Sunday, June 9, 2024

Yesterday Review

 Note; I spell better than the betles do things as they f==kin s-ck!


This is my reiew on Yesterday from the ditant future year of 2019 (10 years before  Roboech Season 2 and maye Transformerds Zne)

Its directal by Danny Boyle wjo did 28 Days Later/Slumdog Millionaire/127 Hours

It stars Joel Fry from drink history, commie Ed Sheeran from Bridget Jones's Baby/Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, openly devolved Kate McKinnon from cr-palicious Saturday Night Live/The Magic School Bus Rides Again/barbie, Meera Syal from Doctor Strange 1, Lamorne Morris from drnk historey/The Eric Andre Show, the wretched James Corden from Gulliver's Travels/Trolls 1/The Emoji Movie/Ocean's 8/The Late Late Show with James Corden, Robert Carlyle from Eragon/28 Weeks Later/Hitler: The Rise of Evil, and a bunch of gaiin and brits i never sa or heard of and some not on back door, candy a55, beta male, mbanana crammer, aids bag, sodom bottom, cripple nipple, gender offender, frooty booty, hippe vegn stoner peta stree kung fu based on plands soviet wikipedia

i never saw this b4 but i didn't like the betsles

they were made by purvoes and the gov to get people fro focusing on how THEY sent j fk back to h e doubel ireland and corrupt the morals of the youth

after them the kids got into drugs and sin anf they were bad role models with b0ning a lot and supporting varius sins.

they were a t-rd that dented the toilet of pop culture and lead to a build up of human waste like lady gaga and bts and all the cr-ppy rappers

thankfully, some got taken care of and are burning in dante's inferno being b0ned by mandella and abe lincon and stalin and mao

thir songs weent that great and they didn't really play msuic but stummed instruments and their albums and such had occultist refs to get people into evil

they wee a blight on our blue and pure world and  were immoral egenerates who got whats comming to em, like American Hero/govb aent Mark David Chapman, who Might be related to American Icon Dog Chapman of Dog the Bounty Hunter, whocorrected the mistake the gov made by making lennon famous

my Slovenian granma hates the beatles for corrupting the yotuh and also didnt like circimscision and i agree with both

After totle and credits we get a gaijin playing a song on guitar then hes working at a store andhis boss sez gaijin thinks hes too good fir t and might fire him

later his woman i think gives him some hope and hes playing a song at a kids partyand his homie comes by and has things going well for him working for a band as a slave or w/re

later he tells his gf his songs dot work and he wants to give up but she encourages him

he rides his bke home like a beta male and the world has a power outage, probably from aliens/space daemons and a bus nais him while the power is off sfor a few seconds

he wakes up and he has no arms or legs and has a food tube in his a55 like an enema

jk really his woman comes by and sez hes gonna be ok

he quotes a beatles song and she dont get it and latwer she sez its Gods way of telling hm not to go back to teacing

he mentions the beatlesand she dont get it and latwer goes withhis droogs and hes midsing 2 teeth  like gaijin often do and i guess will need a cane as gaijin are often cripples

he gets a guitar from em and sings the song yesteray and no one knows wat it is and thinks he made it yup and when he sez its the beatles they never heard of em he gets disgruntled

he can't take it and busts 1 of them  with his guitar, theb shanks abother with the sards, then gets the strngs and steangles a third until it cuts through his neck and the head falls off

jk really after being driven home by a wman, as gaijin are cr-ppy drivers, he googles the beatles and ony gets the bugs and checks his albums and theres none

ter bands like back door dngloner childish gambino and oasis are there but notthe britmo beartles

he goes to hs womand place in the rain and asks if she knows who the beartles atre she wez no and he leaves right afer cuz hes devilved

after a omhtage of making songs and writing on post it notes he goes to his womans school and sez he wants to do new songs at a new gig

he asks hus mom i think for coke and finds its not in this realm anf goes to get his teeth fixed, ehich is odd as brits and infians have cr-ppy a55 teeth andlook unevolved

he plays for his rents and sings another brit song and they keep interrupting and his brit accent gets more intense as he sings, like the song lowers his evoltuion

after a lot of his gaijin rents and a neighbor interupint he snaps and gets b==chy then plays for a kids party and f--ks out

he gets a recording thing from some guy and  hands out cds with purchace of his work and gets a better recording thing to do more beatles songs and we get more montages

