Friday, January 31, 2025

Ghost Town Review

 Note:L I spell towny

Ghost Town

This is my review on Ghost Town from the distant future year to f dr as he was burning in h-ll by then of 1956 (50 years bfore Transormers season III)

Its directed by Allen H. Miner wo's not on back door, aids bag, Sodom bottom, gender offender, crupple npple, frooty booty, banana crammer Wikipedia tha youtube use to spread lies

it stars Kent Taylor from The Phantom from 10,000 Leagues/Law of the Lawless, John Smith from nothing i saw Marian Carr from It's a Wonderful Life, John Doucette from  Outpost in Morocco/the 40s Batman and Robin/The Texas Rangers/Strangers on a Train/Deadline - U.S.A./50s Julius Caesar/The Robe/Cry Vengeance/Destry/Red Sundown/60s Cleopatra/7 Faces of Dr. Lao/True Grit/Patton/Big Jake, Gilman Rankin from Black Patch/the 70s Assault on Precinct 13, Edmund Hashim from Shaft 1/The Ten Commandments/Get Smart,and a unxha guuys on on aids needle drinking wikipeia

i never saw this but its 77 mins so like 2 hours on Grit

after a player piano to creidits and title we see a red man drinkingand throwing the bottle at a rock

a coach with people comes by in this mad max wasteland and stops to fix a horse shoe but this blonde chick is nervous

the guys talk of the area having potential but needs to be civilized and she ses shes meeting a gentle man at ridrock

at rim rock its f'd and ruined like that base Scott Bernard went to in Robotech and these 2 cowboys com across a shed in the wasteland and draw their firearms but find no survivors

scruffy cowboy whines of traveling 90 miles and used up his water but clean cowboy still has some andges a sip for 900$ like esau and jacon in thwe bible

cleanboy has a woman wjo scruffy sez will recognize him at 1st look from looking for gold and the coach comes by

a bunha guys come out like a clown car and blonde comes out and hardly recoginied him

the worry abut the red man attacking and retirn to the coac andshes a soft spoken blonde whos feminie and gentle like a good 50s woman

shes going to soviet san fran sucko with him andhe rides out but 1 guy there dnt like clean guy

they ride off and the cach guys talk of the red man attacs and 1 defends their ttacks while another says the Cheyanne did it but 1 blaes the White man for giving em booze

clean gy finds a booze bottle and scruffy sez it was from the raid on rim rock

they worry about te red man and how theres somethin on the coach tht gold can't buy and some American forces come by to warn of of the red man

they are going to rim ock but are told rim rock was iced and they worry of the red man in the way to fort killdare like dr killdare and talk with the guy who hates clean guy who dont wanna go out of his way

he's told clean guy is with the gov and knows of the reds and hate guy se tey can reason with the reds but is told it wont work and the coeach driver wants to go north awary from the reds

they have conflict but 1 guy gets arrowed and the reds come for em andthey book it bt the driver on the coach gets it

so a guy takes the reigns an they make it to a town like in shining force and theres no obe in it but the reds dont come as i guess its haunted or has yokai in it

the army guys son was in the coach and 1 of em vanished and they say he might've been a dr and they ready base in the empty town

They look around and the saloon has a player piano and is this a horror movie

army guy dont like killing and londe has a deringer

clean guy thinks the ton was wiped out by fever and theres X's on the twn

so they find a cffin in there and 2 guys talk on if the dr was cared for by the reds or cook by him which many tribes skinned and roasted people alive, you thought the axis was evil? the reds did some heinus sh-t

they gather suppies and have 130 rounds of ammo and there's mail bags to guar an scruffy wants a new hat but 1 guy offers him 1000$ for it but clean guy dont go for it and and dont want the gold seperated from the duo

blonde comes out in a dress that was hot in the 1800s and clean hero sez shes 2 as pretty as he remembered

the guys probably wanna b0ne her and have hard d0ngs looking at her so will j=rk off on the floor in a pile for a ritual

she wants to get out and  clean bf dont as its dark and not safe and she asks of the golf and he sez he has enough to by the  newspaper

sh sez if they are wedding she otta know how much he has and he sez if they marry it dont matter

she wants to open a paper in the east but he sez theres new cr-p in the west like mark train and bret hart not the wwf guy

i think hater yeah it him sez tae time for the clean uy and clean guy is in a barn with a horse

he whips out his 14 inch d0ng and jams in in the a55 like a brony

jk reallyhe finds a red hag and woman with a gun, wait, the hag is a dude, wtf

red chick is half irish half red and her moms side is wait its the non hag whos a chief and he has no onhue and turned over his arms for a treaty with the gv and were attacked

the reds sai he was a liar and cut it out as thats what you d when someone says something you dont ike, if you dont have a soul

her and dad he hag are fleeing the reds and wann get to the north andshe gives him his gun and he wants em to join em but she dont trust him and thinks he'd give em to the cheyeanne

in the saloon the son wans to have some water but dad sez ait ur turn and get a share like the rest an is a harda55 on him

the mutilated amputee red and his daughter whos half devolved wit the irish dna comes in and clean sez they wannacome wit m

army guy sez he used her for butt stuff i men scouting and not like the sailor scouts and she lead em to get 50 and found 300 but the calvery got em aved in time like birth of a naton

