Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Warm Bodies Review

 Note: I spell like a necromantic

Warm Bodies

Thos is my review on Warm Bodies from the distant furre year to Osamu Tezuka of 2013(The  year of Astroboy and Robotech)

Its directed by Jonathan Levine who dd nothing i saw

it stars Nicholas Hoult from X-Men: First Class/Jack the Giant Slayer/X-Men: Days of Future Past/Mad Max: Fury Road/Robot Chicken, Teresa Palmer from The Grudge 2/I Am Number Four/The Fall Guy, probably commie Rob Corddry from I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry/Blades of Glory/W./Semi-Pro/Hot Tub Time Machine/The Daily Show(commie propaganda)/American Dad!/MADtv(better than snl)The Winner(which was good)/The Mighty B!(ew )Law & Order/Glen Martin DDS/Family Guy/Robot Chicken/Drunk History, non italiano Dave Franco from Superbad/The Lego Movie/The Disaster Artis (bt he's not Italiano! He's in Pizza face!!), openly nuts Analeigh Tipton from The Big Bang Theory, Cory Hardrict from Gran Torino/Boston Public/Cold Case/Law & Order/Boston Legal, and faithless life saver slav John Malkovich from 90s Of Mice and Men/Alive/1998 The Man in the Iron Mask/The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy/Zoolander 2.

Its base on Romeo anduliette but i think they changed it enought so its a diffeenrt story

i never saw this but people likes it and its based on a book by Isaac Marion i never read

after logos we get credits to a guy narrating ofhaving to do better and hes a zombie then credits

he dont recall his name and we see othr zombies like a janitor and ceo son and he cant recall how thr zombieism started and wanders the mall like an 80s bimbo  wait its an airport like that karen black movie

theres skeletor zombies caller b0ners I mean bonies or boneys like bronys but not j=rkin off to sexy horses

he sees a guy with a rotted off lower face and is lost and dont now whee he is in a new airporte part and wanders onto an aeroplane and turns on a record and plays a song as he wanders around after relaxing

he has a friend zombieand none are talking, its only main guys inner thoughts but sometimes they have words

they wander in a group slowly like unions making things an look for food then it shows a camp or rin down city wth lving humans

a guy on tv talks of thanking the yuuman volunteers going out to find spplies and dont trut zombies as they aint real people lie THEY said of people who disagree with em on flu shots or leaders or politics or rights

this group of livers as in those who live go into the cursed earth luke judge dredd in a f'd out grey cty like the sovir union meets Mexico meets Detroit

the zombies walk on as a bony w/o eyes roars at em and i thin it sees with sensing ki

1 liver plays psp or vita and i hin psp and the livers look for meds  and this is in widscreen with color but dull color like the 2010s do

the zombies bust inand a igh breaks out but main guy likes this blonde chik with a big gun and a romance song plays, its I aint missing u at all

main guy takes a bite outta a guy and the undead feed on the peopleand if hespares the brain, the vic rises asa new zombie but the brain is the bs part

my dad grew up on a farm and ate puig brains  so is like far factor but not earing the crotch

he has flashbacks of colored scensof nice things like fireworks an making out with a chick and nice weather as he feeds on a guy

blonde ant find her butt bddy and blows off a zombie hear or rater open, to save a cick nd main guy comes to her but she throws a blade in him which does diddley d0ng

hedont eat herbut has blood on his mouth nd touches her face with his blood hand and ret-rdedly movs around her and brings her with him

he dont get why hes doing this andthe undead thin shes one of them one of them gooble gobble gooble gobble

this is a kidnapping like beauty and the beast or phantom of the opera

in this room ses not glad andkina fears him butwait its in the plane and theres a snowglobe with a straight human couple in it

he tries to talk but it dont work an leaves her n theeas she looks ot and sees zomies around

he's gonna zomb0ne her

he ate her bf's brains and has flash baks to her and bf and the guy on the tv is her dad and wanted to make a walled off area to keep the livers safe

