Monday, December 30, 2024

The Love Punch Review

 Note: I spell lovey

The Love Punch

This is my review on The Love Punch from the distant fiture year to Chris Latta of 2013 (The year of Astro Boy and Robotech)

Its directal by Joel Hopkins who did nothing I saw

it stars pierce brosnan from Mrs. Doubtfire/Mars Attacks!/Seraphim Falls/Mamma Mia!/Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief/The Simpsons, Openly Brittish Creator hater Emma Thompson (ene enema) from Much Ado About Nothing/The Remains of the Day/Junior/Treasure Planet disney version not the weird a55 hungarian one/Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban/Nanny McPhee/Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix/I Am Legend/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2/Bridget Jones's Baby/Cheers/bytt pl=g Saturday Night Live, Celia Imrie fron Highlander 01/Mary Shelley's Frankenstein/The Borrowers/Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace/Bridget Jones's Diary/Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason/Nanny McPhee/Bridget Jones's Baby/1999 A Christmas Carol, Timothy Spall from Chicken Run/Rock Star/The Last Samurai/Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban/Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire/Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix/Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street/Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince/Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland/The King's Speech/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2/Red Dwarf, occult user Marisa Berenson from Cabaret/Who's The Boss?, fellow ocd rabbit Tuppence Middleton from Jupiter Ascending, John Ramm from butt a55 Shakespeare in Love, animal supremacist semi nipponjin Eleanor Matsuura from Wonder Woman/Justice League/Law & Order: UK, and a buncha people i never sw in anything, mostly frenchies, and/or aint on bavk door, aids bag, soy boy, beta male, candy a55, banana crammer, gender offender, Sodom bottom, queer as a deer with a steer in its rear, hippie stoner vegan peta tree kung fu based on plants Wikipedia that questions Chririan Historical Figures but never gaijin.

I never sqw tjis b4 but its openly briottish

so at a wedding or something pierce drinks with a chick who sings and they were a couple b4

chick talks with a guy who got flowers and shes allergic to em cuz shes evolutinalily challenged and ahe smacks piece with em for no reason

then opening credits to shapes moving around t music

laterpierce is wke up by a soviet chick who wants pierce to move his car so she can gt hers and go off with a new butt buddy

main chick talks with guys hen pierce lays golf cuz he's openly irish and its what their kind do besides b0ning potatoes

he talks about being free and not working for da man anf his back f'd out and he calls his daughter whos with main chick and shes going to some place

pierce retired and wanted to buy a boat and sail da world but dUFHter sez he wanted to do it w/ mom

daughters graduating, 2 days til retiremeny, gonna go around da wRULDO  wth wife, now he needs to get Mendoza

main chik gets home and only has a cat like commies and feminists and piers is later in lie with a  openly black woman and has a lot of cr-p to to including a pr-state exam where they reach in yo a55 to make sure ur ok and dont die

then word happens that da shares are worythless and i think the company f;d out so he sez he's gonna help em

main chick writes a prophile for a dating site as sge needs a man to b0ne her and can't rely on the cat like SaILOR  Venus

the news sez a diamond was bought by an ann and she sez it otta be used to help slum kids

pueres coesgo i mean to see main chic and hes drunkabd se their pension wa tied up i the shares that are worthless and tey are f==ked

they look into a company called lexor like lexcorp and their pensions wrr integrated and he don't like her cat and the c=ck sucker animal don't like hm

main chick can't get in the site w/o a password and they call teir son to hackthe site and when he goes to get his other coputer they see his room mate taking a big black dump with the door open like me

he gets em the password and they get in and see its a young ceo like openly weevil Zuckerberg and poers morgan but not that devolved wan ts to go see him i candy a55 frNCE like team America and brings her

hen they are in the land of asterix and obelix anddrive cr-ppy andat their home some devolved guy and chick ztop by and main couple aint there

this is another movie wth pierce brnson about divorce and comedy after mrs doubtfire

they go to the company and aint let so the wife faks having a spazm or fainting to trick the guard to get help as hes the 1 frebchie who cares for non frenchies

they talk to theceo and woman translates but then he reveals it speaks human English and wants ceo to giv e em money

being French he dont care and sez "its legal" and has em sent out

being james bond, pierce brnsn pulls a luger and puts 2 in the guts had and says "hows that for a French twist?"?

k really they see ceo goingwith some possibly French or human woman and follow him in a red cr-pmobile but he stops for a red and lose him but she ees him ad they change seats and she drives down stairs

theres a cr chase but not as fast as demolition man or slow as oj anfshe drives onsidewalks a bit and on the under tunnel i think frm the frenchconnection

t car pops 2 tires and they almost ditch the car but stop by a hotel and want 2 rooms and the lady wonders if they are bro/sis but finds they're divorced and want 2 rooms but 2 left are joined and lady thinks they otta try to rekindle the flame

later theyare in an outdoor cafe andpierce quotes bogart in Casablanca and they each get phone calls from someone and i think he gets 1 from the daughter at school

he gets a call from his soviet butt buddy andex wife laves and later its day and  she sees the butt buddy of French ceo has the diamond the eye of the rainbow, which sounds like a yugioh card, and she wants to steal it as2 wrongs make a right to her

pierce dont think its right (also theres a commandment against rhat) but he goes with it as "what do we got to lose?" (their butt virginity as this is France and you can get hard time for stealing if ur not da gov)

later pierce finds his credit cards f;d out and she sezhow someone has great les/a55 bt he likes more used women like a miIf or giIf like Chichio in DBZ/GT/AF

so the man couple ex go to a beach and theres bikini girls playing volley ball and choosing players and main chick is in a 1 pieceand claims to be her distant cousn ike in sailor moon how they cleaned up the lust

main chick does cr-py in volley bal and boating and at the beach firure wife whines of ceo using the wedding as a business meeting and getting 2 Texans over and asks main chick what to do as shes a geezer and was married

main chck sezyou gotta learn to like people and fure wife lies her for being honest

they find the weeding is in a hotel and they get son to look into the Texans andas he dors, room mate goes i, ets a mag and starts j=rkin off

e runs out to j=rk off in another room and son gets em info and they are gonna fake being the Texans andkidnap em and jack the diamons not ruby or Rubenstein who iced the guy accused but not proven to ice dat irish monkey

at the airport they meet 2 homies from b4 i tink and ge em to join their scheme and they dug the Texans and tape em to hairs and book it and male hmie stole a Texas hat thats black as they are the bad guys

they plan tp go to a jewelry dsigner pierce had an affair of the heart with, and at dinner they plantheir sceneme and priece has a fake gun wait its male homie who has a lot of stories like in guam where that 900lb guy on the learning channel was

homie wife plays with it and it goes off and they get out andmale homie as in the legion with him and if they pay for the busted wine bokttle its ok

afer a night together where i think they didn't b0ne but cuddled in clothes she sez she hasn't b0ned in 2 years

in the day its them in scuba gear andits still not james bond and in the hitel someone finds the Texans tied up all this time and probably wet and messed themselves

they go to the party andfake being Texans and theres a stature of a naked guy and a blonde touches his cold hard b0ner

male homie goes up to get a guards attention as pierce and ex woman go ove a ledge that is hih up outsde a buoldingand scares pierce

in the room they get in is cats/flowers that both are allethic to andin the party the blonde takes the icy weener and hides it in her t-ts

pierce and woman hide and try not to sneeze as fture wife is in there and is in undirs or w/e but its like a dress and alost finds em but a slve cmes in with the diamond

frure wode tells him to get out and goes to get dressed but she sees ex woman who isw/o the wig and crus about how ceo dont love her and shes a wh=re like a rap giel and pierce trus to get the dimond but she keeps layong on the bed and he dont wanta be seen

future wife hears ex woman is alletgic to flowers and throws them out the window and asks wat x woma would do and she sez ceo treas her bad but might get better and ex wman comes clean to her of her true identidy andsees pierce there

thy admit to cmming to steal the dismond claiming ts theirs and she gives e it and gets a fake and ceo comes by asking why she threw flowers out da window and sge sez shes allergic

he sezhe fnds her valuable moe than the diamond and when pierece thinks ex woman will sneeze he smooxhes her and she wants more

they return the way they git in and pierce bumps into male homie topas the diamond and furure wife sez in a speech she dont like or love eo and wants a divorce and he takes back fake diamond

then the real Texans come in and piere and chubs try to fle but get caught and interrogated

the blonde is the female hmie and male homie swALLOWS it and ex fture wife sez she swappe and sold it for money for orpgans in the ried world

ceo sez to have em disposed of and slap[rd pierce aroud as he dont hit women cuz the French are candya55 and pierce and woman are dirved out in a van

mmmale homie sez he got shrapnel in vie nam as a cover for te machine going off

the van piere and wman are in is dumped off a cliff andteeders on the ege like the jollyn olley ice cream man o the egde of sanity and sge sez sorry fr f ing the maiirige

the van tils and i tink the door is open, ja it is, and he qants togo on a round da world tour with her

thevan is pulled up by French furure ex wife and aes e but they shove it off the cliff and it blows for no reason and she drives off

main chick enema emma calls someone on text message and dont know who it is but talked wit the guy in paris and its a younger guy who's haf her age and he lies to get miIfs and giIfs and gets em to shore

he asks if pierce is her lover and she sez ex and might have eelings for him and at da boat yard she goes on a date with French bf and the music is kinda bummer but not like sodomy but ninja turtles

pierce sees mie and finds they knw of the Frenchie bf andhe reveal he has to sh-t out the diamond

in the day she wakes up naked in bed with him after b0ning and he sez she had more experience and they hear a song she likes he dont now

in a cafe the song plas andmale homie has the diamond that wad in his a55 like chritopher walken in that tarentino film andthey are gnna sell t

frebchie drivesex wife in his car like Austin powers and she sez her crazy cr-l she did

pierce meets diamond dave and hmie wige whines of his past life with all these contacts ad shrapnel and he sez its ok cuz he loves her

pierce sold the diamond and at the aiporte the ex wife comes by andwants to travel with him andhe sez yes

homie male has a safehouse under the saurs wife homie dont know of abd pierce makes out wth enema thomspns and at me gets moneyto their droogs and gors on a world tour

as they walk by a water, a driver comes by, pulls a gun and blows em out, tenputs te gu in his mouth and blows his head apart

jk really se gets him a boat

then credits

christoher robu? oh poo!

the end

that was pretty good

lite and mostly fun

treis to make thieves look good but in the end the chick gives em the necklace so its kosher

good acting and music and filming and its got some good humorist a bright movie with light colors and dspite being brittish its full of frenchies

treis to justify crime as "they have it coming" but thats how the soviets executed the czars fam and frenchies revolutioned the innocent

its a fun silly movie and i like how his homie is a secret bada55

Also its cool they got back together even though they b0ned others and might have HIV AIDS

For The Love Punch 2 I want pierce an enema emma on a boat trup and come across an uncharted islND and get caught by a secret tribe of iguana people and are gonna be vivisected. But their homie who swallowed the necklace sensed them in a psychic message and goes there with his mercenary crew to bust the demon guy. Also its a 16 bit Run N Gun game on Sega Genesis, Snes, TG16, Atari Jaguar and GBA where you play as the homie or one of his crew and fight living biotech creatures and gotta save thecouple from being vivisected.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

They Review

 Note: i spelll likre THEM


This is Orte Samma No Review on They from the distant fuiture year to clark gabel of 2002 (20 years before Robotech II The Sentinels)

