Note: I spell homie or rather housie
The Electric House
This is my review on The Electric House from the distant future year of 1922(100 years before Robotech II The Sentinels and Soylent Green)
Its directed by Buster Keaton who did Our Hospitality/Sherlock Jr./The Navigator/Seven Chances/Go West/The General/ The Cameraman/Steamboat Bill Jr/The Frozen North, an also doreceetec by Edward F. Cline who did The Scarecrow/The Frozen North/Captain January
It stars Buster Keaton from Coney Island/he Scarecrow/The Frozen North/The Balloonatic/Our Hospitality/herlock Jr./even Chances/he General/he Cameraman/Sunset Boulevard/Around the World in 80 Days/The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn/It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World/The Twilight Zone/Steamboat Bill Jr Virginia Fox from nothing else i saw, Joe Keaton aka Busters Dad from The Scarecrow/Srwam Boat Bill Jr/Our Hospitality/Sherlock Jr./Go West/The General, Myra Keaton from nothing else i saw(they were his paents), Joe Roberts from The Scarecrow/The Play House/The Frozen North/Our Hospitality, and Kpuise Keaton who isn't on bak doorm candy a55, beta male, Sodom bottom, gender offender, soy boy, cropple nipple, banana crammeraids bag, hippie stoner peta vegan tree kung fu based on plants, Wikipedia, who thins that Irishman gor 81millin people to side with him in 2020 abut his past boss only got 69 million.
i saw this b4 but its been a long time since
It was filmed 1 way but Keaton got hurt so they waited for him to recover and refilmed the whole thing
after title and credits we see a guy graduating and its uster and hes told a university benefactor is wantng to hire a graduate
this bug guy wants an engeineer to install electric appliences in his house and a man goes yp to sow his diploma ut its for manicurist and hair dresser
well, better than gender studies
so big guy sez hairstrluer dont qualidy and buster goes up and his diploma sez hes an electrual engineer and hes hired
but it turns out manicurist got his diploma switched with buster and dont go after him as he's left but coulde shown it
buster goes to this house and i dont recall any of this and thought it was the one with roscoe arbuckle or w/e in the house wih pulleys and tings on stings and gizmoes
so big guy brings buster home and says "star work and i hope to be surprised when i come back from vacation"
Buste unzips and starts b0ning the wall, more lie h=mping, and says "this is what you get, for being wal maRT and selling tamprted yugioh packs!!
jk thats what i joke of doing
so bg guy and wide drive off and gie buster a book the electric house and he reads it
then the fam comes bac and we dont get a montage like in the 80s when Rockey trained to take on the soviets
the 1st thing is an escalator staircase and in this room with a pool table is a book self thahas a pole thing come out when you press buttons on a table
the bedrom has a bath tub comeout on rails and return and a bed that goes in the wall
theres sliding auto doors like star trek andb ustr has thebig guy go on the elscaltor but is aunched out he house into a pool through a window or door or wall or w/e
buster tries turning off the stairs and falls on it and tries getting off but keps getting moved up as hes gonna jump
he eventually gets launched out lke in Gundam and winds out in the pool but tey get out and buster shows another thing
he pulls a lever and the pool drains but pulls it back and it refills
thn they play pool on a pool table and theres a ball retrieval ting that goes from the floor to he wall, then a chute that puts em bac on the table
theres a long thing in the floor for chalk anits retractlbe and when laying buster busts his pool cue and bends it into a gold vlub to putt it
then its dinner and the chairs ontracks scoot in anda small train on tracks go on the tablewith bowls of soup and retrns to the wall
there a spinning circle in the middle that has thinga and the train returns t collect the soup bolwls and they go in a washing thing and to a maid or slave w who puts em away
buster hits a button and the seats move back and they fall but fix it
the maid/slave makes 4 dinners and uster accidentally f's thr track so when the main cource comes it goes into the mom
days later friends come to see the electric house but buster wasn't invited but the real engineer plots rvenge, oh its the 1st guy who got rejected for having busters diploma