they look aroud the base and later outsie she had to cap a guy in a zombie crowd a run from other zombies

later in real life he lays in a seat by her and his heart kinda livens up

in the day he can talk more and she ants him to get food i think and when he goes out she tries scaping but theres too many zombies and main guyfinds her somehow and smears blood on her fae an walks with herfaking being undead

she overdoes it and he sez too much and she tones it down and thats racist against the liing impaired

she eats pudding or something from da plaine and he get her cr-p to eat bu not literal cr-p as zombies dont poop i think

she asks for his name and he dont know so she calls him R like that Will Smith Movie with K and J and Z and M

she asks if theres others like him andhe dont now and later we see em in  red car like Outrun on Sega Mastwr System going down a sunny road

R drives and kinda studders it and it plays a good romance sing

R like Sailor Moon R or Saber Marionette R? or Yugioh R?

evenyally he damags the car and she's pp-ssed at him

later in the plane she eats and he commnts on him shrugging as se looks through records and plays some upbeat one and we getta montage of them handing out

1 zomibie i think the friendhears em playing music and latwr its day an se wonfers if er btt buddy will come back

she goes on over her feeling of ex butt buddy and i gotta say, the R actor is tretty good to show eeling while acting spazzrd out

then another montage of him putting hi hand on his heart then hers and then she sleeps and he misses sleep and dreams as hes undad now

then a flashback andtv guy dad having bf join the deence force andthe last part before the zombies ate him, then e sees himself eatinb g te guy fom the guys pov

he hears gf sreaming in real life and sees her fighting zomies in a spazzy lights ara and join in to save her by thrwing himself at em to tackle em down and they stop somehow like goombahs stepped on in mario

she sez its been a few days and she needs to go home amfriend sez he needs to at butR sez no anda b0nercomes as zomboes line the glass outside

they from from the b0ner and lock him out anget outside with several b0ners bt riend runs em over andsaves em

friend wants her to come but she dont wanna bt does and they get away but run into a swrm of zombies as friend asks R if hes ok

they tand before the undead horde who lets em passand et to the ferarri mustang and chick drives off as the b0ners chase em

then its raining and a song plays and theres no roof so they get soaked

wait theres a roof sometimes andthey go to a place w/o rain where she last aw her dad and i thin her real dad was the guy she capped zombie in the woods

they go to a house and she uses a camera to take phtoes

she offers to let him sleep in her room i think but on the floor as she is still bio seuxal and not necro seuxxal yet

friend looks at a tv or w/e and has flashbacks to his Asian gf in a sunny field and he kinda awakens too with nice bviolin music, as do other zombies whos hearts hear up

H Heat Heart, E Emergency Call, R Right Justice, O Oversoul H E R O Flash!

the b0ners aint happy for tis and scream in the zomvies faces and outside of the house is an armored rick like the maruta have andshe worries he might get headshot like j fk and harambe and worries for him

she later hets changed and is un white bra black undies an he likes it


she talks to him but i can hardly hear and i thin is growing closer to him and he puts the watch he ae off her bf on the table and she gets it back

I thin its a sad moment but  cant tell and he looks more alive a bt and recalls his colorful nature pastor maybe its a phantasy of gf and her homies wanting a cure for zombitus and R  is asked if hes dreaming as Deams are for humans

he ez he dont know who he am but is told he anbe who he wants but ex bf sez she wont like him after hearing he ate her bf

then its day time and he wanders off thinking she wont ant him and he'd stay a zombie and she dives around but runs outta fuel on a road with other cara nd walks instead of howirng e

se ets back to the town and the black gyholds her at gunpoint to check if its her b4 letting himin

wait the tv guy is her dad and is glad to see her andsez she has to be safe

R wanders and wqans to forget her but feels cold and is in da rain and dont get hes reviving

he gets tohis friend and finds the other undead who welcome him back bt b0nies hunt e as their hearts bat

