lbs and 6'1 and f u metric system burn in h-ll and suck millions of d0ngs (billions in metric)

Raquel has rusty stand behnd a screen and get undressed and rusty is polish like a real man and rusty is unsure of this as something up and gets his moth looked in

Raquel wants to take his tempature in the a55 and he dont want it and Raquel straps his arms down so he don't move during the spine tracing and sticks it in and asks of his diseases he had and he didn't have em as he was checked out in soviet Mexico and was clean

rusty isn't comfy and thinks somethings wron and Raquel se he has a lot ot learn and Raquel will teach him and takes off the labcoat and ins in a skimpy outfit with American flags and ties a fake b0ner on offscreen and sez ther no such thing as manhood and that it died with burt Lancaster ad we see clips of films like a naked gun thing and Raquel b0ning his a55 with a plastic b0ner as he screamsand Raquel makes chimp screams andwe see a d=m burst and and ciry burn and other things

afterard Raquel is pooped and not in the butt way and worn out from b0ning him and  unstraps him after sodomizing him like many guys go through in Hollywood like cory feldman and haim

is this why THEY had the reviewers hate it? for exposing THEY're deviancy and secrets?

he leaves and Raquel has him thank Raquel for all the trouble and we see laurel and hardy like "it hurt me more than you" and crying implying the were b0ning

Raquel calls mary ann over and tells Irwin the plan to seduce rstys girl after b0ning him as a ritual for both genders

mary anne is upset rusty is gone and sez rusty is sick of women and Raquel fakes not being part of it and hates on men and sez things wll work out fine and has her stay with them and offers her mens jammies

Raquel claims to want a girly evening and talk of losing virginity and sez rusty isn't good enuff for her

mae calls and thanks Raquel for rusty and hs been using him for lusts to waste his spurm on her dead womb

buck talks with a guy wait its Charlie and has Raquel come in and Raquel wants 900 000 $ and Charlie is his accountant and buck was friends with charlies dad

Charlie confronts Raquel over a fake marriage thing and Raquel gets all weepy and  sez buck paid off a girl  he b0ned pregnant to chop up their unborn kid as he didn't wanna marry her

Raquel claims a dr whos big will explain he was a witness to the weeding andRaquel wants 1 millio $, which is nothing today

the dr is a super dentist and is working n a chicks mouth and Raquel calls him and hes smoking a cigar and come over later to prove it in a meetung with Charlie, some guy i forgot, of te anti p0rn0 guy, and buck and anti p0rn0 guy asks hat dentist thinks of all the p0rn0

Charlie sez theres no proof of myrons death and Raquel claims it was a car accident that the body was never found, but thats not accepted

so Raquel reveals the truth and stands up on the desk and shows crotch and reveals myra is actually Myron and got surgery to fake being a chick 2 year ago in butt f--k copanhaigen, which i think the gaijin took over s divine punishment for its sins

we never see his parts and i avoiding saying his gender as not to ruin the surprise

he ties buck to a thing as buck sez he'd tell the wol myrons secret and wat he's nt and is getting a masauge

this is like a really f'd up go nagai manga like Lovely Angel with Nora Jean but less hermaphrodites

later Myron is in bed with mary anne and se likes him even feeling he up but mary anne is over rusty which is bad as they were a good couple and got ruined by dat booty boy

mary anne loves Myron and calls him Myron and cant b0ne him and wishes there was a man like him and wishes Myron was a man(which i think means has a weener)

black guys in the audience; datz a man maury, dats a man!!

later Myron gets run over by irving andwe getta sepi death scene from some move and wait i think its the real Myron before the surgery and he's in a white suit like the booty oy fromsuddenly last summer

we get audio of shirly temple of te good ship lollipop and Myron wakes up in the hospital and asks "where are my t-ts"

he talks wih a guy abou movies and gets a needle to devolve him ad notices a blonde nurse whos maye anne and a magazine of Raquel welch and sez "u wouldn't understand how i feel about mary anne, shes Donald duck tooth paste and strays"

then credits to myron and raqueldancing and leving in a car.

the end

that was weird, bur prophetic

it shows how THEY wanted to ruin both genders and go against The Creator's plan

its well made and is kinda like Babylon from the 2020s showing hw evil howwywood is

it makes many refs to things like a youtube poop or naked gun and its kinda pioneering

it was rated x but might get a pg13 in some areas depending on swearing

no d0ngs or crotches but a bit of nips and some gayness

its a weird movie and is like that Sailor Moon ep where Emerald was using black magic to make people feel sick to take poison "meds" to corrupt em

its no horrible but has horrible views and messages and the main character is the bad guy who ruins things for his own purvursions

in the end its all a dream and non canon

at least no real people were ruined, except i real life with those lusty greedy evil producers preying on the innocent and feeding on their fluids

I don't think its the worst movie ever, but for its time its a bit much

For Myra Breckinridge 2 I want Myron to try to do his scheme for real but loos like a devolved man in a dress and gets beat up by guys he trues o seduce as he thinks he looks like Raquel. Also he comes after the nurse thinking its mary anne but her real name is lynn beth and she don't like him and in the end wen Myron tries to b0ne her, she gets a shot hun and blows his limbs off and sews his butt shut with a sewing needle. Also its a fighting game where you play as different characters and beat on myro in creative ways on 8 bit master system and game gear, nes and gb, tg16, Atari lynx and 7800. Also is a mini game side story of the real rusty meeting and courting the real mary anne and myron trying to b0ne him but gets beat down each time, and in the end they get married and have a dozen blonde kids.