Saturday, January 25, 2025

Mazinkaiser Vs The Great General of Darkness‏‎ Review

 Note: I spell like zee kaiser

Mazinkaiser Vs The Great General of Darkness‏‎

This is my review on Mazinkaiser Vs The Great General of Darkness‏‎ from the distant future year to Benkei Musashibo of 2003(20 years before Robotech II The Sebtinels)

Its directed by Masahiko Murata who did a few MazinKaiseroavs/ eps of Naruto/an ep of Power Stone

It has voices in Japan and a dub by Discotek but Im watching it subbe

So Mazinger Z was by Go Nagai then we got Great Mazinger and Grendizer, but in the Super Robot Wars or w/e they wanted an upgrade to Mazinger Z to compete with higher level guys for Koji, so they said "It evolved with Getter Rays and made Mazinkaiser, so Go Nagai did the series Mazinkaiser as a sequel kinda to Mazinger Z and Great Mazinger, but ignored Grendizer, but its kind of its own things as Dr H is around in the oav but Great Mazinger is around and they fight the mykene in this one.

I saw this before and its pretty cool with great action and music and animation

It starts with a map of the world but makes it look round and not flat for some reason and places all over it are blowing like cities getting nuked. hay they got china, good, moero maruta!

Archduke Gorgon calls out or Koji Kabuto and then we see Sayaka and Koji in a plane by Dr Morimori who isn't sure the plane can make it to Japan as its ow on fuel

Lori and Loru are flying with em in the meh Million Alpha and Morimori is called to the cockpit to see theres black clouds and he tell the pilots not to enter em, as once you go black, your dead!

the plane tries to evade but the cloud fires missiles that blow near the plane and the cloud bursts apart to reveal a big a55 Beyblade looking skybase like  that Metal Masters cr-p that made no sense

General Birdler‏‎ is riding it like its an anime and sends flying monsters to send Koji to h=ll but Million Alpha wastes em  by crushing 2 with its hands and a magnetic beam from under the face for a third, then splits a 4th in half with its arms

Lori and Loru tell the heroes to get to Japan as Mazinkaiser and Koji are the last hope for humanity and fights on knowing they can't survive lie true Japanese warriors like in WW2 against the soviets and gaijin and maruta.

General Birdler‏‎ grabs Million Alpha from behind and crushes its t-ts that the girls are piloting from while biting off pieces of it

Koji sez to save em but Morimori sez its a cargo plane and unarmed, like in the Bible how the Savior said "If you have no sword, sell your cloak and buy one" or like how candya55 England has unarmed cops

General Birdler‏‎ crushed in Lori's cockpit t-t and Loru's after but she's not fully dead and hit a button before being finally crushed to goo so Million Alpha rockets towards the skybase and blows General Birdler‏‎ and his guys back to h e double England

Koji feels for the curvy blondes getting it and punches the wall with a hand bleed like Jiro Shutendo in Shutendoji OVA 1 and vows to beat the Mycenae Empire‏‎

Then title as this church like song plays of The Kaiser as opening credits play and we see Warrior Beasts busting up places, including a monorail like in the opening to CB Chara Go Nagai World

The song got more rock and we see Tetsuya Tsurugi Great Mazinger losing to a Warrior Beasts but melts with buresto burrn and using thunder break to waste another but theres more after him in a swarm

If the Mycenae Empire‏‎ is so damaging with all their forces at once, if they did that in the 70s anime they might've won instead of sending 1 monster at a time like Power Rangers.

In Egypt Shun Azuma in Baion Beta uses a Rust Hurricane on a Warrior Beast to no effect, while Masao Ooide in Daion Gamma uses Brest Fire on 2 monsters by the great wall and does diddley d0ng

Jun Hono in Venus A fights but is strangled by this long white haired monster and thinks how the Mazinger Army can't stop the Mycenae Empire‏‎ if 2 of em are this hard

On the plane the captain's head by splattered after a landing w/o wings hard and they come across a base and go in to find its the army of the European union(so its the bad guys?) who were beat by the Mycenae Empire‏‎

Koji sent signals but the enemy used jamming waves and Koji explains in flashback he, Sayaka and Morimori were vacationing in candy a55 France and Million Alpha flown by Lori and Loru is going around by the ground and the arc de triumph

Koji eats a lot at a restaurant and Lori and Loru are in skimpy dresses that show off their b00bs and the 3 chicks are amazed at his pig out.

