Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Lackadaisy Review

 Note: I spell like a plant trype pokem on


This us my revoew on Lackadaisy from the distant firyre year to fritz feeling of 2003 i mean 2023 (the year of Robotech II The Sentinels)

Its directed by Fable Siegel whs isn't on back door, candy a55, beta male, aids bag, gender offender, frooty booty,banana vrammer, soviet wikipeia and neither is anyone in it besides Seung-Hui Cho or SungWon Cho or w/e from that Canadian blackberry doc and Malcolm Ray from the nostalgia critic

its an indepedan animation based on a web comic by Tracy Butler I never read and i never saw this or heard of it until a guy i know suggewsted ore samma revieweds us

it was funded through kickstarter like the blac jewel reborn , the cursed knoght,m and affinity sorrow among a buncha piko interactive things and the wonderful genesis game tanglewood

So after a 20s film opening like warning saying it has flashing lights and guns and liqur, like for candya55es wjo whine about penny wearing a bikini in inspector gadget and showing her shoulders on imdb, we gt a sop motion logo then text sauing itd Missouri in 1927 with prohibition

i should point out that liver damage deaths dropped under prohibition, and alcohol is considered a poison from how it malreacts to the body

look at spencer tracey and errol Flynn biting it from too much booze

then we see a theatee with curtans opening and a furry playing on a violin about the river and then hes on a bridge

the animation is pretyy good and its got nice at and the music sybchroes with thviolin movements

these cats below the bridge are digging a hole in the rounds a55 and i think violin cat is their lookout wo has spaghetti arms and cant dig as i guess hes a girly man

the digging cat finds a note and a coffin and theycarry it through a graveyard and digger is nervous bt musicat pokes fun at him

a train goes by and scares em and in the coffin is whisky from soviet cnadathey load in the car but 1 falls and cat chick uses a flashlight

then this car lights aim at em and opens fire on em with a mafia looking cat and the hroes drive offas the crime cats g after m

cat chick dont know how to drive but does some zany moves andmain musicat gets out a gun and gives it to digger catbut falls out protecting the booze and digferaves him opening fire

the crime cats talk and their ominous boss in the back has a pisol and good guys stop, then open fire as the bad guys go besde em ad shred the back tire which syops em

the bad leadwr gets out and fires a hot that sends the good guys outta control lik the guyver and bus through a fence into a stone quarry

musicat is laughing mental and runs off and the car i overheated from a radiator thing

musicat goes around kinda psycbo and maniacal and turns on the lights in the area and is happy to see it

he imagines its a carnival andgoes to be on a ride and the ad guys open fire as digger gets a small un from the car and takes a shot as the car is coolng off

leader 1 goes to take care of him and tells his goons to disBLE the vehicle

cat chickgets a crank for the car andleader fights digger as they hide amond the shadowsand jump around like ninja

the bad guys get in the barn with the car and chick car and digger goes mental and opens fire as leader counts the bullets and firs at him when he runs out

chick cat hides under a car nd as leader moves in for he kill, smething blows and musicat comes in with dino might on a scooper hevicle im not sure now its driven

digger is ok and reunites with chick and they got love for each other andmusicat throws a stick that bounces off a metal thing and it lands in the scoop so he jumps and falls

th scoop gets caght under a water tower and blows like back door billy C word in 2001 in new Sodom by jersey and the water spills out like a pregnant woman gonna poop out a baby

the water flushes away guys like cr-p through a goose and the car drives off after getting musicat

the leader aims at main musicat as he didn't get sept away and hid by a wall and  readies his firerm

he fires an blows open the musicats head like in angel cop with open brain spilling out all over his friends and 1 was talking so the brains went in her mouth

jk really he gives up and i should point out that in hokut no ken, jackal used throwin g dino might as a kung fu

so musicat gves digger a stick he throws out the window even though its not lit and drive off but the 2 minions of leader are ok and get out of the water

later a southern chick furry i a red dress reads a script and reminisces of things and how things sck now and sees the car come by who comments n suit cat's drinking

she comes dwn and has a butlercomes dow to a lounge with a catguy in a suit having a drink and a smoker looking like a 40s reporter

the bartender is a big tiger furry har kaiserneko of teamfourstar might wanna b0ne and/or be b0ned by who isn't friendly

the heroes come in wirh booze they saved andshes not impressedby him until she tries he booze andthe others like it with the soviet tiger coming up with a name after suit cat notices coffin vrnish flsvor

digger wont drink it and red dress catgirl dont like ho this is all they got and the heroes say all the c-p they went through for it and like in The Great Gatzby he calls suit guy olde sporte

the car f==ks out but his violin is ok until a strng breaks and violins are made of CAT GUT so this is like a guy playing a flute made of a cooked and drilled male organ

red dress cat gir sez they cant afford tkeep burning money but relens andhas musicat pla a sng andthe other 2 dance

red dress cat thinks of a successgul club and we get credis after going out of the curtains and showing names of actors and characters by pictures in a night club casino night zone thing to music named after the drink

afer the credits the leader cat, played by the maruta from the blackberry show, even thugh he only plays Asians now as he's racially malcontent over actors looking like character, calls a guy called asa sweet for a ride and is called Mordecai h=ller, whch is kinda he brew, but is called a hatchet man like the Edward g robinson elric movie

asa laughs and his name is sweet like blanche sweet from d w Griffith films and leader hatcetman sez the lackadaisy guys are attracting attention and wil aleart the cops

asa like asa phelps from the flying h=llfish se to tie up loose ends ad drops some of his cigar dust in a flower that burns

then credits

the end

that was fun

kinda clean pg w/o swearing or nudes or gore but good action

good story and myuisc and the nimation had a lot of detail and effct

they put heart into this and its pretty cool

its acool fun series with some feelings and seems to be planned out as lttle things infer thers backstories to these guys

i liked it and thanks edgar for recommending it to ore samma

For Lackadaisy 2 I want it to be the 50s and the kids of the 1st generation ate 50s cool teens and a commie is planmimg to take over their town with a poison in the food that makes guys not eanna try and give up easier, nd the teens gotta uncover it and solve the muystery, also irs a 16 bit cinematic platformer like Flashback on Sga Genesis, Snes, TG16, Atari Jaguar and GBA with you playing as 1 of the teens that each start from a different part of thew levl but do things in different orders.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Money, Women And Guns Review

 Note: i spell like i got a gun in my a55

Money, Women And Guns

This is my review on Money, Women And Guns from the distant future year to stalin  of 1958 (20 years before the global cucil war in Roboteh)

Its directal by Richard Bartlett wjo did nothing i saw

It stars Jock Mahoney fro Santa Fe/The Texas Rangers/Joe Dakota, Kim Hunter from Streetcar Named Desire/Planet of the Apes/Beneath the Planet of the Apes/Escape from the Planet of the Apes/The Rockford Files. Gene Evans from Ace in the Hole/The Giant Behemoth(that one s-cked)/Shock Corridor/The Alamo: 13 Days to Glory/M*A*S*H/The Shado Raiders/Gold Of The Seven Saints, Tom Drake not Tim Drake who got turned or w/e from Batman, from Our Town/The Great Rupert/the 50s Warlock, Lon Chaney Jr from Manfish/My Favorite Brunette/The Ghost of Frankenstein/The Wolf Man/Of Mice and Men/Jesse James/law of the lawless/Young Fury/Town Tamer, William Campbell from Hush… Hush, Sweet Charlotte/60s Star Trek,  Jeffrey Stone from dosney's Cinderella, James Gleason from The Night of the Hunter, Phillip Terry who was married to joan Crawford, from Marie Antoinette,, Richard Devon from Planet of the Apes/The Seventh Sign, Ian MacDonald from White Heat/The Texas Rangers/Apache/50s Warlock, Don Megowan from  The Story of Mankind/Blazing Saddles, and sme guy i never saw in anything

according o candy a55, beta male, sot boy, frooty booty, banana crammer, gender offender, aids bag, whale kissing Dukakis hugging moon maiden, soy boy, monkey junkie Wikipedia, it was filmed in September 1957, its release was delayed for over a year. The song, "Lonely Is The Hunter," written and performed during the opening credits by Jimmy Wakely, suggests that it may have been a working title, and the final one a last-minute change.

Amd its Lo Chaney GX's lasy film  foe IUnivrsal

after logo and an opening song  showing a pnting of a man on s horse and other coeboy things in widescreen and cilor, we see these guys on horses but not b0ning em like brony's  gingacross a plnt covered area of hills

they got goldand wait the guys ice a guy with gold but in a gunfight 2 of the trio get capped

wait, he dont gets iced and caps the guy, wait he got cappe and his homie comes for him as he writes something on a book and tells him hes already dead and gold guy cant talk and points to a thing he wrote on and how 1 of te trio gotta way

and then, he died, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

in town some guy say silver ward hogan  weho a famous detective and wears silver

silver coms in and i think is jock and people are glad to see him and hes called in for a 50 000 $ case to findthe gold guy who got bushwacked and wrote a will to say he'd give his claim to these guys and whoever finds the third man and to a guy amed judas like in Magical Beast Front

the job guy sez the killer might be 1 of the ones amed on the list and might not be the thrird brother of the 2 who got it, but if he dont solve it he'd be paid for his time

so its a murder mystery? like the ones with Candice Cameron or lacey Chabert?

so e goes out and looks around and a guy comes at him with a knife but he pins him and sez he saw him following him 2 day ans asks why

the guys a bounty hunter after the dough and they talk and how this guy brigs isn't probsbly the man

they sorta team up but are rivals and ulie modern films, wont fall in love and b0ne, unlike the fan fics the yaoi dinks do

they meet up eith brugs who looks like a sasquatch and ask about judas and he seems nice but judas might be jude or jud but1 jud bit it and his brither bart is around and he thinks someone iced him as he aint been around

also brigs didn't know gold guy named ben Merriweather like ubcle ben in spider man and Nicholas Merriweather aka arch hall sr

brgs cant read like hes a homie and thinks the brigs on the paper might be another brigs an then jock silver is ditched by bountry hunter

so jock silver goes t davif kingman oy vey i could just plots mein kamph and  finds a naked man ait its jock and hes bathing in the river

a ladygets im a gunpoint whenhs not looking and sez she knows how to use it

she fires in the water and blows off his man thing

jk really its a warning shot and he talks hr into letting gi  get dressd abd he asks if shes Dorothy a girl he loved in grade school and she sez shes not ad is mrs kingman

he gets dressed and sez hes looking for David and is investigating a murder

dvid kingman bit it and theres David jr lie piccolo jr, garlic jr, goku jr, cell jr, vegwta jr and xicor jr and also davids dad

