Saturday, March 1, 2025

Inherit The Wind Review

Note: i spell winder i mean eindy

Inherit The Wind

This is my review on Inherit the Wind from the distant fitue year to St Raspiytin of 1960 (50 years before robotech and transformers season 3 in Japan)

Its directed by Stanley Kramerwho did The difiant ones/Judgment at Nuremberg/It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World/Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

it stars broken drunk Spencer Tracy ho bit it days after filming this, and was in 20,000 Years in Sing Sing/Fury/San Francisco/Captains Courageous/Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde/Adam's Rib/Plymouth Adventure/Bad Day at Black Rock/The Old Man and the Sea/guess whos coming to dinner/Judgment at Nuremberg/How the West Was Won/It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, Fredric March from 31 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde/1936 Mary of Scotland/1937 A Star Is Born/The Best Years of Our Lives, Gene Kelly from The Pirate/40s The Three Musketeers/An American in Paris/That's Entertainment, Part II, Florence Eldridge from 35 Les Miserables/Mary of Scotland, Dick York from The Twilight Zone/Bewitched/The Flintstones/Fantasy Island, Donna Anderson from The Incredible Hulk/The A-Team/Little House on the Prairie, Harry Morgan from The Ox-Bow Incident/40s Madame Bovary/Dark City/How the West Was Won/Dragnet the 8 movie/Dragnet the 60s show/M*A*S*H/The Simpsons/3rd Rock from the Sun, Claude Akins from From Here to Eternity/Joe Dakota/The Defiant Ones/Battle for the Planet of the Apes/The Gambler Returns: The Luck of the Draw/Dragnet/he Rifleman/60s The Twilight Zone/Matlock-/Eerie, Indiana, Elliott Reid from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes/It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, Paul Hartman rom nothing else i saw, Philip Coolidge from The Greatest Story Ever Told/The Twilight Zone, Jimmy Boyd from nothing i saw, Noah Beery Jr. from 20s The Mark of Zorro/Of Mice and Men/Sergeant York/Red River/The Texas Rangers//7 Faces of Dr. Lao/The Cockeyed Cowboys of Calico County/Rawhide/The Waltons/The Rockford Files/Fantasy Island, Norman Fell from It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World/The Graduate/Bewitched/Charlie's Angels/Matlock/The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!/The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air/Life With Louie, Hope Summers from The Rifleman/The Andy Griffith Show/The Ghost and Mr. Chicken/Rosemary's Baby/The Shakiest Gun in the West/Bewitched/M*A*S*H/Little House on the Prairie, Ray Teal from Sergeant York/The North Star/Captain Kidd/My Favorite Brunette/The Snake Pit/Samson and Delilah/the 1950 No Way Out/Along the Great Divide/Ace in the Hole/The Indian Fighter/The Guns of Fort Petticoat/One-Eyed Jacks/Judgment at Nuremberg/Chisum/Taggart, Along Came Jones, Renee Godfrey from Citizen Kane, Donald Elson from The Rifleman/Julius Caesar/Gremlins, Richard Deacon from Them/Blackboard Jungle/Invasion of the Body Snatchers/My Man Godfrey/The Birds/Leave It to Beaver/The Rifleman/The Dick Van Dyke Show/My Favorite Martian/The Twilight Zone/Mister Ed/The Addams Family/I Dream of Jeannie/Get Smart/The Beverly Hillbillies, George Dunn Daddy Long Legs/Joe Dakota/he Beguiled/The Andy Griffith Show/My Favorite Martian/The Beverly Hillbillies, Snub Pollard from Nation Aflame/40s Miracle on 34th Street/Adam's Rib/Singin' in the Rain/One-Eyed Jacks/Master of the World/The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Addison Richards from The Walking Dead/Valley of the Giants/Love Laughs at Andy Hardy/The Ten Commandments/Rawhide, Harry Tenbrook from 20s The Mysterious Island/30s Scarface/20,000 Years in Sing Sing/30s King Kong/30s The Count of Monte Cristo/Mary of Scotland/Stagecoach/Mr. Smith Goes to Washington/The Grapes of Wrath/The Ghost of Frankenstein/40s Batman/Abilene Town/Santa Fe/Singin' in the Rain/The Quiet Man/50s Calamity Jane/Destry, Will Wright from Saboteur/Bambi/Scarlet Street/1949 Little Women/Adam's Rib/Leave It to Beaver/50s Dennis the Menace/Mr. Ed/The Dick Van Dyke Show/1962 Cape Fear, and some gus not on back door, aids bag, soy boy, candy a55, beta male, frooty booty, gender offendr, cripple nipple queer as a deer with a steer in its rear, hippie stonervregan peta teee kung f based on plants Wikipedia, which lies and wants to be paid for it.