Koji wants to have Mazinkaiser in a mock battle but Sayaka sez her dad sed to rest and relax on a business trip but Koji sez he's hungry cuz he feels like its a vacation and Sayaka's amazed he's still hungry after that stuffing.

Then the power goes and people freak out of a monster with Chilled Tofu or w/e Go Nagai calls his insert by pictures of Paul Tamamoto from Cutey Honey and UFO Robo Grendizer and Koyayashi and Kogoro Iboji

The Great General Of Darkness appears over the city and sez the 7 armies the Mycenae Empire‏‎ awoke to wipe out humans civilization, claims the Earth for his side, and summons his generals who nuke the France like we always wanted(Maybe they ain't so bad)

Koji sez they escaped Paris but were ambushed over the North Pole(Isn't that where Groizer-X had stuff happen?) and the blonde commander asks what are the Mycenae Empire

Morimori sez Juzo Kabuto left a hint in his diary like that WW2 guy in the south pole about the beings within it, saying they made an empire on Bardos Island but vanished underground for no reason and wanted to invade again for years(Like Getter Robo? Or Devilman?)

blonde commander never knew they were this tough and Morimori sees the map of the attacks and goes in a hidden room in the base

This jet piloted by Naojiro Abashiri from Abashiri Family is gonna bring em to the Photon Power Lab but they hear gunfire and Archduke Gorgon is wasting guys with his tiger body that is probably what kaiserneko phantsizes of being.

he leaps to ice Koji but is nailed by bazooka's, while taking no visible damage and blonde commander sez Koji has to return to Japan

Koji and Sayaka get to the jet as Blonde Commander is chewed dead by Goagon and Sayaka calls for Morimori to get to the jet

Gorgon took out the Eurotrash but General Ligern‏‎ sows up and wants payback for what happened to him and his soldiers

The base starts blowing and Morimori is still in the secret room but when Gorgon mouths off to Ligern he gets the backhand like a homie and a h==ker

Morimori tells Koji t get to Mazinkaiser before its too late or Lori and Lori will have bit it in vain and after waiting a while, Koji accepts this begrudgingly and Naojiro starts the jet(like Moromori could make it past all those monsters with the jet there and they'd all live)

The monsters chase the jet but Morimori launches missiles and sez to try mans stoopidest invention as Gorgon and Ligern get iced by em

Morimori sez to give his regards to Sewashi and Nossori and gets blown out with the base as Koji is shocked

In Egypt Shun Azuma in Baion Beta gets both their heads removed by a spinning fire wheel kinda like that yokai thrown by General Julicaesar‏‎

in china Masao Ooide in Daion Gamma gets roasted by General Draydo‏‎

In soviet Australia General Hadias chops up Venus A but Jun survives cuz shes a main character, jk Go Nagai kills those all the time, Really the Pilder falls out and she lucked out as it only tore open her skin tight outfit an a bit of a cut between her t-ts

She crys for her robot getting busted  but in I think new York, yeah its there, General Angoras‏‎ and General Scarabeth‏‎ bust up Tetsuya in Great Mazinger.

He uses Thunder Break on Scarabeth but it does nothing and he wraps up G M in web despite being a scarab and not a spider, then Angoras‏‎ nails him into a building

He free of the web from the impact and uses Great Boomerang which Angoras‏‎ dodges then Great Typhoon which is as useful as t-ts on a man, and Great Mazinger f==ks out and barfs roboblood

they mock him and go in for the kill but the Great Boomerang returns as they do and rips through em like a katana on a thief

i guess they never knew what a boomerang is and G M finishes em with breast burn, only to f==k out from damage, but Tetsuya is alive and begs it to move

Koji and the jet get to Japan and its f'd like after the evil allies attacked in the 40s

