Thursday, July 25, 2024

Money, Women And Guns Review

 Note: i spell like i got a gun in my a55

Money, Women And Guns

This is my review on Money, Women And Guns from the distant future year to stalin  of 1958 (20 years before the global cucil war in Roboteh)

Its directal by Richard Bartlett wjo did nothing i saw

It stars Jock Mahoney fro Santa Fe/The Texas Rangers/Joe Dakota, Kim Hunter from Streetcar Named Desire/Planet of the Apes/Beneath the Planet of the Apes/Escape from the Planet of the Apes/The Rockford Files. Gene Evans from Ace in the Hole/The Giant Behemoth(that one s-cked)/Shock Corridor/The Alamo: 13 Days to Glory/M*A*S*H/The Shado Raiders/Gold Of The Seven Saints, Tom Drake not Tim Drake who got turned or w/e from Batman, from Our Town/The Great Rupert/the 50s Warlock, Lon Chaney Jr from Manfish/My Favorite Brunette/The Ghost of Frankenstein/The Wolf Man/Of Mice and Men/Jesse James/law of the lawless/Young Fury/Town Tamer, William Campbell from Hush… Hush, Sweet Charlotte/60s Star Trek,  Jeffrey Stone from dosney's Cinderella, James Gleason from The Night of the Hunter, Phillip Terry who was married to joan Crawford, from Marie Antoinette,, Richard Devon from Planet of the Apes/The Seventh Sign, Ian MacDonald from White Heat/The Texas Rangers/Apache/50s Warlock, Don Megowan from  The Story of Mankind/Blazing Saddles, and sme guy i never saw in anything

according o candy a55, beta male, sot boy, frooty booty, banana crammer, gender offender, aids bag, whale kissing Dukakis hugging moon maiden, soy boy, monkey junkie Wikipedia, it was filmed in September 1957, its release was delayed for over a year. The song, "Lonely Is The Hunter," written and performed during the opening credits by Jimmy Wakely, suggests that it may have been a working title, and the final one a last-minute change.

Amd its Lo Chaney GX's lasy film  foe IUnivrsal

after logo and an opening song  showing a pnting of a man on s horse and other coeboy things in widescreen and cilor, we see these guys on horses but not b0ning em like brony's  gingacross a plnt covered area of hills

they got goldand wait the guys ice a guy with gold but in a gunfight 2 of the trio get capped

wait, he dont gets iced and caps the guy, wait he got cappe and his homie comes for him as he writes something on a book and tells him hes already dead and gold guy cant talk and points to a thing he wrote on and how 1 of te trio gotta way

and then, he died, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

in town some guy say silver ward hogan  weho a famous detective and wears silver

silver coms in and i think is jock and people are glad to see him and hes called in for a 50 000 $ case to findthe gold guy who got bushwacked and wrote a will to say he'd give his claim to these guys and whoever finds the third man and to a guy amed judas like in Magical Beast Front

the job guy sez the killer might be 1 of the ones amed on the list and might not be the thrird brother of the 2 who got it, but if he dont solve it he'd be paid for his time

so its a murder mystery? like the ones with Candice Cameron or lacey Chabert?

so e goes out and looks around and a guy comes at him with a knife but he pins him and sez he saw him following him 2 day ans asks why

the guys a bounty hunter after the dough and they talk and how this guy brigs isn't probsbly the man

they sorta team up but are rivals and ulie modern films, wont fall in love and b0ne, unlike the fan fics the yaoi dinks do

they meet up eith brugs who looks like a sasquatch and ask about judas and he seems nice but judas might be jude or jud but1 jud bit it and his brither bart is around and he thinks someone iced him as he aint been around

also brigs didn't know gold guy named ben Merriweather like ubcle ben in spider man and Nicholas Merriweather aka arch hall sr

brgs cant read like hes a homie and thinks the brigs on the paper might be another brigs an then jock silver is ditched by bountry hunter