after logo title and credits to Olde Time Religion but seeming dark and srs, this teaher starts teaching evolution to innocent children and by that i mean 20ish year old teens

he gets arrete for teahing against Creationism and the le of evolution nd the media goes mental on it

the Christians are not pleased with the money shines and wannaget people from being deceived by the lie of evolution as theres ques a lot of evidence aginzt it and more than just "God did it"

1 guy sez college applicants might not be alloed from tis sates schools in other states uz of not believing what they do as university does and 1 guy values fitting in over being True to the Creator

this bada55 lawyer is taking the prosecution and the faithful are glad

i should note that in the sovit weatern Europe they arrest people or praying and they went the wrong direction, but they also arrsst you for saying what the gv dont like, we need a 1776 2 electric boogaloo

so the evolutionist mees his gf ad they make out in the courtroom  as i guess t doubles as a jail and the think of the allged universe even though theres evidnce of a flat earth and the moon and su circle t

a reporter comes in and is eating an appl and jokes of the apple being from the ree of knowledge, like the wisdom tree, and sez hes a maryr

he wants to teach the kids that life wasny' made and started i 7 dayx, wich is like saying, i wanna teach that lincon wasn't real and made p to scare southerents

reporter sez the sunrise is an illusion and he does good things people hate and bad things people love but hes on their side

so the attack lawyer come sin and they celebrate and sign Olde Time Religion an theres a lot of Good Christians and attack lawyer was running for prez ofr something and they said they voted for him 3x like Trump

He goes on warning that trachin kids tey are just devolved animals is dangerous as we have seen where it went in the 21st century with teens beating teahers and shooting the place up and b0ning each other and animals and items

reporter sez the def lawyer is coming and is a big deal but the people wanna run him out on a rail

attc lwysrr se its good as w/o St George slaying a dragn who would remember hm?

gfs dad wants her to eat but she dont wanna leave her bf and he warns bf's a sinner and its risky to be with him

gf sez treacher loves God but dad sez ho he's got the def lawyer henry drummond like brian drummns and henry morgan taller who both uppted evil

dad prays and treus to get her to repend but shs a rebellious teen and sees hs blif as bad

this tries to make Crhsitians seem over the tp, but if you look up feminists and gender offenders, its way crazier

attack lawyer comes in andis spencer tacey whos dry and witty

1 guys has a show with a smoking chmp saying man didn't evolve from ape but ape evolved from man, which some actually support chimps coming from a more human like ancestor, and says its from the beast=ality of man that The Creator devolved it

thats kinda trye, but ti as fallen angels and their offspring making apes and pigs out of genetic filth

def lawyer meets ammenber of the accuseds class who likes him anwelome him inothis place wih a fat for the 50s womanand its a restaurant where he meets frecrich march as the atk lawyer and the team where atk lawyer sez he isagrees eith is words but defens his right to say em

so the trial is getting started andatk lawyer sez its arm and mgut get warmer and asks to remove soem clothes and they take off their coats

they get a creationist and fan of atk lawyer and trcey wants him removed for his views and he's excused and spencey whnes of calling him Col BRady as hes an honorary col in the state militia as it maes him sound better

mayer makes spencer a temp col to even it out and they interview a guy for being on the trial jury and asks him of Darwin but is allowed

the day is over from heat and judge col potter announcrs a prayer meeting but spencer whines of it and ants a sign put up Read Yuor darewin to counter the Reasd Your Bible

imagine having a pro cannibal and anti cannibal thing shown as equal? or bios euxal and necroseuxal as equal as its not right o wrong but a matter of reference? or same species and inter species?