Is a hortror film that cr-poped out at the box oriface and people hated

then again, THEY hated Transformers The Movie

Its directally by Robert Harmonwho did nothing i ever saw but aparently has a thing fgor jesse stone, whoerever the butt f--k that is

it starannaly starees Laura Regan from law and order svu/judging amny/Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Jessica Amlee from the 2000s tweilight zone, Marc Blucas from pleseantville/house on haunted hilkl/the alamo/Buffy the Vampire Slayer\Law & Order: LA\Blue Bloods, Ethan Embry from Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle\Batman Beyond\The Zeta Project\ the 00s twilight zone\Drop Dead Diva\the 20s twilight zone, openly polish Dagmara Domińczyk from the 00s The Count of Monte Cristo\Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\The Good Wife,  Abrahams from The Faculty\Scary Movie\Meet the Parents\House of Wax\Law & Order\Boston Public\Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Alexander Gould from City of Angels\Finding Nemo\Bailey Kipper's P.O.V.\Malcolm in the Middle/Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (where he got f'din the a55) Jay Brazeau from the 90s Little Women\Slam Dunk Ernest\MVP: Most Valuable Primate\House of the Dead\Watchmen\Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog\Madeline\Party of Five\Mega Man\The Odyssey\Sliders\The New Adventures of Madeline\Extreme Dinosaurs\The Adventures of Shirley Holmes\Pocket Dragon Adventures\Generation O!\The Cramp Twins\the 00s He-Man and the Masters of the Universe\The West Wing\My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, Jodelle Ferland from Silent Hill\The Cabin in the Woods\ParaNorman\the 00s tv movie Carrie\The Haunting Hour: The Series\Home Alone: The Holiday Heist, Mark Hildreth from The Odyssey\The Bots Master\The Odyssey\Fatal Fury: Legend of the Hungry Wolf\Street Fighter: The Animated Series\Fatal Fury 2: The New Battle\Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture\Dragon Ball Z\Vor-Tech: Undercover Conversion Squad\Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show\Action Man\Mobile Suit Gundam Wing\Madeline\The Cramp Twins\Class of the Titans\Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End\Wolverine and the X-Men\Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.\\Transformers: Robots in Disguise, Jonathan Cherry from Final Destination 2\House of the Dead, and some dinks not on beta male soy boy back door candy a55 blue pill wikipedia

i never saw this but its by horror master Wes Craven who produced it or w.e and his nanme is often on it

my homie wanted me to review this and imma do it for him cuz hes a good guy

so after logis i mean logos this lutlle girl the non craven producers probably lusted after is scared ofthunder and om comforts her

wait is that a boy? wtf

mom sez no ones coming for him/her/it and sez the covers on your head prorect you

is that like duck and cover for a nuke? or a mask for the cold?

so mom goes and kids afraid of night things as it storms outside and mom didn tell him its Angels going DBZ and laterhe/its uop and calls to mom ad seez something on the window and in the blackness of the closet and hides under da covers with a flashlight

the light goes out and eveltyally ge leaves the covers ad is dragged undr the bed to be b0ned dead by demons or w/e

then title

as a 90s kid i was scared in my room once and called to mom and no one came but i got over it

later its sunny and a blonde comes home by bike and chex her answering machine then has an offscreen shower we'd see if this was the 80s and goes on a date with a guy and gives her backstory to a brown haired brown eyed white guy like in a ideo game

he sez he had a mom and is a bit moody and plays pool and guy bets her 20$ if she sinks it but she f'd out and sez doule or nothingand does

they go to an apartment to probably b0ne but stoners are in his place and didn't pay the electric bill cuz they got frired, probably for being igh ay work and eating co workers

bf and blonde go to make out for a while and start undressing with her t-ts in her low cut dress on him but she gets a phone call anda guy named billy needs her but she sez maybe tomotrow but then goes to him leaving bf to j-=rk off on the stoners

she tae a subway andlooks like the chick from the Torn vdeo meets the Siwnt Hill Chick andthe light fLIcker and goes to meet bac door billy in a dner and he looks evolved i mean Deveolved and seems on drugs

he sezhe had night terrers and now THEY are back and THEY affect thins and cant be in the light but soeoneelse saw em and went nuts and ohers know of em but no one can elp him

hes spazzing out and s sared andhe lights  go out and he eats his gun offscreen, bit in the 80s wed see his head blow aparft likw in species II

alaso fearing the dark was like Jakoh in Hokuto No Ken 2

blonde goes back to home and cleans the blood/brains off in an offscreen shower wed see in the 80s andbf comforts her and shes in the room the mabe boy was in

bf i listening to music but in the 80s s j-rkin off  and da pone wakes up blode but its not ayone so she calls to her bf andhe's gone

she hears baby cries hich makes womens b-0bs bigger andfids the shower runningad black ooze, probably spurm barfs out of the sink drain

the lghts go f'd and in the mirror door is a dark realm of thingsad the black goon er hand bends weird

bf comes in and she freak outvlike a blue sy nu seeng something they/them/iot disagrees with and she was told shes sleepwalking

at the service shesees a baby which was probaby pooped out recently and sez se was babk door  billys buddy

a guy named sam and his room mate terry werebeblly banana buddys and she sez ahe didn't understand hi and sa sez the Prozac didn't help him

wtf we're 24 mins in? that felylike nothing!

she chex mix his room and finds newspaper clips and batteries and terry sez he med here III months ago planning for a long thing and was afraid and sez billy told her o how they all had night terr wers and thats qaht got em toghyehet

i think thats daemons dude, pray it away rebukke it

at night she drivex and the song kis on her radioand power in her car f;d ot, which aliens and sasquatch and ghosts nd daemons do, and she runs over a wolf thing nd stops as her car f'd put

she gets oyt with a flash light and its foffy and kinda ligh and cex da under the hoodand reconnecs cr-op and hears a sound like the symbypote in 90s spdrman

the flasherlghr gows f'd andse get in and the car dont start andshe seez her dead illy nxt to her and fsall outta da car as a trck gws by

the car works and s4e goes back to he bf wit his stoners place and hes dribk and will probaby get iced

se sez se h an accident andthought ahe hot something and hot braes and went offroad bt dont know what it was and when bf okes she gets b--chy and whines of himgetting drunk

bf sez afreter a 13 car pilw  up he spent hours cutting corpses oytta cars andthis is how he unwinds

with sam and terry they read billys notes and of demon that attack in the dark as its their way in and she hd nigh terrers and terry sez its like shes 5 aGAIN in dark rooms(age regression fetish!~)

at 5 she saw her sister die in a lake nd had night terrers and when her mom came she was gone but she was in the doghouse and when he reached in she stabbed him in the eye thinking hes a daemon

so blonde goes to see a shirnk about night terrers and sez what happened over the1st, 38 mins?! This movie is whizzone by!

shrik sz she saw him after her dad iced himself and her recent cr-p is from recent trauma and night terrers are part of growing up (wyf?! its not like worms!!)

he offers more talks and se goes to this silent hill looing basement to get dr-p abd a possible gaijin bumps into her

she paints wait i think its sam paining sme black thing and terry asks wat did billy think b4 he did it and what its like to be that low

she icks at a wound that isn't healing and they seem kinda goth/emo and sam sez he should've gone to law school, bu ten he'd get a purvo off and the victims would have him skinned alive and roasted on a fire, wait, thats apache

so sam goes ot to =rl off on dogs or w.e anf terry is aloe and things seem unusual ad she hears a clank and goes in the ventus to getta mouse like splinter in nina turtles

her light goes out and what kinda lace has vents big enuff to crawl in? and this thing jumps at her as the lighter turns on and itsquite a unmpscare, ut she sends it off

blonde watches a vhs tape and i think this is how the ring happened anshe watchws vdeo of herselfas a kid spazzing out aains nothing

she lifts up the romte and swallows it whole as it bulges down her throat and she seizures out

jk rally she gets a phone call from kim and sez to all her later to be sure shes awake and looks at a book of iconopgraphy an sees at of daemons after peoplefrom over history

are thee yokai? call Enma Kun. or better yet, Enpi Chan!

after reading a while sge goes to slee and terry goes to a locke to put her cross and sweater in an takes a shower in a black onw pice but not ussop an goes to the pool

after a speedo guy leaves da pool in a black speedo, possibly leather, she swims and the lights go out and she swims in fear

then the water forms a kappa and it reaches up her a5 and pulls out her soul

k thats suiko by Go Nagai, really sge gets out andbangs on the doorbut no ones there andthis looks like swimfan but she tries another door and gets in and i think its the guys room

a bunha guts in towles see ger and start b0ning her all over

jk thats nami sos and se gets attacked by some cg yokai

b;once wakes up and reads a definition of this alleged condition fordiscordance and how you need familiar cr-p 2 get through it but leaves he meetn with the possible school guy 

;ater shes in th tub and bf calls and aez sry for laughing or w.e even though she was kinda b--chy and she gets another call and gets it anfanswers wearing a towel and i thik the guy sz i love u

she goes to this dingy slummy rusty apartment i think sams andtake the elevator and its like a cr-ppy 00s game

she seez his black wall and sam sez shes the only one who'd undertand and feels bads gonna happen and terrys missing and her cr-p is in the rec ce ter

he told thew cops ut theywont find it and he checked billys diary and found ony thoe w/ night tetters are targeted and marks people with some implantation like aliens/space daemons

tis sems like alone o the drk by uwe boll

in some room blonde named Julia like elaines actrer in Seinfeld talks to a little girl and sez shes a patient and lile girl sez THEY come for me in my dreams and ligh keeps em away an she has a mark on her arm

she tells hrik the night terrers might be real and THEY are coming to bring em back to the nightmare world

this seems like Yugioh GX Season 4

srink gets her to overanalyze her feelings aboy being guit from her frends suicide and like many shrinks, gets people to think 'theres amlgical reas/n sernatural" and "won't you have a mark too?"

she is in undies and bf checks 4 mark but none are found as she didn't get naked and check the nips or anus

tom or sam or w/e s panting and lights blow and sprinlers out the candles and this cg monster is outide and coming for him

he braks the window and goes in the elevator instead of out it and it goes up/down fast

he gets ou anf something drahs im under rhe elevator and we cr to bf and blone in bed after bning and  meathead stoners come in and see her nude and say HELLO NURSE like Anmaniacs

is think a ting on communism with THEM being the soviets taking people who know away?

at her place shears on tv of rolling blackouts as green energy is cr-p and th grid can't take all this bad management

she goes in a closet anf the bulb dont work andbehind the coats is a gf yokai that umps and she runs outsideand is feaing thngs like people dumping gabage in dumsters full of spurm

she goes in a bathroom andsees a mark on her head unde da hair nd oulls out this thorn and is this like Damien thorne in the omen with the numbers on his head?

she goes to bf she b0ned and sez she has the mark, oh hai mark, and THEY tied t gab her, but he gives her druged watr and i think he's the bad guy and ants her to sleep

she dont wanna sleep but dont pue up hedrugs and he ez he wont let anything happen to her and  think drugging her is illegal, but in califrnia its not a crime to spread the aids

she goes out and to a subwayand is kinda spazzy and reaches in her throat to pike up drugs like a teen wgo thinks shes fat

the shudders chains fence thing comes own andshe cant leave the station anf she takes the empry tain but the lights f around and the tain stops

she gets out the taim and some cg thing grabs her but the powr come back and train restatrts ad she rns after ot but it goes but another comes and she runs for it like the kid in pet semetary

it misses her and one of THEMgrabs her into a pipe bt she uses a syurdy metal bar to keep in and aftert the traingoes by the light is ther and she gets to a sewer grate and cant open it

THEY get her  and swarm her and drag her byt some wotkers find her and she knifes one or more and then we see her in the nut house and bf and shrink sez it'll be ok

her neck looks too long

a yokai busts in th window and when shrink and openly black guy come in  shes gone but shes really o the othe rside of an invinible wall callin for help andin the dark realm

the door closes and the thngs get her and probably d0ne her i mean b0n her pregnant and use her for breeding more o them

then creits to intense misc then calm music

landman setup ed macmahon?

seconf assistant edeito; richarc long(tee hee)

the end

that wa pretty good

nice creep factor and good build up/reease like X Men 1

it goes by at a good pace and has nie flow w/o drag

its got good feels and is only pg13 but dont need nups and butts and d-0ngs and heads blowing apart

i don't even recall uch searing

its a good 00s movie that islike a hader byond beief fact or fiction

For They 2 I want her bf to be on the hunt for her and looking into her notes and finding these ancient items hidden in American ancient places of kingdoms and temples that were wiped out in bblial catatrophies can be usited to stop the daemons and free the imprisoned. Also its a 128 bit Zelda like game on GameCyube, Dreamcast, ps2 and xbox where you go through ancient ruins of melted rock in remote places and underground cities and get items and armor to open the gate and let her free by going in the dark world and save the people.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Call Me Tonight Review

