Friday, February 14, 2025

Steamboat Bill, Jr. Review

Note: I spell like a back door billy

Steamboat Bill, Jr.

This is my rebiew on Steamboat Bill, Jr. from the ditant future year to Civil War Hero Nathan Bedform Forest of 1928 (100 years before Robotech Season 2 and maybe Transformers Zone)

Its directed by Charles Reisner who did nothing Ore Samma aaw, and also an uncrdited Buster Keaton who did Our Hospitality/Sherlock Jr./The Navigator/Seven Chances/Go West/The General/ The Cameraman

It stars Buster Keaton from Coney Island/he Scarecrow/he Electric House/he Balloonatic/ur Hospitality/herlock Jr./even Chances/he General/he Cameraman/Sunset Boulevard/Around the World in 80 Days/The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn/It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, Ernest Torrence from Tol'able David/The 20 The Hunchback of Notre Dame andThe King of Kings/he Cossacks, Good Wife Marion Byron from nothing I've seen, Tom McGuire from nothing I've seen, Tom Lewis whos no on wikipedea, and Joe Keaton aka Busters Dad from The Scarecrow/The Electric House/Our Hospitality/Sherlock Jr./Go West/The General

I saw this years ago and it was pretty good. but it f'd out at the box office

its been reference countless times and inspired the 1st mickey mouse thing steam boat willies

it was Busters last creatve film as the studio didn't trust him anymore and they had him doing jokes and use a stut double instead of his action mopves

after title and creitswe se this river and forest pan and boats in it with the nw steamer owned by jj king and  the old steamer the stonewall Jackson by billiam canfirld a steamboat bill

he as a 1st mate who looks like popeye and the king goes by and he owns a lot o the town with the people loving him and wants to stop steamboat bill

bill sez 1st mate might need to find a new river

a telegram gets to bll that bill jr hs son comes to visit ater finishing school and bill aint seen jr since he was a baby

garlic jr, piccolo jr, cell jr, hoku, jr, vegeta jr, asuka jr, ect

bulls cr=mobile drives through town to get more rides on his boat and king's daughter imma call king jrcomesby from school

a train comex hy nd its not the general anil an 1st mate come to see jr and see a guy in a buster Keaton hat but hes blac and bill didn't b0ne one  so he looks on

he asks if these boys need a father but theres none abd sews a rabbi but goes on

the train leaves and Keaton in a beret like joey Jeremiah in Degrassi jr hgh comes by looking aro7und andchecks guys to find his dad

he almst meets bill but the pass over each other and wander aroudwith buster Keaton looking like an 1800s pee wee herman

bull sees his ag sez its jr andjr accidentally bumps a baby car and tries to cheer it up by acting like a jacka55 which dont please bull

jr meets bill an looks like fench hitler with more moustache andbull hides jrs ukelelein his coat

jr is nearl loaded into kings bus but bill stops that and they drive off in his cr-pmobile

they go to a hotel adwait its a barber shop anhe gets jr a shave which is pretty funand he meets king jrin the other chair andthey know each other from school

he sez his dads here and she sez soes her and he'd love him and thy go off

bill puts on his beret and ad takes it off an Keaton puts on a heckerboard hatwhich dad replaces ith a farmer be bur Keaton like the checker one

dad tries a bowler and this is like Homer's idea for Mel Gibsons mr smith gos to Washington with a motage od trying on funny hats

they try a fwincusing a buter Keaton ne this keeps going with the Keaton used a few times but as they go oy the wind blows it away

go seie the wind playmaker

king jr brings her dad who se, is dat steam boat bill jr? andbill yas him to a clothes guy to get work for boat clothes

bil dops r's ukulele and stomps it as king is looking and king laughs but king r hels him get good clothes

jr come to the boat and 1st mate gives bill a gun sayong "no jury would convic you" ut h dont wanna ice is son cz hs or lee marvin or back door brando in soiet calufornia

jr goes aroud f--king things up and bamming into things while  fillipng around i mean flipping aroubd

king jr snaks off from her dad to meet buster who sneaked off but she gets called backand so does buster

hope they dont seppuku like Romeo and juliete

king jr goes back to bustr but he senfs he back wurh dad and king sez he'd rong busters meck if he sees him o his boat again

buster steps on th in steamr and get pushed back an forth til hec falls nd brins a king werker on bulls oat ane they bicker tol bill punshes worker with bisters hand and sez if anyones caught on this boat, jr will hndle him

bill goes to laubh the boat and slugs out a gu i think 1t mat for getting ands on buster

he takes buster inthe boat to see how to work it and buster plls a lever tha makes it ram the king boat 2x so dad yells at him

1 guy i thik maybe king is in the drink and bill laughts at him ad praises his son and chews tobacco and gives buster some which he swallowsnd blacks oyr

later its 8 am anddad goes in bustets room and sees cr-p on the floor and goes by

bustr is awake and has a note from king r t meet in the saloon abd it 8 pm i think

he sneaks out having his clothes under his jammies and looks like a flight attendant and dad comes out and he hides in bed

dad sees buster inthe outfit and makes him change to his jammies and king tells king jr he'd choose her man like its the 3rd rorld

busters dad se he'd choose his girl ad it wont her someone with a dad like that and buster oes to bef with his butt in the air yo get b0ned but after dad goes he redresses and put pillowa in bed to fake being him and sneaks out on the roof and wiggles down

uster is gonna jump to the king boat but in bill boat dad staps on coconut shells left by buster and yells at the place he thinks buster is

