Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Hugo The Hippo Review

Note: I spell africannimal

Hugo The Hippo

This is my review on Hugo The Hippo from the distant fture year (To Frotz Lang) of 1975 (90 years before Transformers The Movie and some Robotech things)

Its directed by Jozsef Gemes from Hungaria who I never watched anything by and was 20th Century Fox's 1st animated featre

It stars occulto Burl Ives from Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer/Little House on the Prairie/East of Eden/Cat on a Hot Tin Roof/The Big Country, Robert Morley fr0m the 38 Marie Antoinette/The African Queen/Beat the Devil/the 50s Around the World in 80 Days/the 60 Oscar Wilde/the 60s Genghis Khan, Paul Lynde from the 7-s Charlotte's Web/The Patty Duke Show/The Beverly Hillbillies/The Flying Nun and the campy 60/70s Radioactive Man as the Scout Master, Percy Rodriguez from 20th century movie trailors/the 60s Star Trek/Heavy Metal, Marie Osmond from Children's Miracle Network and Nutrisystem, and a few guys in things I never saw or ain't n back door, candy a55, bega msle, aids bag, banadna crammer, frooty booty, Sodom bottom, hippie stoner vegan peta soviet Wikipedia

I never saw this but according o candy a55 beta male wikipeda, it was thought not to getta dvd release cuz its too psychedelic, weird, politically incorrect and violent, which sounds like my kinda movie

I mean I love Go Nagai and his stuff is pretty f'd up.

after logos and a city view we get title and birds flying t wonderful music and a loving song like smething outta Don Bluth

it looks like a kids storybook but with sorta weird animation, limited at times but whats there is fluid

narrator sez animals and people are different as huamsn take medicine, fightb wars and read books(spoiler; chumps go to gang war against other tribes of chimps, and ants in colonies, and wasps on bees)(also theres thereions who identify as aninals and don;t know the difference)

also animals dont use peopel  but people use animals w/o caring(likecats getting you to open the door?)(Not t mention parasites that liff off hosts)

also its widescreen and colored in kinda solid colors but with an earthy feel like old toei

narrator sez tis is about hugo the hippo and 1 legend of sharks changed his life.

in Zanzibar in Africa before trouble started the place was ruled by a sultan whocared for his people and had them make a clove industry that was biggest in the wolrd

the bay was not deep so the porters carried the cloves to the ships and as things went on, more cloves were grown and more wor was done

then we get a song of africans in Zanzibar working with pretty good animation and it seems kinda dr seuss

then a swardm of sharks cmes and they look like bikers or ww1 or 2 guys with helmets and trippy visuals and a rock song thats funky like toejam and earl

i think some guys get eaten, yeah looks like they did, and this turban guy makes the workers save the goods and not the people

he's the minister of finance to the sultan and is khan an don't think the shaerks are real ultin 1 eats his clothes and he's in his briefs

he goes to tell te sultan and as there porters can't load wit sharks, the industry is f'd

also i think the sharks would eat a few guys and moce on, they dont eat every day an are cold blood

the khan is voiced by the scoutmaster from radioactiveman and Paul Lynde will join the league of actors to be the Jafar of the film. Wolfie (Noveltoon) + Jafar = Vizier from Popeye's Magic Lamp. Hans Conried + Jafar = Vizier from 1001 Arabian Night. that puppet from Shining Time Station + Jafar = Jafar.

the sultan wigs out over the news and tirdes o a nerd for technobabnle and sez to 1 who sed to dredge it that he can't afford it and the spices and cloves would go bad by then

he gets the royal magician wjo turns the sulan inti a pigman for a bit and his tricks p-ss off the sultan who tells em to feed emselves to sharks til they die of indigestion

the king goes outside i ,ean sultan, and the next da he's seen hangingfrom tha palace balcony with a note sauing "you drove me to thing" and he's having death tremors and spazzing out

jk really he wishes his car was a water creature to waste the sharke andrealizes he nreeds a hippo whle looking at the stars an tells his council to get him  somme

paul kahn is sent as he b--ches against it the whole way there and 1 guy catches a huge a55 ape like mughty joe younf sized and stcking outtsa the ground, like a sasquatch or the giants found and seen all over the world and in bi le times

the mage turns it into a few nimls 1 at a time and i gotta say, hoppos ae really  vicuous and kill more people in Africa tha ebola and hiv cobined

the workers do a Yertle tge turtle and lift kahn up high and he sees the hoppoes and thinks they can be no isse to get

then we get a song escribing the hippoe ad sounding like a kid sung it anf showing sn amusement park wuth fish and sea cr-p  like its spongebon

kahn has mage hypnotize em with a swinging gold pineapple and khan alls scleep fr a bit andthen summons a metal horse that suks the water out of te river andi'm not sure where it goes

wait the horse is a haing a cowboy on iy snd it lassoes em like grtter robo wt jack king and his Texas gundan