Note: I spell like a phone add

Call Me Tonight

This is my review on Call Me Tonight from the ditanmt future year to Shiro Ishii of 1986(30 years before Transformers season III)

Its directed by Tatsuya Okamoto who did nothing I saw

It stars Sakiko Tamagawa from Astro Boy 80s and 00s/Case Closed/Daigunder/Devilman OVA 1/Eureka Seven/Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex/Go Nagai World/New Cutey Honey/Pokémon/Pop Team Epic/Sailor Moon S/Sailor Moon Sailor Stars/Samurai Champloo/Samurai Pizza Cats/ShutenDoji/Violence Jack H=lls Wind, Chie Kojiro from Jushin Liger/My Neighbor Totoro/Zatch Bell, Katsumi Toriumi from Fist of the North Star 1 and 2/Megazone 23/Mobile Suit Gundam Seed/Pokémon, Rumiko Ukai from Sailor Moon/Voltron, and Toshihiko Seki from Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia/Angel Cop/Jushin Liger/BioHunter/Bleach/Daigunder/Fullmetal Alchemist/Genocyber/Hamtaro/Inuyasha/Legends of the Dark King: A Fist of the North Star Story/MÄR/Mazinger Z: Infinity/Mobile Suit Gundam Seed/Mobile Suit Gundam Wing/Naruto/Ninja Scroll/Pokémon/Pop Team Epic/Samurai Champloo/Shaman King/ShutenDoji/Spider Riders/Street Fighter II V/Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust/Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's/Zatch Bell/Zillion: Burning Night, and some other guys not important

its animated by AIC who did Wanna-Be's/Daimaju Gekitp: Hagane no Oni/Legend of Lemnear/Genocyber and others that were good

i saw this b4 and its pretty 80s and cool

after logos we get a chick on the phone called by lusty teens to talk em to b0ners andtheres a room of chix on the phone as an 80s song plays

it looks really 80s like megazone 23 and robotech and violence jack slumking

this 80s chick in a ponytail n her home gets a call from the girls and is asked to come in to work  but she sez shes the co ops owner. she's told a client needs her and has a problem j=rkin off as his body devolves when he does

te we see his guy looking at anime babes and j=rkin off but we dont see his habds/parts andhe has voet nam flasg backs to a sly light and tentacles erupting from his back in silhouette

i now a guy who j-rks off 5-10 x a day as he's really lusty. hope his thing don't fall off

so he gets a call fr main chick and sez when he j=rks off he sees lights and bird and his room is f;d up but he don't know whats up

i think he's possessed as lust attracts daemons

so he goes to a restaurant to meet her an shes dressed a bit like a h00ker with modesty or just an 80s chick like in Degrassi and sees him wih the sign, an ashtray on a book on the table

she orders iced earl gray like captain picard and starts talking of freud but he pens his coat and his shirt is full of holes from his issue so he spends a lot on clothes

she sez j=rk off here like its California or a sodomy parade and when he don't, she comes close to him and everyone in the place looks

he has a nosebleed like sailor venus thinking of taking a bath with idol yaten as his pet cat but the blood keeps coming and he she touche his shouldwe he devolves into an abomination for a but then turns back

she runs out wuth him and ddn't pay for her tea and this possible hermaphrodite in shades and a homie notice

she takes a hobo cloak and runs in heels like sailor mars to a movie galaxie of horror and puts the cloak on the main guy

in the space movie she gets b--chy but a guy sez stfu and she whispers why me?

he sez he wanted somwone to talk abot it and seeing a chicks clothes ropped off in the film makes him devolve again and scare off a few guys

she seeslust maks him devolve and the projector shos a shadow on the screen but the footage under the shadow, which don't work a the guy would block the image and the afadow would be a black outline.

at her place she takes a shower and comes out in a towwl and wait i think its a hotel and she sez she's not gonna b0ne him but is interested in him and he devolves again into a reptile forme for a bit like those who run thinks in the blackness

she sez he'd have to get used to it andgoes out in a drss to get him used to seeing babes and not have a b0ner attack but each time he sees something hot he devolves and peope in public flee as the possible hermaphrodite and homie follow and take photos all over an 80s montage of an 80s song and 80s neon and colors

this 80s chick with really poofy hair like in the 0s meets the hermaphrodite and homie and they tell her of the guy and the hermpahordite might be a muscle chick

hair chick notices something fo the girl seems famillarir and sees its Natsumi rumi from school ad she takes the photos

at school poofy hair follows main chick where she eventually gets on make up and changes closes to ook like a h00ker and she she runs poofy hair uses nanto suicho ken to cut her bag and drop her school book.

pofy wants her to bring the guy to this bar at night or she'd out her and walks off

later at the bar she's snoming and aving a drink even though shes in high school and main chick is hanging with guy and gets him a neck thing like the cattouche in yugioh with season 05

at da bar, poofy hair has a bucnha smokes and calls to get the gang over and main chick walks with main guy named ryo like asuka in devilman and he asks why she didn't run at the bar when he devolved

she takes off her umbrella and lets the rain wet her clothes as an 80s song plays and we see her undies and he starts dev evolving but resists and contains it

thus is a metaphor for getting b0ners or being lusty right? how some can't help b0ning peole when they get hard?

so poofy hair comes by with her bikers and we cut to muscle chick working ou and getting a call from the other guy saying muscle chick is maki and her sister and gang got the monster and he se where they wnet

at an abandoned building the gang goes to they bring the couple over an poofy hair brings ryo to a room and locks out main chick and starts getting undressed

some leather bikers come for main chick and she runs and gets a metal bar to fight off the leather bikers

mai msucles gets an item and rides a mototcycle in th rain as her butler or indenture servant calls to her and main chick beats off the guys with a menal barbut a gut who likes strong women catches the bar and wants to do stuff to her

poofy hair gets nude and is trying to b0ne main guy w/o consent or woc and he deolves and is this where Go Nagai had Seiko Hayami say she reaped a buncha guys in Cutey Honey Tennyo Densetsu?

muscle lover rips main chicks top and main guy ruyo devolves into a monster which scares poofy hair even though she knew whathe was and saw the photos and still wante to b0ne him for it

is this like guys wanting to get surgery to be something they aint and after it reget it?

or bug chasers who b0ne aids bags and acts like victims when theyget the aids?

or junkies who choose drugs and od?

or Russian roulette guys who blow their heads off?

or base jumpers who splatter??

so poofy hair runs out and ryo is some dragon monster like phantasy star and likes seeing main chick in undies and he espands til his neck thing breaks off

the biker gang is f--kin stooped and jumps at the dragonoid thinking they have a chance with switchblades and mmeaty maki gets there and has a bazooka

of course the biker gets beat by th beats so thy throw things at i like its gonna do anything

eventually mani gets in andfires a bazooka as i guess her fam is Yakuza and has connections adn it blows the beast boy away

yeah the cops aint gonna be called for that

but ryo tendrils survives and hsi tentacles chase em t the roof as they are baka who dont get there no where to go from there except solattering like guys in ne York at the turn of the entury

main chick calls him a baka an throws the necklace thing and its a riangle for occultist and the real him rises out of it like ZArC in Yugioh arc v but nt f--king ghey

he grabs the monster and pulls it and has a flashback to being hit but a space light and these life forms fused with him and he sez hes the collecter who get likfe forms from other worlds

a tongue tentacle grabs main chick but he blows open with i blasting out and drops her and real ryo asks who hes in the collection, then tells the collector to leave

light ki blasts in the air and in a sphere and thiese space yokai  reptile things fly up and leave and ryo returns to beign a naked man whos uncut weener we never see

he recites his main problem of seeing light and hsi room is f'd when he j=rks off and main chick slaps hi and shows her bra, even though her top is already ripped open, and he noselees but only a bit and dont devolve and is cured

also the charm on his neck has the trng fixed ven though it snapped off him

she hugs him andwe get more footage from b4 about the call in girls and oofy hair is workin there and a purvo calls asking what she wears an what color her undies are

main chick and ryo meets maki and his homie and maki sez her sister is working there

ryo fakes devolving and scares the homie who runs and maki laughs being a bada55 msucie clhick like the poles and soviets

then in the call center poofy hair devolved into a tentacle mnster and  cals the guy on the phone a purvo

then credits to a really 80s song

the end

that was fun

really 80s and good animation

its only liek hal an hou and has good art and is kinda pg15 but not explicit

we dont ee the transformers one, only buns and a few nips

good voicing and music and its enjoyable and has good monster designs

this is how anime was when it was cool and nt wienr kids crying in the wind

For Call Me Tonight 2 I want the poofy haired chik to go around absorbing people with her tentacles and becoming thiccer and fatter and bigger for those into giantess and fatties, also in the end she gives birth to an egg and in it a new ultimate life form is made and goes off to space to its home dimension to fight a war with dimension daemons. Also its an 8 bit platform game where you gott collect all the life forms n the area and at the end you play as the life form and fight a shmup with ki blasts on a big devolved yokai thing like in urotsukidoji or some weird a55 go nagai thing. And theres a minigame of pooping out the egg. Its on Sega aster System, Game Gear, NES, Game Boy, TG16, Atari Lynx and 7800.

Friday, December 20, 2024

The Dogs Of War Review

 Note: I spell like a dog eater/b0ner

The Dogs Of War

This is my review on The Dogs Of War from the dustant fiture year to the Italian Spallian Christopher Columbus, of1980 (40 years before Transformers Super Godf Masterforce)

Its directed by John Irvin who did nothing i saw but was based on a book written by Frederick Forsyth I nrevr read

It stars Christopher Walken from The Deer Hunter/Heaven's Gate/The Dead Zone/Batman Returns/Wayne's World 2/Pulp Fiction/Mouse Hunt/Antz/Blast from the Past/Sleepy Hollow/Joe Dirt/Man on Fire/Hairspray/Saturday Night Live, Tom Berenger from The Big Chill/Platoon/Training Day/Law & Order/Hatfields & McCoys, Colin Blakely from Equus, Paul Freeman from Raiders of the Lost Ark/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, JoBeth Williams from Kramer vs. Kramer/Poltergeist/The Big Chill/Poltergeist II: The Other Side/Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot/Frasier/Batman: The Animated Series/Law & Order: Special Victims Unit/Judging Amy/Numb3rs/Law & Order: LA/The Good Doctor, Winston Ntshona from The Wild Geese/Gandhi, Pedro Armendariz Jr.from The Mask of Zorro/The MexicanThe Legend of Zorro/Acapulco H.E.A.T., fake alpha male Ed O'Neill from Wayne's World/Wayne's World 2/The Bone Collector/Wreck-It Ralph/Married... with Children/The West Wing/WordGirl/candy a55 Modern Family, Shane Rimmer from Dr. Strangelove/The Dirty Dozen/70s Rollerball/Star Wars episode 4/Superman/Superman II/Gandhi/The Hunger/Batman Begins, George Harris from Flash Gordon/Raiders of the Lost Ark/See No Evil, Hear No Evil/Black Hawk Down/Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1/Part 2, David Schofield from 90s The Last of the Mohicans/Gladiator/From H=ll/Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest/Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End/2010s The Wolfman, Olu Jacobs from Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend, Hugh Quarshie from Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend/Highlander/Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace/Red Dwarf, Jim Broadbent from Superman IV: The Quest for Peace/1995 Richard III/The Borrowers/Smilla's Sense of Snow/1998 The Avengers/Bridget Jones's Diary/Moulin Rouge!/Gangs of New York/Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason/Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull/Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2/Paddington/The Legend of Tarzan/Bridget Jones's Baby/Blackadder's Christmas Carol and some dinks not on back door, candy a55, aids bag, banana crammer, gender offender, frooty booty, queer as a deer with a steer in its rear, hippie vegan stoner peta tree kung fu based on plants, soy boy, sodom bottom, cripple nipple wikiepeda, or i never saw em in anyhing

after logos we get title andright to da action withguys in  slum countrydroving a jeep andgetting on a place