buster uses a board to cross the ship gap andays on the board as a lookout comes by but the king boat moves and he falls in

dad checks the bed and finds buster is gone andlooks around to find him climbing out on the other boat and wants to send him to soviet boston

buster sneaks around but is found and accidentally knocks 2 guys in the water but jumps into it wh4en a third coms

he climbs on a boat with an openly black, i wanna say woman but i'm not sure, maybe hermaphrodite

the next AM itsbuster in bed and dad throws water in his faceand gives him a ticket togo back to back door boson and hes bummed

they go out in he day and see a note condemning the stonewall Jackson and dad rips it off and goes off but buster, heh heh heh, butt buster, ges his cr-p

bill confronts king of condemning his boat and king throws a rock an breaks a wondow and a figyht reaks out like lesser evolved people playing soccer

a crowd gathrs and ing sez billy thratned him ad defied da law so he's taken away

buster goes to the station and king jr ses him andbuster's bag is taken by the car with dad in it

he gets it back and king r follows and the cops say billy wont get put for a while uz of king

but he was only accusd, he didn't even get formally aresed, is this a feidal sstem or monarchy like England where if you defy the regent you get silenced?

so buster goes back aits raining and he steps in a hole in the road thats wist deepand the wind blows his umbrellainsie out like maruta do to cats

buster sees his dad in jaol and his umbrella spills water from it like a bowl on the aileer

buster broyfht a big bread for dad but dad dont want it and buster waves to dad  but covers it by pulls a thread from the jailers shirt an leaes a hole

buster is gonna wait til dad is hungry and looks at the pisoners song  on the wall and hims it or whistles or w/e and does hand movements

buster throws a thing at the window and it breaks the glass and rain get in so when guard looks, buster shows dad the bread has an item in it

buster goes and dad wants da bread but buster sez he dont and  tries to talk im outta it so dad begs and wants jailer aka sherrif with a hexagram badge to how hes into daemon worship talk with him

ailer is gonna unlock the cell but tools fall out of the bread on the floor cuz its meta and in soft white breadand buter sez da dough fell in his tool chest

sherrif is gonna jail busterand he trys to run but does didsley d0ng a dad sz to ick his a55

jailer thinks buster is a candy a55 but dad sez if buster did it would bea his jaw and buster dont wanna huet him

jailer givs him a free shot and buster nailed him in the gut and he blacks out like in gundam wing endless waltz with Heero KOing Duo or iron virgin jun manga with Akira fudo nailing Jun Asuka in the womb wuth 1 unch

buster and dad lock him in the cell and escape but busters clothes are in the door anddad runs off w/o him as buster strggles for the keys

he unlocks he door and sees guys drie up and goes in to get his umbrella inside ot but jailer comes out and beats buster s head in offscreen and they take him to the hospital

dad comes ack and slug out jailer and returns to his cell for some reason

along the ride in the storm buster xomes to and jumps out and the driver woners wtf like hes a ghost or w/e 

ing is told the pier isn't astrong enuff to hold the boat against the win and this car is blown away by it as the roof opens like a parachute

the king boat is blownand moves aroud and the storm winds dragon in attac mode blows builings down and the town is f--ked as eople scramble around like a Godzilla movie

the roof of te hospital blows off and buster comes to and gets out of bed but the buiing ehind his f'd out and he gets back in and is blwn around

he hides under it and a man jumps out his window and stops him on the bed and after the bed bows away he gets up and thrbilding falls on him bt he goes in the window in a perfect scene copid endlessly

the wind blows him around and he strggles to walk against it and a trck of boes gos by and falls on him

he goes by a theatre and the door falls on him and so do sandbags and he jump into the water but its a painted onbackground

he sees a dummy and the wind makes it move and he runs and oes a magic trick of falling in a trap door behind a curtai

the wall falls as he goes in the door and theres more door cr-p and a cool scene of a ouse falling on him but he comes out the door, goes in, comes out and it crumbles to sticks

eally good effects for the 20s

he tries getting in a storm cellar but its closed and grabs a tree but the tree is blown around with him on itlike power ranges

this house is blown in the water and king jr is on it so he thros n anhor from ths steamboat to hold it and climbs across to get to her

this guys a f=kin bada55

he carries himself and king jr across the rope but the anchor breaks off and he pulls em with his manly power

the jail is in the water ad dads going under lie yugioh or something and buster  gets rope and ties it on things to activate the motor from the steering this and ramthe jailthen pulls the levers to stop it so his dad is free

a literal jail brea

this guys freakin cluch cargo meets nacgyuyver

so buster saves king by tieing roe on him ad jumping in to pull him out  and king is thankful and king jr kisses him and he gets a life saver and jumps in to ave a guy

the end

tht was cool

a bit slow at 1st but it builds up

the last act is all action and stunts and holds up

its got a good stoy and nice manning up kinda ike Hrold Lloyd whee a guy seems candya55 but is rewally amazing

buster went all out in this and its his last film before the studio took control and made him tell jokes and use a stunt double

this is a cool film and i recommend it

its only like 70 mins and does it well

For Steamboat Bill, Jr.2 I want it to be rvealed a sasquatch witch is what caused the storm andis trying to get the humans away so it can use the land to make a base to take bak the land from the humans. So Bill and Buster team u to take it on. Also its a 16 bit beat em up on Sega Genesis, Snes, TG16, Atari Jaguar andGA where 1 player is bill and 1 is buster and you fight forest animals who side with the sasquatch like deer, mooe, wolves, cougars, bears, beavers, and self hating hmans who side with the enemy.

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