Note: i spell interracial
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
This Is My Review On Guess Who's Coming To Dinner from the distant future year to Thomas Dixon of 1967(40 years before Transformers Ameri9can Aeasn 4)
Its rdiectd b y Stanley Kramer from i mean who did Inherit the Wind/Judgment at Nuremberg/It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
it stars broken drunk Spencer Tracy ho bit it days after filming this, and was in 20,000 Years in Sing Sing/Fury/San Francisco/Captains Courageous/Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde/Adam's Rib/Plymouth Adventure/Bad Day at Black Rock/The Old Man and the Sea/Inherit the Wind/Judgment at Nuremberg/How the West Was Won/It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, the wretched Katharine Hepburn from da 30s Little Women/Mary of Scotland/Dragon Seed/Adam's Rib/The African Queen/The Rainmaker/Suddenly, Last Summer/The Lion in Winter/Rooster Cogburn, Sidney Poitier from No Way Out/Blackboard Jungle/The Defiant Ones/The Greatest Story Ever Told/Duel at Diablo/In the Heat of the Night/A Patch of Blue, Katharine Houghton from Kinsey, Cecil Kellaway from Gunga Din/da 3Ws uthering Heights/The Postman Always Rings Twice/The Cockeyed Miracle, Beah Richards fro The Miracle Worker/In the Heat of the Night, Roy Glenn from The Jackie Robinson Story/The Sound and the Fury/The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn/Hang 'Em High?Support Your Local Gunfighter/Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Isabel Sanford from Jane Austen's Mafia!/The Simpsons, Virginia Christine from Cyrano de Bergerac/da 50s Invasion of the Body Snatchers/Judgment at Nuremberg/Billy the Kid Versus Dracula/The Twilight Zone/The Rifleman, D'Urville Martin who directed Dolemite which was awesome and was in Black Like Me/Rosemary's Baby/Watermelon Man/Dolemite
after candy a55 chchi this is givng on has a disclaiming of "this has predjudices from another era" warning for beta males who can't handle histiory r rwality, we get credits of an aftcan ized american and his White Woman travelling
they spooxh in the car and go to soviet san fran sicko and talk of meeying her rents and hes concerned they might not like him
they stop by an art placre and her moms worker wo is a bit uneasy with his ethnicity like beta males hating Americans for being White in the 2020s
they go to her place and meet her maid whos africanozed nd sassy and knda b--chy over her being back too soon and he calls his fam and in her dads study is a pictuer of the daemon worshipping fdr
the maid b--ches at main chick over her bein into one of her kind as many africabized americans actually dont like seeing their kind with another group, same with asians and gaijin
chick sez she loves the main andwhy is her love for maid ok and her love for sifney bad?
t be fairl she's not b0ning the maid, but this is califnornia, so maybe
the sidney's dad is glad hefound a girl and chick talks with mom about meeting a guy she fell in love with in 10 mins
also sidney is 37 and she's 23, which i more han sailor moon wuth serena and darian or dbgt with Pan being 15 and Garlix Jr being like 400
chick tells mom her bf had a wife and son who bit it and her mom sees sidney and is shocked that hes africanized
also sidney is a dr and sez she otta sit down and his chick sez shes gnna faint ciz hes a n gro
kathreine hepburgn is unsettled for her daughters choce in love interest and sidney reveales he didnt tell his rents his woman is White
katherine snaps and beats on him with her bag screaming NOT IN MY HOUSE!!! And sisney pull her bag from her and ays "I killed g==ks like you in korea, dont think i forgot how!