1 guy is dead maybe and ta guy puts a grenade in his hand bt i think he's just spazzed out

plane takes off as the area blows and later Christopher Walken gets to new York or some place and this penly black kid sells him stuff

a guy comes to his door anf he gets a gun but lets him in and ants him to aid his employer in Africa to ind out about a dicator or w.e for them

he gets 15 million and is gonna be going undercover and the guy who hires him wants him to pose as a tourist

on da plane he reads a book on birs cuz da burd is da word and in there he sez he works for a nature mag and takes pictures of birds and has wine and smokes and penthouse and the africanized guy takes from him as airport tax cuz this crppy slum country is corrupt

in town a priest gives him a ride and goes through a cr-place andto a hotel where he wants a room with a shower but they get his passport and claim its returned to em when he leaves

in his hotel he pptographs out da window andsees thearmy come in a jeep w/ sirens and people scatter

a jeep takes him to the jungle and this openly africanized guy makes bird sounds and acts like hes devolved and lades him through the jungle but loses him and mutters in africaese then goes back to the jeep snd drives on the wrong side of the car

walkien returns like batman tells him in alkens jungle that guy is another a 5 5 h o le and they go back tothe hotel with brit spazzing out over not being allowed to leave the hotel to film

walken mets him and the aremy guys want him to help him come up weith a scientific name for local birds and he devolvedly maybe angrily lists some and army guy sez public drnkeness is a crime there and leaves

At night walken talx w/ brit who sez soldiers iced a kid and they filmed it but the army took out da film

after the slumnation won independence there were III guys running and 1 wanted links to the main country and kimba took over  and exiled 1 and improsioned the other

no one noes(or cars) whats going on in this squalid h-ll hole and he's not a danger to nearby lands

brit thinks walken is an agent and not a bird watcher and later walken goes to kimbas official residence that was the colonists b4 but kimba dont live there now as he had a drwam and not like dat 60s commie, and lives in the garrisobn w/his men

this openly black woman sows walken da church and sez kimba is khristian andshe does this work cuz she has to and this ain't ameria

walken takes her picture for a scrap book and she was wat hes up to but wwlken sez birds r smart and migrate

at night he chocolats up his face a bit andwears blicketee black like a nija tonak around bt a guard gts him so he wacks him

when walken akes this swarm of africanized guys are around him and start beating him with sticks, then send him to ail to be beat more

but walken is a minority immigrantas most of the country is non White, tis is a hate cri9me!

he's interrogated and spazzed out but wakes with a needle and they ask why he took a phoo of the garrison with the openly black woman

a black dr comes in to treat him and ez he's being deported and that a Brit i is waiting for him, but da dr is the presient candiate wo was locked up like what THEY tried to do to Trump, and the openly black chick is one of kimbas women

he offers walken pain killers and they bring him out in a mask/chainanddrive hi off

i can see self hating Whites loving this as the White Man is oppressed by non Whites

at da airport he's slupped da flm and the bird noise guy sez u cant leave w/o ur pass port a 5 5 h o l e and laughs like an a 5 5 h 0 l e and is shipped off

In the 1st world he's all f'd up and has a lot of wounds and infections but toughs it out as hes American bada55

he meets the guy who offered him da job and sez theres no resistance and kinmbas crazy.

employer wants him to go back and send a ercenary force to kill krazy kimba but walken dont wanna so he offers 100 000 $

he meets his gf who he wnts to have a life with in a 1st world state and not soviet California with the aids bags leaking blood oop and spurn oyt their butts

after maybe b0ning her he comes home andhis tv is still on and gets hi pirate crew together with1 not wanting to see his wife get fat from prenacy cuz i guess he's one of those guys not into female expansion, and i think he's gonna get it as he's got a future

the guys gotta capture kandya55 kimba and hand hi over to the new gov andthey plan things and get weapons but theres issues they gotta F through

walken meets brit who sez kimba iced more people andsent him out and his report on the kimba didn't get much views so he wants to do something but walken sez not to try tocontact him even though i think its britmo wo gave wlke his film back

1 guy offers him good guns usefil up to 1200 feet snd walken aks if the guy as in combat but he avoids the question

walken goes to meet the new prez they'll put in and britmo gets run over by a guy driving then crashing the carr and one of walkens guys sez "taxi! diss maan neez a doc taaaa!!" like a newyorker

so the new prez fought in the independence war and wants to be rich and encourages walken to be his friend and if one of his mrn dont fight he'd nail his hair to the gates

walken sez he has enuff friends and goes and guy who employes him  sez walkens expendable

a guy ringing in the guns in pil drums is stopped by cops to check but  they let him through so he dont gotta cap hi

walken interrogates a guy with broken glass in his mouth and smacking him around and he revals he works for walkens eployer and took out the britmo at his own choice

new prez is coming onto women including a White andguy who hired walken gets a guy on da phone and sez da guys dont know whats at atatke and cant spell platinum and the guy with broken glass in a mouth who ied britmo is dead in a chair

on a boat da guys tet weapons on the sea and African warriors test macine guns on da water too like a training level in a video game like Robotech Bsttlecry

so at night they get there, take out geards and snea in like matal gear but i never played that so TMNT on GBA

they get t the bae and attack withpowered weapons but not power armr and to quote turning mecard, all h=ll breaks loose!

1 guy finds the africanized woman and she wastes him cuz he didn't take her out when he had the chance

walken faces kimba who whines so walken sends hm back to h e double Africa then shoots up his bedroom and finds the openly black wman whos not the oe who capped tat guy and got her picture taken

in the daylight a new prez comes in and finds the dr who was in jjail is the new prez and walen caps the man who would be prez and leaves

the end

hay, normal jewison produced this, nice.

but this was a pretty good movie

it starts high, and has a good start for a while, but kinda sinks in the middle, but ends with a bang

didn't expect that ending and walken goes bada55 in here

good filming and style and walken is weird as usual

good music and the film dont feel long with low drag and good flow

it holds interest and has good pacing and feel

Not too much happens but it holds your atention like Alien 1

For The Dogs Of War 2 I want the nation to be rebulding but malcontents backed by the company who wanted to take over are trying to overthrow the new prez, so he calls forth dino riders on dinosaurs in the jungle to fight em off as THEY don't want  anyone to know Evoution is fake and Dinosaurs are still around. Also its a 128 bit game where you play as a dino rider and take on  enemy troops like Golden Axe Beast Rider but good and on Dreamcast,GameCube, ps2 and xbpx.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Last Stand At Saber River Review

 Note: I review i mean spell like a cowboy

Last Stand At Saber River

This is my reviw on Last Stand At Saber River from the distant furure year of 2017 i mea 1997(10 years before Transformers Season 4)

Its directed by Dick Lowry who did  Kenny Rogers The Gambler series

It stars Tom Selleck from The Rockford Files/Magnum, P.I./Friends/Boston Legal/Blue Bloods/Myra Breckinridge/Coma/Quigley Down Under/The Shadow Riders/The Sacketts/myra breckinridge, openly vegan Suzy Amis fron butt a55 Titanic, David Dukes, not Dude I mean Duke, from Gods and Monsters/Sliders/Law & Order, Haley Joel Osment from Forrest Gump/Bogus/The Sixth Sense/Pay It Forward/A.I. Artificial Intelligence/Walker, Texas Ranger/Chicago Hope/Touched by an Angel/Hey Arnold!/Buzz Lightyear of Star Command/Family Guy/American Dad!/Drunk History/The Eric Andre Show/Robot Chicken/Kingdom Hearts, Keith Carradine from Frasier/Spider-Man: The New Animated Series/Law & Order/The Big Bang Theory, David Carradine from from Kill Bill: Volume 1\Kill Bill: Volume 2\Kung Fu: The Legend Continues\Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman\Lizzie McGuire\Jackie Chan Adventures\King of the Hill\Danny Phantom/Young Billy Young/Celebrity Ghost Stories/Taggart/The Long Goodbye, Openly Texan Tracey Needham from Coach/JAG, Harry Carey Jr. from Red River/Blood on the Moon/Gentlemen Prefer Blondes/The Searchers//The Rare Breed/Billy the Kid Versus Dracula/Big Jake/Cahill U.S. Marshal/The Shadow Riders/Gremlins/Mask/The Whales of August/Back to the Future, Part III/The Exorcist III/The Rifleman/taggart, Patrick Kilpatrick from Death Warrant/3 Ninjas Knuckle Up/Eraser/Matlock/The Toxic Avenger 001, Rex Linn from Thunderheart/Cliffhanger/Iron Will/Clear and Present Danger/Rush Hour/Blast from the Past/Ghosts of Mars/Cheaper by the Dozen/Unsolved Mysteries/Doogie Howser, M.D./JAG/Young Sheldon, Denis Forest from The Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie: Strange Brew/Dracula: The Series(Which I liked on Ytv in 199x)/Cliffhanger/The Mask/Eraser, Lumi Cavazos from Bless the Child, Raymond Cruz from Gremlins 2: The New Batch/Under Siege/Alien Resurrection/Training Day/Collateral Damage/The Eric Andre Show, and a few not on back door, candy a55, aids bag, Sodom bottom, gender offender, cripple nopple, banana crammer, soy boy, queer as a deer with a steer in its rear,hipie vegan stoner pea treekung fu based on plants wikiedia, who gets things wromg andpromotes sin.

I never sa this b4 but its ased on a book by L Ron Hubbard I Mean Elmore Leonard and was a made for TV movie on Turner

after logos we get credits to horses and riders in silhotte  over a cloudy sky

at nighr these mexicoes at a camp fire see heres a full moon and guys come up and 1 was a Confederate Hero who worked wth The Righr Honorable Nathan Bedford Forrest

Its Tom Selec who wa shot in the butt and then more cedits ad orange surise piccolo GT AF

then in this town tis chick has 2 kids whogo out b4 chores to say bye to someone andshe and some geezer modded a gun to be bette

tom rides and text sez in 1865 Texas fights for the confederacy m ten he gets to town and mom is stunned and stands there sh-tting herself for a few mins as he nears

they reunite like mermaid man and barnacle boy and its emotional loving music as they hug

that was a good movie

fr the sequel i want em to fight saaquatch

jk really he meets his kids who the young boy don now him and the bit older irl does but his baby died 3 years ago of influenza after 2 days

she wrote him letters but he didn't get em and later he got ri of his bead andvisits her grave

later his kids ask of the war and he volunteered for the Confederacy  and geezer sez General Forrest wanted him for being good with horses and mom thinks he ran away from em and Tom thinks the war is lost but son sez God's on theur side

geezer sez too much education is bad for a woman and seeing how university ruined women t feminism...

mom talx with tm about cr-p and he wants ti get working to gather cattle

mom sez she worked teaching school and didn't use the money they got selling cattle and waited for him to return

so the fam goes to Arizona and on the way, tom thinks of his dead ki and how she might be today

hen thers a stampede of moderate moving horses that tips the agon as the sky flashes wuth light from i think alens or lightening force

then cowboys come by saying lihtening spooked em and 1 sez they shouldn't be running horses at night in a storm

theres a blonde cowboy girl and his greasy gu tells off his men for runninghorses in da dark

greasy guyfinds tom is cable but not the x man and wrked for General Forrest andwanna ice him and say the union gets their land

tom sez Arizona wasn't a slave state and they say going against the union ost em and tom ulls a gun so they go

also tom sez how he didn't fight fr slave owners rhts, as the war was about the right to secede as lincon was mistreating the south like if Mussolini was evil

in daytime they get to a ranch an this lady is there i a guy called Edward like elric missing his left hand from maybe a left arm offering

ed missing an arm but no automail sides with tom and sez theres unionites in toms home and unionites are the only law there

this wagon is held up my mexicoes and he dumps the box of guns for em and leaves

tom goes to his ome and sees a yankee tryin to b0ne a chick woc wigth out consent outside on the dirt

tom kicks him away and pulls a shotgun and when they want him dead he blwos 2 out and tells a third not to come back and tell the others or w/e

tom talks to his woman and turns out she shot 1 and so did he and she's bumed over taking out yabkee filth but he was surpluss to requeirements starscream

they talk of how they met and married and she beat out a guy trying stuff with her and sed if he tries something she;d shoot him, but now she capped a guy and talks different than act

like me joking of cannibalism or inbreeding

she thinks she dont now him anymore and he sez an army of confederatrs are coming home and he dont wanna live with a woman wh dont like him and would tae her back to manly Texas

i wonder is elmore elonard is related to Anatole leonard from Robotech

later in the day the survuivor sez what he recalls of the night as he was drunk to the greasy guy and sez he wasn't ice cuz he wasn't packing heat

so these guys were raepeing a chick and drn and when they tried to kill a man, he and his fam ended em? is this Rittenhouse 0? or the Subway Hero?

