Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Sadie Thompson Review

 Note: I spell morally immoral

Sadie Thompson

This is my review on Sadie Thompson from the dtant future year (toThe Right Honorable John Wilkes Booth) of 1928

Its directed by Raoul Walsh who did the 20s The Thief of Bag dad/White Heat/Captain Horatio Hornblower/Along the Great Divide/Blackbeard the Pirate/The Lawless Breed/Saskatchewan

It stars gloria swanson (who's kids were iced) who wrote the film and was in Sunset Boulevard, Lionel Barrymore from Judith of Bethulia/America/Ben-Hur/The Show/West of Zanzibar/The Mysterious Island/Arsène Lupin/Rasputin and the Empress/the 30s Treasure Island/the 30s David Copperfield/Mark of the Vampire/The Devil-Doll/The Stars Look Down/Dragon Seed/It's a Wonderful Life/Duel in the Sun/Key Largo, Blanche Friderici from The Hatchet Man/A Farewell to Arms, Charles Willis Lane from the 20s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, James A. Marcus from the 20s Oliver Twist/The Iron Horse/the 20s The Scarlet Letter, Will Stanton (not Maxfield Stanton) from the 30s lice in Wonderland/The 30s Annie Oakley/the 30s Mutiny on the Bounty/the +30s The Last of the Mohicans/The Little Princess/Sergeant York/Adam's Rib, Raoul Walsh from The Birth Of A Nation playing American Hero and Patroit John Wilkes Booth, and a bunha guys not on soviet back door candy a55 sodom bottonm aids bag gwender offender wiener cleaner peeder puffer monkey junkie banana crammer reality phobic wikipedia

I saw this b4 and its pretty good

It had controversy as it was too much for the 20s and they changed the reverand to a normal due for the movie as they didnt allow making Priests look bad back then

Now they GOTTA make em look bad, but can't make purvoes or junkies look bad

this movie was thought to no longer exist like a book THEY don't want us reading, but in swansons place was a copy and now we got it today

Its based on the story "Rain" by W. Somerset Maugham and the 1922 play, based on the story, by John Colton and Clemence Randolph

after tirle an credits we get text saying its pago pago a south seas island and i hope they don't eat long pig as its not kosher

in there marines are there and theres hardly any Whites like the left wants but a boat comes from soviet san fran sicko and a reverend and his wife come to there to help the gaijin and sinners find  the way anf as does a dr and his wife

also is Sadie Thompson played by gloria and shes got kind of a joker grin and they sihn this book and say a quote

they get 2 da island and rev Davidson, as king David was a good man who mae mistakes like everyone from Adam to Satan goes to meet the governo

Sadie is popular with the military guys and walks with rev who thinks they are into him bt not in a b0ning way and they go to a hotel owned by joe horn like the other joes, stalin, mengele and biden, like they ad thwr ancestrs ownedslaves

hes got a fat island wifewho smokes but he tell not to cuzthe rev and wife are back andthis manly guy played by John Wilkes Booth Raoul wash is sgt tim o'hara like scarlet o'hara and she has an interest in him

rev Davidson like kin solomo son of David wjo fell into sin and allowed daemon wirship like soviet alifornia don't like herbeing into guys and shining a igt i his and a monkey's face and the monkey jmps on his head as syhe laughs and tells off colored jokes

the guys g off and so does she but guys run after her andshes going to apia to work for the steamboat company but she can't leave as they are locked down for 10 days cuz of small pox, which if made in  the bi den years it would have monkey pox, and if made in the Reagan years would be hiv, the original monkey pox

so t starts raining and they go in and Sadie ets undressed a bit cuz her clothes are wet and a guy comes on to her so she slaps him like a b-ch

she asks for a room to wait for the lock down to pass and gets a  rom in thre back and has guys clean it up

rev sez he talked to da governor to clean up the islands morals and i guess people are b0ning in public like californa or new York

Sadie puts a carachture of rev on a guys butt holding non alcoholic booze andlistens o a record and gets rowdy wth the dudes as rev sez she attracted men on the boat

a msn of the sea triesto make out wth her but shesends him off and hes like drunk or something and has the rov carachture n his a55 the rev sees and pulls off and Sadie throws chim in the rainand he staggers around as she leaves hi to die