jk hats clint eastwood in gran torino and really they eat snacks and maid is not nice to sidney
chick sez she thinks it wont matter to her rents that they are interracial an dad gets home
remember when Green Lanturn JohnStewart fell in love with Hawkgirl in Justice League? He was openly black and she was from another world. Some think its interracial, but really its interspecies, lik Robotech wirth Max and Miriya or Bowie and Musica, as 1 is an alien
dad comes in thinking somethings up andhears theres a dr but seems cheerful and goes off untul he realizes it and asks wtf's going on
also the commercia bumpers say this has nudity and i assume its spencer tranceys rotting a55 and d0ng thats mostly skin thats hanging down by his knees
spencer sez i mean sidney sez hes gonna marry spencer tracywrs daughter and he gets flustered
spencer trancey who nlike kevin spacey never went gacy, is doing a good job acting andwas ding when he filmed this
chick sez se didnt boose to fall in love with 1 of them andis gonna go to europe to marry him and wants the to give their blessing for the weeding
spencer, who is filed from behind often as its a body double as he was too f==ked out from decades of smokes and booze, goes off and calls his droogs o bone up on sidney
he talks with hia woman who plays his wife about if they thought it ight happen and both sed no, and he thinks the couple dont know what they are doing
sidney sez he didnt tell chick and he dont know what to do and might not marry if the rens dont approve and has enough problemds
chick thinks the color different dont matter but he knows better andhe dont wanna damage her relationship with them, but he loves em i mean her, until she gets to 400lbs and counts as they/them from being big enough for several people, andasks the rents to come to the right decision
the rents like his respossibility as sidney played honorable guys who had dignity and respect, like a hetero samurai, but now many guys role models is hsy z or p diddy wgo are evolutionalyty challenged in views and lifestyle choice, with b0ning 5lkanks and doing drugs
katherine hemp burn se she taught her kid not to judhe by the skin color and they get a call back saying sidney has a clean record and dead fam and good education
also he gave e a few $$ as he made a phne call and wanted to give reparations for his acts
also this was remade in the 00s with ashton kutcher and bernie mac back when both were alive and it was modernized
the chicvk and the sidney get aong and are happy and her rents are happy for her and some teens come by and dance to 60s music that dates this movie
chick tells mom how she met the sidney and mom asks if they b0ned and she sez no
sidney and spencer talk ofhow coloreds dance better and sidney sez its their music and moves, and spencer sez he didnt think tey would ge in baseball
spencer asks of their hybrid kids and he sez his woman thinks the kids would be president, like hussein, but not evil, maybe
sidneys rents called and are gonna come over but he didnt tell em shes Caucasionoided and will be here for dinner
sidney i mean speancer sez sidney has an africa training program where thy go around and get the smartest kids and teach e a skill like delivering babes or sewing wounds, and spreadng the knowledge
sencer gets his irish up hearing sidenets rents are comming to dinner and this priest who dad blew off gold for comes by and meets sidney and hears hes gnna marry her
oh noooooooooo! i think the priest is an irish!!!!!!!! nooooooooooooo!! find da cure!!!
priest read an article on sidney and wants to talk with him of it and when he goes to talk with rents chick sez hes a close friend but they aint catholic, like spencer tracey or biden also dont believe the WORD and Commandments and do evil
prist sez mixed rqce marriages do well as they gotta prove it andthe employee from the story is shocked that shes marrung an africanizd american but covers it until ses outside with kathetine hemp burn and is open of her hate for the couple
katherne tells her to go back to the store and get aq check fr 5000$ and get f'd as shes fired for her views, wivh i think isnt legal even in candya55 california
chick sez worker was a b--ch and hopes she gets fired, wih if you can fire someone for having a dufferent view on iner racia love, then a boss with the opposite views can fire an employee for dissenting
priest sez advice and siney jokingly sez aw go to h-ll, hich is racist against catholics and priest jokingly goes off to i mean cheerfully goes off and is invited to dinner
nowadays the priest who be a bigot who dont like interspeies womans with a furry and his pet
chick sez guess whos comming to dinner now and maid sez martin luthor king/ bt chick sez, close its the priest, even though king dint believe the bible andmisused it to get people on his side
spencer and his woman playing his wife drive and get ice cream and he dont remember what his fave ice cream is like an irishman having a biden momenyt and the londe chick working the drive in gives a list and he eventually ges it
kath reminizes of her daughter an spencer sez this ice cream isnt what he liked but he likes it and tells the blonde like she cares
spencer i meansidney is getting chaned and maid comes in and he covers his dark orwo cookie looking nipples and maid goes on a loud b--chy tirade and sez he aint good looking, wich is odd as most women liked sidney
afterspencer has ice cream he ulls out like an irish prez in a mad max country and rams a colored guys car
car boy goes on a tirade over his car getting f and spencer gives him 50$ and dives off
at a Japanese Club the couple has drinks with a friend couple andJapan 22 yars after WW2? HATE CRIME!!!!
Nippon Ichi Jigoku No Gaijin!
Ore Samma Wa Muteki Da!!
