Note: I spell lovey
The Love Punch
This is my review on The Love Punch from the distant fiture year to Chris Latta of 2013 (The year of Astro Boy and Robotech)
Its directal by Joel Hopkins who did nothing I saw
it stars pierce brosnan from Mrs. Doubtfire/Mars Attacks!/Seraphim Falls/Mamma Mia!/Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief/The Simpsons, Openly Brittish Creator hater Emma Thompson (ene enema) from Much Ado About Nothing/The Remains of the Day/Junior/Treasure Planet disney version not the weird a55 hungarian one/Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban/Nanny McPhee/Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix/I Am Legend/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2/Bridget Jones's Baby/Cheers/bytt pl=g Saturday Night Live, Celia Imrie fron Highlander 01/Mary Shelley's Frankenstein/The Borrowers/Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace/Bridget Jones's Diary/Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason/Nanny McPhee/Bridget Jones's Baby/1999 A Christmas Carol, Timothy Spall from Chicken Run/Rock Star/The Last Samurai/Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban/Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire/Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix/Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street/Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince/Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland/The King's Speech/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2/Red Dwarf, occult user Marisa Berenson from Cabaret/Who's The Boss?, fellow ocd rabbit Tuppence Middleton from Jupiter Ascending, John Ramm from butt a55 Shakespeare in Love, animal supremacist semi nipponjin Eleanor Matsuura from Wonder Woman/Justice League/Law & Order: UK, and a buncha people i never sw in anything, mostly frenchies, and/or aint on bavk door, aids bag, soy boy, beta male, candy a55, banana crammer, gender offender, Sodom bottom, queer as a deer with a steer in its rear, hippie stoner vegan peta tree kung fu based on plants Wikipedia that questions Chririan Historical Figures but never gaijin.
I never sqw tjis b4 but its openly briottish
so at a wedding or something pierce drinks with a chick who sings and they were a couple b4
chick talks with a guy who got flowers and shes allergic to em cuz shes evolutinalily challenged and ahe smacks piece with em for no reason
then opening credits to shapes moving around t music
laterpierce is wke up by a soviet chick who wants pierce to move his car so she can gt hers and go off with a new butt buddy
main chick talks with guys hen pierce lays golf cuz he's openly irish and its what their kind do besides b0ning potatoes
he talks about being free and not working for da man anf his back f'd out and he calls his daughter whos with main chick and shes going to some place
pierce retired and wanted to buy a boat and sail da world but dUFHter sez he wanted to do it w/ mom
daughters graduating, 2 days til retiremeny, gonna go around da wRULDO wth wife, now he needs to get Mendoza
main chik gets home and only has a cat like commies and feminists and piers is later in lie with a openly black woman and has a lot of cr-p to to including a pr-state exam where they reach in yo a55 to make sure ur ok and dont die
then word happens that da shares are worythless and i think the company f;d out so he sez he's gonna help em
main chick writes a prophile for a dating site as sge needs a man to b0ne her and can't rely on the cat like SaILOR Venus
the news sez a diamond was bought by an ann and she sez it otta be used to help slum kids
pueres coesgo i mean to see main chic and hes drunkabd se their pension wa tied up i the shares that are worthless and tey are f==ked
they look into a company called lexor like lexcorp and their pensions wrr integrated and he don't like her cat and the c=ck sucker animal don't like hm
main chick can't get in the site w/o a password and they call teir son to hackthe site and when he goes to get his other coputer they see his room mate taking a big black dump with the door open like me
he gets em the password and they get in and see its a young ceo like openly weevil Zuckerberg and poers morgan but not that devolved wan ts to go see him i candy a55 frNCE like team America and brings her
hen they are in the land of asterix and obelix anddrive cr-ppy andat their home some devolved guy and chick ztop by and main couple aint there
this is another movie wth pierce brnson about divorce and comedy after mrs doubtfire
they go to the company and aint let so the wife faks having a spazm or fainting to trick the guard to get help as hes the 1 frebchie who cares for non frenchies
they talk to theceo and woman translates but then he reveals it speaks human English and wants ceo to giv e em money
being French he dont care and sez "its legal" and has em sent out
being james bond, pierce brnsn pulls a luger and puts 2 in the guts had and says "hows that for a French twist?"?