as it rains outside, inside son played by the 6th sense kid, read sht eBibl and its Genesis with Enoc and such and sister thinks no one lives 850 years(dienar!!)

blonde cowboy chick hermaphrodude talks with greasy guy and its like big bang rhwory with a blodne and the same actor in charge

later a gy comes by and wants tom to run guns and he nows the war is lost and dont wanna get involved

cabe is called toget a fallen horse and its a trap and the brothers of the guys his woman capped wanna end tom for defending himself like wth Rittenhouse but not his wife as women dont gotta pay for their criems

Tom gets beat but grabs a guy, uses hi as a shield and uses the guys gun to end the othe guy, then beats out the grabbed guy

he shoots off the guys arms and leg and says "let it be a lesson to the rest of em!" then spits on him

jk really his kids ask if hes gonna ice the grabbed guy but tom sez for wife to leave til its safe

this guy i think its been Edward not elric wants tom to fight more yankees and waske em but tom dont wanna murder and thinks Forrest was a butcher as there were stories of him executing captives but really itwas the yankees doing that

tom leaves the family at the ed 1 arms place to be safe and goes back

greasy guymeets a beardo who wanted him to end cable tom and greasy guy sez da war wont last forever, also they haven't seen the guys sent for cable in a while

tom has the grabbed guy tied up in his place and cutz hi free and sez he dont wanna end him and wants peace

cowboy girl blonde talks with to and i think wants to b0ne him but he dont cuz hes married

1 arm ed talks with mom about general forrest being accused of executing 30 prisoners but theres doubts about that today, and 1 arm wants tom to return to service but mo thinks hes not a murderer

blonde talks of her mom biting it and the greasy guy left the union but plays like hes still in it

toms dad ran mustangs like tom and tom wants his son to be a brain not a hand worker

blonde smooches tom and want to seduce hi and he kinda goes with it ut stops and sez its not right and walks off

the next day he sends blonde off and this dark haired chick brings word the war ended but 1 arm ed dont believe it

tom rides in a groove in the rock and meets a Mexico who he sez he needs to use gras for his cattle but Mexico dont take him srs

greasy guy is gonna j fk him like THEY did to harambe and eps teen but dont

1 arm gors in a house and busts the place with his 1 arm and later goes to beardo about the war ending and howhe lost an arm fighting with Kirby smith and dont wanna quit

he has 2 dozen cases of i think guns, yeah its guns, and ulls out a big black gun and capps him saying people will thinkcable did it for f--kin his house and caps him for Sherman and lincons crimes

greasy guy thinks to iced him but grabbed guy thinks no cuz he only iced guys in fair fights, but greasy guy dont buy it

dark haired chick figgers out 1 armed eddy iced the guy as tom never found out the war ended but he ignores her and 

greasy guy and his droogs come by to arrest hi m for icing beardo but he sez he didn't and a gunfight breaks out with himcapping a few gys, loosing the horses, riding out, horse is falled and he takes out more

toms on the run and takes cover behind a rick anda guy fires on him as abother also fires

he runs low om ammo and fires off then runs to get his rifle on the horse but a guy is gonna cap him until wife gets him in da back

greasy guy has tom at gunpoint and sez he coulvde iced him b4 but didn't

after finding out the war is over and tom didn't know but eddy was to tell him, they see how they both got played andhead back to the town

they find edd took the daughter and ice the dark haired chick so like optimus rime and megatron teaming up to fight unicron in Armada, they go off to save the chick

tom rides on like a chase level and these Mexicans are gonna sniper him but i thin greasy guy takes em out

its a cart by 4 horses vs 1 tom on 1, so its a car vs a mototcycle

greasy guy harambe's grwsy guy and he falls off and is run over by  the wagon, but hes gonna be ok, he just needs some rest, there a hosptiatl planet nearby

tom saves his id and the horses detath from the wagon as it flies off the cliff cuz horses cant die in modern cr-p, only people

grwasy guy takes the girl and rises off antdom stays behind and these guys with guns come after himand he gets capped in the torso

the mexicoes wanna ice him and take the rifles and2 mecixoes horseride at him but he rils em

ore meixcoes come for him and he cap em too andthe mexicoes say they'll tak the riles and let him live

later girl dont wanna leave and tim comes by and sez hes gonna be ok andbrings her him at night

son thanks greasy guy for helping his dad and he riedes off and wife treats his bullet hole saying now they can live in peace, also she knew him he whole life and didn't expect him to change

she asks of fort pillow and he claims they executed unarmed men(yankee propaganda) and he didn't join in but couldn't stop it

mom sez the baby bit it and she couldn't stop it and blamed herself and him and the baby would still bite it w/ or wo him

he dont know why he went to war but regeted leaving em and they make out and go inside, probably to b0ne

the end

that was pretty cool

nice action and good heart

good acting and filming

nice way of showing the confederates weren't evil like modern day revisionists try

tells a good story

i liked it

my mom likes elmore leonard books and this one was a good movie

For Last Stand At Saber River 2 I want the confederates to regroup and get aid from Japan and have samurai and ninja and yokai to attack the union to free the south, so tom teams up with a ninja, samurai and tengu and fight on missions to take out bases of unionites and lincons mutant son with Sherman and grant who plan to bring ack linco with blacv magic. In the end they beat the un ion but lincon comes back as a daemon and the heroes otta team up and beat it. Also its an up to 4 player beat em up on sega genesis, snes, tg16, atr jaguar and ba where you play as the heroes and fight american cryptids and soldiers and the bosses are in steam punk mechs with black magic runes that are used to use powers.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

The Snowman Review

 Note: I spell like a snoeman

The Snowman

This is my review on The Snowman from the distant future year to uster Keatpn of 199 27, or 2017 my 21st century numbers(the years of the malcontent uprisings in Robotech)

is directal by Tomas Alfredson who did the 2010s Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Is stars Michael Fassbender from 300/Jane Eyre/X-Men: First Class/Prometheus/12 Years a Slave/X-Men: Days of Future Past/Assassin's Creed, Rebecca Ferguson from the 2014 Hercules with the rock (which was kinda cr-ppy)/the Dune remake, Charlotte Gainsbourg fr9om Independence Day: Resurgence, Val Kilmer fronm Top Gun/Willow/Thunderheart/Tombstone/Batman Forever/the 1996 The Island of Dr. Moreau/The Ghost and the Darkness/Red Planet/Alexander/The Thaw, J. K. Simmons from Anastasia/The Gift/The Mexican/Spider-Man 1 2 and 3/Terminator Genisys/La La Land/Justice League/Law & Order/Law & Order: Special Victims Unit/Law & Order: Criminal Intent/Justice League Unlimited/The West Wing/The Simpsons/American Dad/Robot Chicken/Ultimate Spider-Man/Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H., Toby Jones from Ever After/Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets/Finding Neverland/W./Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1/Captain America: The First Avenger/The Adventures of Tintin:The Secret of the Unicorn/The Hunger Games/Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, Adrian Dunbar from the 90s Richard III/Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, David Dencik from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo/War Horse/the 2011 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Ronan Vibert from Dracula Untold, Chloe Sevigny from Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, James D'Arcy from Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World/Exorcist: The Beginning/Hitchcock/Jupiter Ascending/Dunkirk/Oppenheimer, Genevieve O'Reilly from The Matrix Reloaded/The Matrix Revolutions/Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith/The Legend of Tarzan/Rogue One: A Star Wars Story/Law & Order: UK/Star Wars Rebels, James Clayton from Designated Survivor, and a bunch of euro trash i never saw in anything.

Its seen as cr-ppy but there were production issues and 15% of the film wasn't made

And unlike with Tommy Wiseau they didn't have infinite monies to keep going

I never saw this but wanna give it a chance


Imma review the 80s movie The Snowman cuz my left wing friend and fat bimbo gf want me to

Its from 1982 or 20 years before Astroboy and directed by Dianne Jackson wh did When The Wind Blows

Its got no actors and is based on a book by Raymond Briggs I never read

after title and credits to soft pisno snmd going through a countryside with good rotating cameras, this boy wakes up eventually and is happy for snow

i love snow and wuinter as the bugs and birds and plants go to h e double Mexico for another year

he gets dressed, greets his parents and puts n socks/boots but mom puts on a hat he drops

he sees the blank canvas of snow and walks leaving footprings and swings from a dree and makes a snowball w/ bare hands(bada55)

he throws it but it hits a window and i think mom gets mad and he walks off and makes a snowmound woth bare hands cuz hes tough like Charlie brown

after food he makes it inti a snowman and mom gives him a hat/coat to make and he uses an apple/coal for eyes/buttons and draws a smile

he goes i after uging it andlooks at it and theres a Christmas treeand tv in there

he goes to bed and rushes his tee but looks at his snowman out the window and gets in jammies and goes to bed

wat a nice day

For the snow man 2 I want a race war between men and snow men

jk its still going and was only 5 mins

at night he wakes up and is cold and looks at it but goes to bed, then ges on a coat and looks at it

at midnight,   it comes to lfe andhe lets it in and it shakes his hand andit scares the cat but he falls back and bumps the tree as the cat spazzes out

kid turns on the tree andthey loomk ant the ornaments and see reflextons and laugh at ther faces

kid shos hi tv and he's interested but he's sick from the coal fireplace and they go to thekitechen and snowman lays with the light

kid turns on sink an its hot water and snowman squeezes soap bottle and likes its bubbles

they see a cake witha snowman like him(incspuion) ad he trues different noses of fruit

after feeling the freezer i thinkkid shows snowman hia rents (does that make them his grandparents) andhe looks at their things like dentures(cuz they brittish and have ad teet) and snowman scares himself with the mirror

snowman tries on ents make up and clothesand glasses ans ppe and perfumebut is gona sneeze sokid undreses him and brings him out which takes a bit

he sees a misc bx with a dancer that cant fit in the lid and dances in the kids room and f's with his toys and stubmpes around

snowman sees smthing out the window under a blanket and they go out tofind a mortorccle

they get out their deck and duel on it

jk really he rides it and the light is on and its a nice yelloy you dont see anyore

aer a 1st person thing of going through the snow, wego through a woods abd thers animals and a horse?!whats going on?!

snowman has rickets after the ride and they go to some building and he goes in  a box like a freezer that has a glden light thats wonderful and find a piture of blue skys and white snow

snoeman runs with kid and they fly in the air over the countryside and a wonderful song plays of walking in the air

this just went dbgt

othwr snowmenfly wth em ad they go over the seas and they see a boat with a party

how fast are they goin?

u think they are n the north pole or something and wait n therw a little gir who sees him fly by and holds a santa picture

they go on and past the sea and ice and go by a massive whale tail

the snowman va amson and sally!

then thers penguins which are the south pole an d they see the northern lights of neon and land by a woods

they come to a gathering of snowmen and Santa is there and thetparty like its the 20th century or 19th and dance and snowmen ea(do they have digestive tracts?)

theres also a cowbow snowman wit a gun i assume fom America and a scttsman snowma in a kilt snow scottsman

after dancing with snowmen, Santa gets the kid in the reindeer stalls and gives hi a present, a scarf(you dont ant clthes for Xmas)  and re snowemanflys back with the kid to his home wth great animation

kid wav bye to nowman then they hu and he goes in and anowma returns to his 1st position and kid goes to bed

later kid wakes up and gets on a robe and comes dow but sees his snowman meltedor something and is a pile, but is footprints are there from last night and he has the scarf rom Santa

then credits tp a piano tune of te walkin in the air

the end

that was wonderful

i only saw this oce before and it was quite good

wholesome and pure and innocent

wonderful animation and drawn like a chilsrens book

i assume the snowman used up all his ki and fell apart after his night aventure

I'mglad to see it and its got a bit of a lower but meaningful ending like when the wind blows but nt as dark

its magical and clean and has heart

For The Snowman 2 I want it to be years later and the kid it a teen and the snowman retyurns and says he faked biting it as he had to go on a mission and needed a cover Now he needs the kids help as Krampus was captured and Santa needs his help as the commies who captured him are in a place wuth hot and cold roms and they need the kid to go in the hot ones as the snow man cant handle it and open the gates in the cold rooms. Also its a 16 bit game on Sega Genesis Snes, TG16, Atari Jaguar, TG6 and GBA where you switch between the Snowman and kid now teen and solve puzzles. in some level you link together and fight bosses and ater feeing Kampus from anti magic chains, he fight a commie mech asped like stalin and mao fused.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Avanti! Review

 Note: I spell El Italiano!


