Friday, February 28, 2025

The Electric House Review

 Note: I spell homie or rather housie

The Electric House

This is my review on The Electric House from the distant future year of 1922(100 years before Robotech II The Sentinels and Soylent Green)

Its directed by Buster Keaton who did Our Hospitality/Sherlock Jr./The Navigator/Seven Chances/Go West/The General/ The Cameraman/Steamboat Bill Jr/The Frozen North, an also doreceetec by Edward F. Cline who did The Scarecrow/The Frozen North/Captain January

It stars Buster Keaton from Coney Island/he Scarecrow/The Frozen North/The Balloonatic/Our Hospitality/herlock Jr./even Chances/he General/he Cameraman/Sunset Boulevard/Around the World in 80 Days/The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn/It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World/The Twilight Zone/Steamboat Bill Jr Virginia Fox from nothing else i saw, Joe Keaton aka Busters Dad from The Scarecrow/Srwam Boat Bill Jr/Our Hospitality/Sherlock Jr./Go West/The General, Myra Keaton from nothing else i saw(they were his paents), Joe Roberts from The Scarecrow/The Play House/The Frozen North/Our Hospitality, and Kpuise Keaton who isn't on bak doorm candy a55, beta male, Sodom bottom, gender offender, soy boy, cropple nipple, banana crammeraids bag, hippie stoner peta vegan tree kung fu based on plants, Wikipedia, who thins that Irishman gor 81millin people to side with him in 2020 abut his past boss only got 69 million.

i saw this b4 but its been a long time since

It was filmed 1 way but Keaton got hurt so they waited for him to recover and refilmed the whole thing

after title and credits we see a guy graduating  and its uster and hes told a  university benefactor is wantng to hire a graduate

this bug guy wants an engeineer to install electric appliences in his house and a man goes yp to sow his diploma ut its for manicurist and hair dresser

well, better than gender studies

so big guy sez hairstrluer dont qualidy and buster goes up and his diploma sez hes an electrual engineer and hes  hired

but it turns out manicurist got his diploma switched with buster and dont go after him as he's left but coulde shown it

buster goes to this house and i dont recall any of this and thought it was the one with roscoe arbuckle or w/e in the house wih pulleys and tings on stings and gizmoes

so big guy brings buster home and says "star work and i hope to be surprised when i come back from vacation"

Buste unzips and starts b0ning the wall, more lie h=mping, and says "this is what you get, for being wal maRT and selling tamprted yugioh packs!!

jk thats what i joke of doing

so bg guy and wide drive off and gie buster a book the electric house and he reads it

then the fam comes bac and we dont get a montage like in the 80s when Rockey trained to take on the soviets

the 1st thing is an escalator staircase and in this room with a pool table is a book self thahas a pole thing come out when you press buttons on a table

the bedrom has a bath tub comeout on rails  and return and a bed that goes in the wall

theres sliding auto doors like star trek andb ustr has thebig guy go on the elscaltor but is aunched out he house into a pool through a window or door or wall or w/e

buster tries turning off the stairs and falls on it and tries getting off but keps getting moved up as hes gonna jump

he eventually gets launched out lke in Gundam and winds out in the pool but tey get out and buster shows another thing

he pulls a lever and the pool drains but pulls it back and it refills

thn they play pool on a pool table and theres a ball retrieval ting that goes from the floor to he wall, then a chute that puts em bac on the table

theres a long thing in the floor for chalk anits retractlbe and when laying buster busts his pool cue and bends it into a gold vlub to putt it

then its dinner and the chairs ontracks scoot in anda small train on tracks go on the tablewith bowls of soup and retrns to the wall

there a spinning circle in the middle that has thinga and the train returns t collect the soup bolwls and they go in a washing thing and to a maid or slave w who puts em away

buster hits a button and the seats move back and they fall but fix it

the maid/slave makes 4 dinners and uster accidentally f's thr track so when the main cource comes it goes into the mom

days later friends come to see the electric house but buster wasn't invited but the real engineer plots rvenge, oh its the 1st guy who got rejected for having busters diploma

he tries to sneak in but this woman hides in a trunk and when buster gets it, its too heavy from a fat woman in it

he carrys it on his back like a bada55 and stumbles around doppng it and bumping into thngs

he goes to use the staits and it dint turn o but when ur arus it, the real engineer turns a switch and the stairs go down sobuster keeps walking u a downward thing

it stops and he's cnfised why he's only half up and as he starts again the stairs start again

big guy argues with a guy and engenier screwing with the wires makes  makes the boo shelf extend a book at big guy

buster gets to the top of the stairs and the stairs turns on and moves the trin to he bottom, but when he goes for it, the stairs go up and lunches it into the pool

buster goes down the stairs and slides on the rail to skip it but in the pool the fat chic comes out by a hole in the trunk and  gets on a White Towel like a Ghost or Klansman