they suggest he does songs based on his work which sounds like a weird al thing and later he's being driven home and his woman wants o know who this song was for or about

he almost tells her but he gets a call from ed sheeran an d later ed gein sheeran shows up at his face and loves his songs and wants to bring him on tour with him

so later a chick ha a pta thing and cant come so he gets his j=roff homie in the band as a slave to replace her and meets ed sheerian and j=rkoff slave makes an a55 of himself by brittish standards, which are nn canon

england s=cked, we need America to fix them like they did Japan and got em into freedom and humanity, but shill need the right to bear arms

so gaijin main guy gives a show in some cr-ppy part of soviet a55 europel or w/e and the people like hi but probably also like lizzo and miley cyrus so they got n taste

what about good bands like bonjovi? the kid fell in! the apes to blame! you gunned dom, harambe!

so he did the ussr song for when they go to russia and e likes it and ed gives him a chance to wtite a new song in 10 mins and winner gets to live or something

after ed does a song, he plays a soviet hairy guy looks him up and looks interested

ed praised him for being better than him and is amazed ho he met someone bettert han him

spioler; kodomo band and cyrstal king and hironobu kageyama and ichoro mizuki were far better than this alleged human

later mckinnien comes by and ants to have him come to soivte los angela and do music for them and 

s hes gonna leave his woman is bummed shes not as iportant ti him anymote and he goes to soviet california with all those daemon worshippers who eat kids and b0ne animals

kate mcafrica sez he s=cked a month ago andnow is a hit and she offers him a temptation for money and power and fame but to gain, something of equal value must be lost, that is the alchemy law or equevilant exchange,do you know what you're sacrificing fot this? is it worth the cost?

so he  records songs and later he wished he gave up smoking and finds cigaretes dont exist in this timeline

this is the better timeline!

so mcafrca releases songs online and plans a double album and we getta montage of his songs doing well and people love em

he struggles to come up with more songs as he used most of em up and needs to go back to candy a55 england to check his post it notes andmcafrica is doing demon worshipyoga which puts the body in positions thatspell words in pagan ways that allow daemons access to your body and she sez hes too busy and is gonna go on psudeau heter james cordon

he goes to england, looks at a stone memorail to someone and works on songs with his j=rkoff chum and when he gets back to los angelis i thnk, his woman is there and they eat at a restaurant

they hang out and stop by a hotel and whe he 1st got back to soviet england the brits swamed afre him as fans asnd probabl wanted to eat him

dont b0ne her! ur not married! Lewis! Noooooooooooo!

well she smooched that gaijin but leaves as sge didnt want it to be a 1 night thing and kept her butt vrginity

after a dream of a talent show as a ki he wakes up and rshes to the statonto get on da train but missed it

he calls hi woman whos nearby and tries to tell her but she sez they had 20 years but they met at 7 so she sez shes been waiting 10 years as i guess this is a pee do movie saying kids wanna b0ne at 7 like THEY want

shesez they went on different ways and shes a teacher andhrs a rock star and if he chooses to stay they can try

mcafrca, being devilish with her hermaphrodite looks and bleached hair like a more hermaphrodite Ryo Asuka or the bad guy in Conastantine, wants him to cme and his woman sez to go and he goes

so he goes on this sjow with a black guy who thinks the names s-ck for his albums but its good to him and goes on banana crammer corbin

corbn brings ut 2 guys who say all his songs are the work of another bant, the beatles and the 2 iving ones come on, but 1 isnt in shows andt turns out its a drwam or phantasy or w.e and hes recording songs

ed gein sheared mandont like the song hay jude and wants it to be hay dude and later his woman calls and sez shes seeing a guy named gavin like spinner in dgrassi next jen who lost a testickle and bned a lot of 5knks like manny

he comes out after the call and goes on a b--chy tirade and they leave and his j=rkoff homie sez he'd have b0ned that wman 2x a day ande when gaijin sez to tfu he sez he hopes the gaijins woma has beautful kids which make him less glad

mcafrica sez he has o choose wgen to release the album and i gott say, the trailor had the ringo and paul coming out as a min feature but it was only a dream or w/e, bait and switch!!