Sadie as in sado masochism eats food and 1 guy recognixes her form a bad disteict in soviet san ran Sodom but 1 guy ez he's jumping to conclusions but rev thinks shes a h--ker and confronts her and throws the Ohara in the wall but sadomas sez this isn't his business

he dont want the place turned inot a br=thel and she sez get out or she'd send her men after him like feminists o wih their beta male slaves who lust for them and they biker back and forthe

i guess he dont want to wake u covered in spurm like nikki minaj or Madonna or bulma

rev want t report her to the goveronor and Ohara is playing around with her  as re watches and hpes it dont get 18+ like a G Nagai p0rn0

the army guys go out and bring th drumk guy who was caoguth in  turnstile ou and  Sadie hangs up her clothes as a guy sez Davidson rv is a leading reformer and Sadie is fd and not in the butt like that afrian prez

later Sadie and oharaswing in a hammock and don't b0ne and  he sez his best homie married a chick frm san fran sicko in the redlanterns and are happy with kids and they smoke and give a monke some tobacco

afer a good time not b0ning he goes off and she goes back to her room  change but Ohara tells her Davidson ia outing her to the governor so she otta not see guys til evening tomorrow and he'd come by

jow talks with a dr who met rev on the at an spreads morality tha sinners like politicians fear

in bed sado mas fights a bug under the net and at night it rained cuz its the island

the next da rev sez the natives are so dsepraved he had to explain what sin is, like in that Hawaii moviewith the natves marrying sistes, inbreeding, mking devolved kids and killing em in the sea

what next? they eat em??

so rev has joes manly woman bring adie out and he  offers her  a gift but she sez she has a jb and nees money, probably fro b0ning

he offers her salvation and if you looked into the p0rn0 industrt, many suicde or get suicided from the job pressures and hose in charge

she goes in her room, has a smoke, cmea out abd sez sirry for being --chy b4 and he wants to help her and finds she had a singing job in soviet san fran sickoand her "pipes got rusty" hich makes me think she did mouth stuff and caught smething

Rev offers her a chance to save her soul and will not allow her to go to apia to b0ne guys for money

she thinks the salvation thing is made up and hes after her but he tells her shes evil and she calls him a liar and as he's nt a Minister why listen to him

he tries to get her to repent on her knees but not in a mouth b0ning way and its like optimus primal trying to reformat Megatron against is will as Salvation must be of ones own will or its not real

she bites hi and he goes ot sayng he's gonna out her to the governer, and if she is going there to b0ne guys, it could spread disease like what happened with hi in the 80s with evetyone b0ning andthe bathouses of butt stuff

she talks to Ohara and hates on rev fir trying to save her and they look at this albim with his face edited on a baby cartoon

she worres of re can send her her back to san fan Sodom and wait its oharas album and e has ohotoes of hs homie and wife wo lve is the wrethed cessooole of Australia andhe offwrs to bring her there

she gets a letter that orders her to leave back to san fran Sodom where in the 21st century people cr-pped on the ground and left it there and Ohara asksi she can get da governor to let her wait for the Sidney bat i ean boat

on the way there se wgs out at rev oer outing her and thinking it lies and asks if she did any harm to him even though its like seeing a guy playing with matches and telling his mom gto make im stop b4 he burns doen the plae

after throwing a spazz, Ohara takes her away and people around em covder their ears from her foul mouth that had a lot o man parts in it

rev sez to joe devilved he told him not to let sadomas stay here and as she goes up to the governer, a marine comes by to arrwst ohata

Ohara carries Sadie as she holds an umbrella and rev sent a complaint to oharas superior

Sadie sez the gv sez she can go to btt hole a55 australi if its ok with hm an begs it to e sent back to san fran Sodom as a man there wont let her go straight and watches the boats but rev thinks itd a cop and she did a crime

she sez she was framed and he offers er a chance and she sez sed do anything, but he tells her she needs jail time to pay her service even if  innocent(thats not how it works, the innocent dont need jail)

she thinks shes done but he sez itd the new start and later  she tells dr man she didn do the crime and wants him to get rev to let her go to soviet asutsraila

he talks to rev but it dont work and she b--ches at him for sending her back cuz she suffered and he dont care and sez he's d===ed if he causes her end

rev goes off and thinks she's possessed and at night she has viet nam flash backs to being in jail i san fran sicko as i guess she got a broomyp the a55 like that law and order em

se wigs out and cals to rev and he eventually comes down and offers her a chance to repentbut she don't kno how to pray and he leads her in a prayer and ater it she kinda blacks out blicketee black yo homie wiggle wiggle aids

rev leaves and days later shes repenting alone and gives her make up box to the joe wife who smokes and alks her fat a55 around until her man kicks it with his virgin foot

later Ohara asks joe where rev is and finds hes trying to stop the ilsans grils fom dancing lie 5kanks and has jan or w/e her name is, Sadie, but she reminds me of joan Crawford, is in her room praying for 3 days

