Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Rabbit-Proof Fence Review

 Notw: I AM The Rabbit! As I was born in 87

Rabbit-Proof Fence

This is my revbiew on  Rabbit-Proof Fence from the distant future year to Zee Kaizer of 2002

Its directed by Phillip Noyce who did The Bone Collector and is baeed on a 96 book by Doris Pilkington Garimara that i never read

It stars David Gulpilil from Crocodile Dundee 001/the 2008 Australia, Jason Clarke from Zero Dark Thirty/the 2013 The Great Gatsby/Terminator Genisys/First Man/Oppenheimer, Kenneth Branagh from Chariots of Fire/Much Ado About Nothing/Mary Shelley's Frankenstein/1995s Othello/Wild Wild West/The Road to El Dorado/Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets/Dunkirk/Death on the Nile/Oppenheimer/Shackleton//Walking with Dinosaurs/World War 1 in Color, Garry McDonald from Moulin Rouge!, and a bunxha guys i never saw n anuthinh else or aint in back door candy a55 banana crammer, aids  bag, Sodom bottom, frooty booty, gender offender, hippie vegan stoner peta tree kung fu based on plants soy boy beta male Wikipedia

Its based on the the soviet Australian gov did to the 1st people of that dark continent and proves Australia s=cked back then too

they don't like freedom of speech or property rights or letting people watch movies the gov dont like or p0rn0, even the normal sruff with 1 living human adult  White male and 1 living human adult  White female

i saw this b4 and tought it was well done, bt now dislike that candy a55 commie land of kangaroo monkeys more so imma rip it a thisd a55

also; new Zealand s=cked too. they anned power rangers as its "too much" for em

can they/them watch care bears? No Heart was pretty scary, when ur 5!!

after logoes and credits and title we get text saying in 1931 after a century of Whites vs natives in  candy a55 austrialia, the brit put in laws to do stuff about the mixed race kids of austrianians and natives

then textof a chick saying how she lived in there and got rations and the gov or w/e gbuilt a fence to keep the rabbits ut

then title, and chick complains of her dad being White and making the fence and others not liking her being mixed

it still happens today, black Koreans get a lot of hate from full Koreans in south korea, and in india they hate not only race, but religion and class and kill their kids for falling in love

so chick.-'s mom sez this bird is a spirit bid that looks over em and the gitl ctches a lizard in a tree and these brit agents watch em from the bush on horse a55

someone sees the brits ans sez to hide the kids and in the city kennith signs orders to have the kids removed for being hybrids

in the mad max wasteland the kids see a guy making thence made to keep the rabbits out and it goes from sea to sea over 1000 miles

the mom sez she plans for her hybrid kids to get married and if kennith wants half kids he can make his own

in this 1 anime, a guy is a pet sitter and is hired to lookm after a rabit, but when he gets there, theres no rabbit or cage or feed, he looks around and in the closet is a naked man bound and gagged. he asks whats going on as he came to look after the rabbit, and the naked man says 'I AM THE RABBIT' this is an adlt anime, sensitive p0rn0graph

so big gov guys come in  and capture the kids aginst their will, as he gov knows better than the individual, and its for their own good, and you otta trust the experts, they have more info than you, and he gov dont lie or do bad or it would be voted out

kennith sez they otta do something about mixed kids as hes the chief protecter of the natives by the gov and shows he has a selective breeding program tobreed them with Whites to make their lneage Whiter, like with the maruta doing stuff to the uy gh urs

i should note that in America they did the opposite and had the 1 drop rule as if you got any africanized blood, ur black

kennith does this to "help" them as he don't want a race of "unwanted" beings wo don't fit in, like soviet Canada and expanding assisted suicide to "help" the dsabled. see also zee axis in Europe.

so the trio of kids is takento some sh-t town in the back of a truck w/o anything keeping em in and they could have jumped out at any time

this un brings em in a room with bed things and the next day they are woke up and make the beds like indentured servants

the ther hybrids sa "you'll get used to it" and the trio is hiding in their bed under the covers and then is taken to breakfast where they are instructed to give thanks to The Creator for the food

they are told no talking and and ordered to eat cr-ppy auatralian food that probably has spurm in it and then are showered in the back b4 being given new clothesand are told to speak English, like the French part of soviet Canada forcing humans and gaijin to speak what those alleged Canadians think is French, but is really more like talking like a homie

yoyo -pop booky on da micro phone BONE grabba bus down town to da magic ZONE!!

the kids get inspected and 1 of the trio is called and walks up slow like a horror film  ewith a pov shot and kennith saying "t feels strange but soo n you'll feel at hme" and "its for your own god" like the gov always sez

he checks her shouldwers and wez " nope" and moves on and later this brown guy wants to return someehere bt his daughteris in the camp and kennith sez to stsay here

later 1 of te trio sees a kid crying in a room and we don't see why so i think they b0ned him

at ight 1 of the trio thinks of things going on and the spiruit bird and later talks with her fam about something i wasn't paying attention to

they sneak out wheb names are being read in class or w/e and escape into the wild

the end

jk really kennith calls  i mean is called and said he worried of the oldest rebelling and sends trackers

the kids go on like Lord of thr Rings and go through a river as the brown guy from b4 on a horse hunts em and is in the river but its not said how far they are