So hes gonna play on top of a roof and give a show and his rents act like they were proud of his songs and to hear it 1at andcafrica smooches his forehead as his ex comes in

mcafria is kinda aeful to ex and makes snide comments and ex sez her new soms are incrdable and her new butt buddy comes in and is nie to gaijin

gaijin is bummed and t oike the torrent with greta garbo and he recalls her seying not to give up on music

at a conferance he imagines things hey say of the beales and goes to da roof withhis j=rkff friend aying he was born to serve the greatest musician of all time, but hes black kinda andmain guy is an ndia and indains hate africans, might be seen as racist

good thing im not racist, exept against the bad races

so he goes up andplays a sing and sees his woman with the guy and gets kinda spazzy

later this soviet and his blonde brit come by witha  yellow submarine and thank him for bringing bakc the beatles as thye are the only ones who recall em and s-ck at singing

he sez itslike he was in a foreign country and met someone who speaks english, which is ironic as hes a gaijin and he sez its hard as he feels like hes living a lie

so he goes out and finds back door john lennon and h'es doing ok having not been ruined by fame and rock and had a better life than working for the companies and THEM and getting corrected by their hitman

lennon sez to tell the girl he loves he loves her and he is glad lennon made it to 78 and they hug

but its an alternate timeloune lennon so not the same, like 1 where hitlers brother never died and he went on th be a hapy boy

then lenno egts his head blown off and beind him refocuses and mark davis chapman looking like an alpha male in shades and no shirt holding a  huge gun says "he must not ruin the world again!

jk really he goes to the concert and mcarfica copares ed sheeran to John the Baptist warming up the world gfor him and calls him Thr Messiah, which is kinda sacriligem but shes a demon worshipper so it makes sense

so ed gein sheeran brings on him an his name is jack malik like marik in yugioh and violence jack or jack atlas and he play beatles songs for a while

after he plays he credits the beastles and sez is all them and releases the songs for free online and his jj=rkoff frind uploards em

he tells the chick he likes he loves her andalsways did and goes to see her

she sez "you f'd me for the last time! publicly humiiatijg me in front o my lover!" and he is shocked and pulls out a knife and jams it into his belly and commits seppuku

jk really they get back together and i guess she dumps her curent guy like kim kardashian when she meets a bigger blacker guy, andmeathead j=rkoff holds off ate mcaftica who has a demon face  and wigs out

main gaijin and his woman go to his plae an to bed and after an offscreen b0ning outse of real marriage, he finds harry potter is not real here

later they get married even though she got b0ned b4 and he plays a song for kids  and the soviet couple is dancing and theres clips of the characters dancing

then crdiys to batles songs

the end

this was kinda entertaining

as muh as i hate on the beastles/england/gaijin, it told a good story and was not boring and was filmed right

its about a world wo the beatles getting ruined by a gaijin bringing their filth into it

good acting and story and it shows the dangers of fame

i like how openly corrupt kate mcaftrica is showing how the indistry sees its products and thigs the product makes for em, and by product i mean singers

might as well be indentured servants like in korea with the slave contract where the company owns e and tcan cut em loose anytime

f korea, those gaijin need Hirohiro II Electric Boogaloo

Nippon Ichi jigoku no maruta!

But it wasn't a bad film and had some lite fun and a nice story

but like 5 other things, including a manga, had the same story

An the whole "this thing is gone but everythng else is the same" is like the show History Erased, but don't count in things that happened by that thing being there, like KISS founded cuz of the beatles and pepsi happened after coke

For Yrsterday 2 I ant the Angels to come down and reveal to the main guy in the 1st one that they had erased things from the world to put it on the correct path, but daemons interfered with him and the soviet guy and shielded them from the history correction wave, now the world was tilted back on the evi path to ruin and he had to attone for it by findign a hly relic and comitting seppuku to fix the timeline. And he goes on a quest to find it, but after getting it, reveals he found it to destroy it and keep the beatles in the wolrd as his demon gods were the ones he served and along the wy he appeared to him and revevaled they di it to make the wolrd not lose the beatles and othe rthings bad for it. he believed the daemons words and was convinced that if he didn't want the beatles gone, its better than what The Lord wants and rebelled, then fused with his daemon god. Then the Angel battles him and gets back the Holy Sword and smite him with it, and he bursts after light beams come outta him and the burst wipees the beatles evidence from the world and saves it. Also its a 128 bit adventure game like Shenmue on Gamecube, Dreamcast, PS2 and XboX with you as th main guy and the final battle you play as thr Angel and fight the character you built up the whole game. Also he has to beat through fans who wanna eat him alive to gain his abimities to make beatles music and some have powe armor and are cyborgs.

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