so jock silver goes t davif kingman oy vey i could just plots mein kamph and  finds a naked man ait its jock and hes bathing in the river

a ladygets im a gunpoint whenhs not looking and sez she knows how to use it

she fires in the water and blows off his man thing

jk really its a warning shot and he talks hr into letting gi  get dressd abd he asks if shes Dorothy a girl he loved in grade school and she sez shes not ad is mrs kingman

he gets dressed and sez hes looking for David and is investigating a murder

dvid kingman bit it and theres David jr lie piccolo jr, garlic jr, goku jr, cell jr, vegwta jr and xicor jr and also davids dad

David goes in and has whipporill peas and dave jr is liking main guy the silver jock and jock talks of the gold guy and grandpa read of it in the paper

jr gets a newspaper t sign and jock sez the paper tells lies and jr sez he saw gol gy when mom was in the bak or store or w/e and lies about not knowing what they talked of but then sez the truth about wanting red boots and telling how santa was gonn a get hi em and he told gold guy where he lived and who his dad was

mom sez after jr leaves that jr knew they couldn't afford the red boots but hoped for santa

at night he offers a walk with chikc but she sez no and they both say they have guns by their pillows

he goes in the kitchen for more peas and chick aims a gun at hi  but after he tells her she gets him food and he sez he likes this as its better than hotels he likes a midknight snack

he sez he got a bounty on him for 5000$ and they talk about how she dont look as much like his childhood crush

the next day he is going out nd sez he was feeling tapped and isn't a hand working man and she sez he's welcome here if hes in the area

he gives her a silver bullet for davey as a Christmas present and goes on and talks to a guy who dont know any of the suspects but 1 has a bit of land after prison and went straight but the guy doubts him

he meets a chick who has asthma and is with a guy named clint like back door billy and his woc with out sinsent acts

clint sez he didn't ice ben gold guy and is kinda disgruntled and claims to ot kknow any of the guys on the list but knew gold guy who iced a guy claiming its self defence and was there so he didn't get lynched

they were cellmates and ben was not good and his woman got him to go stfaight and not as in he used to b0ne guys like in that svu how those guys b0ned guys but didn't think they were queer

jock sez to the sherrif or we he found him but he didn't do it and sherrif or w.e the guy who told of Clinton being bad from jail is gets a message an i cant read much of it in cr-ppy handwriting

in his shack clint sez his calf is dead and he needs to get em away as theres a lot of dust but she sez not to give up

he sez he wants to do it better like in soviet California and he ants to go back to crime and thinks hes cursed and she sez if he goes back to crime she'd leave him

we're like an hour n, i though we were closer to the end

so clint worries for his woman and gets his gun and then its the next day and something was robbed and they think its clint and the sherrif and his droogs and jolck go after him

they go to his place antell him to come out buthis woman sez hes not there and jocke sez to hold ur fire and goes in to check

as the guys come in, the doors close and the place bursts into flames andshe laughs evilly

jk really she sez clint is out probably fixing fences and often leaves w/o telling her and sherrif is hard on her and not having a h=rn Qn but jock defends her

clint comes back unarmed and sez last night he robbed the thing and  sez he saw t as the only way and se hugs him and crys

he revealed he stole mail and in it wasa check fro ben gold guy who left him 50 000 $ and had he waited another day he'd be ok

he tells get to get to soviet alifrnia and how he came back to get her the check andto wait for him and he sez ben almost made i an hostst man

he has jock make sure his woman gets out safe and when he gets back he sez how he found 2 heirs including jr and clint andhow ben saved job iver and iced a guy to do it

jr comes in and his mm is executor for the money and its a mustery why en did things

they check jr's moms horse and it slit a shoe and jock and jr do blicketee blaksmithing with jr having red boots and how his wishes are coming true

a guy sezif they invest in beef ranching jr's investment can doyble andthey meet i think bounty hunter who helped mom and jr