Naojiro sez he'd contact Tetsuya and the others soon and flies off leaving Koji and Sayaka in a f==ked out H=llscape like Violence Jack

Koji gets a motorcycle but its outta gas so they meet Rikki Muso from Shutendoji and Violence Jack who's a trucker and gives em a lift

she sez everyones hiding in the countryside and she sees  if they're gonna wipe out the humans, there's no safe place to hide and has to get em to the lab(What was she doing out? Did she know they'd be there?)

they stop at a gas statin and buy food by leaving what they think it costs on the counter but Sayaya and Rikki see a radio and check for transmissions

they hear the photon lab in Mt Fuji was destroyed by monsters with no survivors and Sayaka freaks out and runs and rides the motorcycle to try to do something about her dad which won't be much as the high tech lab got f'd by monsters and she don't got Aphrodite nor Diana.

Rikki drives Koji to get her from her woman freak out and the sun is coming up when she nears and sees the fd out lab and stops

a blade comes down and blows her bike and knocks her out as Koji and Rikki arrive and Archduke Gorgon is here an f'd up and wants to do his mission to end Koji

Koji dumba555edly charges to punch the guy who tanks missiles and bazookas and is grabbed by the throat but Rikki swings a pipe which bends on Gorgons arm and he slugs her out

Gorgon squeezes Koji's neck, which should snap it or crush his windpipe, but I guess he didn't end hi instantly as he want him to suffer

Then a chain by Boss Borot gets Gorgon by the neck and pulls him off with Boss, Mucha and Nuke in it

Gorgon sez they blew the lab but Boss sez its an illusion to hide it and everypnes alive

Rikki wakes up to see Boss slamming Gorgon in the ground then into a gas station and it blows and no shrapnel gets Koji or anyone else there

Sayaka wakes up and Gorgons still not dead cuz he's like Chucky and announces his attack from the fire but as he leaps, Boss throws Koji a raygun and he ends Gorgon through both heads and blasts away til he's in the fire

Gorgon sez the Great General that Koji and Mazinkaizer still exist and burns up in the gas station fire

General hears and tells is generals t take it out and sends the Invincible Demonica Stronghold base from the sea to the air

Bos sez they new Koji would arrive and Koji thinks of his droogs who bit it and gives Sayaka to Boss to defend.

Boss vows to get the Mycenae in a flashback and in the now they get to the lab and its a hole in the earths a55between them and the lab

Boss sez Mazinkaise was send away for modifications and they didn't tell him cuz he was on vacation

Then all these monsters pop outta the ground to end em and Boss reveals the Pilder is in Boss Borot(So is it pregnant with the pilder?)

the monsters attack Boss Boot and he runs as it opens and comes out Borots chest like the crotch monster in Alien

This goth looking monster kinda Cenobite looking is chained by Borot in the neck to stop it from getting Koji but Draydo and General Julicaesar‏‎ attack in the sky

k I looked it up and the Cenobite guy is Dante and he slices the chain off with an energy ring in is hand and slices up Boss Borot like Rei in Hokuto No Ken

Goku I mean Koji goes by water and an aquatic Warrior Beast attacks but he evades the Hadias attacks and he dodges that too

Koji wonders what to do and wheres the Kaiser but Prof Yumi calls him and sez fly in the sky to get the Kaiser which he does

the lab launches Mazinkaiser from space on an orbiting station like Robotech and with the speed of reentry and Koji soaring up high, the impact otta kill Koji like being hit by a meteor

A light beam comes from the Kaizer to guide him and Yumi tells Goki I mean Koji to use it and they link up in a burst of energy and nails the ground melting Warrior Beasts

Everyone thinks Koji died but he wastes the guys with Turbo Smasher Punch and ends Dante with Koshiryoku Beam a he burns away

The Mazinkaiser song Mazin Kendan plays as Yumi sez they made a new super alloy in space that made Mazinkaiser stronger than anything

Koji sez he wont forgive them for icing people and takes out Julicaesar with a Rust Tornado that erodes a carving in t Fuji(Isnt that sacred to the Nipponjn?)