This is my review on Avanti! From the distant future year to Benito Mussolini(The Italian STallion)  of 1972(40 years before Robtoech)

Its directed by Billy Wilder who did Five Graves to Cairo/Double Indemnity/Sunset Boulevard/Ace in the Hole/The Seven Year Itch/Some Like It Hot

It sars Jack Lemmon from Some Like It Hot/The China Syndrome/J FK/Grumpy Old Men/96s Hamlet/The Simpsons/97s 12 Angry Men/99s Inherit the Wind/Tuesdays with Morrie, Juliet Mills from gay a55 Andi Mack, Clive Revill from Star Wars Episode VThe Empire Strikes Back/The Transformers: The Movie/Alvin and the Chipmunks/The Transformers/DuckTales/Paddington Bear/Tiny Toon Adventures/Star Trek: The Next Generation/Batman: The Animated Series/The Little Mermaid the series/Freakazoid!/The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest/Johnny Bravo/Pinky and the Brain/Godzilla: The Series/All Grown Up!, Edward Andrews(Like BD Andrews and T R Edwards in Robotech) from Rawhide/Sixteen Candles/Gremlins, Ty Hardin from Berserk! (with oan Crwford), and a buncha italianoes and others who weren't in anything i saw or aint on back door, candy a5, beta male, aids bag, Sodom bottom, queer as a deer with a steer in its read, banana crammer, cropple nipple, soy boy, chimpus Olympus, gender offender, hippie stoner peta vegan tree kung fu based on plants Wikipedia which is wrong and begs for money like hobos.

I never saw this but Billy is pretty good

it based on a lay by Samuel A. Taylor that I didn't see

I like italnaoes and most of my friends are of that kind, probably cuz I'm Slovenian and its right next to em

At an airport this guy takes 1 private jet to a et on a flight to rome and switches clothes with a guy in the bathroom, possibly after b0ning

then credits and title showing the sky and cluds like Highway To Heaven

they get to Leonardo da vinci airport andack ez to customs he's gonna pick up a bofy but has the wrong passport so he changed clothes wth a guy

they have him taken in and he sez his dad bit it and he needed to come quick and can't sow up in golf clothes

he gets the guy he swaped with and has to go to the back of the line and sez he needs to get the body back for the service

on a train he tape records himself to come up ith a speech for his dad ad a chick thinks he's some guy

on a boat the chic is there and it turns out it is him she asked about and she knws of him and talks of pasta like the africanized guy in Forest Gump and sez she has a weight issue

In Italy he inds lunch s several hours and they b0ne and enoy and later go to their wives and his dads accident was a curve in the roads a55 and it took hours to get both bodies out

at the hotel he heard his dads back spazzed out and he was on the main floor andthinks the resort is a sham but was told of te emperor or de dechi or michaelangelo or sofia lornen staying here and getting cured

he uses da phone and the italianoes takes his bags and after it the italiano there sez people loved the dad and needs jack to sign a lot of forms to make sure verything is kosher and he didn't bite it from a disease and get a passport and be enblamed and the fam of these guy who werer f'd by the car thing want millions of lira or 3500 $

also the coffin mst be lined with zinc and Jack sez they need to get it done by mnday as Tuesday thres a big thing of the service that countless people will watch and even kiss in jer is coming and its on cosed curcit Tv

the chick comes by and jack burned his hand on cold watcer but c is warm and f is cold in Italy

chick sez shes here to get her mom and the place opens at 4 and her mom bit it in the car with his dad

she evies Americans for being Thin(Wait til you see Thev Learning Channel) and they need a 2nd coffin and jack sez to dig 1 up, as in used ones

they find chicks mom's nightgown in the dads room and jack thinks they were b0ning but italiano and chick deny it, then admit it

turns out they were b0ning for 10 years each summer for 1 month

jack calls him and slips there were 2 coffins but covers it and sez he has red tape

he sez bye to chick and covers it sayin shes an interpreter and later jack ad italiano go to the morgue and they check the bodies and jack and chic ID the bodies with an italiano guy saying italisno talk and a guy tanslating it

imagine if she looked at the body and puled off a puece and too a bite

so chick puts daffodilles on the bodies and the signer of the forms does a ritual to do it

the plac they get the something doen is closed sunday but they might get help from a guy after church

chick wants to have em berried in Italy toether but jack is b--chy andn leaves

in the hotel he listens to his 1st draf and thinks its cr-p after hearing how cr-ppy he was an teys to write a 2nd draft

an Italy guy who took his bags comes in with his pressed suit andloves America and how nice Americans are, but loves how nice they were when they deported him in a limo and 747 and window seat

he worked for the maifa and is a photographer and se jack is the sie of his dad and offers him dads clothes and sez dad agve hm a spiro agnew watch, a zippo lighter and camera plaroid and the chicks mom was a natural blonde and a good couple with him and they b0ned a lot and sam nude outside the hotel as its Europe and everyones nude there

he got a polaroids of them nude swimming and jack thins the leggage guy is up to something

italiano comes in and sez a guy they needed had an operation for a hernia and not hemoriods and theres a railroad strike and the bodies and chicka re gone

jack is on da phone and talks with his fam and wants illy Graham to do the speech for dad and italiano checks and finds the chick is in her room but wont open and they found no odues

jack goes to chicks room and she dont wanna see her so italiano unlocks itand he goes in

shes b--chy for being called fata55 and he sez guys like that and his plant has cillicone for injections and he looks around for the boies

he tells her he wants the bodies and she gets womany with needing to sleep to avoid eating and eats apples and some fluid and is onna hypnotize herself

he calls to book a dinner with chick where their rents ate and at dinner italiano has coffins found but no bodies

he seez a 90 year old guy get ou of a wheel chair and dance and he was here b4 WW1 as the place deages you liek a deviantart thing

chick comes byand they have drinks like their rents had but she dont drink and they are in their rents clothes

an Italy guy lists all the pasta and jack wants what the rents ate and chic has 1 apple and jack has dock lorange

she weighs 9.5 stone and wants to lose 3 stone, but she's only 132lbs and m gf is like 220lbs

she ha a bf shes dating for liek 18 mnths and he's in a band and making  rock musical of the titanic sink called splash

she feels guilty as they get to eat and live and the rents are in h-ll and she has 1 ravioli and talks of the nude swimming and jack gets b--chy but sez he don't mind b0ning bu not this

she sez how a guy can have 10 chicks but fi a guy is in love its back but jack sez dad was the head of a major conglomerate

she eats more food and sez their rents were kate and willy and sez how its better to be in a grave here than a cold dark placelike in the earth?!

an Italy in a hat comes by and wants to speak English as he dont want people to understand(but its eutope, everyone speaks like 8 languags) and he knows of 2 gone from da morg

jack sez thousands will be watching the service on Tuesday and they need a body and jack tries to get the info out of her

italaino sez she didn't o it but a guy there sez he did and they meet the hat guy who drive a small itlainao cr-pmobile fast and shows em where the accidnrt happened

da corpses were hugging and music played hello dollya and the hat guy shows his fam and they used to work for American forces in black market and they wanna sue em for the bodies and wants 2 millin lira over th vineyard tht was f'd by them crashing on it as it f'd the vineyard

italano wants to deal with em as they are enopolitans andjack dealt wih the teamsters union and offers 1 milliosn lira but is bartered to 1.5 then is tild their sisters are h00kers i sociat milan and he goes for 2 million lira

jac writes a check and they dotn ant it as its in dollars and they want swiss franks of yen and hat guy later drops off ac and se if he brings german marks and theyd bring bodies

jack is 40 hours w/o sleep and probably is gonna start j=rkin off but hears chick and the msucians singing and a guy sez he kept food warm for himand she sees him

she wants to send something to the service but she wants to see the sunrise but he dont wanna

they go to the water and shegets nude andack tries totalk her outta it while saying hes ok with that kinda things

she swims nude and he calls to her and eventually gets undressed to jump in

the luggage guy gets his polaroid and photographs naked jack lemmon not j=rkin off and she swims to a rock andlays naked on it

ack swims over and gets on and we see hs jack a55 and he lays on the rok with her as lggahe guy taes photos of them

she sez after her bf ran out on her and took her tv, she teid sucice by overeating and they pumped her stomach of fish and chips

soemboat coms byand she waves to em andthey cheer as its Europe and everyones naked and he covers her nips with socks and not c=cks

they go back to the hotel and he hears a nurse had a heart attack

later italiano sez he paied in german marks and got the bodie back and got three coffinsas the 1st he ordered and 2 more h got, then his nephew or w/e who went to get the liscense or w/e got caught truying to remove hi speeding tickets and the lsicense or w/e is kept as evidence, but italiano knoews a guy he can get help from

lgeagasge guy wants jack to help him get a visa to come to America and wll black male him with poloroids and his woman is sicilain and pregnant and want s to marry him(shouldn't have b0ned dat)

turns out in America he pulls out a gun at hipies hating on Amefica at a protest and got arrested when the hipies got away with it

he brings luggage guy out and the sisiclain chick is there and we saw her tanned t-ts when luggage guy went to get the photos of jack and chick, and jakcs gonna beat the gay outta him but chick comes by and finds he lost three pounds and shoudnt diet but eat more, as eating good incrases metabolism

chick wants to meet up for dinner and he sez they'll do something later

sicilian gets a guj and is gonna cie her butt buddy luggage guy and chick se for her to do chicks room and leaves

sicilain chic goes in chicks room ndbuzzers in luggage guy and when he goes in she caps him offscreen

chick rides a horse a55 cart and sees italianoes beig el italiano andeats a ot of ice cream and sees the boat of guys that saw her naked and the italianos chase her as they probably wanna b0ne her

the coroner gives her a rde and at the hotel the italiano fidns the luggage guy is iced

a dog with a lady who might be a coupe walks by chicks room and the dog goes mental as i guess it wants to eat the guy

jack sez he otta ice the luggage guy and italiano sez its taken care of and the maid did it and italiano found the photos and gives em to the jack

they bring in chicks cr-p to his room so the cops ont get her involved and jack cuts up the pictures but puts em back together

chick comes back and finds shes been moved to that jack room and she goes there and thinks he was trying to b0ne her and was the one who did that w/o asing her and he stands up naked in the tub and she sees his thing

she dont mind being a secks object and when the phne rings she answers and sez shes not the interpteter and jacks in the bathroom and they hang up thining hes b0ning her

she thinks he wants to b0ne her and he tries explaining the thing of the luggage guy and maidn and eventully the italiano sez the investigation is over and the body is gone and she can go to her own room

she feels lie a dumba55 fr thinking she was wanted and jack gets a call from blatimore (F==K YOU BALTIMORE) and after finding out chick, named miss pigget lie mrs piggy from the muppetoes, isn't the interpreter and after trying to explain, she tells the phone shes not b0ning him and is fat, but a lot of guys like that, look at the learning channel with the blobs who have boyfriens and husbands

ack sez he finds her attractive and i guess he does like chunky chicks and maybe sodomy like in violent p0rn0gaphy like berserk or castlevania on Netflix or devilman crybaby

they smooch and we cut to a chopper pilot dropping a guy off and he;s in teh state department and the heliport guy is eating pasta like hes italiano or something

and wheres chef boy ar dee? shouldn't he be in this?

