Friday, February 7, 2025

Love Field Review

 Note: My keybord is ad but i love it

Love Field

this is my review on Love Field from the distant fiture year to j fk as he got whats coming to him, of 1992(20 years before Robotech Season 1)

Its directer by Jonathan Kaplanwho did nothing i saw

it stars Michelle Pfeiffer from Scarface/Batman Returns/Wolf/What Lies Beneath/I Am Sam/White Oleander/Hairspray/The Simpsons, Dennis Haysbert from Major League/Wreck-It Ralph/Growing Pains/Superman: The Animated Series/Godzilla: The Series(Which was really good)/the 00s Justice League/How Murray Saved Christmas/Blue Bloods, Brian Kerwin from King Kong Lives/1996 Jack/Law & Order: Special Victims Unit/Law & Order/The West Wing/Boston Legal/Desperate Housewives/Blue Bloods, Louise Latham from Highway to Heaven, and Firecreek, Peggy Rae from 7 Faces of Dr. Lao/Valley of the Dolls/All In The Family/The Waltons/Hamburger: The Motion Picture/The Golden Girls, Beth Grant from Rain Man/The Wizard/Flatliners/Child's Play 2/The Dark Half/Speed/City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold/Dr. Dolittle/Donnie Darko/Pearl Harbor/Rock Star/Flags of Our Fathers/No Country for Old Men/Rango/The Artist/The Golden Girl/Coach/Sabrina, the Teenage Witch/King of the Hill/Malcolm in the Middle/Judging Amy/The Office/American Dad!/Modern Family/Justified/The Secret Life of the American Teenager, Cooper Huckabee from Little House on the Prairie/The General's Daughter/Space Cowboys, Troy Evans from Teen Wolf/Matlock/Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers/Men at Work/Demolition Man/Ace Ventura: Pet Detective/Fudge/Boy Meets World, Rhoda Griffis from The Rage: Carrie 2/Road Trip/The Hunger Games 1/42/Matlock/Drop Dead Diva, bada55 confederate Nick Searcy from Nell/Cast Away/One Hour Photo//Moneyball/Terror on the Prairie/Chicago Hope/The West Wing/Boston Legal/Justified/Archer/Hot in Cleveland, and a bunxha guys not on back door, candy a55, beta male, soy boy, ender offender, cripple nipples, aids bag, frooty booty banana crammer, hippie vegan sotoner peta tree kung fu based on plants wikipegia which lies and wants you to pay for it

i neve saw this b4 but it as filmed in 1990 but Orion needed money and pooped it out in 92 b4 the oscarsafter title and credits to a so and looking through a photo album we see a blonde whining of things like rain and the krooked kennedy klan

she puts up an American flag and takes down wanted posters for j fk for treason ashe was a cr-ppy guy and his dad was into crime and got him elected wuith crime connections with the mafia and he cheeted on his woman and liked the germans and nearly did wwIII and got his fam appointed and had the press oppresse to keep storys of it down and lied ofhis health

but when THEY say that about Trump the people believe it

so thrygo toa thing where they see  fk and his woman and blonde goes mental overseeing em like these apes are gods among men instead of lusty crack smoing apes with jonny being on meth to get through the day

so she dont get to talk to em through the morass of immorality and later shes driving and it seems dark and srs so she goes to a tv store to seewhats going on as her carmate turns on the radio and hears the monkey went back to the zoo and by zoo i mean h e double Ireland, but unlike when susan mcpolish name got it, it was by the gov and not a vengeful God smiting the wicked

so they hope for j fk to pull through getting harambe'd but the cult member Cronkite sez he's sucking d0ngs in h-ll

so main cick watches on tv and sees mrs j fk with her irish butt buddys blood on her and lbj goes on and she dont like him, probably sensing his hidden hand in the mix

she wants to go to jiant foul kr-ps service as she liked him and sez something of those apes getting her through the baby and she'd be dead if not for em, but her husband had enough of her j fk fetish and tells her off

at night she sneaks out and this big blac guy from the altate adds takes the bus with her to see the j f k sealing where they keep it from coming back from h-ll

husband wakes up and reads a note and blonde on bus gets to some bus terminal at sun up

blackasaur makes a call and blonde finds they are keeping the dead irish in the house til Monday

blonde helps blackasaur by bringing his daughter in the womans room as the colored bathroom is out of order and she dont wanna go behind a dumpster like others