he tries to sneak in but this woman hides in a trunk and when buster gets it, its too heavy from a fat woman in it
he carrys it on his back like a bada55 and stumbles around doppng it and bumping into thngs
he goes to use the staits and it dint turn o but when ur arus it, the real engineer turns a switch and the stairs go down sobuster keeps walking u a downward thing
it stops and he's cnfised why he's only half up and as he starts again the stairs start again
big guy argues with a guy and engenier screwing with the wires makes makes the boo shelf extend a book at big guy
buster gets to the top of the stairs and the stairs turns on and moves the trin to he bottom, but when he goes for it, the stairs go up and lunches it into the pool
buster goes down the stairs and slides on the rail to skip it but in the pool the fat chic comes out by a hole in the trunk and gets on a White Towel like a Ghost or Klansman
Busre sees her and goes off but the light keeps turning off and he evades her thinking its haunted
buster runs into the chick in the bedroom but dont b0ne her cuz this isn't a moern film and engeinerr hits a switch and the bathtub comes out and buster falls in it but is knocked off by the door as it goes in a hole in the lowwr area
the bed moves into the all and chcks legs are sticking out like the wizard of oz and buster pulls the bed out and they run
buster winds u on the stairs agan and jumps at the bottom and lands chest 1st, then rns into the dining room and over the table to the kitchen
he puts hs hand onthe tracks and the train bumps it so he jumps bak and lands butt 1st on the conveyorbelt bt it moves him and he falls on the floor
the engineer f's with swiches and the dining room chairs move in and out and in the kitchen plates fly around from bein sh-t out by the washing thing
buster cmes out the train hole and on the table and spins around b4 falling off and running and sliding on a rug
he tells the people there of cr-p and seesa hand on the wndow and covers his eyes
the thing in the floor rises and he goes up so when he taes a step he falls into a guy but not up his a55
he goes behind a guy and the book shelf exends and pokes him so he slugs buster
the pool thing comes down and throws pool billiards at busterand he tries to escape but the door closes on his neck and only his head is through the door
he stnm;ples aroyud and they run but he goes to the contro room and sees in the window above the door that engineer is screwing things up
he gets pots and throes em in the window and thearea sparks and engineet rns out and chaes him but gets busted by the train thing andgets launched out by the stairs in the pool
buster slides down the handrail and rides the sairs to lauch into the pool but a butler or w/e gets in the way and both wind up in the water
wait its big guy and when the get ou big guy gives him a diploma and tells him to gtfo but he throws it away, ges a rock, ties i on his neck and jumps in to suicide
chick sees this andoulls the lever and drains the poo with a close up on buster at the bottom as the water flushes out which means he hand to go to the bottom and hold his breath to do it in 1 take as buter is bada55
big guy pulls the lever and it fills uo bt i think its in reverse but after he leaves the chick pulls it and drains it
buster aint there and we see a tnnel pooping him out, sull with the rick on his nek and with a guy
the end
that was pretty good
nice fun creatuve gimmicky thing
nice stunts and it has ideas that seem like wed have in the 21st century
didn't expect the suicide attempt but unlike most thins today, it didn't seem like a dark serious moment to make the audience feel bummed in a comedy
no romnce or other cr-p, just fun and creativity
not as many stnnts but it works and has a few good parts
glad i saw it, its only like 22 mins
For The Electric House 2 I want a guy to read of the electric house and want to find buter to make one of his own, but cam't find where he went, so he goes on a silly zany vaudeville search looking through various areas on town and beating up losers who wanna eat him, in the ed he finds bster and it ends with a huse made thar looks like a grand piano with tuba and trimbone and guitars on it. Also its a 32/64 bit 2d beat em up on n64, Sga saturn, ps1 and 3D0 with up to 4 members of a rich fam, husband, wie, teen son and daughter, and you fight vaudeville style with crazy moves like in the 20s where you beat up 20s guys and animals.
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