David goes in and has whipporill peas and dave jr is liking main guy the silver jock and jock talks of the gold guy and grandpa read of it in the paper

jr gets a newspaper t sign and jock sez the paper tells lies and jr sez he saw gol gy when mom was in the bak or store or w/e and lies about not knowing what they talked of but then sez the truth about wanting red boots and telling how santa was gonn a get hi em and he told gold guy where he lived and who his dad was

mom sez after jr leaves that jr knew they couldn't afford the red boots but hoped for santa

at night he offers a walk with chikc but she sez no and they both say they have guns by their pillows

he goes in the kitchen for more peas and chick aims a gun at hi  but after he tells her she gets him food and he sez he likes this as its better than hotels he likes a midknight snack

he sez he got a bounty on him for 5000$ and they talk about how she dont look as much like his childhood crush

the next day he is going out nd sez he was feeling tapped and isn't a hand working man and she sez he's welcome here if hes in the area

he gives her a silver bullet for davey as a Christmas present and goes on and talks to a guy who dont know any of the suspects but 1 has a bit of land after prison and went straight but the guy doubts him

he meets a chick who has asthma and is with a guy named clint like back door billy and his woc with out sinsent acts

clint sez he didn't ice ben gold guy and is kinda disgruntled and claims to ot kknow any of the guys on the list but knew gold guy who iced a guy claiming its self defence and was there so he didn't get lynched

they were cellmates and ben was not good and his woman got him to go stfaight and not as in he used to b0ne guys like in that svu how those guys b0ned guys but didn't think they were queer

jock sez to the sherrif or we he found him but he didn't do it and sherrif or w.e the guy who told of Clinton being bad from jail is gets a message an i cant read much of it in cr-ppy handwriting

in his shack clint sez his calf is dead and he needs to get em away as theres a lot of dust but she sez not to give up

he sez he wants to do it better like in soviet California and he ants to go back to crime and thinks hes cursed and she sez if he goes back to crime she'd leave him

we're like an hour n, i though we were closer to the end

so clint worries for his woman and gets his gun and then its the next day and something was robbed and they think its clint and the sherrif and his droogs and jolck go after him

they go to his place antell him to come out buthis woman sez hes not there and jocke sez to hold ur fire and goes in to check

as the guys come in, the doors close and the place bursts into flames andshe laughs evilly

jk really she sez clint is out probably fixing fences and often leaves w/o telling her and sherrif is hard on her and not having a h=rn Qn but jock defends her

clint comes back unarmed and sez last night he robbed the thing and  sez he saw t as the only way and se hugs him and crys

he revealed he stole mail and in it wasa check fro ben gold guy who left him 50 000 $ and had he waited another day he'd be ok

he tells get to get to soviet alifrnia and how he came back to get her the check andto wait for him and he sez ben almost made i an hostst man

he has jock make sure his woman gets out safe and when he gets back he sez how he found 2 heirs including jr and clint andhow ben saved job iver and iced a guy to do it

jr comes in and his mm is executor for the money and its a mustery why en did things

they check jr's moms horse and it slit a shoe and jock and jr do blicketee blaksmithing with jr having red boots and how his wishes are coming true

a guy sezif they invest in beef ranching jr's investment can doyble andthey meet i think bounty hunter who helped mom and jr

jock jr and mom go by this house the jr wants and se sez grandpas too old and davey is too young but they might hire a guy

jock ants to et supplies and sez how she might be wanting im as her man abd she gets b--chy over it

some indias come by and ok talks with em with each thinking the other race was gone fron there and he goes t see a guy called henry

they go to a fort and its f'd out and theres a poker game in there cuz they didn't invent Yugioh yet

henry is a player and not like homies mean and he tells his other player to have the reds stay around

he gts some booze to joxk who talks with im of ben gold guy and how henry did prospecting for him and got rich

henry not on ree ike the lower evolved say sezben took his clsim, registed in bens name, and aimed a gun at hi and thats the last he saw of ben

the beer was made of mineral spring water and henry sends him to a place to spent the night in 10 miles

henrys homie sez its the other way around with the ben henry issue as i think henry took his claim andjock gets back to town

wait its another town and he wants Mexico food as he wants to p-ss out his a55

he talks with a guy about someone and a banker sezhow a guy might ask for withdrawling mor money than the bank has

henry and lon chaney gt talk aboutthe letter and ben and how lon checked the letter b4 him and read it and how enry otta go in and get it or let him get it

lon wins hi over and offacreen gets the money and heads south and ok thinks enry got iced by lon chaney abd wont be a werewolf when the moon comes out

the Indians mert ock and finds henru ait seen for days and when they get to the farm base fort w/e find him playing cars wthln and the reds thought ock iced him

lon sez he was gonna steal it but its more fun to win it in cards and theres 1 name left on the list jess

he goes to a saloon and asks a guy about judas who dont anna tell him and wants 25$ but really wants a share in the reward for 1/4th

ock offers 50$ and is told judas is upstairs and he goes up to find jess whos the brother of the guys iced and i thought it was udas but not really

he sez he has an alibi but e's a cripple from a bullet and has dwad legs from his brothers capping him and he aint seen em in 2 years

main guy jock silver hogan andbounty hunter head back at night and hunter sez hes on the wrong trail and knoew hes up to something

joc sez he gave it to men who might've stole it and saved em from themselves as they'd be beta males

hunter sez he tik it might be one of Cassidy's bunxh (like butch Cassidy?) andgoes off for fire wood

then sez "how'd you know the muels name is judas" andhunter fires on him but hesaway and hunter trys sneaking away in the river

jock sez if he knew the mue he knew ben andthis is a really bright night

jock sez hunter was one of the bush wackers and fire near him and sez he dont wanna ice him

hunter sez ben bought his clsim and sed its empty but got rich from it and he wanted his clain but the brothers fired on ben but he didn't

joc fights him in the water and catches him but finds that hunter is actually brigs and will testify for him and help him get a good deal

alo hunter was gonna ice him if he got too close but jock forgives him and later jock offers to work with chick mom of jr and they go for a moon light densetsu i mean walk

the end

that was quite good

a nice detective movie in the 1800s with soem clean wholesome themes

good twists and the accused wasn't all bad and it had more positive things to it

good acting and the color and music wa good and it tells a good story

its more lite despite darker themes, kinda like sailor moon, and has a bit of a positive feel

sorta like those crossword or aurora teagarden things but ore 1800s

it feels longer than it is but doesn't bore, it holds attention and yo wanna see where it goes

i liked it and it was a good wat, its only like 80 mins but 2 house on Grit with adds

For Money, Women And Guns 2 I want it to be about clint geting outta jail later and his journey to California, but finds these ancient temples in the wastelands that were melted to look like rock formations, and figjts armadillo people in them wo wanna eat him as they were made by demons experimenting in genetic wtxhcraft and dont wan their existance revealed. Also its a 32/64 bit game on N64, ps1, Sega Saturn and Panasonic 3d0 where its like Zelda Ocarina Of Time where you go through hidden temples and waste cryptids and legendary tings and mutants.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Rabbit-Proof Fence Review

 Notw: I AM The Rabbit! As I was born in 87

Rabbit-Proof Fence

This is my revbiew on  Rabbit-Proof Fence from the distant future year to Zee Kaizer of 2002

Its directed by Phillip Noyce who did The Bone Collector and is baeed on a 96 book by Doris Pilkington Garimara that i never read

It stars David Gulpilil from Crocodile Dundee 001/the 2008 Australia, Jason Clarke from Zero Dark Thirty/the 2013 The Great Gatsby/Terminator Genisys/First Man/Oppenheimer, Kenneth Branagh from Chariots of Fire/Much Ado About Nothing/Mary Shelley's Frankenstein/1995s Othello/Wild Wild West/The Road to El Dorado/Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets/Dunkirk/Death on the Nile/Oppenheimer/Shackleton//Walking with Dinosaurs/World War 1 in Color, Garry McDonald from Moulin Rouge!, and a bunxha guys i never saw n anuthinh else or aint in back door candy a55 banana crammer, aids  bag, Sodom bottom, frooty booty, gender offender, hippie vegan stoner peta tree kung fu based on plants soy boy beta male Wikipedia

Its based on the the soviet Australian gov did to the 1st people of that dark continent and proves Australia s=cked back then too

they don't like freedom of speech or property rights or letting people watch movies the gov dont like or p0rn0, even the normal sruff with 1 living human adult  White male and 1 living human adult  White female

i saw this b4 and tought it was well done, bt now dislike that candy a55 commie land of kangaroo monkeys more so imma rip it a thisd a55

also; new Zealand s=cked too. they anned power rangers as its "too much" for em

can they/them watch care bears? No Heart was pretty scary, when ur 5!!

after logoes and credits and title we get text saying in 1931 after a century of Whites vs natives in  candy a55 austrialia, the brit put in laws to do stuff about the mixed race kids of austrianians and natives

then textof a chick saying how she lived in there and got rations and the gov or w/e gbuilt a fence to keep the rabbits ut

then title, and chick complains of her dad being White and making the fence and others not liking her being mixed

it still happens today, black Koreans get a lot of hate from full Koreans in south korea, and in india they hate not only race, but religion and class and kill their kids for falling in love

so chick.-'s mom sez this bird is a spirit bid that looks over em and the gitl ctches a lizard in a tree and these brit agents watch em from the bush on horse a55

someone sees the brits ans sez to hide the kids and in the city kennith signs orders to have the kids removed for being hybrids

in the mad max wasteland the kids see a guy making thence made to keep the rabbits out and it goes from sea to sea over 1000 miles

the mom sez she plans for her hybrid kids to get married and if kennith wants half kids he can make his own

in this 1 anime, a guy is a pet sitter and is hired to lookm after a rabit, but when he gets there, theres no rabbit or cage or feed, he looks around and in the closet is a naked man bound and gagged. he asks whats going on as he came to look after the rabbit, and the naked man says 'I AM THE RABBIT' this is an adlt anime, sensitive p0rn0graph

so big gov guys come in  and capture the kids aginst their will, as he gov knows better than the individual, and its for their own good, and you otta trust the experts, they have more info than you, and he gov dont lie or do bad or it would be voted out

kennith sez they otta do something about mixed kids as hes the chief protecter of the natives by the gov and shows he has a selective breeding program tobreed them with Whites to make their lneage Whiter, like with the maruta doing stuff to the uy gh urs

i should note that in America they did the opposite and had the 1 drop rule as if you got any africanized blood, ur black

kennith does this to "help" them as he don't want a race of "unwanted" beings wo don't fit in, like soviet Canada and expanding assisted suicide to "help" the dsabled. see also zee axis in Europe.

so the trio of kids is takento some sh-t town in the back of a truck w/o anything keeping em in and they could have jumped out at any time

this un brings em in a room with bed things and the next day they are woke up and make the beds like indentured servants

the ther hybrids sa "you'll get used to it" and the trio is hiding in their bed under the covers and then is taken to breakfast where they are instructed to give thanks to The Creator for the food

they are told no talking and and ordered to eat cr-ppy auatralian food that probably has spurm in it and then are showered in the back b4 being given new clothesand are told to speak English, like the French part of soviet Canada forcing humans and gaijin to speak what those alleged Canadians think is French, but is really more like talking like a homie

yoyo -pop booky on da micro phone BONE grabba bus down town to da magic ZONE!!