Busre sees her and goes off but the light keeps turning off and he evades her thinking its haunted

buster runs into the chick in the bedroom but dont b0ne her cuz this isn't a moern film and engeinerr hits a switch and the bathtub comes out and buster falls in it but is knocked off by the door as it goes in a hole in the lowwr area

the bed moves into the all and chcks legs are sticking out like the wizard of oz and buster pulls the bed out and they run

buster winds u on the stairs agan and jumps at the bottom and lands chest 1st, then rns into the dining room and over the table to the kitchen

he puts hs hand onthe tracks and the train bumps it so he jumps bak and lands butt 1st on the conveyorbelt bt it moves him and he falls on the floor

the engineer f's with swiches and the dining room chairs move in and out and in the kitchen plates fly around from bein sh-t out by the washing thing

buster cmes out the train hole and on the table and spins around b4 falling off and running and sliding on a rug

he tells the people there of cr-p and seesa hand on the wndow and covers his eyes

the thing in the floor rises and he goes up so when he taes a step he falls into a guy but not up his a55

he goes behind a guy and the book shelf exends and pokes him so he slugs buster

the pool thing comes down and throws pool billiards at busterand he tries to escape but the door closes on his neck and only his head is through the door

he stnm;ples aroyud and they run but he goes to the contro room and sees in the window above the door that engineer is screwing things up

he gets pots and throes em in the window and thearea sparks and engineet rns out and chaes him but gets busted by the train thing andgets launched out by the stairs in the pool

buster slides down the handrail and rides the sairs to lauch into the pool but a butler or w/e gets in the way and both wind up in the water

wait its big guy and when the get ou big guy gives him a diploma and tells him to gtfo but he throws it away, ges a rock, ties i on his neck and jumps in to suicide

chick sees this andoulls the lever and drains the poo with a close up on buster at the bottom as the water flushes out which means he hand to go to the bottom and hold his breath to do it in 1 take as buter is bada55

big guy pulls the lever and it fills uo bt i think its in reverse but after he leaves the chick pulls it and drains it

buster aint there and we see a tnnel pooping him out, sull with the rick on his nek and with a guy

the end

that was pretty good

nice fun creatuve gimmicky thing

nice stunts and it has ideas that seem like wed have in the 21st century

didn't expect the suicide attempt but unlike most thins today, it didn't seem like a dark serious moment to make the audience feel bummed in a comedy

no romnce or other cr-p, just fun and creativity

not as many stnnts but it works and has a few good parts

glad i saw it, its only like 22 mins

For The Electric House 2 I want a guy to read of the electric house and want to find buter to make one of his own, but cam't find where he went, so he goes on a silly zany vaudeville search looking through various areas on town and beating up losers who wanna eat him, in the ed he finds bster and it ends with a huse made thar looks like a grand piano with tuba and trimbone and guitars on it. Also its a 32/64 bit 2d beat em up on n64, Sga saturn, ps1 and 3D0 with up to 4 members of a rich fam, husband, wie, teen son and daughter, and you fight vaudeville style with crazy moves like in the 20s where you beat up 20s guys and animals.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Warm Bodies Review

 Note: I spell like a necromantic

Warm Bodies

Thos is my review on Warm Bodies from the distant furre year to Osamu Tezuka of 2013(The  year of Astroboy and Robotech)

Its directed by Jonathan Levine who dd nothing i saw

it stars Nicholas Hoult from X-Men: First Class/Jack the Giant Slayer/X-Men: Days of Future Past/Mad Max: Fury Road/Robot Chicken, Teresa Palmer from The Grudge 2/I Am Number Four/The Fall Guy, probably commie Rob Corddry from I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry/Blades of Glory/W./Semi-Pro/Hot Tub Time Machine/The Daily Show(commie propaganda)/American Dad!/MADtv(better than snl)The Winner(which was good)/The Mighty B!(ew )Law & Order/Glen Martin DDS/Family Guy/Robot Chicken/Drunk History, non italiano Dave Franco from Superbad/The Lego Movie/The Disaster Artis (bt he's not Italiano! He's in Pizza face!!), openly nuts Analeigh Tipton from The Big Bang Theory, Cory Hardrict from Gran Torino/Boston Public/Cold Case/Law & Order/Boston Legal, and faithless life saver slav John Malkovich from 90s Of Mice and Men/Alive/1998 The Man in the Iron Mask/The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy/Zoolander 2.