she talks with blacasaur of his daughter ad sez her kid bit it last summer and likes kids but blackasuar seems distant

on the bus she gets help figuring out where the bus goes and he heps her find its across the river in virginia in the vets graveyard

he warms up to her and is nicer as it goes on and gives her a magazine wuth puctures as i tink he thinks shes a bimbo

later he wakes her up and shes scared like the boogy man(her words) and he sez theres a stop coming in 10mins andthey're dumping the irish body in Arlington as he heard on the radio

she shows daughter photos and t hink she has some issue wuth gum and he goes to the back with her and blonde talks with blackdad asv daughterputs gum on the seat and she talks of her dead daughter

at nighr a car tries to go around the bus but it comes to a bridge and a truck swerves and misses and the bus goes off the road as a trk trns and a car goes under t and cleaves the yop off

she tells the op blackasuer saw it andthe cop is not keen on him and it turns out his name isn't what he told the blonde

blonde whines of her crp like her husband not liking her and the president went to h-ll and gir asks if blondes mom bit it as her 1st lines and girls mom bit it

blackasuar is interviewed as blonde gets a coke for the girl and gets in a photobooth and notices girl has blood on her head

blonde takes girl to bathroom and finds she has wounds and blackasaur is nervous of hs daughter wuth blonde

blonde grills girl o her real name and she calls operator to tak about a kidnapping and asks if theres a missing colored girl as the gi would totally care in the 1960s

blackasaur asks who she called and she claims its her husband andshe dont like him and knows somehings up

h sez hes her real dad and se sez he acts guilty and sez if he ries anything shed scream

he shows girl photos of her mom and girl who i think is ret-rded sez he didn't beat her and blackasaur sez someone beet her and the eff bee eye calls bak andthey book it

he gives the girl to blnde and ditches em and tells em to get the suitcase, and not prison lingo for carrying something in the a55 cavity

he sneaks around a dark area like batman or the outsiders or darkman or something and blonde is gonna ditch girl and gives her a number to all as a little girl alone in the city totally wont be b0ned dead

she returns like batman and misses the bus as the cops check da bus and find blonde and blackasuar are missing anfget her suitcase

blackasaur steals a car and drivs off with em as the cops go through blondes stuff including her undirs probably and are gonna stuff e in their butts to imagine being b0ned by her

she talks of the car being cr-ppy and wanting one and they stop at the gas station and he wants her to get out b4 shes linked to it but she dont get it and he sed shes an accessory to kidnapping and gta confederacy and how he shouldn't have trusted her

she sez he oewes her by some bad female logic and dont wanna be let by the rod in the wastelands and if he dont hep her, se' out hi as she nows is name and face and the cars licenseplate yto blackmail the male black

the cops go to husband and the oreo team goes to a shetto to fix the car ad blonde thinks j fk did a lot for their kind but the blacks know better

mechanic sez to have th White wman ride in the bak seat and jokes with blackasaur of her and blonde dont like it

she sees how she did so nmuch for him and hi ind and they mock her so she joins the klan

jk that would go against the theme of the movie, like captain America being in hydra, or birdget giving in to grilyness

she sits in the back and is malcontent and as they rive she whines of how she thought the n=groes likes j fk(her words) and thinks them not liking him is predjudiced

later she drives and singsand he joins in and later she makes a sandwich and talks of he rcr-py husband who is ok not having ids and she talks with him of wanting to marry his baby mamma but she turned him down and went to anti soviet dallas

they talk of him needing a gf and she cheers him up and they stop by a fd out house to take a big black greasy dump

she chex the paper and finds theres friends nearby and wants to go to em but dont wanna tell em the hole truth like the media does

the car f==ks out and they stop and some rednecks stop by and dont trust the openly black guy but they go on and chick is tld to go up the road to get help and the Africanized wil wait

the blacks hide behnd the car and a pig harmer brings blonde to town but the blacks are gonna go off on their own with girl anting to ait for her

then a car drives up and its the rdnecks who dont lie himwith the blodne and they beat him up

as he's on the ground they get pliars an say "you gon never use dat big thing on one of our kind again!" and pulls off hir parts!