so pasta eater sez its lunch and no one lands here and state department guy sez "this wouldn't happen in the old days" and pasta man sez "Yuo remember Mossolini??"

in bed in undies ack and chick eat nd jack sez they gotta recall terf as it got too much lead paint and he swears at ralf nader

jack asks if his dad gaive her mom money and she sez her mom worked or 1lbs a day in tips and lived at a hotel and she didn't want his money cuz they had love

italiano calls and sez they caught siciailn chic in a boat andthe udge whos b0nin the same chick as itlanos cousin had a strone and they need a new one and there no export liscence

so jack has to delay the thing he sez he needed to be on time for the whole movie and they'll stay a few days

pasta man rops off the gov guy and does a fascist salute as Mussolini is popular even today and  calls the ack and sez hes here

his name is jojo like the anime guy and has to be done fast as he ogot eisenhowers in France tonight and goes to see him

jack and chick clean up the room and eventually joo finds it and italiano sez they had bn franklin stay here and asks if theres gonna be a war in the id east as he's offered a job in damacus

jojo sez the area is a powder keg and to take the other job but aftr hearing its in nw ryork, sez th amascuz one is better and goes in

chick fakes being an itlaino ho works as a nail cleaner and is working n his nails and joo thinks she's b0ning jack

italiano sez shes his neivce and jojo backs off and sed if she was 20lbs lighter she mightn've been b0ning

jack sez they were at the xmas party with jojo as batman and jojo sez he got a slip through by appointing him to a diplomat thing and they dotn discimate on age or health or race

jojo gos to the toilet to clean his hans, i assume in the bowl, and jack suggest they send luggage guy in the coffin as his dad and stash his dads and chicks mom in the plot in the italnainos family thing

they gotta wait til 4pm as lunch is several hours and til the morg opens and jojo is offered a mud bath to help his limp d0ng

in th italiao plot they agree to call em willy adn kate Carlucci and they put em in as they are 1 big family

itanlaino brings the luggage guy over and ack sez he alway wanted to go bac to America and jojo has a swearing in ceremony for the body

theres 2 guards dressed like Napoleon andjojo gives akc his dads diplomatic passport fro the sea eye eh and jack sez bye to chick and she sez she be thin when she sees him again btu eh dont want her too cuz hes into chubbers

he goes off in a chopper as i sing the Jurassic ark theme and credits roll

the end

that was pretty good

sutle humor and good refs

nice acting and a fun story on red tape and italianoes

din't xpect them to get naked and see a jack a55, but we didn't see his footlong flopping around like a dangling arm fter getting nearly sliced off

good color and even though its in widescreen its not ruined

it goes by at a steady pace but fast and don't drag

not much really happens but it holds interest

I liked it and Billy Wilder did well on it as usual

For Avanti! 2 I want it to be the chick getting ready to meet him again over a year and her constant overeating as she fattens up big and soft. Then when she meets him, she's like 500lbs and he likes it and hey get married. Also its an 8 bit mini game collection on Sega Master System, Game Gear, NES, Game Boy, TG16, Atari 7800 and Lynx, where you play as the chick and gdo mini games to eat and enfatten like a pig in slop.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

The Trolls And The Christmas Express Review

Note: I spell trolly

The Trolls And The Christmas Express

This is my review on The Trolls And The Christmas Express from the distant future year (to The Italian Stallion Napoleon) of 1981 (30 years b4 Robotech season 01 and Transformers The Headmasters)

Its diected by Mel Waskin who's not on back door, aids bag, Sodom bottom, gender offender, cripple nuipple, frooty booth, banana crammer, soy boy, beta mmale, hippie vegan stoner peta tree kung fu based on plants Wikipedia, who thinks Niah's Arc was fiction but j fk was 1 guy in a builing.

It stars Hans Conried from The Great Dictator/50s Peter Pan/50s The Woody Woodpecker Show/Sleeping Beauty/The Bullwinkle Show/Gilligan's Island/the 70s Horton Hears a Who!/Dr. Seuss on the Loose/Halloween Is Grinch Night/Oh, G=d! Book II/The Trolls and the Christmas Express, Don Megowan from noting i saw, Helene Stanley from 50s Cinderella/The Snows of Kilimanjaro/Sleeping Beauty/One Hundred and One Dalmatians/Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier, Roger Miller from disneys Robin Hood/Sesame Street/Nestor, the Long–Eared Christmas Donkey, Paul Soles from 60s Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer/60s Spider-Man, Len Carlson from 60s Spider Man/Care Bears/The Raccoons/C.O.P.S./The Legend of Zelda the cartoon/Beetlejuice the cartoon/X-Men: The Animated Series/The Busy World of Richard Scarry/Monster by Mistake/Donkey Kong Country/Rolie Polie Olie(looks like a gamcube game)Corduroy/Beyblade V-Force(ew)/Cyberchase, Billie Mae Richards from 60s Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer/60-s Spider-Man/udolph's Shiny New Year/Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July/Care Bears/My Secret Identity/Rupert, and Carl Banas from Babar: The Movie/60s Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer/Rocket Robin Hood/60s Spider-Man/The Raccoons/Hello Kitty’s Furry Tale Theater/Babar/The Busy World of Richard Scarry/Dumb Bunnies.

I saw this as a 90s kid and thought it was good bu avent seen it in yoears

so as Xmes nears these trolls walk through the snow whining and saying the plan wont work

narrator sez trolls dont like xmas and we get a title and the lead troll wans to run xmas  and the ret0-rded one forgot they hate xmas cuz the trolls

25 days il xmas and the elves were making thousand thry jave a hristma xpres to bring the toys as santa and his head elf find theres 1 elf who chex 1x a day and gives em love

the trolls see santa flying in the sky, soar up high, fly anywhere yy want to, shining fingers

the trolls sneak in an i gotta say, theres some good animation, and they take elf clothes hanging on a thing anf think they can be mistaken for elves bywearing theit clothes

as someone who plays D&D I gotta day, anyone with a bain knows an elf from a troll, and elves are smart

but not these elves a they cant tell and i guess they guess "if the are here they must be elves"

thry go in the reindeer stalls and the deer elf wants to work full time in da shop and not shoveling reindeep waste and bruhing the parasites out their hair

the trolls say they are here to replace him to look after reindeer andhe's glad and leaves and the trolls mock him

head troll yells at the other trolls like he's Megayron andwants to make everyone say and b==chy like them or feminists and they got 25 days

Santa looks at a calandar and December starts on a Tuesday hereand the elves sing a song in cartoony oices of making toys

spoiler; this came out in eagain year 001and Reagan delegulated rh3 hings so we can have toy based cartoons

the trolls use magic to mutate the toys and the elves fix em with magics as elves are better mages than trolls

so this whole section is pretty much a montage like in an 80s movie, waut, it is!!! andafter the work the have firewors and its Dec 25

the elves made it and things seems like its gonna be a Merry Christmas but th trolls are disgruntled and in the reindeer place

santa come in and se to get rest as is work tmorrow and leaves and the head trpll sez xmas is toys and they plan to stop the reindeep who are no  sentient in here and plan to sing and make noice all night to keep em up

we get a song of the trolls singing of how cr-ppy they are its like a redneck thing that santa thinks is weird nd sends that elf to shut em up

also theres miceand a cat and blue birds, probably from The Garden Of Eden/Avalon up in the North Pole

the silencing elf in attack mode gets sidelined to hel the xmas express and is carried off as the trolls oarty all night long like lionel Richie o lion-o in thnder cats

after hours of singing te trolls are tired andeveryone falls asleep but its xmas and the sun is up and head troll sez xmas is ruined

wait, isn't it night for a month then up there?

santa gives a speechand the raindeer is tired and the elf screwed up but santa is gonna use em and takes up to the great white north butthe are too tired and/or high and scre up and ata goes down

give em coke or pepsi, that'll get em going

or show em sexy rendeer chics so they get b0ners and the heartrate/blood flow increases

santa sez xmas is ruined andits not y the soviets, ules the trolls are representing them, andthe reindeer sleep

a slap in the face wakes people up, mythbrustrs usdd it for sobering up

1 elf sez to use the Christmas express lie that Zelda ds game andthey';ll link to railroad trax all over the world

what about the ocean? is this a flat earth thing?

they sing and use magic to summon tracks and da trollz hear it and findwhat santas dooing and they use troll magic to f it up

how are the elves outrunning the train if he epects to get around the world in 1 night?

so the tracks go back to the Christmas Town as they curved and santa sees they are not elves

they come out about being trolls and gloat of  winning at ruining Christmas like a postal union goin on strike to force the gov to give in to their demands by holding a Hodiday Hostage

cuz nithing makes people like you, like ruining Christmas

they say they wanna ruin mas cuz people pushes em around and makes em live undfr bride and others are happy and it p-sses em off

thry tried for years to ruin xmas and now they dd but Santa sz if people knw how they felt they'd like em but th rolls say people never liked em

Santa has the elve sing Deck The Halls and 1 part is Troll the ancient yule tide carol as Troll means to sing or play happy

like gay means happy, or an a55 is a donkety or a faeggot s a bundle of sticks

Santa sez trolls used to be part of Xms and people can like em but main troll sez impossible, its too late

Santa offers em a chance to help but main troll don't wanna and the other do, they we get a country song oftrolls and enlves maing the xmas express until head troll dances and turns good and returns and is happy

narrator sez everyone ;ikes xmas even trolly and the train goes arund da world but its a round earth which isn't scientiffi ally acvurate to Flat Earthwers

the end

that was retty good

i like it

its like 20ush mins and has good views

its not mean or judgemental, but shows the trolls lost their way

like people who turn against what they liked from misinformation and people mistreating em for not understandfing

they were welcome the whole time and fought it as they wee mialead

its a good lesson on people turning on their faith/race/gender/orientation after being told its bad

this predicted it

good animation and voicing and the music was nice

its well animated and has that early 80s earthy style thats not all hd and cr-ppy

i liked it and had some negative feelings the day I wrote this but gelt better after a xmas concert and it revived my spirits

this is a fine film and gave on hbo when that was a thing, efore the Sopranoes

For The Trolls And The Christmas Express 2 I wanta swarm of anti Christmas malcomtenmts to attacl, so the elves use maic to blow em apart, then their pieces eform as they sold their souls to demons for power and into a big flesh golem and te trolls go to Avalon in The North Pole to get Dinobeasts to take em on. Also its an 8 bit mega man like game on nes, game by, sega master systm and game gear, tg16, Atari lynx and 7800 where you lay a the elves and efnd the Chriatmas Town from hi[pies and junkies and commies, and later as the Trolls getting to the dino beasts and fighting yokai and cryptids and ufo and alien and daemons on the way there, then the final battle is the dino beat vs the flesh golem in an epic battle.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The Gakuen Choujo-Tai Review

Note: I spell like a super highscholer

The Gakuen Choujo-tai

This is my review on The Gakuen Chojo-tai from the dustant future year of 1991(20 years before Robotexh Season 1 and Transformers The Headmastets)

Its directed by Satoshi Dezaki who did some eps of the 1980 Astro Boy/The Carol OVA/Mad Bull 34/Both Riki-Oh OVA's

Its based on a novel by Tadaaki Kikuchi who dd planning on Devilman Lady/MazinKaiser/Mazinkaiser vs. Great General of Darkness and was a homie of Go Nagai