Its base on Romeo anduliette but i think they changed it enought so its a diffeenrt story

i never saw this but people likes it and its based on a book by Isaac Marion i never read

after logos we get credits to a guy narrating ofhaving to do better and hes a zombie then credits

he dont recall his name and we see othr zombies like a janitor and ceo son and he cant recall how thr zombieism started and wanders the mall like an 80s bimbo  wait its an airport like that karen black movie

theres skeletor zombies caller b0ners I mean bonies or boneys like bronys but not j=rkin off to sexy horses

he sees a guy with a rotted off lower face and is lost and dont now whee he is in a new airporte part and wanders onto an aeroplane and turns on a record and plays a song as he wanders around after relaxing

he has a friend zombieand none are talking, its only main guys inner thoughts but sometimes they have words

they wander in a group slowly like unions making things an look for food then it shows a camp or rin down city wth lving humans

a guy on tv talks of thanking the yuuman volunteers going out to find spplies and dont trut zombies as they aint real people lie THEY said of people who disagree with em on flu shots or leaders or politics or rights

this group of livers as in those who live go into the cursed earth luke judge dredd in a f'd out grey cty like the sovir union meets Mexico meets Detroit

the zombies walk on as a bony w/o eyes roars at em and i thin it sees with sensing ki

1 liver plays psp or vita and i hin psp and the livers look for meds  and this is in widscreen with color but dull color like the 2010s do

the zombies bust inand a igh breaks out but main guy likes this blonde chik with a big gun and a romance song plays, its I aint missing u at all

main guy takes a bite outta a guy and the undead feed on the peopleand if hespares the brain, the vic rises asa new zombie but the brain is the bs part

my dad grew up on a farm and ate puig brains  so is like far factor but not earing the crotch

he has flashbacks of colored scensof nice things like fireworks an making out with a chick and nice weather as he feeds on a guy

blonde ant find her butt bddy and blows off a zombie hear or rater open, to save a cick nd main guy comes to her but she throws a blade in him which does diddley d0ng

hedont eat herbut has blood on his mouth nd touches her face with his blood hand and ret-rdedly movs around her and brings her with him

he dont get why hes doing this andthe undead thin shes one of them one of them gooble gobble gooble gobble

this is a kidnapping like beauty and the beast or phantom of the opera

in this room ses not glad andkina fears him butwait its in the plane and theres a snowglobe with a straight human couple in it

he tries to talk but it dont work an leaves her n theeas she looks ot and sees zomies around

he's gonna zomb0ne her

he ate her bf's brains and has flash baks to her and bf and the guy on the tv is her dad and wanted to make a walled off area to keep the livers safe

they look aroud the base and later outsie she had to cap a guy in a zombie crowd a run from other zombies

later in real life he lays in a seat by her and his heart kinda livens up

in the day he can talk more and she ants him to get food i think and when he goes out she tries scaping but theres too many zombies and main guyfinds her somehow and smears blood on her fae an walks with herfaking being undead

she overdoes it and he sez too much and she tones it down and thats racist against the liing impaired

she eats pudding or something from da plaine and he get her cr-p to eat bu not literal cr-p as zombies dont poop i think

she asks for his name and he dont know so she calls him R like that Will Smith Movie with K and J and Z and M

she asks if theres others like him andhe dont now and later we see em in  red car like Outrun on Sega Mastwr System going down a sunny road

R drives and kinda studders it and it plays a good romance sing

R like Sailor Moon R or Saber Marionette R? or Yugioh R?

evenyally he damags the car and she's pp-ssed at him

later in the plane she eats and he commnts on him shrugging as se looks through records and plays some upbeat one and we getta montage of them handing out

1 zomibie i think the friendhears em playing music and latwr its day an se wonfers if er btt buddy will come back

she goes on over her feeling of ex butt buddy and i gotta say, the R actor is tretty good to show eeling while acting spazzrd out

then another montage of him putting hi hand on his heart then hers and then she sleeps and he misses sleep and dreams as hes undad now

then a flashback andtv guy dad having bf join the deence force andthe last part before the zombies ate him, then e sees himself eatinb g te guy fom the guys pov

he hears gf sreaming in real life and sees her fighting zomies in a spazzy lights ara and join in to save her by thrwing himself at em to tackle em down and they stop somehow like goombahs stepped on in mario

she sez its been a few days and she needs to go home amfriend sez he needs to at butR sez no anda b0nercomes as zomboes line the glass outside