the kids get inspected and 1 of the trio is called and walks up slow like a horror film  ewith a pov shot and kennith saying "t feels strange but soo n you'll feel at hme" and "its for your own god" like the gov always sez

he checks her shouldwers and wez " nope" and moves on and later this brown guy wants to return someehere bt his daughteris in the camp and kennith sez to stsay here

later 1 of te trio sees a kid crying in a room and we don't see why so i think they b0ned him

at ight 1 of the trio thinks of things going on and the spiruit bird and later talks with her fam about something i wasn't paying attention to

they sneak out wheb names are being read in class or w/e and escape into the wild

the end

jk really kennith calls  i mean is called and said he worried of the oldest rebelling and sends trackers

the kids go on like Lord of thr Rings and go through a river as the brown guy from b4 on a horse hunts em and is in the river but its not said how far they are

the kids hear something andthen we see him going by as the kids are in the plants by the rover

they go on andmeet a native wo they tell where they are from and he sez its a long way and that the tracker is good andwill send them back to the camp

they have dinner with native who makes a fire from wood and kenith sees where the tracker lost em and wants the cops or army to catch em as hi department dont got much monrey

the kids try stealing eggs from a farm but are caught and the farm chick takes pity on her and offers to help but oldest of trio stays silent like a inja in the night

farm cick gives em a bag of food andsome clothes and send em on tellking em to loo out for boys hunting at the rabbit proof fence near there

wow, we're like half way in, that felt like nothing

the decide to follow the yellow brick road fenche to get home as theres 1 thing along the naton like how Canada only hasd 1 road

so the captured kids read of the paper and how i mean in the paper of the trio and the only trace is a dead babbit and they laugh

turns out, kennith plays the historical figure A. O. Neville who was big on eugenics, woch was common at the time , like how low fat or avoiding peabuts or getting vaccinated was seen as good, and smoking and lobotomies andgender surgwry

remember; drs used to say cocainum was medicine

so kennith sees they are going by the rabbit proof fence and sends men to come along the other way and 1 behind em to catch em

the trio goes along and meets a White guy eholooks like the guy in Growl/Runark on Sega Genesis, Welcome To The Next Level, and he gives em avoice on where to cut across  to skip the corner of the fence and save 100 miles

so the trio goes on and meets a chik who looks mixed wj offers to help em and i think s a worker on a farm like an indentured servant

so the kids are sleeping in this room and the farm owner comes in and gets ready for bed but finds them in there and leaves

he comes back with an abnormally long b0ner and says "you wanna stay, you otta pay"

jk the chick comes in and seems bummed and sez something i missed and laterthis car comes by and chick sends thetrio outin the night of what looks like h-ll

hey hide in te plants andthe hunters come out with lanterns butdont see em and say the'd get the tracks in the sun up

then theythrow the lantern out and the whole area catches fire and burnsas a wa to scare the kids outm or cook em

jk really they go in and the kids runacross what looks like hokuto no ken and i assume there was an ancient battle that scorched the land in this dak continent from back when ancients had higher tech

brown guy traks em and the kids wear soks and 1 carrys the smallest and walks on rocks to cover the tracks as tracker is after wm an whn thw tracers are near they hide

kennith sez hes trying to solve the "problem" of mied race kids and how the kids beig free is bad for the department reputayion nd they otTA find em b4 theyget to the desert

he sends guys after their mom and has word sprad and the trio meets a black guy who sez they can catch a train to get to their mom and aids em but not as in infecting em wit ads as the govv didn't make it yet

some kids doubt if they can do it but others think it wotks and 1 wanrs to go hwr own way

\the oldest goes on as they and getting close and youngest follows and they leave behind their sisterwho goes off

the duo and notthe guy from mega man or gundam wing ets wild fruits in the h-llscape and go back to their sster graie like the chick from Degrassi with issues andfinds her at the station

they whistle to her andshe walks out and sees em and they are in cloaks like hokuto no kenbut thegov car and gov guys catch her and black guy was paid by the gov to catch em

the gov takes her away to be vivisected and her organs sold on the blaxck market, wait, thats the maruta, andthe gorls see they'll never see her again

so kennith iwants the other 2 and the other 2 walk nthe wasteland andits like Moses crossing the desert or Kenshiro in the nucular waseland

these nTIVE  chicks play their song andtap sticks and i tink 1 is the mom andin this sunny wasteland is the duo who sees a spirit bird and in the distance is a hill were the ancestors probably placed giant bomes like the yowie

they head for it and their tribe is chanting or casting a spell or w/e and i loo away and when i look back a brit is there with agun and mom i think is advancing on him with a stick

he queer out and run away as brits are girly men and the duo whistles to call her mom antey reunite

kennith sez they dont got enough money to find em and hopes to "help" them and how he needs to "protect" the people from themselves and "don't nderstand"  what big gov wantsto do

chick sez after 9 weerks they got home and hid in the desert and she got married and had 2 kids but they wwre captured but she waklekd over and got 1 back. gracie died on the way to the camp like in Degrassi and we see the real life molly and other one, daisy, and they vot never to retutn to the camp

then tet of how kennith was in office until 1940 and howthis f'd up generations of Australians for being mixed

then credits with footage from the film showing whon played who like spce balls

the end

that was pretty good

wtf, best boy, adam hunter? like streets of rage?

chopper pilot brian hole? what is this? p0rn0?

but its a good movie that shows the dangers of big gov and how trusting the experts isn't a good idea

the kids were tough and the acting was good and its well filmed

it holds attention andis based on actual events as written by the surviving daughter of the oldest kid

it also shows that the brits were not doing it out of hate, but thinking they were dong "good" and whay "riht" nstead of saying "they were evil and sub human demon"

its well made and has goo flow and doesn't drag

For Rabbit-Proof Fence 2 I want it to be about their adventures in the desert on the run from  the gov and fighting various Australian cryptids and Yokai. Also its a 128 bit game like Zelda Breath Of The Wild On Gamecube, ps2, xbox and deeamcast where you fight yoai and make things outta items on the ground and find underground buildings from before  Australia got f'd by a ancient a that scorched the earth.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Dragon's Heaven Review

 Note: I spelly darginic

Dragon's Heaven

This is my review on Dragon's Heaven from the distant gfitue yeasr to Clark Gabel of 1988 (40 yars before Transformers Zone maybe)

Its directed by Makoto Kobayashi who did mechanical design for Urotsdukidoji and was the original dreator creator

It stars Iemasa Kayumi from Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan/Ghost in the Shell/Gungrave/Legend of Lemnear/Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!/PokeMon Diamond & Pearl/Zatch Bell, Yuko Minaguchi from Tales of Symphonia/Dragon Ball Final Boot/Bio Armor Ryge/BioHunter/CardcaptorS/Dragon Ball GT/Dragon Ball GT: A Hero's Legacy/Dragon Ball Super/Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero/Dragon Ball Z/Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods/Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn/Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F'/Dragon Ball: Yo! The Return of Son Goku and Friends!!/Fist of the North Star 2/Fist of the North Star: Strawberry Flavor/Inuyasha/Pokémon Chronicles/Sailor Moon S/Sailor Moon Sailor Stars/Sailor Moon SuperS/Super Dragon Ball Heroes, Daisuke Gouri from Shuten Doji//Cutey Honey/Fist of the North Star/Dragon Ball/Sakigake!! Otokojuku/DBZ/Urotsukidoji/Transformers Victory/DBGT/Inuyasha/Yugioh GX/Transformers Zone/Dead Or Alive/Tekken/Star Fox 64/Ninja Gaiden, Kei Tomiyama from Samurai Pizza Cats, Kinryuu Arimoto  from Skies of Arcadia/Sonic Adventure 2/Astro Boy(That had a great gba game)/Bleach(babes ) /Elfen Lied(bada55)/Fullmetal Alchemist(the only good hing funimation did besides 90s dbz)/Ki*Me*Ra(that had a hermphrodite romance)/Mobile Fighter G Gundam/Mobile Suit Gundam Seed /Mobile Suit Gundam Wing/Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz/Naruto/Ninja Resurrection/One Piece/Pokémon Generations/the 00s Shaman King/Slayers Excellent(dat Naga)/Tenjho Tenge(babes!!)/Transformers Prime/Transformers: Animated ,  Shin Aomori from Case Closed/Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball GT/Dragon Ball GT: A Hero's Legacy/Dragon Ball Movie 3: Mystical Adventure/Dragon Ball Super/Dragon Ball Super: Broly/Dragon Ball Z /Dragon Ball Z Kai/Fullmetal Alchemist/Mad Bull 34/Mobile Fighter G Gundam/Pokémon: Black and White/Street Fighter II V, Hideyuki Umezu from  Abashiri Family  oav/Akira/Beyblade Burst Turbo/Cyber City Oedo 808/Death Note/ Demonic Beast Front/Fullmetal Alchemist/Garzey's Wing/Ghastly Prince Enma Burning Up/Hanappe Bazooka/Idaten Jump/Jungle Book: Shōnen Mowgli/Legends of the Dark King: A Fist of the North Star Story/MÄR/MazinKaiser/Mazinkaiser vs. Great General of Darkness/Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz Special Edition/Monkey Magic/Naruto/Outlanders/Pokémon Advance/Pokémon XY & Z/Sailor Moon/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Legend of the Supermutants/Zatch Bell, Hirohiko Kakegawa from Tales of Symphonia/Valis I/Cyber City Oedo 808/Dominion Tank Police/Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Movie 3: Mystical Adventure/Dragon Ball Z/Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku/Fatal Fury 2: The New Battle/Fist of the North Star 2/Mon Colle Knights/New Cutey Honey/Pokémon 2000 - The Movie/Saint Seiyathe 00s Shaman King/Transformers: Super God Masterforce/Transformers: The Headmasters/Transformers: Victory/Transformers: Zone/Witch Hunter Robin, Hiroyuki Sato from The King of Fighters: Another Day/Sonic X/Ultimate Muscle/3x3 Eyes/Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball GT/Dragon Ball Movie 3: Mystical Adventure/Dragon Ball ZFatal Fury: Legend of the Hungry Wolf/Fist of the North Star 2/Sailor Moon/Sailor Moon R/Sailor Moon S/Sailor Moon SuperS/Saint Seiya/Sakigake!! Otoko Juku/Transformers: Super God Masterforce/Transformers: The Headmasters/Transformers: Victory/Transformers: Zone, Kenichi Ono from Beyblade/Cyber City Oedo 808/Demonic Beast Front/Eureka Seven/Gorillaman/Inuyasha/Mad Bull 34/Monster Rancher/Riki-Oh 2: Horobi no Ko/Ultimate Muscle/Urotsukidōji II: Legend of the Demon Womb/Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend.