so the people hate spencer traey and accused is bumme and ants to give u but spencer supports him and gievs his advice to keep fighting for his cause and sez if he ants to conform and go with the mainstrem he can and spencer will give up and he can be ok with people who only like him if they agree

which is how things are today with the "he identifies as a dog" groups and "dont message me/follow me if your X"

at dinenr co brady warns of the dangers of leaving the Creator and devolving into murderous haters and how the media is owned by a small minority that has a slant and holy cr-p he nail ed the 2010s and 2020s, he warned us like that G I Joe ep where Cobra buys the media an makes pro cobra anti joe shows

fat chick who i think is brady's wife, talks with  the tracey like spacey but not gacy and is his friend and wants to geta long with em

gf's dad reads the bible of Creation and asks The Creator to smite the evolutionist but gf says no and dad offers to ask Him to smite his kid but Brady sez show mercy and go home

gf is bummed her dad wants her to go to h-ll and brady comforts her

i guess the dad going too far was like beast machiens wit Opimus Primal going too far to show the dangers of it, as Brady is kind and comforting

brady goes by tracey in a rocking chair and reminices with him abut ther past friendship but tracy oved away from him by standing still like going furter and further left to promote inbreeding and necromance as same love, but Brady sez he dont wanna leave the Creator

spacy jr says he wanted this toy an his rents ave u for it but it broke and it eas cr- and he sees fsith like that

so in trial a boy in class describes what accused said about eviltion and how there was no life, then cells then fish and frogs and reptiles and haumns

but for seucxal reproduction you need a male and female, and for he 1st of both to happen in the same place at the same time and live to aulthood and be able to breed and have viable offspring and them to survive and breed, seems quite unlikely

plus theres fossils found of horses or w/e and dinoaurs in the same layer of rock

so brady goes on about he Bible and pspacy talks ofreading the book by Darwin and asks if the teen if the book is wrong

to be fair, some countries ban books, like ussr, and china and cuba and Australia, and Canada and England and Germany and other cr-ppy places

spacy asks if he was harmed by hearing the book and teensez hes ok, but imagine if i injected a guy with aids and the next week hes like "im ok now" not nowing the long term path of harm it takes

he asks the kid if his faith was shaken or if he believed everything the accused said an he wasn't sure on the latter and when he asks if tractor or phones were evil cuz they wernet in the bible, brady asks if right means anything but he sez no

they argue over spacy trying to ut the law on trial like twith an obscenity case he triked the jury to think it was only in their mind anspacy sez he dont eant medieval junk in the constitution

so gf is called up and its revealed accused left the church cuz this 13 year ol boy came to look at his microscope and not is weeener, but he drowned in a swimming accuident, but dad said cuz he wasn't baptied he went to h-ll, and this busted up the accused and he blamed the church

brady sez the accused went astray and traqcy sez him being astray is opinion and has it wiped from the record

they go on about stuff accused said against the bible, which nowadays would be against some historical alleged eventthat is exaggerated and misinterpteted and if you dont believe it, you are evil

she breaks down and spacy dont uestion her as accused wuld pleade guilty and he dont want her pressed further

the procecution rests and spacy wants to  bring up egghea pop science nuts who probably upport selectie breeding as it was common back then like tommy douglass in soviet Canada

the court rules that zoology is no relavent to the case but tracyb wants to explain evolution so the jury believes what he wants but its denied and so is other nerds

he wants to gve up and thinks the case is deided ike with Eichmann and sez if this continue this way, it'll lead to book burnings and forcing faith on everyone an turn Catholic against prodistant and goes on a loud tirade

judge has enough of his cr-p and holds him in contemopt  an the people offer to pay his bond so dog the bounty hunter dont lay the smack own on his fat a55

at night a mob comes down singing Glory Glory Hallelujah about stinging up the evolutionsit and rpotrer comes in saying make made The Creator when looking at the stars when apes and things are devolving

the next day spacy sez sorry and they forvve him as Jesus said to and spacey sez he wants to use the Bbile as evidence and calls Col Brady as a witness

he asks Brady if he read the origin of speices and he sez no but is asked hwo does he know its bad if he never saw it

theres objection and he sez its meant fo the bible andthe objection is sustained and they go on the Bible where spacy sez it otta be read iterally, but the bible uses slang fro the era

the eye of the needle the camel has to go through was actually a gate in the ity you had to unload the camel to get through

alo some say Jonah in the belly of the fish was a saying of being out on the ater w/e light

he goes on about th sun sopping in Joshua and specy goes on about but the earth stopping spinning meant the planet is f'd

but if you go flat earth then the sun goes around the earth above the filimant

then gos on about Cains woman but asks hwre she came from, but in some eacheings says adam and eve had other kids like luluwa which hs a yugioh car based off

then spacy goes on about the historical figures having offspring and asks him of b0ning and when he sez b0ning is sin(only utside of marriage)

spacy sez knolege is more important than Holy thigns in The Bible(Who do you think made the knolenegde?) and goes on a speech like 60s law and order about ho you gain and sacrifice things like flying makes birds seem less good and they otta abandon faith, but if we can, why did The Creator give us reason and thought? and why not let the accused think?