they from from the b0ner and lock him out anget outside with several b0ners bt riend runs em over andsaves em

friend wants her to come but she dont wanna bt does and they get away but run into a swrm of zombies as friend asks R if hes ok

they tand before the undead horde who lets em passand et to the ferarri mustang and chick drives off as the b0ners chase em

then its raining and a song plays and theres no roof so they get soaked

wait theres a roof sometimes andthey go to a place w/o rain where she last aw her dad and i thin her real dad was the guy she capped zombie in the woods

they go to a house and she uses a camera to take phtoes

she offers to let him sleep in her room i think but on the floor as she is still bio seuxal and not necro seuxxal yet

friend looks at a tv or w/e and has flashbacks to his Asian gf in a sunny field and he kinda awakens too with nice bviolin music, as do other zombies whos hearts hear up

H Heat Heart, E Emergency Call, R Right Justice, O Oversoul H E R O Flash!

the b0ners aint happy for tis and scream in the zomvies faces and outside of the house is an armored rick like the maruta have andshe worries he might get headshot like j fk and harambe and worries for him

she later hets changed and is un white bra black undies an he likes it


she talks to him but i can hardly hear and i thin is growing closer to him and he puts the watch he ae off her bf on the table and she gets it back

I thin its a sad moment but  cant tell and he looks more alive a bt and recalls his colorful nature pastor maybe its a phantasy of gf and her homies wanting a cure for zombitus and R  is asked if hes dreaming as Deams are for humans

he ez he dont know who he am but is told he anbe who he wants but ex bf sez she wont like him after hearing he ate her bf

then its day time and he wanders off thinking she wont ant him and he'd stay a zombie and she dives around but runs outta fuel on a road with other cara nd walks instead of howirng e

se ets back to the town and the black gyholds her at gunpoint to check if its her b4 letting himin

wait the tv guy is her dad and is glad to see her andsez she has to be safe

R wanders and wqans to forget her but feels cold and is in da rain and dont get hes reviving

he gets tohis friend and finds the other undead who welcome him back bt b0nies hunt e as their hearts bat

R shos a photo andtheyget going as Rock You Like A Hurricane plays bada55edly but dont get to the words as they get tii think the airportand wait i think its the city and he sneaks in using memories of ex bf

he goes looking for gf a theres goats there for the gaijin to b0ne and THEM to sacrifice

gf talks with a giro about her feeling for R and she likes him and gir sezits weird

its just necromance, its natural, animals do t

she goes out on her balcony and R shows up and she sez its too dangerous and the others will waste him as her giel c,mws out and seez him

he comes in and they hug andbrings him upstairs andgrl asks all these questions and he sez otherzombies are reiving bt b0nies are coming

she wants to get dad but girl sez dad grounded her for a year for trying peach schnapps and mom was reasonable

gf gives main guy a make over and shower and has girl turn off pretty woman as se thought it was funny anduses mak up tmake him look aliv to a montageand girl finds him hot

she unzis his pants ad pulls out his weener b it fals off an she sreams

jk really the boneys are comming and the 2 girls and a guy wal throughthe f--k town to see her dad

she promses to stat with him butblack guy sez they can't com as its classified and they go on ayway andR sez how are u to blac guy

he colt say hes autistic r something

tey get to dad and hear theres sarms of corpses and bones coming and gf sez tje dead are reviving and he dont buy it

bf R bumps into R i mean dad and she explains he saved her and is good but he pulls a gun and is gonna blow out R's head bt girl pulls a gun on him to sabe emand gibe em tme to escape

whats te plan hetre? run away? wher?

thre couple escapes and te girl is juloe like juliette or 21st century juliette in Wedding Peach andthe alarm sounds

they et to the living zombies andare ready for a final battle andsee boneys on the ceiling cracking it andthe couple esapes an living undad fight em

the cpiuple runs as chick shoots boneys and the frien is caled M lie Mercutio in Romeo and julieyte and its not Boney M like the Rasputin Song

soldiers fight boneys and black gu gonna et it in a horro movir bt a lving zomboe saves him and eats out the b0ners with a fire extinguisher

boneys fight the couple but R beats 1 oit and saves gf

soldiers see the zobis fighting b0ners and help em and report to dad

coupe ets to a place full of boneys and escapes to the outside with no where to go bu down and they jump off with R holding her and landing in the pool belo shielding her

if you fall over like 100 feet the surface tension on the water is like hitting concete

hes alove and ib think cured andits a sunny sayand they make out after nearly eaten by boneys

hes healed but dad shoots through him and his squad i there and he wants to end him and she bocks him

gf sez hes different and das bitter overmom getting it and she sees hes bleeding and corpses dont do that and it opens his ees anche tells hs men the siuation changed

gf hugs dad andthey take R to get treated fo a hole in him as dad drives and lkes him now