she sez it was meant to be a peace meeting but they attacked and ary guy sez it was peaceful after they wasted em

army guyhates reds and don truct her but main guy clean thinks this is not good

they hear bird sounds and a feather behind something rises and a red man is in it making calls

the people in the saloon are cautious and 1 guy sez the reds are regular people and not to fear but when red chick puts her hand on blondes mouth the army guy caps her

the arm was blown clean off and the stump blasts blood

jr i mean jk they put a cloth on i to handle a bulet in it and the people get mad at the army guy for giving away their position

the reds yell and ride off and it looks like daylygtb inside with the light from the windos andoutside looks clearly daylight with the sun on the roof and heavy shadows

a rat loudly runs across the roof andthe red men ride in and both sides fire at each other b4 the reds run off

its revealed the hater is a gun runner who sold guns to the reds for army rejects, so he's a traitor to America like cnn and  wikipeda

a red tried to get in but is nailed in the head an the sympathizer tties to stop em cuz he thinks they can reason with em

he dumba5edly runs out to reason with em and sez they are friends and is gunned down

grizzly man 0

so after bickering, the reds return for another rrun ndthe Americans are running low on bullets

a shot hits the player piano and scuzzy guys drink is shot out from him and the piano plays

1 red is shot off the roof andthe reds do another drive by like detriot but less homies

the rds leave as they dont work nights and the reds threw the dr's bag they took from the guy they ate

turns out he was a horse dr and they have horse meds and tools and hater says they are getting onto blonde and if she wants to, leave her door unlocked

clean and scruffy named crusty say they need soeone to get to fort killdare and son sez he knows the land but dad thinks hes a candya55 as he was in school and he likes making things grow 

a lot of people are good as farmers, we need eem to make food and keep people fed

he knows of his dads army map and can do it but they say its too dangerous

at night the hater goes to blondes room and its lockerbut as he walks off it opens and he goes inas crusty hears something

hater sez if you make people hate each other you collect on it and sell to em and he plans to ecape and get the clean guys gold but sez clean guy isn' gonna savr em and he can as he can sell em the hag man amputree as the reds are mad when they halfway tortute a guy and lose it

so hes gonna trade him for safe passage and assume they keep their word and wants t include her to gte the clean guys gold and sez to seduce himlike this(smooches her and she gays out with him straightly

so son books it to save em and sneak through and dad dont understand how beign hard on him made him snap and by now he's either there or in h e double soviet California

the reds come and stone knife arrives to leade e in fire nifes place like its mad max

they are outta ammo and bring guns to scare em and loo tough as sun tsu sez, look weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak

they want ampuree fiknifr and have until the sun is high or the reds take em but army guy sees the red has his sons gun and wigs out

army guy is broken from his son going to h=ll and wants to give em fire knif and hater has a gun and didn't use any of its bullets and is gonna give em fie knifr and takes main guys gold so he sees his woman was a 5kank and only goes for who has more money like a rapper

hater goes for fire knife ampte criscimized mouth and he wont go and he cant kill him cuz the reds want him alive

so hater ditches em and blonde and takes the gold but clean hero sez the bags were full of dirt and e'd be back

he dumps the blonde as she's a 5kank and leaves her to go commit seppuku in the back

clean talks with crusty and gives him a hat rental for 1000$ and crusty goes out to get water

crusty whos a bit of comic relief so you could call hm Krusty the Clown, goes out fo water and hdes and hater returns but is grabbed by army guy and disarmed and thrown in a chair as blonde laughs

crusty counts water drops going in the bucket and its over 900

hater yells at army guy for testing guns w/o rounds and main guy yells at hater for being a sleaze

army guy sez h cut open the mail bag and too the court marshall for himself for attacking non combattants and son knew and he was gonn dessert

crusty counts over 1000drops and 2000 and main clean gy thinks rd irish is pretty andshe sez she hopes if theres more Whites like him the treaties can be kept

he ez he didn't need a newspaper and only a story and the reds come and fireknife is out there and gos with em to be vivisected alive by the reds to save em

human sacrifice

crusty comes in with the water and spills it andthey go out on a new adventurewith army gy going back to accept his court marshall

lean gy leave cblonde and hater and they book it together and not with each otherand take the goldbut scruffy an the red irish took it back

he end

that was pretty good

nice b/w and fullscreen

didn't expect the dad to live an the son to get it or the blonde to go bad

the amputee going bac to be tortured dead wasn't expected, but had a tale of 2 cities thing 

didn'r expect the gun runner to live

it was surprizing and the acting was good with the musc and filming well done

i liked it and it holds up

kent was what inspired clark kent with clark gabel

the red man was shown both ways with being merciful to let the people go, but not as they mutolaed the guy dead

its a good movie and only 77 mins but 2 hours with adds on Grit

For Ghost Town 2 I want the reds who took the chief back to be executed use a trick to open a gate to the sasquatch realm and the guys bringing him back try to escape the dimension but one by 1 the get riped apart by sasquatch. Also its a 16 it game on sea genesis, snes, tg16, Atari jaguar and gba where youn play as the sasquatch and gotta take out all the guys in the dimension in a time limit and try to use sasquatch ninja magic like invisibility and teleporting to get em.

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