Monday, February 24, 2025

Game Reviews Volume 37 From 2024 and 2025

Another bunch of reviews of of games I beat since my last post

Just beat Xeodrifter on 2DS. Its a Metroid style 2D game where you play as this space guy and go between planets to get this gem your ship needs to escape that solar system. B is jump and Y is shoot but you can get other powers by beating bosses. There's 1 style of boss but each one you fight gets more moves. You later get abilities like jumping into the background, which is small and tricky to see, A sub to go underwater, Running fast and over pink acid, launching into the air, warping ahead a bit to get past walls, and a Plasma Charge Shot that breaks hard walls and does more damage and blocks enemy attacks. It tells you how to use them and puts you in a situation where you need it to get by.. There's an order to beating the bosses but I thought each planet had 1 boss so I dd a later planet with lava I couldn't run over yet bu taking damage and making it to the boss with 1 hit left, then biting it and trying again. I  got stuck and looked up a guide and saw there's other bosses on the planets so I went back and did em. Also you can get life bar extenders and gun boosts but I didn't know how to use the gun ups until seeing the longplay had bigger shots and figured out you use the touch screen for it and the Plasma Shot. You can change your shot and type of shot so its wavy or zigzag or w/o but I prefer the peashooter. I went through most of the game with the base shot and it was pretty tough. Its got good graphics and music and is like a NES game in look and play, esp in difficulty as its easy to bite it, but you get infinite tries and a save file. Its pretty good but angered me a bit from some parts.  I'm glad I played it and there's a lot of hidden areas to get extra gun and life boosts. Its a well done game, but got me quite mad. Oh and sometimes the boss takes forever to get out of a phase where he's in the background and the foreground is pink acid. And the boss life bar is red on black so its hard to see. I fire on him til one of us falls.

Just beat Kaito Saint Tail  For Game Gear on my 2DS. Its based on the 90s Magical Girl show that's pretty good and you play as the main chick who has to swap 5 jewels so the real ones are in the right owners care. You move around on this yard and go through this maze like thing of paths to get to the homes of the jewel owners. You play a mini game like matching falling bricks like Columns on Sega, A spot the difference between 2 cards, A puzzle where you put the pieces on the thing and a number goes up if its the right one, but there's no penalty so try every spot and you'll get it, A 3 Live match thing where you press the button to stop the moving pieces so you get it on the same image, but it loops around 8-9 images. And a copy game where you press the D Pad in the patterns before Asuka Jr. You get a few lives And I didn't really lose em but there's cops around that catch you but you can stun with magic. You collect playing cards that regenerate after doing a mini game and a button uses a card to do a Magic attack. After 4 jewels are got, you go to the bottom and get on a Star to balloon, I think using Magic, and do the final game, then play a Balloon riding Mini Game to avoid things by staying low and a button makes you go up. Its a race with Asuka Jr and after it the credits happen. Its not long or hard but a simple game with bright colors, good music and voice sample. Not every game has to be Contra to be good and sometimes you want a simple game that can be beat in 1 sitting. Glad I did this one. Its even got an English Translation Patch that is pretty solid.