I never saw this and theres no page for it on back door, candy a55, aids bag, sodom bottom, frooty booty, banana crammer, gender offender hippie vegan stoner peta tree kung fu baged on plants, yoga bogga wikipedia, so I used Anime News Network who is kinda gay too with censoring peoples comments for saying things the banana crammers dont like.

after logos and title we get live action footage of ruined mechs or w./e and text saying its 1000 years since the last war like in battletech and the earth environmenr ia recovering but soviety evolved in new ways

its year 2600 and a ship from the brazillian rempire went to conquer the missionary city og kerutoria that took the brazil emperors treasire but his trying to get em back f;d out

now he sent his general elmerdain to get his treasure wos a robot survivor and refused

then credits to lie action ruined cites and the text is in french with human english subttles

this invid looking mechcomr on and theres a pilor in it looing like one of the regens inorganics andit moveswith practical effects in a dark room with smoke and light to epic music

thrn its anime and looks like a europea thing like moebuis and these ships crash into these carriwrs and things blow

thers a battleand huge ships going down in flames and narrator sez the war started in 3195 like Battletech and is between humans and robo rebels but is wrapping up

narrator is shaian whos a robpt with free will like Mega Manb X and man has wiped out the robots and he was gonna return with his human pilot but he died so shaion has to stay behind

the battle goes on and looks like dune meets star wars ad shaion lays doen and goes to sleep by a ruined sip then we see this wasteland deert like mad max or australia or Panzer Dragoon

a person looking like sand people from star wars in outfit goes byon a 2 legged bird an this robot detectslife andcrawls outta its grave and knowks  the rider off the bird which runs away

shion sez he woke up and found 1000 years went by and the ider is a blone chick likie cutey honey or barbarells and they go to kerutoria with the chic taking a bath in a pool and eads the operatikng manue

shes ikuru and he sez his model but code name is sgaian so she ca; hi that and gets out and walks nudesaying theresban dits who dont know how to use tech but she fights em

she wants some food shaion has biyshaion is embarrassed by her being nude but it dont show her long shoelace nipples or foot long ding d0ng but shows her a55 cracl

her dadwas a mahinist and bit it when the brazillian army attacked and now lives her and wonders were he got the food as its only found on the blicketee black market

they go to toebn and she eays and he sez he lasted so long for a self preervation system and shows a print ot og an enemy robot she thinks loos beter than himca;ed elmedain whos his roval and in the brziiab amy

rival can function alone but heworks better with a pilotand we getta flashback andsee the war with 80s music and its like heavy metal where his pilot hot capped

she works with him in exchanre for his foot and at las katas castlethe tival is sending goons yo take over enemy areas and takes out a take whole withstanding an attck and having minion robots

in the good guys area its night and sihan wants o hang near a repair area and be ready in 20 mins

a plane comes with rivals minions saying rival is heading for anies beta after wiping out as katas and this head of the ship is voiced by one of my faves, Daisuke Gouri, andsz a baby could eat las katos and not to be late cuz kerutoia must be taken over soon

ikur suits up and saion srz therd three planes andto book it if rival is on the one they fight as he's had a 1000 years to lean cr-p and hey dot know what it is

she sez hes a candya55 like her dad and on the plane daisuke gouri as orionis  goes in yo take the ciy hiself in a talk as a tank orce

shaion attacks em an they fire on him but he dodges and wipes out both takes with a deTH ray like tesla wanted

the planes see he has dragons fire snfgo back t tell their boss andin this air bacse rval gets word from e and gos back to brazil

chick gets outta shaion whos got an arm wound and in the brazil empire base rivaL goes in the base and plugs in tentacles to this console and aakens robts saying afeter 1000 years their rival is bacl

then its day and cic is in a bikini in the sun and shaion wrars a cloak as his damage is being repaed and this formal robot has her fitted for a batlesuiyt

the brazil robotsare on the way anfthn w see ikuru in power armor that lookd ke an invid inorganic and se wants an emblem ad he goes off for a bit and leavesher a weapon 

the brazil boys send tank and air ships and she uses this death rau that nukes the area and burns the air fortress but dont wipe it out

shaion is being repaird adhe sees through het eye piece the battle robots and then rival is behind her

rival knocks off her viewfinder and wants her death way as up here its too close to use andwe seeshaion heading over and a huge blast of light

he gets there and se sez she fired but the battlesuit jammed and the rival is gone, but then he crawls outta the round and sez they can accss each others mrmorybanks and they fight

ther buttlts do jack sh-t to rah other and they grab each other bt rival sezx if he fires the chick might get ut, but he sez she can take it and blows him away at close range

so Ikuru wakes up in a crator and sees Shaion laying there and gets bummed but he stands up and carries her in his hand and glids along the wasteland

she gives him a kiss andthey go to the city and then credits to 80s synth music and behind the scenes footage of them working on the live ation parts and weird alie invid claws that looks cool

huh, J C Staff did some of this, they did Eken and Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer and Maju Sensen/Magical Beast Front/Demon Beast Front

the end

that was great

it goes by at a good pace amd tells a nice story in like half an hour with great animation and art

the acting s good and its a quick anime butis high quality instead of a 400 episode monstrocity that never ends

ths was cool and had heaet and life and creativity

its why 80s anime was great and does so much with only a bit

it reminds me of the 90s Genesis game Mad Stalker: Full Metal Forth with the mrch returning after a war in a new era and is really creative

glad to have seen this, its a wonderful anime

For Dragon's Heaven 2 I want the brazil empire to launch a new wave of mechs and  shaion and ikuru beat em, so then brazil holds a tournament to decide what happens to the treasure. so robots from all over the ruined healed world come to compete. also it a 16 bit fighting game on Sega Genesis, Snes, TG16, Atari Jaguar and GBA where you play as 1 of the robots and fight the others.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Long Goodbye Review

 Note; i spell long bad

The Long Goodbye

This  is my review on The Long Goodbye from the distant future year to mary the elephant of 1973 (50 years beforeRobotech II The Sentnels)

its directed by Robert Altman who did M*A*S*H/Popeye

It starz Elliott Gould from M*A*S*H/Naked Gun 33+1⁄3: The Final Insult/American History X/the gat a55 2001 Ocean's Eleven/Ocean's 8/The Magic School Bus/Touched by an Angel/the  cr-ppy 1997The Shining/The Simpsons/American Dad!/WordGirl/Drop Dead Diva/Law & Order/Law & Order: Special Victims Unit/A Bridge Too Far, Sterling Hayden from Naked Alibi/Dr. Strangelove/The Godfather, Henry Gibson frtopm Chitty Chitty Bang Bang/thr 73 Charlotte's Web/The Blues Brothers/Gremlins 2: The New Batch/Bio-Dome/The Beverly Hillbillies/Halloween is Grinch Night/The Smurfs/Eerie Indiana/Rugrats/Duckman/Aaahh!!! Real Monsters/Sabrina the Teenage Witch/The Wild Thornberrys/Hey Arnold!/The Amanda Show/Malcolm in the Middle/The Batman/Boston Legal/King of the Hill/All Grown Up!, David Arkin wh suidoced from Valley of the Dolls/M*A*S*H/Popeye, Warren Berlinger from Happy Days, Pancho Cóodova from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Enrique Lucero from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Rutanya Alda from The Deer Hunter/Rocky II//Amityville II: The Possession/The Dark Half/Law & Order/Judging Amy/Law & Order: Criminal Intent/Cold Case, holy cr-p its got Jack Riley from Rugrats and High Anxiety/History of the World: Part I/Spaceballs/1997 Boogie Nights/The Partridge Family/M*A*S*H/The Rockford Files/Charles in Charge/Garfield and Friends/Harry and the Hendersons/\Seinfeld/The Secret World of Alex Mack/Touched by an Angel/All Grown Up!/That '70s Show, Ken Sansom from The Chipmunk Adventure/The Transformers/Murder, She Wrote/rabit in most Winnie the Pooh/TaleSpin, David Carradine from from Kill Bill: Volume 1\Kill Bill: Volume 2\Kung Fu: The Legend Continues\Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman\Lizzie McGuire\Jackie Chan Adventures\King of the Hill\Danny Phantom/Young Billy Young/Celebrity Ghost Stories/Taggart, Arnold Schwarzenegger from Conan the Barbarian/Conan the Destroyer/The Terminator/Commando/Predator 01/The Running Man/Twins/Total Recall/Kindergarten Cop/spurminator 2 J-zz man gay with Edward footlong as john bonner I mean Terminator 2: Judgment Day/Last Action Hero/Junior/Eraser/Jingle All the Way/Batman & Robin/End of Days/The 6th DayCollateral Damage/Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines/The Expendables/Escape Plan/Terminator Genisys/Liberty's Kids

i never saw this but its based on a novel by Raymond Chandler's i never saw and also did The Big Sleep/Double Indemnity/Strangers on a Train

after a logo and horary for hollywoo playing, we see eli in ben when his cat wakes him up, he has a smlke and feeds it cr-p but it knowcks it over

he looks out his apartment and sees chicks in the net building and he talks with em and 1 wants him t get brownie mex like i Kenny vs spenny where he make a log of it and ate it by the toilet when pretending to be spenny

he goes around loking for the right brand of cat food cuz that cat is a b--ch and not like minas cat in sailor moon who crawls up her a55 at night and 

he gets the chicks brownie mix and comes home and puts the fake cat food in the box of  the past one like that can trick it liek parents mixing ketchup from Heinz and cr-pp brands and thinking its all the aame

of course this dont work as even an animal can tell the difference between brands and a guy with cuts on his face comes by and they talk about money ro somethibg and he needs to get to sovie Mexico as people are after him

the next day hes looing for his c-ck sucking cat, which would hurt as their tongues re like sand paper, and cops come by and grill him over where he was last night

he sez hes a private dick like shaft and not black nor a secks machine to all the chicks and he sez he was looking for catfood for his devolved cat that scatched him

they arrest him as they think he's full of sh-t like an Indian street and grll him at the station where they ask if he's a faeg and he chocolate up his face with ink like al jolston

he finds out the chick of te guy who came by got iced i think and  in a cell David carrideine sez how they are arresting people for drugs, whichnis good cuz junkirs ota be sent to the ovens and cooked to feed real people

so he finds the guy who was by his place ate his gun after a confessin in soviet Mexico but eli thinks it dont add up and they dont say wher the body went