Ohara goes to see her and she thanks him for her kindness and is going back to soviet Sodom rfransicko and  he ants hr to go to candy a55 Sidney wit him

when she asks if rev said so he gets bossy and wants em to go off togtehr but she sez even if she's innocent rev sez jail is how she can repend

some military guys come and Ohara tells em to get her cr-p on the boat to go to sysdney and she wigs out until h sez she can repent in Sydney and be his wife and they smooch and  she fights him and runs as she wants to be saved and avoid h=ll by temptation

he carrys her against her will and rev objects but the mility guys hold Ohara back as he gets his irish up

he breaks free and jan crawforl or w/e she is sez its ok ad the guys restrain him but he sez she's hypnotized but she sez sadis is dead and  she wants to g bak

he sez he' never forget hr and goes off and she tells rev its her fault and not to punush him and that things are clearer twhen hes hrre and asks if shes tefeemed

he sez she passed the test and resisted temptation and she goes off and he sez she's redeemed but dr sez why send her to prison

he sez he feels her pain when shes in jail and  later its storming and rev has had bad dreams of Sadie and it kept him up

but dr sez he thnks its sexy drams and joe the devolved laughs

rev goes to sadrs room and she was wait its revs room and she as afraid as it was dark and the next day a gaijin in the water with a fishing net finds the revs body in the sea

k i was watching the youtube vid of it w/o the reconstructed thing as the ending is f;d footage and they had to use surviving stills and new title cards

so he sees flaming eyes liek venus and judas and ceeps on her and sez she dont gotta go to san fran sicko and she asks what sacrifice to offer

rev sez shs like a kings daughter and he sez shes brautiful and she sez shes tired and wants to sleep and goes to her room and the rain falls and he goes in

then its the dr and the oe talking and dr tells revs wife, then we see Sadie saying she's beautiful and Ohara comes in to tell her of Davidson

she wigs out and sez men are pigs like that scene in willow with the b--chy chick turning people into pigs

but when they filmed that they had to keep hosing off the pigs cuz they kept b0ning

imagine if they left it in? after they turn back: guy 1: waht did we do? guy 2: what DIDN'T we do, booty boy!!

so dr tells Sadie that rev cut his own throat and was found dead and she sez she can forgive him and thought the joke was on her bot now aint, but sez she's sorry for all on earth

shr is with Ohara now and wonders where she's gonna go and he wants her to go to sdney and in 4 weeks when his service end he can come for her and she sez she'd wait 1 million years, even though the erth is oly 6000ish and evolution is non canon

the end

that was pretty good but it has a religious man as the bad guy and the 5kank being shown as a victim

its kinda like a movie they'd mke today but theyd be closer to the book or w/e and have him be a priest

it shows the danger of trying to help lost souls how you might be sucked in like the brother of the guy peter pan was based on who treid to save a owning friend and bit it

its kind of a dangerous story but its a well made film and hasgood acting and writing and filming

they kinda kept it clean with you having to read between the lines to see the lust ad sin in there

its a well made film and tells a sotry but there are creepers who fke ebing good and misuse their power an authority to prey on people tey claim t help

good cautainary tale but makes the faithful look bad and salvation look wrong

For Sadie Thompson 2 I want them to be in Australia and on a honey moon and encounter a tibe of yowie that abduct her, but she reveals to be a daemoness who corrupts others and lead the rev to ruin, then as Ohara is gonna be eaten by the yowie, the mrs Davidson comes in with a holy axe and dlays the yowie and takes on the demoness to free her husbands soul from her evil. also its a  2 play fighting game in 16 bit on sega genesis, snes, tg16, Atari jaguar and gba where you play as Ohara, mrs Davidson(who's a body builder under her robes) the Sadie the demoness or a variety of yowie, including some cyborgs, and figtn street fighter style to beat the demoness, or as a yowie to become the new leader.

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