It stars Masako Katsuki from Dragon Ball Xenoverse/Apocalypse Zero/00s Astro Boy/Jushin Liger/Bleach/Case Closed/gay a55 Digimon Tamers/Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei/Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball GT/Fist of the North Star/Fist of the North Star 2/Genocyber/Gungrave/Inuyasha/Iron Virgin Jun/Lily C.A.T./Mad Bull 34/Naruto/Ninja Scroll(tv ad movie)/One Piece/P=nty & Stocking with Garterbelt/Pocket Monsters: Diamond & Pearl/Pokémon/Pokémon Advance/Pokémon Chronicles/Pokémon XY & Z/Sailor Moon/Shaman King/Super Dragon Ball Heroes/Toei Yu-Gi-Oh!, Miki Ito from 00s Astro Boy/Jushin Liger/Cardcaptors/Carol/The Demonic Beast Front aka Maju Sensen Aka Magical Beast Front/Dragon Ball GT/Dragon Ball Super/Dragon Ball Z/The Jungle Book: The Adventures of Mowgli/Pokémon/Pokémon Advance/Pokémon XY/Pretty Cure/Sailor Moon/Sailor Moon S/Sailor Moon Sailor Stars/Super Dragon Ball Heroes/Transformers: The Headmasters/Wedding Peach, Yuko Mizutani from Angel Cop(f==k and p=ss)/Magical Beast Front AKA Maju Sensen AKA The Demonic Beast Front/Digimon/Excel Saga/Inuyasha/cr-ppy a55 Kirby: Right Back At Ya!/Mobile Fighter G Gundam/Mon Colle Knights/My Neighbor Totoro/Pokémon XY/Power Stone/Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal/Real Drive/Samurai Pizza Cats/Sword for Truth/Urotsukidōji II: Legend of the Demon Womb/Wedding Peach/Yu-Gi-Oh! GX/Zatch Bell/Zillion, Koji Tsujitani from 3x3 Eyes/Black Lion/Case Closed/Eureka Seven//Genocyber/Gorillaman/Inuyasha/Monster Rancher/Sailor Moon Sailor Stars/Saint Tail/Street Fighter II V/Mew Mew Power/Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust/Escaflowne, Michie Tomizawa from Black Lagoon/Cutey Honey Flash/Delinquent in Drag aka Oira Sukeban OVA/Dominion Tank Police/Genesis Climber Mospeada(Roboteh season III)One Piece/Sailor Moon/The Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross(Robotech season 2)Vampire Hunter D/Toei Yu-Gi-Oh!/Zillion: Burning Night, Yasunori Matsumoto from Megaman X4/Black Lion/Cyber City Oedo 808/Delinquent in Drag AKA Oira Sukeban OVA/The Demonic Beast Front aka Magical Beast From AKA Maju Sensen/Dragon Half/Eureka Seven/Fullmetal Alchemist/Getter Robo: Armageddon/Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex/The Hard - Bounty Hunter/InuYasha the Movie 3: Swords of an Honorable Ruler/Kama Sutra/Ki*Me*Ra/Mad Bull 34/Mobile Suit Gundam Seed/Naruto/New Cutey Honey/Ossu!! Karate Bu/Pokémon/Pokémon Advance/Pokémon: Black and White/Pretty Cure/Riki-Oh: OVA 1/Samurai Pizza Cats/Slayers/Urotsukidoji II: Legend of the Demon Womb/Urotsukidoji III: Return of the Overfiend/Urotsukidoji IV: Inferno Road/Violence Jack Evil Town, 

I never saw it b4 but slimmed a few mins and it looked cool

it starts with a scrsam in a dark city and this japanee school girl; loks for Okeo and sees a huge dinobeast holding her

it stomps at her but shes protected by another gail mai ho throws it and sez 1st girl is Yumi and whines of being called beatly by her

Yumi powers up and flysat the monster and fires a ki blast at the monster, blowing off its head an damaging her uniform.

its not dead somehow and black ki rises from it to forma shadow guy and Yumi's psychic ki runs out and she cant ki blas t now

then shes in a dark area and wit turns out when light retuerns, its class and shes in a different uniform and screams realizing its a vision

then we get a stats screen w/ da characters and Yumi Sudo(Like Sudo in Violence Jack Evil Town?) at Yamashiro Academ ha 4 pychic powrrs, pstchokenesis, teeport, levitate and clairvoyance(o krebons in the American version) but none are mastered

Keiko Okura, aka Okei, has telepathic powees that dont work on everyone

Mai Isiki, kid of the head of tge Ihiki corp, powera up when mad like in dbz

as the trio walks okei thnksyumi' vidion is cr-p and yumi sez oki's telepathy s-cked and they bicker

then title

at a pychic power tester (like a love tester? i tried that and got high marks thinking of my fat thicc gf) andthey thik psy powisnt fully understood so it cant be measured

okei sez y press a butt0n and try to get the number and mai sez it only tests pshokenetc power, bu okei tests it

the machine rolls dice and she guesses 1 and it gets it but blows and a crowd gathers and the dames run but 1 hermsphrodite looking one seems interestd

at this meeting f the esper project, the hermaphrodite looking girl has her embers to a nazi arm thig andsez their gial is Yamashiro academy

later at the academy okei goes to the roof where the other 2 eat lunch andhas a flyer of a psychic group meeying for psychics of the 21st century

ma thiks its fake but okei9  sez da directer hiro nimura is a ral esper, but mai dont wanna come as they might learn of the chicks power

okeiwhines so at the esper meeting they have a guy behind a wood wall guessing cards drawn blin dfolded andthis pretty boy with long hair likeallen schezar in Escaplowne is it and oke thinks hes hot

 pretty boy is hiro and the assistant is yu Hokuto and hermaphrodite looking chick is rika matoba but a manly guy wants her to take off her clothes, so hiro uses a darth vafde thing to kill him

he has the body brought ip and revives him with powefe he says he had from god and keeps him down with a finger on his head even though hes a ig manly Japanese teen.

What is this? Hokuo No Ken 2 with Hokuto Ryu Ken?

hiro sez this is psychkenesis and everyone has da power, then has em concentrate with him to list a chair like in DBZ and put it down and the crowd loves him as rikia looks sinieter

after school okei is gishing over him and yumi sez she an learn from his psy power, then hiro walks by with some bimbos and okei  runs up ad gushes for him

he sez to work on the power and Mai sez he might be a magician and his psy stuff was a trick but oki defens him and mai sez to rename his group the magic club and the trio leaves woth riki looking sinister

at a restaurant mai shows if u use a finger on the foregead, okei can't stand cuz she cant move her head forward and the cards might've been practiced b4 or an assistand ventriloquisted his voice. and the chair might be piano wire

okei sez the guy died but mai sez no one else checked the body and okei whines cuz she thought he would be her bf and she liks him being handsome

in a computer lab rika deletes hiros post and then at a meetung has yu rplace hm even though  he qu4stuns of hiro but she ypnotzes him to think he was directer the whole time and hiro never existed

yu goes out all gundam zeon saying they'd dominate and the people support hi but i think are hypnotized andleave with armbands and emblems like the alleged nazi's were aid to have

the trio notices tis and they see yu and wndr wheres hiro and mai goe to ask em of it

yu opens a door with a key and the trio is there and say its easy to get in fo an esper and are the Gakuen Chojo Tai, or academy super girl team

mi floats an erasrr and sez they can lidt him upside down if they wanted w/o trix and okei is using esp behind him to hold it up but stops cuz se can't hold it so Mai grabs the eraser

mai aks his real perpose and he dont know so mai bends a wrench and he sez shes a monser so she lifts him by the collar and drops him so he faints

rika omes in and sees em so mai nails her into the door out cold, but rika gets up and grabs mais throat

mai pulls he hand off and they are equal but mai is more equal and hlds rika bby the collar and asks what shes up to

another guy comes and the trip teleport off but wind up in the mens shower and theres a lot of naked men who are wearing towels

rka has guys in phantasy star enemy outfits and sez yu gave em powers to go after the tri who's photos they have on the wall

the tro gets changed and okei as a sneeze fro getting wet and yumi didn't now there was a shower behind he wall, but can only go by 1 wall with it

okei wonders of rika and mai sez she had faint psychic avs and might e an esper with hupnosis

then the phantasy star guys break in nd attack and mai fights m in her undies and oke uses a cream to knock 1 out

they get up ater a beating and then get beat aay by hiro's pychic force and he sez to stay away rom it or they'd ice him abd okei lies him

at the jyice place okie drools over him as yumi thinks he was spying on em changing but ai sez it dont add up and she dont trst him

okei beleves in him and mai asks why'd rii fake his power, but okei sez its cuz he only powers up when mad

yumi wonders why he was the leader but okei sez its to figger out heir plans undercover and is a good guy

at scool later okei went off on her own for lunch andlooks fr hiro but cant fnd him and heard he went 2 da roof with a pretty girel

mai boned up on hir and not by b0ning lie da soviets and gaijin do and he recently transferred to her and as from a school with rika so theres a connection

on da roof oei hears hiro sayin he dont wanna do cr-p with rika andshe sez he has to die and tells him to climb the fence to hupnotize him and he starts

okei pulls him bac and sves him andrii cimes over with her hand out

in the field they hear okeis psyhic scream and the 2 girls go up and fundhiro out cold and no okei.

after hiro wakes up hesz ria idnappd her and should have told em of rikas darkness and she wants to tae over da academy

oei is i a glass tube in a lab and riki sez its strong glass  and her scream dont work as its psychic roof  and she knows of her strng psychic power

the esp tester as by her and yumi is 1 in a million super espr and  the other 2 will be here and she'd hypnotize em

at hiros mansion he sez this is his fault and wats to go with em but the chix say its too dangerous but he nows where they hve her andthey go

won their parens worry of em?

they go to some compound andits got bars, walls,ameras and high vlage electric fences and yumi telepoerts em past the high wall

theres mines aeobd the bulding sp ymi hovers ver it and carrys em on her back like the nimbus in dragin ball

thy cant brea the glass cuz an alarm will o off(sounds right) soyimi space folds em through it her is running put, but hiro givs em transmitter braceles to trac eac other if loat

mai arrys yumi and they go to the basement and theres no gurds as they didn't espect their defences o be passed but thry go in da lab and its a trap

rias and oei are there and guards catch yumi and bac hand down mai andbea on her as the bracelet stops her psychic powers as old by hiro

okei sez she tought hiro was cool andika shows he's her man and it was all a trick to get em 

they tae em to an perating room in undies straped to tables and hiro is gonna lobotomy em to make em loyal like j fk's dad di to his sdaughter

mai overpowers he psychic bam amd beaks out throshiro away ad punches the control thing to free the other 2 ad tells e to remove the bracelets

riia sends her gona in and mai beats on em as oke scream attacks e down

mai's bra is pulled off and tey put on clotes,but now sge's gonna bounce hen se runs, snd rika gets on a helmet andfigys mai and buts their clothes and background untul mi throws her at a wall

rika presses a button on the helmet and goes stroner anclashes with rika as the helmet mkes her 100x stronger like ss2 and throws her around

yumi uses a phy boost helmet and flys andblasts a ke attack a rikas helmet and mai nails her and the elmet cmes off

mai goes up and grabs rka by the head, lifts her u with 1 hand, and cushes it in a spray of blood ad her eyes fly out

wait, that hokuto no ken, really she pulls off her outfit andbegs for mercy sayig se wont do it again

okei blasts her with psychic scream and yumi's clothes are burned

hiro wakes up andokeiyells at him sychic scrwam and his head lows off, i mean he faints

so wai, they had a big science basse? how, wheres they get the money?

late rits after school and yumi is happy for flying lie a hero at high powr and the dragn in her dream and gost was hiro and the helmet can make her a superhero fighting for world k=peace

but the girls ay she cant contro her powr and will blow off her clothes and show her thicc a55

yumi poinys out okei whined for hiro and she sez there other gitls on eman guys

yu comes over and sez hu=iro and rika vainished and the society needt them to lead em in psychic cr-pbut they run off and he chases and they jump in the air, it freezes and an 80s/90s song plays for creits

the end

that was good

nice, fun, lite and good story

unlike bridesmainds, it shows female lead stories can be good if you mae the girls likable

unlike the modern cr-p and degrassia nd such

go vicing and acination and story and the music works

its pretty positive and fun and i had a good time with it

And I lied how all the characters looked and felt different and unique.

for The Gakuen Choujo-tai 2 I want it to be years later and the gov has enlisted em as psychic warriors an its wwIII after the soviets attacked. Also its a magical girl thing where they use scjience to summon new outfits and fight soviet and maruta onsters that attac Japan. also its a 16 bit game on sega genesis snes, tg16, Atari jaguar and gba where you play as up to 3 girls and fight matura and soviets who attack Japan.