so friend cole sez they otta leave tonight and get married andspencer and kath rine hump bern sez the plane leaves at 10 something and in a few years i mean days i mean mins the guys will be fr dinner
spencer thinks nothing against him b ut thinks its not for the best and they'd get beat dead and dont think its goos and that shes too young fr sisnet and jath looks longingly at the background looking epia and crys
chick calls mom saying theres no reason not to go and sidneys rents get thee and are shocked hes dating outside his race and mayybe age
sidney; i can explasin, shes got the vitiligo, shes really colored but got turned
jk really they get going and spencer shaves as kath urn himp buns sez hes making a nistake and that sidney will accept hs decision but his daughter will b--ch out over it and kemtp burns will side with her
on da car ride there sidney sr sez the couple is acting like lunatics and in 4 hous they are gonna e on the plane but dad sezhe needs 8 to say all his objections
riest came by and kath thing hump bing sez sidny sez hhe'd not of w.o approval and spencky didnt approve
maid asks whats up and tells kath to stop the maddness and she dont understand
spencher b--ches out over the relatuonsip to the priest and priest sez its just love like the gundam wng song
spinky sez katheine kump bung would be ok with anyting and priest sez hes gone back on himself and priest admires and respects him but feels sorry for him andyaoi fans would make bad fanfis over that line
senkier sez the coupe dot got a chance but priest sez to have them fix the world and spencer sez it wont happen in his lifetime
spoilerl spencer was in h e double soviet ireland 2 weeks after filming and i want to chane the world, o netsu taiaua sazu ni takamaru mirae
oh and Trump dated a black woman a few years after his not sure how many
so the sidney fam comes by and they meet andchick is brash and sez they wanna invite the rnts t the national lampoons european wedding
spenker and dad sidney sr sezthe chicks rushing into things and kathinme humpnbgb sez i mean bings sidney mom to the outside and talks ofthe couple being interacial
sid om sz it never happened b4 and i question that as many africabized ametinacs are part white as you go back far enough you never now what you find
kathinrn rbofinduh talks and finds the husbands dont want it but the moms are ok andsez to trust the kids even though 1 is 3\ and the rents probably knew slaves
dad and sid dad go in the sturd and i mean study andeveryones drnking whih is wha sent spencer i almost sais sidney to h e doule califorba
blavk dad b--ches about white dad if he is ok with the race mixing and eventualy dad sez its best dosney taljs to sidney dr himself as both dads agree
sidney r allks with mom overhow he said hesd call it off if he i mean sodney didnt approve and sidney sez he feels alve again after his woman and kid got it
spunkier talks with sidney mm andmom sez if spenkier sez hes against em his problem is over and this isnt a night for hapiness
spunkser sez somethimng i missed and wait he sez he dont want em hurt and sidney sr sez sidnet ismaking a matae and tis is illegal in a buncha states and people wont xhane
sidney sez shut the f up wothough te f anddad b--ches out over his hand work and walking with a main bg for miles over decades adis a c=c sucker ngry nd devolved
sid mom gives a healtfelt appeal to romnce and love and siney sez dad dnt own him and cant boss him around and dont understand him nd dad thinks of hmself as a colored mn byt sidney sees himsrlf as a man ad he still loves dad
after some recolection i mrean reflexion i feel your love reflection, mitsu megami su hitomi ni egaete haruka na never ending story, spenker goes on a monologue and he sums up the film events and sez he responded normal as any father unless his daughter was a n gro too, then that if the tracewy and vutt buddy laying a married couple didnt agree the weedings off
he tell his daughter to shut the f up w/o the f and sums up more of the filme and how sidney mama sed he dot recall lovem do you remember love? andhe relates to the sidney for love like robotech or hkuto no ken and what atters is what sidney feels for his woman
then se sidney and chick have high problems and hes gonna wor on sidneys dad and they'll have to tough it out and scr=w those people who hate em and they fell in love and have a pgment prblem, but its worse or them not to weed as they have love
then they have dinner and the movie ends with this 50s song of lve
the end
that was a good fim
good feels and story that was pretty rsky for the 60s but today would be seen as tame
now we got the zoo prde thing going of guys open;y proud of their relationship wit their pets like in germny
its a mellow movie without danger or damage but human feelings and sidney is a good role model as usual
its not a miolin miles a second cg rsh but a gentle relaxin trip in the lives of people
and here the whites and coloreds ae both against the race mixing, instead of the evil whites and model non whites like the media ries to make people think s real
kinda like birth of a nation wirh the whites and coloreds fighting the northerners to defnd their homeland, but this time its good. wautm bieth of a nation was the good one in this situatuon
its a mostly clean movie and chch is a candya55 channel to whine about a movie showing the races getting along as "from another era/discrimination"
Yeah it has views, but to educate, not promote.
like mr rogers having a story arc about war
to quote D W Griffith; we show the dark side of wrong to illuminate th bright side of rught
It shows the dangers of racism, like that ep of Tiny Toons showing buster getting drunk
but this was a good film and holds up well. And has a good message of love like Sailor Moon or Hokuto No Ken
For Guess Who's Coming To Dinner 2 I want it to be the next day and the employee who was fired for disagreeing with the boss when thinking she was agreeing files a wrongful termination suit and i devolves inti a court case on "can you fire an employee for having views different than the boss and wgen not at work?"In the end, the californian jury is told that if you give the bosses the power to fire you for not thinking like them, then when someone you don't like buys your company, they csn fire you for what you think, and the jury sides with the plaintiff and katherine hembpurn owes the woman she wrongly fred reparations. Also its an 8 bit game where you play mini games while working at the shop on sega master system and game gear, game boy and nes, tg16, atari 7800 and lynx and has you selling art to various people who come in based on their likes and its like the bartending mini game on fist of the north star lost paradise but with 2 buttons and a D Pad.
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