the kids hear something andthen we see him going by as the kids are in the plants by the rover

they go on andmeet a native wo they tell where they are from and he sez its a long way and that the tracker is good andwill send them back to the camp

they have dinner with native who makes a fire from wood and kenith sees where the tracker lost em and wants the cops or army to catch em as hi department dont got much monrey

the kids try stealing eggs from a farm but are caught and the farm chick takes pity on her and offers to help but oldest of trio stays silent like a inja in the night

farm cick gives em a bag of food andsome clothes and send em on tellking em to loo out for boys hunting at the rabbit proof fence near there

wow, we're like half way in, that felt like nothing

the decide to follow the yellow brick road fenche to get home as theres 1 thing along the naton like how Canada only hasd 1 road

so the captured kids read of the paper and how i mean in the paper of the trio and the only trace is a dead babbit and they laugh

turns out, kennith plays the historical figure A. O. Neville who was big on eugenics, woch was common at the time , like how low fat or avoiding peabuts or getting vaccinated was seen as good, and smoking and lobotomies andgender surgwry

remember; drs used to say cocainum was medicine

so kennith sees they are going by the rabbit proof fence and sends men to come along the other way and 1 behind em to catch em

the trio goes along and meets a White guy eholooks like the guy in Growl/Runark on Sega Genesis, Welcome To The Next Level, and he gives em avoice on where to cut across  to skip the corner of the fence and save 100 miles

so the trio goes on and meets a chik who looks mixed wj offers to help em and i think s a worker on a farm like an indentured servant

so the kids are sleeping in this room and the farm owner comes in and gets ready for bed but finds them in there and leaves

he comes back with an abnormally long b0ner and says "you wanna stay, you otta pay"

jk the chick comes in and seems bummed and sez something i missed and laterthis car comes by and chick sends thetrio outin the night of what looks like h-ll

hey hide in te plants andthe hunters come out with lanterns butdont see em and say the'd get the tracks in the sun up

then theythrow the lantern out and the whole area catches fire and burnsas a wa to scare the kids outm or cook em

jk really they go in and the kids runacross what looks like hokuto no ken and i assume there was an ancient battle that scorched the land in this dak continent from back when ancients had higher tech

brown guy traks em and the kids wear soks and 1 carrys the smallest and walks on rocks to cover the tracks as tracker is after wm an whn thw tracers are near they hide

kennith sez hes trying to solve the "problem" of mied race kids and how the kids beig free is bad for the department reputayion nd they otTA find em b4 theyget to the desert

he sends guys after their mom and has word sprad and the trio meets a black guy who sez they can catch a train to get to their mom and aids em but not as in infecting em wit ads as the govv didn't make it yet

some kids doubt if they can do it but others think it wotks and 1 wanrs to go hwr own way

\the oldest goes on as they and getting close and youngest follows and they leave behind their sisterwho goes off

the duo and notthe guy from mega man or gundam wing ets wild fruits in the h-llscape and go back to their sster graie like the chick from Degrassi with issues andfinds her at the station

they whistle to her andshe walks out and sees em and they are in cloaks like hokuto no kenbut thegov car and gov guys catch her and black guy was paid by the gov to catch em

the gov takes her away to be vivisected and her organs sold on the blaxck market, wait, thats the maruta, andthe gorls see they'll never see her again

so kennith iwants the other 2 and the other 2 walk nthe wasteland andits like Moses crossing the desert or Kenshiro in the nucular waseland

these nTIVE  chicks play their song andtap sticks and i tink 1 is the mom andin this sunny wasteland is the duo who sees a spirit bird and in the distance is a hill were the ancestors probably placed giant bomes like the yowie

they head for it and their tribe is chanting or casting a spell or w/e and i loo away and when i look back a brit is there with agun and mom i think is advancing on him with a stick

he queer out and run away as brits are girly men and the duo whistles to call her mom antey reunite

kennith sez they dont got enough money to find em and hopes to "help" them and how he needs to "protect" the people from themselves and "don't nderstand"  what big gov wantsto do

chick sez after 9 weerks they got home and hid in the desert and she got married and had 2 kids but they wwre captured but she waklekd over and got 1 back. gracie died on the way to the camp like in Degrassi and we see the real life molly and other one, daisy, and they vot never to retutn to the camp

then tet of how kennith was in office until 1940 and howthis f'd up generations of Australians for being mixed

then credits with footage from the film showing whon played who like spce balls

the end

that was pretty good

wtf, best boy, adam hunter? like streets of rage?

chopper pilot brian hole? what is this? p0rn0?

but its a good movie that shows the dangers of big gov and how trusting the experts isn't a good idea

the kids were tough and the acting was good and its well filmed

it holds attention andis based on actual events as written by the surviving daughter of the oldest kid

it also shows that the brits were not doing it out of hate, but thinking they were dong "good" and whay "riht" nstead of saying "they were evil and sub human demon"

its well made and has goo flow and doesn't drag

For Rabbit-Proof Fence 2 I want it to be about their adventures in the desert on the run from  the gov and fighting various Australian cryptids and Yokai. Also its a 128 bit game like Zelda Breath Of The Wild On Gamecube, ps2, xbox and deeamcast where you fight yoai and make things outta items on the ground and find underground buildings from before  Australia got f'd by a ancient a that scorched the earth.

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