Just beat Life on Earth on Sega Genesis. Its a 2D Run N Gun in the future of the 2040s and takes inspiration from 80s things like Blade Runner and Akira. You play as this chick in a skimpy pleather thing like Gowcaizer and gotta stop this plague from spreading. 1 button is Jump, 1 Shoot and 1 Slice with a blade but using Shoot close to a foe Slices. You hold Up and Jump to go higher and Jump + Down and Shoot is a Dive Kick. There's power ups for more life and different Ammo like Machine Gun, Spread Gun and an Arcing Grenade but they run out. If yu get a new Gun it replaces the last one but when that runs out you go back to the remaining Power Ups. Also you can stack Guns and have 2x the Ammo w/2 Power Ups. You have life in % and refill it with dropped things from some foes. If you die you restart the zone and get Infinite Continues so if you keep at it, you'll get good or lucky. There's bosses and and are often pretty big but can be beat. If you die you lose all power ups but you keep em as long as you live and don't run out of ammo. Some levels are autoscrolling and tricky but keep on til you get through. Enemies are preplaced and once dead don't return til you die, but in the later levels you gotta go through a gauntlet of em and they seem different depending on how you go through it. In one of the last ones its best to go right and fire and get a rhythm. There's other modes like easy/hard and an arcade mode and hero mode where 1 hit kills but you resummon where you fell and other things. The graphics are really good and there's voices, but the things you jump on and background seem too similar. There's parts on the hovercar level where I fall through the platforms even by going left/right. And you can shoot up or diagonal but not when jumping. You can slice through walls and bust foes. The music is great and there is naked bits in 1 scene. Its connected to Life on Mars and controls mostly well. Glad I got this. It a newer Genesis game and is worth it.

Just beat Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games on DS. Its a Sports thing where you gradually unlock Mario/Sonic guys to beat events to win 4 Spirits at a time to melt Ice Walls to face a boss in an event. Each character has different stats but some you gotta use for some events. You go around maps and talk with guys while using Mario/Sonic's skills to get past things like springs/pipes. To do events you must unlock the item for it like Skates or Skis instead of just playing the event the 1st one. There's Whitestones hidden in the ground/barrels to trade with Rouge for Olympic memorabilia and you can find Trivia in places. You have a Save File and can save anywhere out of events/dialogue. There's various games that use either the buttons or touch screen and some are simple like jumping at the right time, others you gotta beat it with a condition. The Touch Screen games are rough as you gotta use 1 finger to move/boost/use items/other and it don't usually work well for me. It as harder at 1st but it either got easier or I got better as the later stuff wasn't as bad. If you lose it costs a heart and if you run out you go back to the start of the last cleared part and gotta re get the last up to 4 Spirits you had. There's an item to skip a event but I didn't use it cuz I'm not a weenee. I saved before a match and reloaded if I lost too much. You can retry for 1 Heart. There's instructions before each game but you gotta sit through em/can't skip parts. Nice Graphics And Music and there's voces from the series. I like the story but some parts were a slog. There's Mini Games to unlock things with unlimited tries. Some parts have you watch the opponents turn and can't skip. Its not bad but I think I preferred the 1st one. Glad I did it though. Its a decent Crossover. I think there's Multi Player modes but I didn't use em. The last part is Mario and/or Sonic vs Robotnik/Bowser 3x but you don't go back if beat w/Hearts.. I mostly used Sonic guys.

Just beat Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished: The Final Chapter for NES on my 2DS. Its an Action RPG where you continue the story of Adol from the 1st game and picks up where the 1st ended with him in some new place 1 button uses an item the other uses Magic, Start pauses and Select opens the Menu. You talk to people and solve issues to get through areas and beat bosses. Combat is done by using a Fire Rod to blast foes at the cost of Magic or plowing into em a bit off center like BeyBlades clashing. You can walk into a wall and the foe walks in, gets caught and chopped away. You get Exp/Gold from beating guys and buy Armor/Sword/Shield. Its got good music/Graphics and the story is good. It plays well but I kinda preferred the Mater System 1st game. I had to use a Japanese ver to do this as on my 2DS the game glitched out for the English Fan Translation. After a while the letters devolved and in the final castle it was a mess of Graphics and wouldn't let me go on. So I used a longplay to see what to do and who says what. It can be beat in a few hours and you gotta Grind to get tuff enuff to beat newer guys. There's a Warp Magic that sends you to other towns you were in b4. 1 Magic turns you to a monster and you can talk with enemies. Its called The Final Chapter but we got many sequels so its like Friday The 13th. Its a solid game and worthy sequel, kinda like T2 for Terminator, and tells a good story with a few unexpected twists. Its even got good Anime Art from the 80s when Anime was good. In he 1st town is a shop with an Elixir that fully restores you when you bite it but its really expensive, so get it before the final boss You can save in most places and load from it but I used Save States as its easier, but didn't use it when I couldn't save naturally .Oh and leveling up fully heals you but you have a Max Level so time it. In some places standing still heals you but in  others you need this Spirit Gown or w/e item selected. Glad I finally finished this.