Then a Glacier beam that freezes Hadias and shatters him

Draydo flues off and Kji calls the Kaiser Scrander from some unknown area and links up to chase hi like in Transformers Zone where Dai Atlas and Sonic Bommer nukes the Deception Mashogun and Predaking fled, only to be cleaved in 2 by the Zone Powered Cutter

Draydo tells the Great General he's in trouble and tries blasting fire on Mazinkaiser who survived Reentry and an impact that melted warrior Beasts, but as expected it does jack sh-t better known as jack black, as Koji used a Fire Blaster to outfire his fire and only singe him

he flees amazed the 7 general were wiped out so easy, wait, 7 generals? like the Rainbow Crystals in Sailor Moon? and Demonica comes down and plows through him, into Mazinkiaser and tries crushing him into Mt Fuji

The General of Darkness on the base and admits Koji is strong but he's not giving up and is gonna try crushing him

Koji lifts the back and forces it back with Kaiser's power and General Darko rockets off as Koji throws the Scrander like a boomerang and cleaves through the Demonica like butter before it blows

In Space they watch the fight and Shiro is amazed as Yumi sez its invincible and can surpass god and demons(Don't say that! Now both will come for ya!)

Koji faces the Dark General and sez he'd stop him so Dark pulls a blade and Koji pulls Kaiser Blades out mazinkaisers shoulders and attacks

Dark knocks him back and charges so Koji uses Koshiryoku Beam that General counters with his own eye lasers and blows for no reason after having a beam struggle

Koji uses Fire Blaster but its blocked by a cape like Superman and General beats on Mazinkaisr with a big a55 blade

Koji's pinner and holding off the sword with his 2 blades but hears his dead friends voices encouraging him and he uses a turbo smasher punch to send all the blades in the air, then burns out Darko's eyes with a Koshiryoku beam

The arms return and he throws away the swords and beats on him with Kaiser Knuckl with a punch for Lori and Loru and Morimori that brings darko to his knees, amazed at the unlimited power of Mazinkaiser

Koji Turbo Smasher Punches off the generals top head and sends him flying in te hole in the earths a55, amazed he was knocked down and if this is the end of the Mycenae Empire‏‎'s ambitions, before the blade that was in the air comes dow and gets him in the center of the face.

Shiro, Sewashi and Nossori celebrate in space, Boss, Mucha and Nuke celebrate on Earth and Rikki holds Sayaka who's away and they didn't want Boss b0ning her so Rikki looked after her.

Koji fires Koshiryoku Beams in the air for no reason and sez he avenged his friends

Then credits to a soft song with Piano that sounds like queen and clips of the survivors and we see Ju carried by Tetsuya in his Pilder and the ruined robots Great Mazinger and Venus, and them having graves forMorimori, Loru ad Lori

Mazinkaiser carry's Great and Venus back, Boss Borot fixes the damage to Mt Fuji with I think that Robot Shiro uses, Robot Junior(Like Garlic Jr and Cell Jr?) then a peaceful shot of Mt Fuji and the lab.

The end

That was great

good action and music and the animation fit well

good violence but not too graphi, just blood and pieces flying

Mazinkaiser don't show up til the end but it works and its an adventure where he gets to it and tries to survive

It shows how deadly the enemy is if they sent their whole force at once and overwhelmed the heroes

the Japanese acting is good and its cool to see the enemy get it after dominating the good guys the whole time by the overpowered hero

So if the fists did that much damage, he could have done that from the start and beat him? Or did the sword the General used mean he might chop the arms?

is under an hour and tells a good story with good characters and good action

glad I saw this

For Mazinkaiser Vs The Great General of Darkness‏‎ 2 I want the emperor of Darkness to rise up and take on Mazinkaiser bt after he beats him, the other Greek gods coe for him as Proffessor Yumi said its more than gods and demons. Also its a 16 bit fighting game where you play as Mazinkaiser or other Go Nagai Robots and fight these demon gods and pagan gods and plays likr Street Fighter. Its on Sega Genesis, Snes, TG16, Atari Jaguar and GBA.

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