\what is he? hit ler? theres no body and the commies say he bit i, but you believe the commies right? also despite the soviets finding him allegedly, the stalin still looked for him in south America

he gets a ca;ll for a guy missing and he drives there in the alleged dead guys car and the chick has a big black dog that probably b0nes her

she wants him to find her husband or w/e andhe goes around for 50$ a day plus expences

he gos to this green plants zoe to delver a nook to a guy who wiote this book and i think its a nut house and he was told theres no guy by rhat name here

so he sneaks in later t night and sees a beardo talking to a dr to sighn something  and eli tells him not to and eli is ere to bring him home and beardo is the author hes looking for

eli brings beardo back to thog chick and writer is kinfa mental and later ei goes oyt and a pack of thoygh guys beat him andae jyuush and bring him in this huse as this blonde is in the car and listens to music

its his aparrment and he sees the chicks across te yard and the guys in the gang are varuois races ad bust up his place looking for something

head gy wants his money from eli and thinks hes invoved in something with the 1st guy whos said to be dead andhad mnwy from him and was gonna bring it o soviet Mexico but it didn't arrive

a chick comes in, i think the blonde from the car, and the head jyuuish guy busts a bottle on her face and has her sent out and tells eli to get his money

so they go and he goes out and follows blonde and its the crazy guys wife the author and later its day and a guy thinks the chicks there are queer as they pose nde but he sez they do yoga, which is daemonuic

so writer talks with blonde whos face is ok unless its a different chick, and she sez if he keeps drinking shes dumping him and he sza writer who casnt write is like a man who's parts dont work(like when they get chipped uup to fake being a girl crptch?)

they argue a bit ovrwtoter saying she wants eli and later eli comes by ands he invites eli to drink

k i loked it up and the jyuuish guy busted his own gfs face for getting in the way

so eli goes to Mexico or some other slum like in violence jack and he looks into where the alleged suicide guy wasand chex the cop station

outside mexicoes bring a box and a swrm of em have a parade with music for a dead guy

latewer eli goes y this place and another big black dog bars at him and he's at a beach with auror and wife and the dr comes by with sithor calling him the albino t-rd like hes made of spurm, and author dumps on him but not literally

dr t burd minus the b wants 4000$ but when he mouthes off to dr t and the urds, t with urd slsps him and he spazzes out andthe party gets f'd

he signs the chceck like a good indentured mind wiped servant and  dr sez he wont have author as a patient

author is all f'd and eli talks with wife who sez she cant leave athor for a night or hed bust up the place agai9n, but really it was the knob gob lins in the book

he asks if her husband was b0ning a chick as authot husband walks into the sea to die like a star is born

wife and eli go out to save hi and the dog jumps around barking like an idot, which is why the maruta in korea eat those yhings

we see the white waves and the jet black sea that goes on with the je black sky forever in an endless abyss of void

they call the coast guard or w/e andthe cops and a crowd gathers but they canmt find the body and he probably faked it like in The Odyssey that 90s show of the tween n a coma and the phantasy wortld

the cops ask why he ended it as he didn't have gender issues and eli sends em off and asks f her husband iced the wife of te chick i mean dude said to suicide in mexic, the 1st guy

eli tells cops to look into it and thwy say they know but he hd an alibi as they know when he left and got there to her place

eli wiggs out and sez he used the nut house as an alibi and paid the guy fr his coberation and goes on a long rambling possibly drunk tiade, also mentioning Ronald Reagan

later he tells jyiiush guy he dont git the money andthey show ardold w/o credit or lines but he stands around looking impressive like Ursula andress in clash of the titans or paris Hilton in the cat in the hat

face broke chic has bandages and got fixed up and sez he went to the hospital and got nude to show he had nothing to hide

 hhe wants ei to get nude and all the guys undress with anold sjowing off his 80s hero like enshiro muscles

they get undressed and 1 guy had a 5000$ bill and jyuuis guys wants this guy to deb0ner eli with a knife cuz hs dad was a moyle

then this guy comes in wo left cuz he dont wanna show hs scars even though scars are cool and has the guys leave as someone delivered the missing money

later its day andwait its night and eli chases the chick or wife of author by running on foot after her in a car as women can't drive

so he gets hit by a car and inds up in the hospital and sees a man wapped up like a mummy

he looks down and his arms and lgs are removed and he's got stumps and his boy has been vviseted with his organs exposs and hanging out

jk really he sez the guy in the wrapping is him and escapes by telling it to a nurse wo was out for a few days from the flu

if you die of the flu you keep youe soul, but if you die of autism you wind up on big ang theory

so he goes to te authors house and  the people ae packing up and wifes not there and he goes to the neighbor chicks and sez hes leav ing fir a bit and if his cat shows up to look after it

so eli goes to Mexico and i think fids the 1st guy isn't dead and he finds 1st guy wjo sez he slugged his woman when she wigged out over him confronting her over cheeting and she bit it

he faked his deayh and devolverecthe money and pinned it on eli and now has it made but eli caps him and leaves him to rot in Mexico scum wate and wife of author drives by as eli plays the harmonica and the credits roll to hooray for Hollywood

the end

that was pretty good

kinda 50s style private dick movie but in the 70s

its well acted and has good twists and ideas and the music is good

its like how imma 90s guy and play sonic an Shenmue in the 2020s

it was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress and i can kinda see why

it goes by at a good paxe and has nice atmosphere and flow

im not a 70s guy who im not sure about how outta date this was compared to the 50s books but if i didn't look it up i wouldn't have noticed

gross, its in soviet califoenia! nuke it!

but i liked it and eli did a good job in this, even though in the book he let the friend live and the chick wife of the author killed the 1st guys wife and the author then suicieded

they changed it butthis was pretty good as it was

For The Long Goodbye 2 I want him to be called in on a case of a stolen artifact but it goes onto a deep look into an ancient past of high tech that the elites are trying to keep hidden. also the elites are working for aemons and Eliot's chatarter gets holy armor from before noahs flood that fires ki blasts of holy ki andhe goes through underground cities in claifornia from ancient peoples around noahs flood and after and fights daemon mechs with ki blasts and unlocking mor abilities. Also its an 8 bit game like Blaster Master on sega master system and game gear, nes and game boy, tg16, Atari lynx and 7800 where you play the main guy in the 1st movir and find hidden areas in the under city in California to beat the secret giant daemon rulers who control things.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Song To Song Review

 Note: I spell singeriffic

Song To Song

this is my review on Song To Song from the distanmt future year of 2017(the time of the malcontent uprusins in Robotech and the ghetto in America)

its ditrected by Terrence Malick who did The Thin Red Line

it stars Ryan Gosling who sipports peta and is openly feminist despite allegedly being a man, from Remember the Titans/The Notebook/The Ides of March/La La Land/Blade Runner 2049/First Man/Are You Afraid of the Dark?/Goosebumps/The Adventures of Shirley Holmes/Breaker High/Young Hercules/Hercules: The Legendary Journeys/candy a55 Saturday Night Live/Barbie, Michael Fassbender from 300/the 2011 Jane Eyre/X-Men: First Class/Prometheus/12 Years a Slave/X-Men: Days of Future Past/Assassin's Creed, Rooney Mara from 2010 A Nightmare on Elm Street/The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo/Kubo and the Two Strings/Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, malcontent Natalie Portman from Mars Attacks!/Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace/Zoolander/Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones/Cold Mountain/Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith/V for Vendetta/Black Swan/The Simpsons, eco commie Cate Blanchett from The Talented Mr. Ripley/The Gift/The Shipping News/The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring/The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers/The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King/\The Aviator/Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull/The Curious Case of Benjamin Button/the 2010 Robin Hood(IIIIIIIII deClare YUUUUUUUUUUUu an OUTTTTTTTTLAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW)/The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey/The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug/The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, Val Kilmer from Top Gun/Thunderheart/butt f--king Batman Forever/the 1996 The Island of Dr. Moreau/The Ghost and the Darkness/Red Planet/Alexander/Kiss Kiss Bang Bang/The Thaw, Holly Hunter from O Brother, Where Art Thou?/The Incredibles/Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice/the tv miniseries Bonnie & Clyde, Linda Emond fropm Julie & Julia/The Sopranos/Law & Order: Criminal Intent/Law & Order: Special Victims Unit/Law & Order/The Good Wife/The Good Fight Iggy Pop fr0m The Crow: City of Angels/The Rugrats Movie/Snow Day/Tank Girl/Persepolis/Cry-Baby/American Dad! and a lot of people i never saw or ae musisicalns i dont know. But NOT Christian Bale, as his scenes wete cut

I never saw tis but my mom likes ryan so we're watching it

after title and creitds we get this creepy f'd music and fast editing of this chick talking of how b0ning got violen t and wasn't as good and a lot of slo mo and fading to black

then some dance music and guys dancing n slo mo in what looks ike th third workld and ryan comes by saying he helps people lifting their hearts, and this chick with dark hair goes around wantin any experience

then we see Fassbender the a55 b0ner on a mototcycle and a chick wearing well places plants on a table and hes at a party and i think has a jar of burned people dust he puts on chikcs faces

ryan is there and this is like a weird 0s art movie eith video and peple narrating it like a bad commercial for jeans

this brown haired chick is into ryan and he wants to know of her bf even if its a lie andten they are driving doen the road and screwing around in the car but not b0ning but horseplay

they ar on top of a holl in a wasteland and then at a concert an d later i think its her with Fassbender and wanting to tell someone about them

this is a weid mov and hard to ollow and is in high widescreen but has 00s color

a blondish chick talks with her dad of her bf whos a musician and dad want to meet him but she sez maybe someday and dad sez mom misses her

later brown haired chick is in an apartment with ryan anddrawing on the window and each other saying they could live from song to song and they are lovey

they play guitar and chick sez ryan shouldn't ttust him and otta be careful

ryan talks with fassebnder over having skill and maybe doing something, i dont know, this movie is weird

so fassbenders sez someone spends a life trying to be free and  chick sez she ants sometone to be free the way he was and b0nes him

she sez something about poison trying and something f ryan experimenting with portman and after more things of her going around and her wishes and fears, this is a weird stream of consciousness, shes in a plane and gors to some place wth ryan

they look at birds and buy 1 to free and talk of love with organ music and nt the male orgal making sounds by flopping it around or putting air in the skin and pooting it out

after walking around at night in some brck area  ryan sez he thought they;d alwas be togetere and Fassbender sez this chick worked for him at 17 or 16

latwr she sz she wishs sghe could have it last forever and i think fass hole sez he has a duy that makes him ugly and we see em in 0g in free fall in a plane

later this bleach blonde like Sailor Venus meets fass bender andthey go to a music placewuth devolved looking people f-=king around

holy f, iggy pop devolved! he looks like he's made of leather!

