Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Lackadaisy Review

 Note: I spell like a plant trype pokem on


This us my revoew on Lackadaisy from the distant firyre year to fritz feeling of 2003 i mean 2023 (the year of Robotech II The Sentinels)

Its directed by Fable Siegel whs isn't on back door, candy a55, beta male, aids bag, gender offender, frooty booty,banana vrammer, soviet wikipeia and neither is anyone in it besides Seung-Hui Cho or SungWon Cho or w/e from that Canadian blackberry doc and Malcolm Ray from the nostalgia critic

its an indepedan animation based on a web comic by Tracy Butler I never read and i never saw this or heard of it until a guy i know suggewsted ore samma revieweds us

it was funded through kickstarter like the blac jewel reborn , the cursed knoght,m and affinity sorrow among a buncha piko interactive things and the wonderful genesis game tanglewood

So after a 20s film opening like warning saying it has flashing lights and guns and liqur, like for candya55es wjo whine about penny wearing a bikini in inspector gadget and showing her shoulders on imdb, we gt a sop motion logo then text sauing itd Missouri in 1927 with prohibition

i should point out that liver damage deaths dropped under prohibition, and alcohol is considered a poison from how it malreacts to the body

look at spencer tracey and errol Flynn biting it from too much booze

then we see a theatee with curtans opening and a furry playing on a violin about the river and then hes on a bridge

the animation is pretyy good and its got nice at and the music sybchroes with thviolin movements

these cats below the bridge are digging a hole in the rounds a55 and i think violin cat is their lookout wo has spaghetti arms and cant dig as i guess hes a girly man

the digging cat finds a note and a coffin and theycarry it through a graveyard and digger is nervous bt musicat pokes fun at him

a train goes by and scares em and in the coffin is whisky from soviet cnadathey load in the car but 1 falls and cat chick uses a flashlight

then this car lights aim at em and opens fire on em with a mafia looking cat and the hroes drive offas the crime cats g after m

cat chick dont know how to drive but does some zany moves andmain musicat gets out a gun and gives it to digger catbut falls out protecting the booze and digferaves him opening fire

the crime cats talk and their ominous boss in the back has a pisol and good guys stop, then open fire as the bad guys go besde em ad shred the back tire which syops em

the bad leadwr gets out and fires a hot that sends the good guys outta control lik the guyver and bus through a fence into a stone quarry

musicat is laughing mental and runs off and the car i overheated from a radiator thing

musicat goes around kinda psycbo and maniacal and turns on the lights in the area and is happy to see it

he imagines its a carnival andgoes to be on a ride and the ad guys open fire as digger gets a small un from the car and takes a shot as the car is coolng off

leader 1 goes to take care of him and tells his goons to disBLE the vehicle

cat chickgets a crank for the car andleader fights digger as they hide amond the shadowsand jump around like ninja

the bad guys get in the barn with the car and chick car and digger goes mental and opens fire as leader counts the bullets and firs at him when he runs out

chick cat hides under a car nd as leader moves in for he kill, smething blows and musicat comes in with dino might on a scooper hevicle im not sure now its driven

digger is ok and reunites with chick and they got love for each other andmusicat throws a stick that bounces off a metal thing and it lands in the scoop so he jumps and falls

th scoop gets caght under a water tower and blows like back door billy C word in 2001 in new Sodom by jersey and the water spills out like a pregnant woman gonna poop out a baby

the water flushes away guys like cr-p through a goose and the car drives off after getting musicat

the leader aims at main musicat as he didn't get sept away and hid by a wall and  readies his firerm

he fires an blows open the musicats head like in angel cop with open brain spilling out all over his friends and 1 was talking so the brains went in her mouth

jk really he gives up and i should point out that in hokut no ken, jackal used throwin g dino might as a kung fu

so musicat gves digger a stick he throws out the window even though its not lit and drive off but the 2 minions of leader are ok and get out of the water

later a southern chick furry i a red dress reads a script and reminisces of things and how things sck now and sees the car come by who comments n suit cat's drinking

she comes dwn and has a butlercomes dow to a lounge with a catguy in a suit having a drink and a smoker looking like a 40s reporter

the bartender is a big tiger furry har kaiserneko of teamfourstar might wanna b0ne and/or be b0ned by who isn't friendly

the heroes come in wirh booze they saved andshes not impressedby him until she tries he booze andthe others like it with the soviet tiger coming up with a name after suit cat notices coffin vrnish flsvor

digger wont drink it and red dress catgirl dont like ho this is all they got and the heroes say all the c-p they went through for it and like in The Great Gatzby he calls suit guy olde sporte

the car f==ks out but his violin is ok until a strng breaks and violins are made of CAT GUT so this is like a guy playing a flute made of a cooked and drilled male organ

red dress cat gir sez they cant afford tkeep burning money but relens andhas musicat pla a sng andthe other 2 dance

red dress cat thinks of a successgul club and we get credis after going out of the curtains and showing names of actors and characters by pictures in a night club casino night zone thing to music named after the drink

afer the credits the leader cat, played by the maruta from the blackberry show, even thugh he only plays Asians now as he's racially malcontent over actors looking like character, calls a guy called asa sweet for a ride and is called Mordecai h=ller, whch is kinda he brew, but is called a hatchet man like the Edward g robinson elric movie

asa laughs and his name is sweet like blanche sweet from d w Griffith films and leader hatcetman sez the lackadaisy guys are attracting attention and wil aleart the cops

asa like asa phelps from the flying h=llfish se to tie up loose ends ad drops some of his cigar dust in a flower that burns

then credits

the end

that was fun

kinda clean pg w/o swearing or nudes or gore but good action

good story and myuisc and the nimation had a lot of detail and effct

they put heart into this and its pretty cool

its acool fun series with some feelings and seems to be planned out as lttle things infer thers backstories to these guys

i liked it and thanks edgar for recommending it to ore samma

For Lackadaisy 2 I want it to be the 50s and the kids of the 1st generation ate 50s cool teens and a commie is planmimg to take over their town with a poison in the food that makes guys not eanna try and give up easier, nd the teens gotta uncover it and solve the muystery, also irs a 16 bit cinematic platformer like Flashback on Sga Genesis, Snes, TG16, Atari Jaguar and GBA with you playing as 1 of the teens that each start from a different part of thew levl but do things in different orders.

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