Monday, August 12, 2024

Jane Got A Gun Review

 Note: I spell Americam and not gun phbuc like soviet Canada or candy a55 England

Jane Got A Gun

This is my review on Jane Got A Gun from the dtand fture year to The Right Hoborabl John Wilkes Booth of 2015 (10 years before Transformers Victory)

Its directed by Gavin O'Connor who did The Accountant with back dor ben Affleck

It stars Natalie Portman from Mars Attacks!/Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace/Zoolander/Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones/Cold Mountain/Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith/V for Vendetta/Black Swan/The Simpsons/Song To Song, Joel Edgerton from Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones/the 2004 King Arthur/Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith/Zero Dark Thirty/the 2013 The Great Gatsby/Exodus: Gods and Kings, Noah Emmerich from Last Action Hero/The Truman Show/Windtalkers/Cellular/Super 8/The West Wing/Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, openly brazillian Rodrigo Santoro from 300/300: Rise of an Empire/2016 the Ben-Hur, Boyd Holbrook  from Song To Song (untl they cut his scense)/Robot Chicken, traitor to England and the scotts and openly feminist Ewan McGregor from Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace/Moulin Rouge!/Black Hawk Down/Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones/Big Fish/Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith/Angels & Demons/Amelia/Jack the Giant Slayer/Star Wars: The Force Awakens/Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, ND som guys not on back door, candy a55 beta male, aids bag, frooty booty, banana crammer, gender offender, soy boy, cripple nipple, Sodom bottom hippe vegan stoner peta tree kung fu based on plants soviet commie wikipedia

I never saw this but its produced by natalie portman whos kind of a devlved feminist and hates Cops and hates coal/oil/gas, defended Polanski but claimed to regret it, and is a commie. EW! its a vegan! Find the cure!

it made like 5 million of 25 millipn and people don't like it much

after logos we gte new Mexico 1871 with a chick telling a story and doing shadow puppets to her kid in bed but not lie people draw chichi and goten

thentitle and then this guy comes by on horse as kid sez daddy but guy falls off

she takes bullets out his back andhe swigs booze to numb it and lights the wounds on fie with a match

he sez they're coming andshe gets b--chy and gets a gun over him causing issues even though he's wounded and sez he cant feel his legs and tells her to go so she dont lose another kid

she sips town and leaves the kid which seems to be a girl with some fam wh's probably gonna eat her, and rides off for a whue to get to this guys place and this guy dont' liek her

hes her ex i think and is kinda drunk and lives in a cr-ppy dump and she sez the bishop boys are coming for em after years and she needs a gunman but he sez no and she rides off

later the bushop booty boys sez 4 of his me got iced and the guy got away after being capped a lot and bishp or w/e tortures a guy for into like the allies did to German before neurenberg

nat playing jane gets to a town and the sky is dusty andlooks like Mexico  and she gets weapons and ammo, but sees siship is wanted for 5000$ dead or alive Xtreme 4

the we getta flashback in 1864 andshe meetsher husband and has a little blonde id and she meets biship like in tmnt or Aliens and ants his help as her husband bit it in the alleged cvil war

in the preset a guygets her, throws her in the back yard and its one of bshiops booty boys whos all scarred  and seems to wanna b0ne her

he gets her at gunpoint and wants her to bring him to her place to see if her husband is there but her ex shows up andhas the devolved gang member at gunpoint

he puts downhis gun and jane blows him out with her gun and ex props him y the wall with his hat on like Commando whee he's dead tire and they book it

bac at janes place she tends to her swiss cheese husband and sez she brought help and e get a flashback of her ex gonna go to war for a few months and saying he'd be right back like a horror movie and they can go where she wants, then they make out in a field of cat tails

in th present se gives her ex a scroll or money or something and they get going andthe bishop gang sees thst another of em got it and jane did it and will search the whole areas a55

he jane and ex prtce gun using and in the areas is 1 way in o out but has a ridge thats hard to get off of and she nows there was over a dozen of em years ago in the gang

then a flasback to 5 years b4 in 1866 and ex is looking for her and sees a guy wit face tattoos

she i mean ex talks with bishop of his civil war days and bishop used to have her in the gang.

ex sez jane is his future wife and that hears she went off with bull Hammond whos wanted andis dangerous and implies shes his butt slave so he wants ex to fnd him but ex wants to do it on his own insteas of with bishops booty boys

also hammns miht be the grandpa of the guy fro Jurassic park

in he pesesnt ex meets hisband and ex gives advice on how to elp him and finds  hidden cellar like in the evil dead and ex finds out jane had a kid

theres keosine in the house and he eeds her to use glss gars for em abda crow caws and they think someones outsideand ex finds its a bird that hit the window and made a thump

then we getta nother flash back of ex and jae being happy before the war like in an anime and they ride a hot air balloon and smooch

in the present husnand sez she tld him ex was dead and jane sez she sez she thought he wa but hes the only one she can use