venus blonde sez to other blonde some cr-p i fotgot and then they screw around to music walking around a home and music plays

some chick sez someone wanted her to be free and we see brown hair and ryan in a parking lot and then in a neon ravewith lughs going on/off and neon fluorescent cr-l flasing

later they are in bed and clothed and listening to recording of themselves on a toy keyboard

ryan sez he loves her and she sez she cant say it i think ad lsrer at a concert ryan confronts fassington bea over tealing his songsor something and Fassbender sez they were brothers but put the copyrghts to ryans songs in fass bears name

rhyan pulls out a knivfe and ja,mms it in fassbenders face, then jerks it and his head opens up and blood erpus out

jk really banana bender offwers hi a record contract i tink and brown hair sez she loves pain and it feels like life like shes into SM like the Cenobites and admires what a hyporte se is

theres a family gathering and an sez to venus blone he wanted all the pain to be for something and she feels like shes siking

rans btother or w.e sez he waited to e free fron dad i think but noq asks if ryan prays for or foegives him but ryab donrt, while cutting between clips of yan playing piabo

so brown hair as asked to sign a record conteacrt and crys and makes out withryan in a lot cut thing

ryan talks with someone i ised as i was looking u cal klmer, of him seeing an ex gf and then he talks with es blonde i think of blonde being a chic

later hes with some big eye girl dragon and asked if he'd give it u and he plays a spng with her

theres too many chicks in here and its not well defined or nteoduced

later brwn hair goes off on a plane and talk if ey miss each oter

bowrn hair seems to b0ne fass bender and not bendr from futurama with his rob0ner and she dont wanna be with him anymore

later shes back with ryan andseems bummed and nt by gass bendersc rob0ner and thinks ryans suspect of her

ryan sez they ott have no secrets between em and se later puts a plastiv bag on her head and will prpbaly end it like with seven Colbert or littlekuriboh

she reveals they b0ned and ryan isn't pleased and wants to know how many tomes he b0ned her and she sz several but b4 said once and he catches her in it

they get hme anf b0ne with birds of wood hanging from the ceiling fan aboe em as symbolsm for some weird cr-op i dont get

we're like half way n, 1 hour to go

so shes got regert and we see ryan wuth a gun outside but then hes with her and sez they broke up and it made him colder being kind

i think yan s b0ning a blonde and we see her in black leather miniskirt and high heel boots like Mai in Yugioh stimping on a einelass

later this guy has a honeycomb thing and we get this Biblical thing of fass bender bending rodriguez saykng "u won't die, i'll be king" and theres a lot of black guys which made me tin k he turned em for a sec

we see crcus freaks with a hairless guy putting scissors in his piercings in his nose and its rkinda fd up

so fassington goes more darkness and i was looking up Iggy Pop and now a blonde shows brown hair wait i think its portman this thing of a snake shedding skin and its likeb in The Bible

then they start queerig out with eachother like its a go nagai manga or springer and start having a thing

later rya is with a blonde ad Fassbender is ith some teen and ai thin briwnghair and at a conery val kilmer cuts his mad max hair and brown hair worries of not being a artst

this feels like its meant to be a music video wirh al the weird editing and moving camera

the queer chicks ksep queering out andwr see a pool with a funnel of water gushing like a twister and  it makes me thig twisters ae actually something draining air to the underfground people

so chick sez she feels like she' bite it w/o him and ryan is with a blonde and more rbdom footage of eople posing and standing in places like a perfume add

cixk sez she fell low and needs o find her way out to life and how she revolted against goodness and thought she didn;t ee what made life sweet and wonders if shes a good person

this is like Adam and Eve After Eden but weird and not like the Don Bluth version in Dragons Lair II

then a concet of freaks in maaks abda chick in a pool and other weird a55 cr-p

later ryan is wirh blnde and sez he trys to not say thing he dont mean and later on he in bed with her but they wer clothes like The Room by Tommy Wiseau  with Mark having those weird love scenes with Lisa

this pink haired chick has a tattoo on her neck and ent fd wondering if sge; make it

so things seem ominous withsome chic k saying as a girl she loved everyone but fassender killed it and i think she jumped out a window wait shes reading or  writing a note

Fassbender and 2 girls 1 nude are in bed and 1 part hes filming something wirh naked chicks ands a big butt on 1

1 part is a cult or sometuing of people taling in unison with dogs andlater i thin 1 blonde walks y some lace butis in water an Fassbender takes her out and puts her on de grass

i tink she syicided and Michael is bowing in an apartmenrt and goes up as we hear chanting

later ryan is bunned and talking to a shriveled gu i think in a bed and i think its his dad

he remembers a guy on a farm talking about gorses eatring apples

later i think blonde ryan b0ned is dead and brownhair talks wth him o her and how he loved her

she wishes she could take back eery moent andf ryan comfort her on the couch bt when ryan goes theres a blonde girl paying

ronwhair sez she played with secks and the flame of life and ag geezer sez she weas her weddibg reing after hr biy it years sgp

so brow hair loves ryan and they grow closwe but he has to go back and staert over cu of his kid and sez ses the only one he loves

ryan works in the oil sector that the Ubermench prez supported but the braid dead irishmen tried to stop

they are on a hill with water and they are a couple again

the end

wtf did i just watch?!

it was long, weird, rambling, and was like a commercial

its not bd but i had to look up a wikuepieada aticle to understand what happened

its not clear and more interpretive

but i didn't hate it.

its entertaining and the 1st cut was like 8 butt f=king hours of this

its well acting and seems like they shot like 1000 different shots of a few seconds each and slapped it together

it feels 90s, and the music makes me thnk of The Crow, but despite being weird, it kinda entertains

its got goo messages and feels but is jyst all weird

glad i saw it

For Song To Song 2 I want it to be 20 years later and ryans daughter is getting into music and Fassbender is still there and tries to seduce her into his life of son. Ryan not wanting another innocent to fall to him, goes Rambo and useds a guitar with sonc shots like mini pellets of vibrations that rupture people into sprays of blood. Also Fassbender is the final opponend and uses demon drugs to boost hs power and devolve into a grotesue flesh monster and needs all its tendrils blown off before its core is open and can be hit enough to blow him apart into a blood mess. Also its a 16 bit action game on Sega Genesis, Snes, TG16, Atari Jaguar and gba like Lfe On Mars or Life On Earth where you go through the cyberpunk city and take out junkies and cannibals and figt to hget to Fassbender in his gem tower.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Game Reviews Volume 36 From 2024 Part II

 Another buncha things on games I did, with most of them I beat.

Just beat Mega Man ZX Advent on DS. Its a 2D MetroidVania style Mega Man game many generations after 200X with a new hero based on Axl from X7. You do missions that often go through 4 areas in a zone like oil field or scrapyard and bat 8 animal like robots and 5 rival Mega Men. After you beat em you can copy its forme and play as it. Each one you unlock gives access to new areas from its abilities like rope climbing or flight. B is Jump, Y and R are each a weapon, A is some kinda super move that I never really used and uses up all your ammo, L is a Speed Rush, X opens the Forme Change menu to cycle through formes to use, but it can be done on the Pause Menu and with the Touch Screen. You can hold Y/R to build up Power in Attacks and Release to Fire. You can get an E Tank and Food to refill life anytime and Subtanks to build up Life to use later. There's Life and Ammo Bar Extenders hidden in areas you gotta look for and need the Copied Abilities. Its English Dubbed and the acting is so bad its good like La Blue Girl and there's Anime Cur Scenes by J C Staff who did Eiken and Garzey's Wing. Its got a bunch of Save Files and you can pay game money to refill Sub Tanks and unlock Warp Points that you return to from the save points. Its got great Graphics and the Music seems like an 80s anime at times with that good Mega Man feel. The start is lineal but you can choose what boss to do next later on. There's a Fire/Ice/Electricity Triangle for doing more damage to bosses, but its usually easier to blast with the peashooter or homing attack. Its the kinda game you can play for a mission, beat, and take a break to do in chunks. I liked it and had a good time doing it. There's a lot of different characters with personality and the story is different if you play as the guy or girl. I used the guy as I didn't like the girl name as I had an awful landlady with it. It has many callbacks to past Mega Man Games and is a good sequel to ZX 1. Glad I did this. Its great.

Just played Pinball: 66 Hiki no Wani Daikoushin Aka Revenge of the 'Gator Aka Pinball: Revenge of the 'Gator on Gameboy. Its a Gator themed Pinball game from HAL who did Kirby where its an endless game of Pinball. The D Pad moves the Left Flipper and A is the Right one and Start can pause. You got a 2 player mode if you got a Link Cable, 2 Game Boys and 2 copies of the game and the main game is getting points. You got a few screens for layers of the table and gotta keep the ball from going to the bottom of the bottom floor where a Gator eats it. You get 3 balls and I think you can get more by getting past the top floor and beating a Mini Game but I didn't get there. Its got good graphics and controls pretty well. Its got nice music ad good animations with the Gator theme of reptilian parts f the table and Gator heads and Gators all over. I usually like games you can beat, but this is nice to play for a bit as you wanna keep trying to do better. Its more fun and plays better than Kirby's Pinball Land as it didn't annoy me like that one did. There's cool things like hitting the side Gators to summon Gators to plug he holes you an fall in and go lower. Also is a few Gators that open their mouths and Warp you to another part of it, or back to the ball launcher. You fire balls out by holding A and releasing. I played the Japanese version as I got a cartridge of it a while ago and did it on my Game Boy Player for GameCube. Is a pretty good game and I'm glad I did this one. Even if I can't beat it, its fun to play for a while and enjoy the ride.

Just beat Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise on PS4. Its a Beat Em Up based on the Yakuza series but as an alternate retelling of  Hokuto No Ken. I never did Yakuza but this is like Shenmue with similar things. You go around doing missions and sidequests and have a lot of things to do like a Casino, Hostess Club Manager, Dr with a Rhythm Game, and Bartender. Its got great graphics and the music and voices fit pretty well. You can go to the wasteland in a car and go places and there's a money system to pay for things. You got Skill Orbs to upgrade a Skill Tree to get new power ups or abilities and certain colored orbs gotten from leveling up are used on different areas. There's Talismans to make from things found in the wasteland that can be used once then gotta recharge or pay to refresh and food heal or clothes to boost stats. You got quick time events in games or fights where you press the right button to do more damage. I loved this one and unlike many games, I wanted to keep playing it and do sidequest to see more. Its really got that Hokuto No Ken feel with the twists I didn't see coming and layered characters with sad stories. So far, this is my fave PS4 game and I quite enjoyed it. The camera is a bit tricky as it moves and if you recenter it or move with the other A Stick you can lose track of who is where. It teaches you what to do as you go on and more unlocks as you go further. You can even get Sega Games like Outrun and Space Harrier like in Shenmue. You get unlimited tries and save spots but if you bite it, you restart the fight with the same items you began but full life. There's car racing and a colosseum but I hardly did those. You can check past instructions to see how to do things and I learned R3 is the Right A Stick and it can be pressed like a button. Sega went all out in this and the story is a great alternate take on it, with a great ending that goes back to how it began. I don't normally like 3D games but I'm glad I played this one.