jock jr and mom go by this house the jr wants and se sez grandpas too old and davey is too young but they might hire a guy

jock ants to et supplies and sez how she might be wanting im as her man abd she gets b--chy over it

some indias come by and ok talks with em with each thinking the other race was gone fron there and he goes t see a guy called henry

they go to a fort and its f'd out and theres a poker game in there cuz they didn't invent Yugioh yet

henry is a player and not like homies mean and he tells his other player to have the reds stay around

he gts some booze to joxk who talks with im of ben gold guy and how henry did prospecting for him and got rich

henry not on ree ike the lower evolved say sezben took his clsim, registed in bens name, and aimed a gun at hi and thats the last he saw of ben

the beer was made of mineral spring water and henry sends him to a place to spent the night in 10 miles

henrys homie sez its the other way around with the ben henry issue as i think henry took his claim andjock gets back to town

wait its another town and he wants Mexico food as he wants to p-ss out his a55

he talks with a guy about someone and a banker sezhow a guy might ask for withdrawling mor money than the bank has

henry and lon chaney gt talk aboutthe letter and ben and how lon checked the letter b4 him and read it and how enry otta go in and get it or let him get it

lon wins hi over and offacreen gets the money and heads south and ok thinks enry got iced by lon chaney abd wont be a werewolf when the moon comes out

the Indians mert ock and finds henru ait seen for days and when they get to the farm base fort w/e find him playing cars wthln and the reds thought ock iced him

lon sez he was gonna steal it but its more fun to win it in cards and theres 1 name left on the list jess

he goes to a saloon and asks a guy about judas who dont anna tell him and wants 25$ but really wants a share in the reward for 1/4th

ock offers 50$ and is told judas is upstairs and he goes up to find jess whos the brother of the guys iced and i thought it was udas but not really

he sez he has an alibi but e's a cripple from a bullet and has dwad legs from his brothers capping him and he aint seen em in 2 years

main guy jock silver hogan andbounty hunter head back at night and hunter sez hes on the wrong trail and knoew hes up to something

joc sez he gave it to men who might've stole it and saved em from themselves as they'd be beta males

hunter sez he tik it might be one of Cassidy's bunxh (like butch Cassidy?) andgoes off for fire wood

then sez "how'd you know the muels name is judas" andhunter fires on him but hesaway and hunter trys sneaking away in the river

jock sez if he knew the mue he knew ben andthis is a really bright night

jock sez hunter was one of the bush wackers and fire near him and sez he dont wanna ice him

hunter sez ben bought his clsim and sed its empty but got rich from it and he wanted his clain but the brothers fired on ben but he didn't

joc fights him in the water and catches him but finds that hunter is actually brigs and will testify for him and help him get a good deal

alo hunter was gonna ice him if he got too close but jock forgives him and later jock offers to work with chick mom of jr and they go for a moon light densetsu i mean walk

the end

that was quite good

a nice detective movie in the 1800s with soem clean wholesome themes

good twists and the accused wasn't all bad and it had more positive things to it

good acting and the color and music wa good and it tells a good story

its more lite despite darker themes, kinda like sailor moon, and has a bit of a positive feel

sorta like those crossword or aurora teagarden things but ore 1800s

it feels longer than it is but doesn't bore, it holds attention and yo wanna see where it goes

i liked it and it was a good wat, its only like 80 mins but 2 house on Grit with adds

For Money, Women And Guns 2 I want it to be about clint geting outta jail later and his journey to California, but finds these ancient temples in the wastelands that were melted to look like rock formations, and figjts armadillo people in them wo wanna eat him as they were made by demons experimenting in genetic wtxhcraft and dont wan their existance revealed. Also its a 32/64 bit game on N64, ps1, Sega Saturn and Panasonic 3d0 where its like Zelda Ocarina Of Time where you go through hidden temples and waste cryptids and legendary tings and mutants.

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