theres 11 caught and he catched the youn huge but the mom or w/e bits him free and got caught and theres a struggle tug of war that nearly f--ks out the cowboy gundam getter but it strons hom up and puts em in a cage that sehow holds em

kahn names the biggest one king George after the evil ruler of soviet England and claims he and George are stronger thab sultan

the expedition eturns to Zanzibar and hugo stowed away  ans sultan is glad to seethe demon beast hippoes 

they dump the hippos in the water and they pile on the ocean floor like garbage and they dump in king George who is gonna get eaten by sharls until hugo jumps on 1

the sharls come for him and George does a sonic attack like nightscream in beast machines adfter noble got it and they black out as the hippoes beat on em cartoonily

after the fall of the sharks the people celebrate and the hippos live n peace with humans feeding em fruit and somehow not tearing em part like in real life

huge is the fave like Joseph in the Old Testament with 12 others wjo i hope dont sell him into slsvery, and huge means "there he in" in Zanzibarian

sultan builds a pier with loading cranes so the workers don't gota go in the water to load sips, as capitalism works when not impeded by red tape

the city grew better and people forgot of the hippoes saving them and now some think they are a problem (as they are in real life as they f people up)

the devolved lookin minister who don't seem to have agwn sez "there always wre hoppperes in the harbr" unless its his son orr something

at night thr hoppoes waited foe food and garbage was thrown in the water so thet came into the city and ate he crops the people grew

is this a thing on slav ery how you brng em in to work for you, don;t nee em, and they ado stuff?

the farmers went to the khan who hates hpoes instead of the sultan who likes ewn ad they see i as like a hainted house, an tell him the cloves got eaten by hopopoes

khan ez to fight back and pulls a gun and at night they go out and we see kha blowing apart hope clouds with lighteningas i guess it disnt wanna be graphic and king George took a lot of shots but they all fall

Burl Ives: I told you he'll shoot! Why didn't you believe me?

hugo survives and is by the corpses at the bottom of the sea and he headbutts the boat from blowand knocs wm in da water but leaves emwhen he could end him right here and now

at least he didn't give him a senz bean like in dbz

so he gets away with khan yelling like in the lion king whic seems like another thing didney ripped off froo this and 

winds up in a dump and we getta sing of him being hungly and eating things like the o in oxygen oe p's in the dctionar

then we see apes doing b ball tricks with a cabbage to a whistling song and it lands in a beehive as the bees chase him into the water

he eats a fishing hook and plls an African kid in the water but dont eat him like hippoes do in real life

thry play together and we get a song about being friends like a cross between the good and sequel land before time movies, the warm melody of the 1st and the words of 2-infinity

kid goes him abd sez he'd be back but not like terminator and later he hears he's got a science thing today and got nothing cuz he was j=rkin off

the kids say hes gonna get it and i assume its a beat down and we get sing of how teacher does things wrong and don't get people and listens but don't hear or looks but dont see, which is like te yugioh thing, something you can show but nt see

he sees the kids did projects and seems cheerful snd a bit frooty and chooses the kid to go afer the volcano mmt kilmonjaro

kid sez his rject is the hippo in he creek and teacher sez there aint one until hugo shows up and he se'd name him huge and all the kids run out and play eith the wild dangerous animal

after a song with colorful visuals o knowing its a good day and not much else like kids do, irs night and the kids leave as huo is in the woods ad a troop f babboons goes up and throws cr-p on him

the other animals see him as a traitor for playing with humans and the kids get him food rom hme and make him a garden and we get a montage of them making it to a happy song

after school the kids go off to the hippo garden which sounds like a leveel in a 16 bit platformer but twavher follows and finds it

the kids can't let their secret out so they take garden tools and chop him up, then feed him to the hippo

jk really he calls on a phone in a tree and tells the kids rents and ez they wased time growing veggies fr a wild animal

the rens come like angr vllagers in a 30s movie andbust up and burn the garden for some reason, eve though they made a garden that works on heir own and would be good farmers at growing crps to feed the nation

kids rents lock em in their room and say no hippoes as school coes 1st anf huge is bummed as a song plays about how everyone needs somewhere to call home and the song gets kinda cheerful as huge remembers his dwad fam and goes through a sytorm

he found a buncha farms and ate their food over a while and wound yp eventually getting the kids dads farm anf'd it up having fun as an owl watches

dad wakes up and sees his farm go f==ked and now i huss he has to sell his kids to the queers to save the other kids and the khan reads how this midnight raider thief keeps jacking their crops

in his room is stuffed hippoes from the ones e took out and he gos out to take out the last hippo, which is an invasicve species brought over and has no predators, but the movie maks him look bad for it

wat next? the murder hornets being "oppressed" by people who don't wanna die??

or the b0ning bonobo's being "oppressed" y people who wanna stay virgins???