Just beat Giana Sisters DS. Its a Mario Clone where you play as only 1 of the 2 Giana Sisters but can go from Blonde to Red Head Punk with a Power Up. A/B is Jump and X/Y is Fireball that goes at a downward angel when Red but unlike Mario, they don't bounce. Its 2D and you use the Touch Screen for Power Ups from Vending Machines like Gum that lets you float til you hit something or a Pop Bottle you blast to put out fires or eat through bricks. You can break bricks by jumping at em from below like Mario but only in Red Mode as I guess she's gained blood of the giants from The Bible and native American stories. Also she breaks em with her head as seen in the credits. You collect Blue Gems to get 100 for an extra guy and bigger ones are worth more. Some bricks can have hidden Gems and you can hit over and over, but it seems after the 1st hit the Gems last for a set time, so hit it as much as you can. There's also Red Gems that have a number in each level to collect and if you get em all in 1 of the 8 realms, you get a heavenly bonus level to get Gems. You don't need em though and can skip em for no issue. There's unlimited Continues and using 1 has you restart the level with 0 Gems. There's Checkpoints that keep track of how many Red Gems you got and the levels are pretty quick but you can look around for Red Gems if you want. The graphics are good and the music is great with life and whimsy. The last few levels get kinda tough but if you keep playing you can get good or lucky. The later levels have a Dante's Inferno feel with fire and caves. Some enemies you can end by jumping on or fireballs but some are immortal and you gotta avoid. There are some floors that eat away as you are on em and at times I think I fell in a pit, land on ground expect to be dead, get surprised, then fall through. Some things like fire or spikes or floor tendrils can't be killed. If you are in a bubble or Red you can take an extra hit but most times its 1 hit kills. Glad I did this one.

Just beat ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove on PS4. Its an Isometric game where our fave Homeboys From Outer Space go back to the style of the 1st game where you go around these maps looking for pieces of your Ship and going to the next area by Elevator. There's an Exp thing where doing things like uncovering the map by walking into unexplored areas, or using Items and you go to a Carrot Wiseman, like a Furry but for Veggies, to get Leveled up. At a level up you randomly upgrade stats like Health or Luck and each character you can use has their own starting stats and ability. I used Lewanda as she can use Parking Meters w/o spending Money. 1 button is action like interacting with things, 1 is open Present Menu to use the items you find. 1 turns on/off the map in the bottom and 1 checks the area for plants that have items. Items are unknown until you use or Identify em and have various effects that can help. You can save em until needed but they can be stolen by enemies. Money found can be used on people to do things and some people help while others harm you. The music is great and really 90s and the graphics are colorful and fun. It plays well and there's food to heal you and stays there once revealed until you get it. I don' often like Isometric Games but this is pretty well done. You get lives and I don't know about Continues as I only bit it once. You can hide in Sunflowers or use an item to try to get away if chased by enemies and if you need to, can jump off the edge to fall to a past area and get to the Elevator to return. There's fake Elevators that bring you down an area and hidden paths that show up when you get near em. It was made by Kickstarter without Sega and has a clean lite feel that's lively and upbeat. It takes you back to a more innocent time and makes you feel positive and wanna be nicer. There's also a Random mode where each level is different and unlockable characters by beating the game. It also has the Hyperfunk Zone from the 2nd game.

Just beat Sonic Mania on PS4. Its a 16 bit style 2D platform game where you play as Sonic, Tails and/or Knuckles and go fast through 13 levels with 2 acts each and a boss at the end of each act. 3 buttons are Jump but holding down/Jump makes you do a Spin Dash to boost off when you release it. Knuckles glides by jumping then hit/hold jump and climbs walls gliding into em. Tails I didn't use but I'm pretty sure flys tapping Jump a lot. Sonic can Peel Out holding Up and Jump hen release, and either a quick shield by Jump in air, or  Drop Dash where you Spin Dash when you land but I only used Knuckles. Triangle in a jump goes Super when you got 7 Chaos Emeralds and 50+ Rings which makes you faster/invincible to spikes/enemies but can drown/get crushed/bottomless pitted/run outta time. You get 10 mins to do each act and there's checkpoints you revie from when dead that let you in a bonus level if you have 25+ rings when hitting it. If you get all Blue Spheres its a Silver Medal but Rings/Spheres gets Gold. Medals unlock abilities/extras. There's 8 Save Files and can't change characters in em and after beat once you can choose levels to do. Emerald Levels are Big Rings hidden in levels and you gotta catch a UFO to get the Emerald by getting Blue Spheres to speed up and Rings for Time. Its tricky but not too hard after a few tries. There's Shields that defend you from elements like fire/electricity/drowning. As long as you have 1 ring you survive damage. If hit you spill rings but can catch em. The graphics are great and like advanced Genesis and the music is wonderful. Most levels are remixed past Sonic games but creative like Go Nagai reusing ideas in Manga. There's many refs to past games and it controls fast and well. Its just like the 90s Sonic. Continues are earned by doing well in Emerald Levels and the game is either Easy or I'm good at it. Down when moving makes you roll and you end foes jump/rolling into em. There' DLC but my PS4 ain't online. Great Game.

Just beat Sonic Colors: Ultimate on PS4. Its a remaster of the Wii game where Robotnik made a theme park of enslaved planets and you gotta fee these space daemons that grant you their powers. You can choose what buttons do what and you can jump./double jump, Boost, Stomp/slide and use Whisps. You unlock these energy beings that turn you into things like a Rocket or Laser and use their powers to get past things. As long as you have 1 rung you survive hits but the rings scatter but they are harder to collect than other Sonics. You can't Spin Dash or even Roll but Boosting busts through enemies. There's a homing attack by spamming Jump the same shifts from 2D to 3D pretty naturally. You can get the Chaos Emeralds by getting enough Red Rings but its not needed and You got Tokens to but outfit changes like gloves or shoes. The music and graphics are good and you get un limited tries but biting it  sends you back to re-get the items. But if you have a Tails Head you keep em and he saves you from falling. Its not too hard but kinda annoying. The Asteroid Coaster took over 20 mins as I kept falling off the coaster when jumping. Eventually I found you gotta jump when its gong up. Plus the final level took over an hour with cheap deaths and no checkpoints. Most of it isn't too bad but I didn't care for the Whips much and hardly used em. They made a Pink Whisp that lets you climb the walls and spin dash but it wasn't so great. There's warnings when you are over a pit which isn't really needed and if you jump into the score at the end of a level you can break out rings/Tails Icons/Tokens. The credits go on far too long and even has a copyright notice in it as well as the music running out and half of em being in silence except your jump sounds. Its not so bad and I liked a number of things, but often it bugged me and wore out its welcome. Some levels can be beat in like a minute but others tool a while to find out where to go. Its got good speed and colors. Glad I played it.

Just beat Rolan's Curse II for Game Boy on my 2DS. Its a Top Down RPG Action Game where you go around like Zelda and fight enemies and bosses. Not really any Puzzles but you can recruit up to 3 other guys to switch between with their own Life Bar. A is main attack and B is secondary like a Shot or a Nuke depending on the player but uses Ammo that can run out. Instead of EXP you Level Up with walking over Treasure Chests and Walking again over the thing you uncover. Each character has their own Level Up Treasure and it gives em More HP and Attack and Ammo. You can find but not buy Items by beating enemies and use them any time on the pause menu and Start Pauses but Select opens the Character Select screen. Good 8 bit GB Graphics and it plays pretty well but you can't move when attacking. Some characters have better stats and range and others do things like clearing paths or healing. If any character bites it you go back to the last town and are healed. You heal for free in towns with 1 guy you talk to and the story is simple but the characters have some interest for a bit. Great Music and its pretty linear but you can skip some bosses. There's save files and you can save most places except bosses I think. Some bosses you can stand and spam attack and heal when needed to Attrition through. For some reason the game is really expensive and is over 200$ in Canadian Pesos when I saw it in the shop so I did it on my 2DS. Its a pretty good game but not worth that much. Huh, its by NMK who did some Macross Games and was published by Sammy who is now Sega. Its kinda tricky at times but if you keep at it you can get good or lucky and beat it. Glad I did this one. Its got that good 8 bit GB Charm and has cool enemy designs.

Just beat Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back on PS4. After his 3D game killed him forever, he came back outta nowhere and got something new by Black Forest Games. Its a 2D platformer with 1 button Jumps, 1 does  Pounce that goes in an arc that busts rock walls and kills enemies, and 1 does a mid air jump that when held lets you glide like a looser Knuckles in Sonic. You bite it in 1 hit and can get a black Shirt for a barrier and each black Shirt after is an extra guy. But you start each level with 9 guys and there's unlimited continues as you autosave and can do any unlocked level. There's like 12 levels with 4 in each area and the game can be beat pretty quick. You collect Yarn balls and there's Keys that with all 5 in each level, can unlock a Yarn Vault at the end. The jumping is a bit loose and the hit detection is off, but can work in your favor at times with things not killing you. The 2nd boss is pretty tough and you gotta time floating on vents to avoid his attacks and the final boss has a lot of moves but once you know em, isn't tough, but a long battle. The graphics are not bad and the music is well done by the Turrican guy but once the game crashed and once I got stuck in the wall by a platform moving me into ceiling spikers when I had a shield and I jumped around til I fell off the lever somehow are bit it to restart from a checkpoint. Bubsy talks and its got that Bubsy feel but you can change hot much talking he does in options. I like his jabber and think its fitting and kind fun. Its a quick game you can beat in 1 sitting like the 16 bit ones and while some parts bugged me, it was pretty forgiving with many lives and Checkpoints. Its no Sonic Mania but its not as bad as people thought it was. For a quick game slapped together to get attention from people joking of playing as Bubsy in Sonic Forces, its not bad. The levels ain't too long and there's a lot of routes to take to get to the goal. Glad I did this one. And bosses don't heal til you game over.