k really they see ceo goingwith some possibly French or human woman and follow him in a red cr-pmobile but he stops for a red and lose him but she ees him ad they change seats and she drives down stairs
theres a cr chase but not as fast as demolition man or slow as oj anfshe drives onsidewalks a bit and on the under tunnel i think frm the frenchconnection
t car pops 2 tires and they almost ditch the car but stop by a hotel and want 2 rooms and the lady wonders if they are bro/sis but finds they're divorced and want 2 rooms but 2 left are joined and lady thinks they otta try to rekindle the flame
later theyare in an outdoor cafe andpierce quotes bogart in Casablanca and they each get phone calls from someone and i think he gets 1 from the daughter at school
he gets a call from his soviet butt buddy andex wife laves and later its day and she sees the butt buddy of French ceo has the diamond the eye of the rainbow, which sounds like a yugioh card, and she wants to steal it as2 wrongs make a right to her
pierce dont think its right (also theres a commandment against rhat) but he goes with it as "what do we got to lose?" (their butt virginity as this is France and you can get hard time for stealing if ur not da gov)
later pierce finds his credit cards f;d out and she sezhow someone has great les/a55 bt he likes more used women like a miIf or giIf like Chichio in DBZ/GT/AF
so the man couple ex go to a beach and theres bikini girls playing volley ball and choosing players and main chick is in a 1 pieceand claims to be her distant cousn ike in sailor moon how they cleaned up the lust
main chick does cr-py in volley bal and boating and at the beach firure wife whines of ceo using the wedding as a business meeting and getting 2 Texans over and asks main chick what to do as shes a geezer and was married
main chck sezyou gotta learn to like people and fure wife lies her for being honest
they find the weeding is in a hotel and they get son to look into the Texans andas he dors, room mate goes i, ets a mag and starts j=rkin off
e runs out to j=rk off in another room and son gets em info and they are gonna fake being the Texans andkidnap em and jack the diamons not ruby or Rubenstein who iced the guy accused but not proven to ice dat irish monkey
at the airport they meet 2 homies from b4 i tink and ge em to join their scheme and they dug the Texans and tape em to hairs and book it and male hmie stole a Texas hat thats black as they are the bad guys
they plan tp go to a jewelry dsigner pierce had an affair of the heart with, and at dinner they plantheir sceneme and priece has a fake gun wait its male homie who has a lot of stories like in guam where that 900lb guy on the learning channel was
homie wife plays with it and it goes off and they get out andmale homie as in the legion with him and if they pay for the busted wine bokttle its ok
afer a night together where i think they didn't b0ne but cuddled in clothes she sez she hasn't b0ned in 2 years
in the day its them in scuba gear andits still not james bond and in the hitel someone finds the Texans tied up all this time and probably wet and messed themselves
they go to the party andfake being Texans and theres a stature of a naked guy and a blonde touches his cold hard b0ner
male homie goes up to get a guards attention as pierce and ex woman go ove a ledge that is hih up outsde a buoldingand scares pierce
in the room they get in is cats/flowers that both are allethic to andin the party the blonde takes the icy weener and hides it in her t-ts
pierce and woman hide and try not to sneeze as fture wife is in there and is in undirs or w/e but its like a dress and alost finds em but a slve cmes in with the diamond
frure wode tells him to get out and goes to get dressed but she sees ex woman who isw/o the wig and crus about how ceo dont love her and shes a wh=re like a rap giel and pierce trus to get the dimond but she keeps layong on the bed and he dont wanta be seen
future wife hears ex woman is alletgic to flowers and throws them out the window and asks wat x woma would do and she sez ceo treas her bad but might get better and ex wman comes clean to her of her true identidy andsees pierce there
thy admit to cmming to steal the dismond claiming ts theirs and she gives e it and gets a fake and ceo comes by asking why she threw flowers out da window and sge sez shes allergic
he sezhe fnds her valuable moe than the diamond and when pierece thinks ex woman will sneeze he smooxhes her and she wants more
they return the way they git in and pierce bumps into male homie topas the diamond and furure wife sez in a speech she dont like or love eo and wants a divorce and he takes back fake diamond
then the real Texans come in and piere and chubs try to fle but get caught and interrogated
the blonde is the female hmie and male homie swALLOWS it and ex fture wife sez she swappe and sold it for money for orpgans in the ried world
ceo sez to have em disposed of and slap[rd pierce aroud as he dont hit women cuz the French are candya55 and pierce and woman are dirved out in a van
mmmale homie sez he got shrapnel in vie nam as a cover for te machine going off
the van piere and wman are in is dumped off a cliff andteeders on the ege like the jollyn olley ice cream man o the egde of sanity and sge sez sorry fr f ing the maiirige
the van tils and i tink the door is open, ja it is, and he qants togo on a round da world tour with her
thevan is pulled up by French furure ex wife and aes e but they shove it off the cliff and it blows for no reason and she drives off
main chick enema emma calls someone on text message and dont know who it is but talked wit the guy in paris and its a younger guy who's haf her age and he lies to get miIfs and giIfs and gets em to shore
he asks if pierce is her lover and she sez ex and might have eelings for him and at da boat yard she goes on a date with French bf and the music is kinda bummer but not like sodomy but ninja turtles
pierce sees mie and finds they knw of the Frenchie bf andhe reveal he has to sh-t out the diamond
in the day she wakes up naked in bed with him after b0ning and he sez she had more experience and they hear a song she likes he dont now
in a cafe the song plas andmale homie has the diamond that wad in his a55 like chritopher walken in that tarentino film andthey are gnna sell t
frebchie drivesex wife in his car like Austin powers and she sez her crazy cr-l she did
pierce meets diamond dave and hmie wige whines of his past life with all these contacts ad shrapnel and he sez its ok cuz he loves her
pierce sold the diamond and at the aiporte the ex wife comes by andwants to travel with him andhe sez yes
homie male has a safehouse under the saurs wife homie dont know of abd pierce makes out wth enema thomspns and at me gets moneyto their droogs and gors on a world tour
as they walk by a water, a driver comes by, pulls a gun and blows em out, tenputs te gu in his mouth and blows his head apart
jk really se gets him a boat
then credits
christoher robu? oh poo!
the end
that was pretty good
lite and mostly fun
treis to make thieves look good but in the end the chick gives em the necklace so its kosher
good acting and music and filming and its got some good humorist a bright movie with light colors and dspite being brittish its full of frenchies
treis to justify crime as "they have it coming" but thats how the soviets executed the czars fam and frenchies revolutioned the innocent
its a fun silly movie and i like how his homie is a secret bada55
Also its cool they got back together even though they b0ned others and might have HIV AIDS
For The Love Punch 2 I want pierce an enema emma on a boat trup and come across an uncharted islND and get caught by a secret tribe of iguana people and are gonna be vivisected. But their homie who swallowed the necklace sensed them in a psychic message and goes there with his mercenary crew to bust the demon guy. Also its a 16 bit Run N Gun game on Sega Genesis, Snes, TG16, Atari Jaguar and GBA where you play as the homie or one of his crew and fight living biotech creatures and gotta save thecouple from being vivisected.