dad is b--ching aboyt his farm being ruined and the khan comes berto help him and has the mage cast a spell that summons a big a55 bird thats no the word and its metal and rains fluid on em that makes crops grow giant fruits and veggies

is this real? cuz if not, he might have cuted their food issue

kid whies that he dont want hugo to die even though he's gonna hve to be sold to the banana crammers if the farm goes under

and i gotta say, when cecil the lion got capped, the self hating Whites whined for it, but the africans who put up with lions were like "good! that thing was a blight!"?

like how coons tear up neighborhoods and pets and kids but when a dead one was found on a road in soviet Canada, the people cried for it had had a memorial cuz they dont got rains

hugo eats a trawbeyry and the garten turns into tyokai or castlevania things and the kid gets higo and runs as a tank made of crn comes after em and fires marbels at em

wtf is oing n?!

kid slices open the deimenions and falls into a red zone as he fights plants that fire on em and a kung fu fruit man withasparagus soldiers that slice open the floor and they fall into an other realm

tomatoes fall on em and h fighrs a rotten apple man and this is like that grinch night thing with the grinceh coming down and showing that kid his wierd cr-p in his box onwheels

the kids blacescythe is thrown away but the hippo slices the appleman in half like trunks vs freeza from behind

the 2 apple halfs slciee ach other ip and an onion barfs stink at em but they escape into a p-ss river from an orange with a mace

a banana octopus grabs hippo and kid cuts it up then they call in the mouth of this thing with a hot petter sucking em in so he uses a raish grenade and blows em apart saying he'd never eat another veggie

a caterpillar turns into a butterfly and they ride it off and its f--kin huge like in alien soldierand they see trippy fruit and go through space with fuit planets and things

they land on a cauliflower planet and the buttefly ditches em and potato guys come out and beam light outta their eyes and this plant ufo comes down with the khan coming out with a gun

kid stands in fromnt of the hippo and the khan encages him and took him to trial with kids vs adults having different views

why did it getta trial?! its an animal!! If it gets a trial, it can be said "it didn't appreciate the consequences of its actions" and can;t be found guilty, which gives kids i mean animals free reign over the area as it sets a precedent.

people throw eggs at him and everyone hates hi  for f-king their farms but kid comes u to support him, but dad takes him back

kid sez "W/o me hugo cant have a fair trial" like animals need trials and dad sez son is making him a laffing stock

thekhan is the proception and represents the farmers and how he broke, entered, stole, and isrupted school, and that hippoes dont belong in courts of law

makes sense to me what next? giving a wasp a trial for stinging a guy?

khan wants hugo chopped up and fed to the farmers, which makes sence, he took food, now he is food

but kid sez hugo pleades not guilty and calls the sultan as a witness, which i'm not sure is kosher, and sez he's ot here to interfere as the sultan isn't above the law like the regent in soviet England, and how it was his ruling that brought em in but th hoppoes saved em and allowed their prosperity, but the people let em starve and they iced em, and how hugo would have bit it if the kids didn't help him

the kids loved and aided him and made him a garden and somehow he knows of it, but he goes on a cr-ppy monologue about how its not good to ice what annoys you and if you ice him, its their fate too.

the people flipflop on their views and forget about the damage the animal did to em but then a verdict is ruled despite no other witnesses being called, like the farmers whos crops were f'd

hugo is found guilty and orders the kids to replant their garden and they gotta feed and care for hugo and play with him each day, like indentured servitude, and  lets hugo be with the kids despite being a wild animal

the khan tries to appeal to the judges sene, then offer a hat with gol but the people turn  the khan and throw food at him

later the peope  tell the story of the hippoes that saved em from the sharks and gloss over the wacking and hugo still lives with em today

then a song with kids singing of going with huge e/o he goes like to kail or h-ll or borneo

the end

that was pretty good

a lot of songs an montages liek rocky 004 and trippy ideas and visuals, but it works

good voicing and singing and the music is good

wtf frank welker is in this?

but this was a fun mostly clean movie

no swearing or lust and the violence was not graphic

kinda weird but cool

it tells a good story and has nice colors, a bit dull but alive kinda

its a solid movie and is interesting and positive with a bit of dark

glad i saw it and my homie Scotty did well to reccoment me it

For Hugo The Hippo 2 I ant the kids to get tired of working with hugo and wanna be free but due to the judges order, they are stuck with him and can't move away or have lives of their own. Eventually the khan sees tey are malcontent and wants to help em but knows if they send hugo away, the kids will have to be sent with him. So the kids decide to bump him off to be free of him. Then they try different things to take him out and traps to try to get rid of him like an accident befoe they realize its an animal and they cn just cap it, so they get guns and shred him. Also its an 8 bit game on sega master system and game gear, Nintendo game boy and nes, tg16, Atari lynx and jaguar, wither you make traps outta materials and they to weaken hugo so the final boss fight of hammering a button and fiting on him is easier befoe he gets to you. 

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