Just beat Earth Bound/Mother For Nes on my 2DS. Its an offbeat Jrpg where you play as a psychic kid  and go on an adventure in late 80s America. You equip items and travel around  and eventually get more team mates. You get money beating enemies but gotta withdraw it from an ATM. You can guard, use Psychic powers for PP that heal or do stat changes like boost attack or defense or shield you or seal enemy Psychic moves. You gain Exp and level up and theres a few permanent stat boost items around. Its very American with fighting things like Trucks and Bigfoot and has good humor. You save by calling dad on the phone and characters can die but can have them healed. Its a bit tough but if you grind for a bit it gets better. I used save states in case the Save File didn't hold. Its not very long and you can do things out of order a bit, like getting the 3rd party member before going to the haunted house, or fighting the dragon that wakes up when you are at least level 25 before the Yucca Desert. There's a magical land where you can buy the best Defense items in the game that you can go to at any time and there's Bread you can use as a warp to go back where you started dropping the invisible crumbs. The final area is tough but if you start using Teleport and run into something as you start automoving it prevents enemy encounters. I used a guide as there's a number of maze levels and wanted to get all the items. For the final boss you block and heal and put up a shield until he finishes talking and you can use the Sing command and use that while healing when needed til he falls, kinda like Robotech with songs beating the enemy. It has a nice vibe and a good story with great music and likable 8 bit graphics. You gotta collet these 8 tunes across your adventure and they are found as you play. I named my team after me, My NY chum Tom,  Minako after Sailor Venus and Slug after my chum GoTeamSlugs. I named the food POOP cuz its fun. Glad I did it. Its not too long.

Just beat Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon on 2DS. Its a Legally Not Castlevania game from the guy who did many Castlevania classics. 1 button is jump, 1 is attack and 1 is subweapon with L/R to cycle between characters and Start is Pause. It plays like Castlevania III but more than 8 bit like Double Dragon IV and you unlock characters as you beat bosses. You can walk past em, ice em to get their soul to unlick more abilities, or join em and have em to use. Each has it own abilities like turning into a bat or using Magic to get past things or longer reach and jump. Each character has their own subweapons but I found it tough to keep track of which did what. I joined the characters instead of eating their souls for power and each has its own life bar that keeps track when you resummon. If 1 guy dies you can't use him til you beat the level or the others fall and you go back to a checkpoint. You can switch between em at pretty much any time which helps if 1 is low on life. Hearts heal and Bottles and I think gems are ammo for subweapons. You don't lose any lives unless all the party falls and there's usually a 1UP along the way you can get once per life so you never run out. Its a fair game but you gotta learn the enemy attacks. You can use abilities like the Alchemists Fire Shield and switch to another guy and that one has it. Some areas can only be reached with certain characters so it that ones dead, you gotta skip it or die til you get it back and try again. There's Save Files but I never ran outta guys so I never game overed. Its by Inti Creates who did Mega Man Zero and Mighty GunVolt so you know its good. Good dark colors but with life and stands out like on the NES. The music is good and it plays well, but Jump turns you back from bat forme with 1 guy and you fall. You automatically think A is Boost Height but you use the D Pad to move. I think there's life bar extenders but I didn't get em. Beat it w/o a guide, only skill. Great game. Not too long or hard.