spacy asks of a rock claimed to be billions of years old but Brady sez its a few thousand and says the earth was made October 23 4004 bc and spacey asks about how long the at day was as there was no suna dn goes an inch at a time saying it could be 2 hours then 30 the a week the nmothh the year then  millions of years

thats the slippery slope

so he goes on asking oif The Creator told Darwin what to say and goe on a clash of if Brady is a prophet and suggest if they have a law saying only Darwin can be taught and holy cr-p they arned us!

eventually BRady kinda crascks a bit an goes on about his beliefs and court is over andfat wife brings back to the hotel

later gf comes by bradys place and sez hes a fake and gets slapped by wife

gf sez he tricked her with her testimony andthinks hes evil for going against her and wife sez hes just a guy andmakes mistakes and isn't a saint of demon but when he comes out she hates him and leaves

he sez winning the case will be a monument or the nation wife sez its a monyment to him and one flayw in him and they end it and he couldvde been presiden 3x and the people turned on him

he wrote a speech but is bummed and wife comgorts hm

gf sez sorry to accused and is on his side and theres a radio thing to broadcast the ju=ry but spacy takes the Creartors name in vein and  is told not to on Radio, when he asks why the h=ll not he's told nt to say h-ll either

so the jury finds him guilty and some boo and he sez he'd do it again and thinks he did nothing wrong

cuz theres no precident he gets a 100$ fine and spacy sez hes gonna appeal

bray wants to read remaks i the record but the trial is over and he reads em aspeople loudly talk lik homies in he theatre

then bites it and tracy stands for brady a bit aganst the eporter whos pobaby a demon and its revealed spacy is religious too and thinks brady was great and lost his way

tracy tells off reporter for having nothing of value and reporter sez tracy will be at his grave, which mens reporters gonna suicie

spacy leaves with the Bible and dawin books and Glory Glory Hallelujah plays

the end

that was a well made film

it tries to argue for letting in evolution under the guise of being equal, but as we've seen, it lead o The Bible being pushed ot and haters wanting The Ten Commandments barred from public

its well acted and writer and the msi works, bu it tries to mak the Bible seem wrong and evolution look right, even though theres a nimber of things with the theory of evolution that don't add up

Also evolution is only a theory, bt for a theory to be scientifically proben, it mst e; observed, in a lan in a controlled environmemt, with successive results, which evolution has not ad happen

e never saw 1 animal turn into another but we have seen a lot of evidence of creation science, includingdinosaur sightings such as a mosasaur in ww1 with a u boat, the mokele mbembe in the congo, a hadrosaur in autralia in the 1840s, Herodotus mentioning dinosaurs, and the partridge creek east in Alaska

plus writing points to it as Chinese writing is taking characters for words and combining them

the symbol for Sin is Man+Woman+Tree, and the one foe Flood is a boat with 8 people (Noah, 3 sons, their wives)

and this was made thousands of years b4 the White Mn told em of The Bible

plus biblical archeology showing evidence of things from it

but i liked the movie, even though the bad guy is the rotagonist

like the movie a time to kill with the bad guy getting away with his crime

The movie is in bw-/w with maybe widescreen but loos good.

For Imherit The Wibd, 2 i want it to be where the appeal is ging on an tracey is gonna help the evolutiomnist get away with it, but is visited by the ghost of Brady saying he's been shown the fiuture and has to change it. Then shows spcey the futute of he 2010s with schools being cesspools of profanity, sodomy, violence, meta detectors, gangs, drugs, aids, teen pregnancy, murder, suicide, and lack of sanity or morality. When he returns, he's told they willtogether and take out key poeple who would lead to it happening, and he equips onto tracy as ghost armor and gives him abilities beyond man. Then goes around various cities in America taking out guys who would lad to ruin and the eons wo guard thm, ending with the reporter revealing he was a demon master who came to this dimension to try to end the Bible and fights the  heroes as the final battle. Also its a 16 bit game like Daemons Of Asteor on Sega Genesis, Snes, TG16, Atari Jaguar and GB where you play as tracy in Bradys ghost earmor and fight 1920s America places.