Note: I spell like i got caught up n the cross fire!!
Crossfire Trail
This is my review on Crossfire Trail from the diastant future year to alec iinness of 2001 (10 years before Robotech and Transformers the headmasters)
Its directed by Simon Wincer who did Quigley Down Under/Free Willy 01
its based on a book by openly French Louis L'Amour tht i never read
It stars manly Tom Selleck from The Rockford Files/Magnum, P.I./Friends/Boston Legal/Blue Bloods/Myra Breckinridge/Coma/Quigley Down Under/The Shadow Riders/The Sacketts/myra Breckinridge/Last Stand At Saber River, Openly Blonde Virginia Madsen from Dune/Candyman 1/The Number 23/Wonder Woman the direct to video 09 movie/Justice League/Spider-Man: The New Animated Series/f==kin gay a55 Teen Titans/Justice League Unlimited/Law & Order: Special Victims Unit/Pickle and Peanut/Designated Survivor/Voltron: Legendary Defender, Wilford Brimley from The China Syndrome/The Thing/Cocoon 01/Seinfeld/Hard Target, David O'Hara from Braveheart/The Devil's Own/Hotel Rwanda/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1/Gotham, Christian Kane from the 2004 movie Taxi, Mark Harmon from Natural Born Killers/2003 Freaky Friday/Chicago Hope/The West Wing, Brad Johnson from Left Behind/Left Behind II: Tribulation Force/Left Behind: World at War, Barry Corbin from WarGames/Critters 2: The Main Course/Ghost Dad/No Country for Old Men/M*A*S*H/Life with Louie/King of the Hill/Walker, Texas Ranger/The Looney Tunes Show/opebly cr-p Modern Family/Anger Management/Young Sheldon/Yellowstone, Ken Pogue from Silence of the North/The Grey Fox/The Dead Zone/The 6th Day, Joanna Miles from Judge Dredd, Rex Linn from Thunderheart/Cliffhanger/Iron Will/Clear and Present Danger/Rush Hour/Ghosts of Mars/Cheaper by the Dozen/Unsolved Mysteries/Doogie Howser, M.D.The Gambler Returns: The Luck of the Draw/JAG/Walker, Texas Ranger/Young Sheldon, William Sanderson from Coal Miner's Daughter/Death Hunt/Blade Runner 1/Married... with Children/Batman: The Animated Series/Santo Bugito/Aaahh!!! Real Monsters/Jumanji the show/Walker, Texas Ranger/Cow and Chicken/The Angry Beavers/Dharma & Greg, Marshall R. Teague from The Shadow Riders/The A-Team/Quantum Leap/Baywatch/Walker, Texas Ranger/Sliders/Armageddon, Carmen Moore from Blackstone/Arctic Air/Bates Motel/Vikings, Glen Gould (Not the pianist) from Wolves from 2014/Bones of Crows/Yvon of the Yukon/Mary-Kate and Ashley in Action!/Blackstone/Murdoch Mysteries/Hard Rock Medical/Unsettled/Diggstown, and a frw i neer saw in anuthing or aint on back door, candy a55, aids bag, weener cleaner, Sodom bottom, banana crammer, cripple nipple, gender offender, queer as a deer with a steer in its rear, hippie vegan stoner peta tree kung fu based on plants Wikipedia who wants to be paid to lie to yu.
i nevr saw this b4 but its a made for tv movie and it was the most-watched made-for-cable television movie ever, until High School Musical 2
so in 1880 by soviet California a boat comes by and a dying guy talks with tom delleck and bites it so tiom beats the gay ut of the captain for what he dd to dying guy and takes oney from his box
some guys come by and hear mutiny is punished by hanging and they book it to the mountains and cr-p and say the money they took was back wages as creits roll
to caps a buffalo and 1 of his guys wants to ice more but tom sez they'll be gone in a few years
at night they camp and 1 is an irish andwants to go to montana for gold mines so in later he goes off
tom and homie goes to a place of 40 000 acres from the soo cheef red cloud by someone and on the place he goes to the town leaving homie there
in the store he orderssupplies nd sees a winhester for 32$ spcial order but the guy bit it
he meeds a blone playing moonlight sonata and recognizes it and talks with her of Beethoven wo b0ned wh0res and she thinks he's a redneck but he surprizes her
shes ann Rodney nd he sez her husband sent him there and she sez he was iced over a year ago
in the store he sez he'd get the cr-p in a day or 2 ad goes to get a drink where he mentions Charles rodny wjo everyone notices and sez rest in peace
1 guy sez a guy was caught by a raiding party or indiabs or w/e and i think the Brimley notices and followes him to the barber
as tom gets a shave brimley sez he worked with charlrs and wanted to go with him to sovet san fran Sodom
after cleaning up tom asks a guy what Rodney wore when the soo raiders took him but then notes te guy lied
a guy in a suit senfs the liar off ad makes peace wth tom but seems sinister and the liar is called snake
on the way back brimley talkswith tm of stading up to snake and tom sez Rodney didn't get it from soo and he knows brmley speaks sooand has him say smething nice
tom goes in the woods and finds a leg broen red girl wos the chiefs daughter abd brimley wants to ditch her buttom tends to her
three toughs on horses come for the red chick but tom stands up to em and notes 1s gun is lashed dowb and brmley has em at riflepoint and they go
rimley wants to ditch tom as he p-ssed off all the toughs and thers a red attack squad on the hill
manwe're half an hourin, tht felt like nothing
the reds come down with red cloud and 1 sez they stole his daughter and to ice em but brimley tells em they helped her andred chck backs em up
tom sez Rodney said to look af his ranch and the red cloud lets em gobut 1 redhassles wm an runs off as tom knew he was only tying to scare em
virginya blondeis fiancé to the guy who sent liar off and wears black and tells his goons to take cae of something
blonde sez she can' pay the mortgage this month as theres not enough school kids and she might sell the ranch tinking charlies Rodney ha property in san fran sick and black suit loaned him money
at da ranch brimley and tom eat and irish comes by and then we get a montage of them getting hores and cr-p