Just beat Panzer Dragoon: Remake on PS4. Its a remake of the Sega Saturn game by The Poles and is all shiny and new. Its an on rails Shooter where you go on an autoscrolling phantasy world with things looking like Star Wars meets 80s Anime. Its got the Vampire Hunter D or BattleTech thing of a post apocalyptic world rebuilding with rediscovered tech and can be beat in like an hour or 2 depending on how many Game Overs you get. 1 button is fire and 1 is fire but if you hold it, it targets enemy's the aim thing goes over and fires when released like the Robotech missile spray thing. L and R shifts the camera around in North/South/East/West and move/aim with the D Pad or A Stick. You get extra Continues by taking out more guys in the levels with a higher % means more Continues. The Guardian Boss was tough but once I realized you gotta not use the Lock On Shot and hammer the Peashooter while aiming Manually it was doable. You get a Life Bar but once its out you gotta restart the whole level. Its got good cut scenes and the animation and Graphics are great with nice Music. You can shoot out enemy attacks and the game is fast but not impossible. Its pretty cool and you get a code to unlock Cheats after beating it. The Final Boss isn't really tough and I beat the Level 4 Boss with a bit of life left. Some parts it seems like there's no way outta taking a hit and it can get pretty chaotic. I liked it and had some fun with some anger, but once I saw what to do it worked. Glad I did this and I wanna do the other games when remade. Oh and there's a radar that shows where enemy's are coming from.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Fort Massacre Review

 Note: I spell massacrelcious

Fort Massacre

This is my review on Fort Massacre from the distant fiture year of 1958 (40 years before the global cilvil war in Ronotech)

its directed by Joseph M. Newman who fid the 50s The Outcasts of Poker Flat and eps of the 50s Twilight Zone

It stars Joel McCrea from Torrent\Dynamite\Bird of Paradise\The Most Dangerous Game\The First Texan/The Outriders, Forrest Tucker from Teh Yearling/Chisum, Harry Carey Jr from Red River/Gentlemen Prefer Blondes/The Searchers/Billy the Kid Versus Dracula/Big Jake/The Shadow Riders/Gremlins 01/Mask/The Whales of August/Back to the Future, Part III/Little House on the Prairie/Warpath/The Westerner, Susan Cabot who was beat dead by her midget son, from Tomahawk/Ride Clear of Diablo/The Wasp Woman, John Russell from Yellow Sky/The Gal Who Took the West/Frenchie/The Outlaw Josey Wales/Pale Rider, Anthony Caruso from My Favorite Brunette/Blackbeard the Pirate/The Big Land/Joe Dakota/60s Star Trek, Robert Osterloh from  White Heat/the 50s The Day the Earth Stood Still/the 50s Invasion of the Body Snatchers/the 50s Warlock/Inherit the Wind/Rosemary's Baby, Denver Pyle from Ride Clear of Diablo/Cast a Long Shadow/The Rifleman/The Alamo/The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance/The Dick Van Dyke Show/Black Like Me/Bonnie and Clyde/Cahill U.S. Marshal/the 90s Maverick, Francis McDonald from Intolerance/the 20s Monte Cristo/th 20s The Viking/Duel in the Sun/the 40s The Three Musketeers/Samson and Delilah/Santa Fe/Red Mountain/the 50s Calamity Jane/Bad Day at Black Rock/the 50s The Ten Commandments/The Guns of Fort Petticoat/Joe Dakota, Rayford Barnes from Hondo/Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter/Conquest of the Planet of the Apes/Cahill U.S. Marshal/Death Hunt, Irving Bacon from I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang/Mr. Deeds Goes to Town/San Francisco/The Texas Rangers/the 30s A Star Is Born/The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse/Boy Slaves/Gone With the Wind/The Grapes of Wrath/the 50s A Star Is Born, Claire Carleton from  Westward the Women, and some guys i ever saw or aint on back door, candy a55, aids bag, banana crammer, Sodom bottom, frooty booty, hippie vegan stoner peta, soviret, gener offender wiipedia.

I never saw tis but its 80 mins long and 2 hours on grit with adds to make it even

after title and credits in widescreen  to a gun wearing a hat we getarmy guys in a wasteland and joel sends em on as he writes a note then reads it that in 1879 the apache attacked c troop and they got many wounded

srgnt Vincent took command as hes the higherntrank survivor and they are 100 miles from fort craine like the scarecrow in batan

they are in new Mexico as 1 Mexico wasn't bad enough andsoon we'll have new England, and the guys complain of how things aint worth it

1 guy complains of regulatuons lmitng him and needing orders to do anything and 1 guy wants o rest but joel sez they can't as theres apace too far and they're looking for a column

2 guys went out and didn't come back and the wounded guy who wanted a break sez he couldn't go cuz he was wounded

at this water hole is a swarmof apache and 2 guys watch froma hidden area and they see o chix or kids and a fw guns

on the trail a guy bites it and they need to dig a 6 foot grave but the guys don't wanna and 1 sez 3 feet is enuff cuz hes half a man

the scouts return and tell em heres 50 apace at the water hole ad few guns and joel sez he wished the lt was around

as they need water he orders em to take em on and the men dont like it and wanna vote like the milirary is a democracy

after a bit of digging they dump him in w/o aby Bible words and go o and dth the horses towalk up stalth and leave a few men behind to give horses their canteens

if the tropp don't beat the reds they don't need water cuz they'll be in h=ll ad the red guy on the team played by an italiano wears face pains as its bad to kill so theydisgse themselves to trick God(spoiler: He knows all)

1 soldier sez the Italian is a heathen but is told the soldier is a Christian who uses a gun(but David and Jonathan and Samson iced enemies in battle)

a guy i think joel goes up and a red guard hears the guys going up and goes up untl joel maybe jumps him from above and they grapple like 6s star trek and strangles him

a guy sees a rattlesnake by hm ratling and gonna attack and guns it down and the redshear asnd a gunfight breaks out like robotech

both sides lose guys and a pack of reds run outta ammo and go up the hill tu curcle around from above but joel i think gets ou after telling a guy to stay there

the staying guy gets it butthe others  take em out and the lat one syteenrders but is capped anyway

After the reds are cleared out the Americans get water and the guys are disgruntled overthe fight and how they should have waited  for the main column

1 guy wated to run ad thinks hes a candya55 but they say we all get scared

joel checks the dead and fnds the j fk'd snake and asks a guy if he knows who did it and he sez hes new here and only follows orders

joel blames a guy pendelton for it and sez he used to e good but went bad like the Irishman prez when his drugs don't work on him anymore

when asked why he iced the surrenderin red he replies they hate us and it makes em not human as hate devolves em and in the camp a guy plas Dixie on a humming  instrument

1 guy sez the dead make him unwell but another se its not so bad and1 guy sez they iced 53 men but don't know if the column is as well

they could eat the fllen and devolve into wendigo like maruta under mao did

they hear something and most go but 1 stays witg a wounded and is tod not to quit the army

thishuge sasquatch comes in as big as 2 guys side by side oaning from wounds from an Indian attack

jk its really 2 guys and 1 is biting it and when confronted say they are B Compay who escaped as everyone above hit bit it nd he ordered it

after some bickering against joel thinking he's vengeance driven by the reds wasting his wife they go on and  later joel sez his wife got it 5 eatrs ago and his 2 kids that he misses as she was kind and caught flies and let em out w/o crushing em

the guy whos new sez he's got not much and is 30 and a recuit and sees/hears/sez not much and don; ake much opinion for things and didn;t wanna be a dr or lawyer and graduated coom ladley with fluent Greek and wanteded til he joined the forces and wants to find out what he is meant to be out there

joel sez it takes real guts to do what ur araid of instead of icing apache after  him and how his woman capped her kids to keep em from being tortured or b0ned dead by the apache(as they did some eveil things that make Genshis Khan say "waoh!!")

later its day and they go on lile Moses Crossing the Desert and we're haf way in, that felt like nothing

in the wastelands is a wagon with a couple trading with a red man who dont like the tropps for getting his ragon burned when th tropps protect em

the wif sez for te red to go b4 trouble happens and the tropps say he makes a lot of profit wirking with em and they come out up to them and say the wifw is the only apache speaking White woman in the area

the 2 sides dont like eachother and joel sez he's bringing the customer with em until they get to fort craine but the traders don't like this as the customer did nothing wrong

the customer spits on italiano red and they fight until the ucistomer shanks intalaio and runs, as most red's are iced by other reds, it happened hundrends of years ago and after the White Man came, it still happened

italiano isn't dead andthe guy who called him a red hethan sez he loved hm and offers a proper servive

customer is sai to be son of a b=ch i mean cheaf and theres a car chase on horses with him and joel and eventually the customer gets away

the crew thinks joel lead em here to fight mote reds an italiano red bitb it and went to lasagna h=ll

they go on and the brain f'd guy rambles for a bit an keels over and they tie him to his horse like El Cid and go off to get to a rock formation probably made by the giants the reds fought before Whites came

there' smoke coming from there and ruins of a buldng, probsbly from before noahs flood as reds here don't make things like buildings like the south americans and Aztecs andmayans = with their daemon lords

they come across some farm aminals and a geezer and chick who look like cavemen and they hide the horses and 1 guy wants to milk a donkey, or a55

a55 milk? not sure thats kosher

s later the guys are sleeping and joel or jiro or w/e, i was reading Go Naai's Shuten Doji Manga, took the new guys shift and new guy was out 10 ours in dream land like little nemo or Kirby

he thinks he's got court marshall coming for his acts and the other guys hate him and think its his orders not the gov and its cuz his wife was reaped and murdered by reds

also he put italino  to watch the customer as he knows apache trucks and iced the surrendering red as they cant be trusted, also he carrys waches of the fallen

wasp woman wants whiskey for her grandpa nd offers to be their woman for a bit cuz shes 17 and has free time and don't know where she's going

she think its scary to know where you're going as u know where you end and compares it to life

also here the grandpa owns the a55 but t da fort it might be questioned and he goes off

grandpa comes on in weird speed footage and guy who wanted to quit sz he will when he gets back as he feeds the head busted guy

grandpa sez 20-30  horsemen are coming and will be here i a 1 hours andthe others can't sense it and think it might be apache and wanna book it

jiro sez he'd gonna hide and theres no wind and the tracks would be clear and they'd be followed but the cavemen wanna leave cuz if the reds catch em here they'd be iced

jiro has em confined stay and later the reds come andfind salve used on the a55 to treat its wound and take wasp teen out

grandpa opens awall tone and gets the troops out and the reds turn wasp teen upside down an shake her to drop cr-p like a carton and find buckle

the reds thinkthe troops were here but wsp ten sez the items were jcked from the fort and he almost believes her

thenthe Aercan attack and i think the head wound guy goes out to fight fro in the rck wall and gets arrowed

wait he gets it later and more guys get awwwedand jiro is taking out reds like fentnel and aves the wasp teen

she hates him for it and wait i think its thenew guy angrandpa wez "why'd you ice em? they were gonna leave" andgrandpa is sent to tell the fot what happened

grandpa whines about his dead a55 that was almost healed of sores and when jiro is gonna cap im, new guy i think j fk's him and checks his body to find a phoro of his kids

he goes on and wrtes a rport and sez jiro was a good man but was ruined by hate and this is the only way i could end

the end

that was pretty good

not a happy movie but it tells a harder story that shows how hard it was back then

good acting but i hardly recognized joel  inhere as he looked so different

its somber and heavy like Sailor Moon Season III and shows the dangers of hate

but you kinda understand the guy after his fam got iced by the reds, like if a guys fam was klan lynched and he went around icing klansmen

but 2 wongs dont make a right and the violence sucks others into it like a black hole

its a well made film and kinda like star trek before it went all dark and gritty and has good music

i liked it and it goes by fast with no drag and good flow

For Fort Massacre 2 I want the apache to get desoarate and make a pact with their old enemies, the giants, who are summoned to the human realm by a ritual their kind passed down, and launch an attack on the Americans. But the priests bless weapons to make em more effective against the giants and its an epic battle. Also its a 16 bit SRPG like Shining Force or Fire Emblem on Sega Genesis, Snes, TG16, Atari Jaguar and GBA with you play as the new guy from the 1st film who now lead a group to take on the apache and their daemon masters.