R shos a photo andtheyget going as Rock You Like A Hurricane plays bada55edly but dont get to the words as they get tii think the airportand wait i think its the city and he sneaks in using memories of ex bf

he goes looking for gf a theres goats there for the gaijin to b0ne and THEM to sacrifice

gf talks with a giro about her feeling for R and she likes him and gir sezits weird

its just necromance, its natural, animals do t

she goes out on her balcony and R shows up and she sez its too dangerous and the others will waste him as her giel c,mws out and seez him

he comes in and they hug andbrings him upstairs andgrl asks all these questions and he sez otherzombies are reiving bt b0nies are coming

she wants to get dad but girl sez dad grounded her for a year for trying peach schnapps and mom was reasonable

gf gives main guy a make over and shower and has girl turn off pretty woman as se thought it was funny anduses mak up tmake him look aliv to a montageand girl finds him hot

she unzis his pants ad pulls out his weener b it fals off an she sreams

jk really the boneys are comming and the 2 girls and a guy wal throughthe f--k town to see her dad

she promses to stat with him butblack guy sez they can't com as its classified and they go on ayway andR sez how are u to blac guy

he colt say hes autistic r something

tey get to dad and hear theres sarms of corpses and bones coming and gf sez tje dead are reviving and he dont buy it

bf R bumps into R i mean dad and she explains he saved her and is good but he pulls a gun and is gonna blow out R's head bt girl pulls a gun on him to sabe emand gibe em tme to escape

whats te plan hetre? run away? wher?

thre couple escapes and te girl is juloe like juliette or 21st century juliette in Wedding Peach andthe alarm sounds

they et to the living zombies andare ready for a final battle andsee boneys on the ceiling cracking it andthe couple esapes an living undad fight em

the cpiuple runs as chick shoots boneys and the frien is caled M lie Mercutio in Romeo and julieyte and its not Boney M like the Rasputin Song

soldiers fight boneys and black gu gonna et it in a horro movir bt a lving zomboe saves him and eats out the b0ners with a fire extinguisher

boneys fight the couple but R beats 1 oit and saves gf

soldiers see the zobis fighting b0ners and help em and report to dad

coupe ets to a place full of boneys and escapes to the outside with no where to go bu down and they jump off with R holding her and landing in the pool belo shielding her

if you fall over like 100 feet the surface tension on the water is like hitting concete

hes alove and ib think cured andits a sunny sayand they make out after nearly eaten by boneys

hes healed but dad shoots through him and his squad i there and he wants to end him and she bocks him

gf sez hes different and das bitter overmom getting it and she sees hes bleeding and corpses dont do that and it opens his ees anche tells hs men the siuation changed

gf hugs dad andthey take R to get treated fo a hole in him as dad drives and lkes him now

R feels good t feel and bleed and the humans shredded the boeys and teaming up withthe living zombies overpowered em

the surviving boneys easted away andthe zombie anfhimans grew closer and love cured em like Sailor Moon wit the Doom Tree

girl and M  found butt bddies and M was Markus like Mar Damon in the talented mr ripley

R is with gf and watching the city with the sun as te wall coes dwn like in berlin

then creits to a nice song

the end

Tat was quite good

nie romance and light horroe

its a positive movoe of love and redemption amd overcoming things an vrediscovering yourself after beng lost

i lied it and its like a metafpr abour drufs or sin and loe bringing you bac

man theres a lot of Frenches in the credits

bt this was cool and holds up and bing fom the zombie pov was clever

good acting and music and its filmed gray but gets colored more as he comes to life like the wizard of oz

For Warm Bodies 2 I want there to be a group that wants to go back to being zombies and tries to find a ay to reignite the zombie holocost and get into demon rituals to try to regain their undead status, but one of em is a spy and gets word to the authorities to stop em and its his adventure trying to get to the HQ as cult members who have devolved into bone spike and elongated pans labrynth monsters try to stop him. Also its a 16 bit run n gun game like Life On Earth on Sega Genesis, Snes, TG16, Atari Jaguar, and GBA where you play as the guy and go through the city and areas in it while fighting off devolved bosses and neo zombies wanting to stop you.

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