jk really blonde gets to a frinds place and calls husband and he thinks she was caputd by that guy but she explains it and wants money

he wants her to go to the cops but she sez shes staying at the motel t they had their honeymoon and she gets b--chy

he sez he'd take her to a dr for her head, i assume a lobotomy, and she hangs up, gets a car and gets blackaaur and girl and brings em back but has em stay in the car

he comes out and introduces himself and her husband is fd like joe kennedy got

the right honorable lee Harvey oswal who was framed  gets capped bn tv by Jacob Rubinsteiin and crippked husband claps liek the brain rippe itnis

mom; when'd we start killing people to solve problenms?

black gy;when'd we stop?

i mean going back to ancient time of greeks, turks, mongoliods, Egypt, the dynansy of chna, sengoku Japan, idnia, the red man, it goes back to cain and able, its not new or only American

blonde treats the blackasyaer and has a nice moment talking of going to soviet Mexico before stinkbaum came in

the cps come by and blonde goes out and cps say they are looking for a colore guy and a White woman who tried to retporyt him so he took her too

she sez theres no n=ggers here and om wakes up and sez she can't see sh-t (like stevey wonder o steven universe after the diabetes from his obesity)and is tired

cop sez thers roadblocks and leaves and mom who i thnk isn't blondes om but anothers mom sez to stay but blackasaur is gonna go and leave em

she sez she only said n=ggur to thtow the cops off and he sez thansk for not meaning it and getting the eff bee eye on me

he tells her off and she thought they were the same and he tells her off for thinking it and she sez go to h-ll but it could be worse, she could send hi to the third world

being a woman and unable to handle things she crys and he comforts her and they kiss even though shes married and i think they b0ned and his daughter and the mom eat in the kitchen

today on springer!

at night mom sez she feels for her and to be out in the daylight and she left clean clothes for em

husband checks the motel and asks for his wife and in daylight she sens black guy and girl off as the cops are looking for 3 and 1 whos white

he goes off, goes bacl and brings her with them and i think she missed the sealing of j fk's a55

he drops her off at the motel and husbansd is p-ssed at her for going on this crazy thing with a colored guy and she gets b--chy at hm so he smacks her around

blackasaur comes over saying hes the night manager and asks if thing are ok and he heard screaming

husband sez shes upset over j fk going to h-ll and he raizes hes the guy and gets a gun

she sez she didn't do anything with him (a f--king lie about f--king) and she sez if he wacks the guy everyone wil know she was with a colored guy

he's gonna cap the bug black guy who b0ned his wife and the girl comes in and blackasayr sees his chance and fights husband

after struggling and beating him out, they book it and get to a traffic thing and find the area by the White hoose is blocked off but they say they were going there but wwre directd away

the black cop lets em by and as they hear theres an apb for em she sez they can't make it and runs with the girl as the blackasaur is arrste by a swarm of cops

blonde gets caught and girl and blonde get caught by the cops and i realized the cops probably dont know about the stolen car as no one saw em

in the cop car she sees j fk's baby mamma driven by

ten its 64 and lbj is running to ruin America like biden and barock and other irishinmen of frenchi disase 

blonde stops by a colored house and gives a dress to girl who sez she heard dads not leaving jail

blonde gets a locketwith a phoro of her and girl fom the photobooth and londe has 1 of it too

they hug and she comforts her and its nice and sez it gets better and blonde is in pants like a modern girl even though she was in dresses befoe

black guy comes by and is out of jail and is onna bring her home and she ditched her man who found a better woman

she sez sorry and she lied to the cops i think of them b0ning and they hug

then his head blos apat and we focus on a redneck with a shotgun saying "yee haaaw! I got me one!

jk really he goes in to see his daughter but she drives of and dries back and gors in as piano plays

the end

th was pretty good

nice filming and actinh

good music and effects

nice twists and good heart and a good story

i didn't know where it woul go but it surprised me and worked out well

Huh i only now reaize the  fk plot kinda ffell off and it devolved into a fugeitve story, but it did it well.

Glad i saw it

For Love Field 2 I want them to go on  vacation to Alaska and run into the partridge creek beast and try to avoid being ten by it and the ice gremlons who live in the area, also its a 32/64 bit adventure game lie Zelda on Sega Saturn, N64, playstation and Panasoic 3d0 where you play as the guy or the girl or the now teen daughter and make weapons to fight em off from remains fpeople and animals and ancient tech temples in te wastelands of Alaska.

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