brimley shows 1 guy i think homie a better way to file a horse hoof and do each side a bit instad of all 1 side
tom goes to chuch for prayer and blonde comes by and he tells her Charles die 6 weeks ago but i think dark syit cmes by in gray and a buster Kearon hat and tom sez he'd be at da ranch and goes
blonde asks if he's right of charle biting it recent anddark suit out of dark suit sez he only wants her ranch
after more ranch cr-p irishmmcirishmakes another irish joke and plays ches with brmley who wants no more irish jokes but homie likes em
in day timeblonde comes by and tom sez he promised cgarlies to lookm after his place and woan but he dont believe it cuz he never mrentioned tom
she goe of bt tom follows and she sez she met Charlie in san fran sicko and he wanted to be a big advsnturer but their daughter bit it at 4 months and they are at a grave and she gets jittery
tom sez charlies talked of da racnh al; the time but loved her most
tom goes to the bar and has a drink and tells blone carlies sold hi san fran cr-p to pay the mortgage and was shanghaied when drink to celebrate and when he trid to escape the bot the cptain beat him dead
one of the toughs wants to face tom so he gets the gun from the store and tells the tough he otta thank tom as the red chick was red clouds daughter AND red colud would skin him alive
tough shoots at tom but he went from magnum to 1 gauge an dtakes hi out and another guy on the roof cuz hes like a ninja and sensed his ki i think
at dinner dark suit in gray sez tough tried to b0ne a red girl and tom interviened and tom is lying about the holding in san fran solfd to pay the thin
at the ranch a cow is caught in a tar thing and tom ants to sell it as ashphalt to pave the streets o pay the mortgage
at the ranch they see the brother of tough who wants revenge and the sherrif wants to arrest him but it was self defence
dark uit guy sez hes the orghate holder and wants tom and friends out in 3 days but tom sez he got the money but dark suit se prove it
at home blonde dont lie hi wanting to send away tom but he tries to explain and she sez tom put flowers on her kids grave and when he sez the ranch is still hers, she sez she chooses ho stays on it
aftr tom and friends shoot cans blimey is at a bar and dark suit named bruce like booty boy offers him a stay at the ranch after tom is out but he dont anna
so this black hat comes bylookin like David kaye from beast wars and tom knows he;s gotta deal with him and comes to town
in school blonde reads a poem to kids and Tom comes by and reveals his name is Raphael like the angel or Ninja Turtle or Painter and his om got him good protoculture like Beethoven and Milton and sent him to the Jesuits but he didn't stick wth it
bruce meets with David kaye guy and revelas they were the ones who sent Charlie to the sea and expected him to bite it but didn't expect tom to come in liek an angel and not David kaye thought he otta just cap Charlie and could cap bruce and get it over with
brce goes to blonde and wants to marry her and later she goes to see tom and finds the tar on the property and its what back door bruce is after an they wind up smooching
not David kaye is gonna sniper tm but really he gets i think the irishma as the iris were the ethnics in that era and not considered White
wait its the homie who got it and the irish screams noooooooooooooooo
she goes to bruce and when she dont go with himto marry he slaps her and brings her to the barto force a marriage like hes a gaijin or something
sherrif sez object or hodl ur peace and barkeep sez he onjects cuz its not right so bruce caps himin the heart in front of many people like hes era miller
sherrif regrettingly marries em as she sez i do n- and covers her mouth and sherrif regrets it after
he takes her to a room to b0ne but she fights back and he slugs her out and leaves as i guess he's ot into b0ning what seems dead
after a servive for the homiethe three musketeers as aramis got capped head throguht the woods at night to save the day
in daytime bilmemey tsueis to sniper the davi kays sniper but htis the church bel nesxt to him an chaps brewaks out
eventually theres a gunfight and tom and firends with help from a geezer fire on the saloon and tom learns his woman the blonde is captive by the bad guy like t r Edwards having lisa hayes pregnant captive as rick hunter fights him in the original script for robotech ii the sentinels
sherrif leaves after a drink and throws his badge and tom gets shot but when down the David kaye comes by and tom takes him down but 4 he ends David kaye, bruce caps him
b4 the bruce finishes him, blonde wastes him and they walk off bullet wounds
the end
That was petty good
people hated it cuz it didn't do much new, but you don't gotta reinvent the when each time you make a new car
good acting and Tom was good in it
nice twists but i saw em coming but were still good
the music and acting was well done as were the effects and action
didn't expect the chick to end the bad guy but it works, like Sailor Venus killing queen beryl in the manga
its a solid movie and goes by at a good pace with no drag and nice flow
it doesn't feel like 2 hours with adds and had good heart
Glad I Saw This One
For Crossfire Trail 2 I want it to be years later and the oil sees to run dry and their daughter goes into the hole in the earths a55 to find the issue, turns out this underground city of coyote people is there and has plugged the hole the oil was abiotically made in for their oen reasons, so she has to take em out with a plasma rifle with infinite ammo and upgrade ammo packs she takes fro em to wipe em out cuz they're daemons. Also its a 16 bit run n gun game like Life On Earth on Sega Genesuis, Snes TG16 Atari Jaguar, and GBA.
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