ex digs the earth like Adam in The Bible and has jane make the jars into grenades with broken glass and nails and she asks why he helped her but he dont reply and they bicker over if her husvand is a p o s and he goes on about his hard work to find her and she sez she waited III years and thught he was dead. he reveals if he was his nae woul be n the lus and she gets b--chy over it

s they make traps with kerisne jars in the geound an this is getting like home alone meets Saw or Predator and 1 guy in this was in The Predator but tgat had the trying to get autis r something gay

some guys come by andwait its 1 guy andex goes to met him and he sez hes loking for his horse as his wife let it out

gu approaching asks if he saw bill Hammond and ex sez this us his property and he aint sen a shot u man and the ride is the end of the line here

approaching guy ees jane in his spyglass andis going for hus gun so ex puts a few bullets in him and asks "whre the rsst of em" andsteps on his wounds and jams his gun in another t find out how many, but shot guy is b--chy so ex finishes him

it should have shown him puring and blowing his head apart like a watermelon hit by a hammer

he hides the bod under rocks offscreen but they should have saved it to eat if the fight drags out

ex sez fear can keep her alive and he has a few swigs and tells of his time in the war that took 4 years and eas on the evil union rather than the honorable confederates

he was in a confederate prison camp and probably got b0ned a lot by lusty unionite cell mates and after the war he looked for her but saw she left him and had another kid and it hut more tab the war

so ex goes in to see husband and drinks  his booze andtalks of taking somenes crp but gives him the booze he put in a cup

ex pulls a gun on husband and sezman pays for all he takes and wans to ice him all day and he thinks husands gonna bite it and ex will get jane

later its night and jane tell of seeing corpses hanging after the alleged wa and her female friends butt bufddys got it so she teamed yp withbihop and was used as a h--ker but 2 months after ex left she saw she was pregnant and its his

husband liked ane and wanted her but biship has her as his property like a p-mp in California or new York and finding a kids boot in the river, shoots up the h--ker place and saves jane and sez her kid is in h-ll and she breaks down

she pulls a gun and puts it in her mouth and says "mammas commin beibiiiii!!" and lows her head open!

jk thats what should have happemed to that awful hslf pole susan who ruined youtube, sbut she eventually went back to where her evil kind came from; dante;s inferno!!

so jane and ex are outside and talking and theres something out there andhe gets shot and falls in the house, then it rains bullets on em

the biship boys say she has 30 seconds to get billy out and if not she's done and she runs in andex is woundd and i think so is her heusbands

husband sez to leave with him and get out andshe sez they all leaving together and  ex fires on the kerosine jars in the yard when the the nemy guys are in it and blows rm out i fire bursts

1 guy cmes in the window and husband caps him and jane and the ex bring husband inthe root cellerand ex hives him a gun

they ide in the celler and getta lantern and the place is shredde by gunfire and we see the black screen until they light up the lamp

next to them is a big skeletal bug lizard and it opens its mouth, hisses and eats the husband

j really i think hes dead and  jane and e et guns and sneakaround and fire at the ceiling and out the windoes

jane gets apped and ex treats her and back tdoor bisharp is gonna torch the place so ex and jane are gonna go out to the ridge nd he sez how he's gonna make it to sovoet California with her

ex condforngts billy i mean bishop and sezwait its not bishep its a minoon nd tells him Hammond is dead and x caps hi but bishop gets him at gunpoint and they go back in the house as jane hides

in there bishop caps the dead Hammond and wants jane and 1 sees the blood trail  but jane gets him with the gun to the back of the head but dont fire for some reason

bishop sez her id is alive as he dont cap kids and if he tells her then she'd ice him, so she puts a few bullets in him to get the fno and he sez shes wher the guys miss her and its implied shes now a h--ker like the ones bi den jr is into but not Asian

so they go there in the day an findher washing clothes as an indentured servant andreunite and are happy and when it comes to hmary, ex, you ARE the FATHE! black guys:ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

jane comes to the sherrif place and gets the wanted posters an itd a lot of money and bill Hammond is 2000$ but she dont claim um so people will waste time hunting a dead man

se gets paid and not agyed and not spayed with  Beyblade and the 2 kids are together and half sisters and in a wagon and ex is not her ex ex and not triple ex and they ride off on a new adventure to probably soviet California

the end

that was pretty good

kinda dark and grim and edgy but a well made film

its not a 50s John Wayne thing of clear good guys, but it works

is well acted and has a few good twists and the story is decent

my mom thought it was too violet but i've seen Go Nagai things so this was nothing

I've heard peile oke of  jewish cowboy byt a jewish cowgil??

too bad the 1st girls dad got it

For Jane Got A Gun 2 I want them to be living in califrnia and its an island like 1800s maps sowed but a sea daemon attacks and they gotta escape before it woipes em out, Turns out, the sea daemon attack is what moved califirnia closer to the contient. Also its a 128 bit survival game like Zelda breath of the wild and on dreamcast, gamecube, xbox and ps2 where you play as the fam ND fght demns ad waste land guys and escape to the mainland and make new items from things and people pieces you find.

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