Just beat Life Force AKA Salamander for NES on my 2DS. Its a Shmup like Gradius where you play as Vic Viper and blast enemies in 6 levels, alternating between horizontal and vertical scrolling. There's bosses like the Core ships that you gotta zap the barriers to open its weak point, and a level on the sun with fire dragons like in the Yugioh GX Opening 1. Busting certain enemies or all enemies of the right color in a squad, gives a Power Up that collecting raises the bar at the bottom. 1 button is shoot and the other is choose Power Up that gives you more Weapons or Speed or a Shield or Option that  acts like a mini 2nd ship shadow clone like Ninja Gaiden 2 that attacks and follows your movements. The Konami Code of Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A On the Title Screen gives you 30 lives instead of 3. Some Power Ups can be done 2x for more power. There's some slowdown with full options and weapons but it makes the game easier. I'm not big on Shmups but this one was good. Nice graphics and the music is good. There was a 3 episode OAV of this in the 80s by the guys who did Abashiri Family, Baoh and Lily C.A.T. which adds a story of human characters and was also based on Gradius games but is non canon I used save states as I started playing this at work on Lunch and I'm not big on Shmups. Its a solid game and on a good run can be beat in like under an hour. If you get iced you resummon where you fell but less power ups. Glad I did this one. Its pretty forgiving but some parts are tricky. Its got some Bio Zones with living organism levels you gotta blast through. Its by Konami when they were good and plays pretty well.

Just beat  X-Men vs. Street Fighter on my Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics for PS4. Its a Tag Team 2D fighting game where you choose 2 fighters and face 6 rounds against another tag team, then Apocalypse, then the one who beat Apocalypse facing the other and thats it. You get unlimited continues and gotta beat both opponents before they beat you, but can switch between em somehow, but I never figured out how. When not fighting, the other player heals slowly and there's a timer but I never ran it out. There's Punch and Kick in Light, Medium and Heavy and spazzing the D Pad with it lets you do stronger moves. There's a gauge at the bottom that fills up as you give/take damage and can use 1 bar to do a super move that does high damage. The graphics are great and it plays fast and well. The music is good and there's voices from the 90s Fox Kids X Men Cartoon. I used Rogue and Chun Li and you change colors by using the X and O buttons to select em. You can change your characters after being beat and the levels can change looks as the fight goes on. I saw this in Arcades as a 90s kid and thought it looked cool and it feels great to play it after all these years. I had got my 1st Genesis around when it came out so It was pretty cool. Each fighter plays an looks different and accurate to the series. It took a bit to get used to but I had a good time with this and I'm glad I did it. It didn't anger me but pushed me to keep trying as its not cheap but fair and you only need to get good or lucky. Its worth it.

Just Beat Samurai Deeper Kyo for GBA on my 2DS. Its a top down Beat Em Up Hack And Slash based on a Manga and anime I never saw but had the 4Kids Actors. It came out in 02 but by 08 the Anime came here an they brought it out as one of the last GBA games in America. I saw it boxed with the DVDs at the mall in the 10s but never got it and the store closed, so I looked online and saw its pretty expensive, so I Downloaded it. But it didn't run ell on my 2DS and was playing in SloMo. 1 button attacks and the other Jumps, Start pauses and R is a Super move that you gotta hit with your weapon to fill up a lower bar to use and it burns the whole thing, but does high damage. If you spam attack it does a combo that does more damage up to 4 hits. You get 1 save file and no lives or Continues, but enemies and signs drop health like Rice Balls or Chicken and there's Scrolls that do tuff. I hear there's hidden weapons but didn't find any and you can change weapons before a level. Its not hard and biting it sends you back to the last save. There's a few characters to play as that fight different but play similar with different attacks. You can jump but it does little and there's not really platforming other than 1 level you gotta jump up steps. Its not bad and isn't too hard but 1 or 2 bosses are tricky. Most of it is fighting the same few guys who look like they might be Oni or Yokai and they never stop so when the Red Arrow shows to go somewhere, you move there and waste more of the same guys, then repeat til you reach a boss. And Branching Paths In Some Areas but it goes to the same place. It has a CG look and there's Anime cut scenes with images of the Characters and text, but some voices from the 4Kids Actors. Its a decent game and makes me wanna watch the Anime. Glad I played this.

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