R feels good t feel and bleed and the humans shredded the boeys and teaming up withthe living zombies overpowered em

the surviving boneys easted away andthe zombie anfhimans grew closer and love cured em like Sailor Moon wit the Doom Tree

girl and M  found butt bddies and M was Markus like Mar Damon in the talented mr ripley

R is with gf and watching the city with the sun as te wall coes dwn like in berlin

then creits to a nice song

the end

Tat was quite good

nie romance and light horroe

its a positive movoe of love and redemption amd overcoming things an vrediscovering yourself after beng lost

i lied it and its like a metafpr abour drufs or sin and loe bringing you bac

man theres a lot of Frenches in the credits

bt this was cool and holds up and bing fom the zombie pov was clever

good acting and music and its filmed gray but gets colored more as he comes to life like the wizard of oz

For Warm Bodies 2 I want there to be a group that wants to go back to being zombies and tries to find a ay to reignite the zombie holocost and get into demon rituals to try to regain their undead status, but one of em is a spy and gets word to the authorities to stop em and its his adventure trying to get to the HQ as cult members who have devolved into bone spike and elongated pans labrynth monsters try to stop him. Also its a 16 bit run n gun game like Life On Earth on Sega Genesis, Snes, TG16, Atari Jaguar, and GBA where you play as the guy and go through the city and areas in it while fighting off devolved bosses and neo zombies wanting to stop you.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Game Reviews Volume 37 From 2024 and 2025

Another bunch of reviews of of games I beat since my last post

Just beat Xeodrifter on 2DS. Its a Metroid style 2D game where you play as this space guy and go between planets to get this gem your ship needs to escape that solar system. B is jump and Y is shoot but you can get other powers by beating bosses. There's 1 style of boss but each one you fight gets more moves. You later get abilities like jumping into the background, which is small and tricky to see, A sub to go underwater, Running fast and over pink acid, launching into the air, warping ahead a bit to get past walls, and a Plasma Charge Shot that breaks hard walls and does more damage and blocks enemy attacks. It tells you how to use them and puts you in a situation where you need it to get by.. There's an order to beating the bosses but I thought each planet had 1 boss so I dd a later planet with lava I couldn't run over yet bu taking damage and making it to the boss with 1 hit left, then biting it and trying again. I  got stuck and looked up a guide and saw there's other bosses on the planets so I went back and did em. Also you can get life bar extenders and gun boosts but I didn't know how to use the gun ups until seeing the longplay had bigger shots and figured out you use the touch screen for it and the Plasma Shot. You can change your shot and type of shot so its wavy or zigzag or w/o but I prefer the peashooter. I went through most of the game with the base shot and it was pretty tough. Its got good graphics and music and is like a NES game in look and play, esp in difficulty as its easy to bite it, but you get infinite tries and a save file. Its pretty good but angered me a bit from some parts.  I'm glad I played it and there's a lot of hidden areas to get extra gun and life boosts. Its a well done game, but got me quite mad. Oh and sometimes the boss takes forever to get out of a phase where he's in the background and the foreground is pink acid. And the boss life bar is red on black so its hard to see. I fire on him til one of us falls.

Just beat Kaito Saint Tail  For Game Gear on my 2DS. Its based on the 90s Magical Girl show that's pretty good and you play as the main chick who has to swap 5 jewels so the real ones are in the right owners care. You move around on this yard and go through this maze like thing of paths to get to the homes of the jewel owners. You play a mini game like matching falling bricks like Columns on Sega, A spot the difference between 2 cards, A puzzle where you put the pieces on the thing and a number goes up if its the right one, but there's no penalty so try every spot and you'll get it, A 3 Live match thing where you press the button to stop the moving pieces so you get it on the same image, but it loops around 8-9 images. And a copy game where you press the D Pad in the patterns before Asuka Jr. You get a few lives And I didn't really lose em but there's cops around that catch you but you can stun with magic. You collect playing cards that regenerate after doing a mini game and a button uses a card to do a Magic attack. After 4 jewels are got, you go to the bottom and get on a Star to balloon, I think using Magic, and do the final game, then play a Balloon riding Mini Game to avoid things by staying low and a button makes you go up. Its a race with Asuka Jr and after it the credits happen. Its not long or hard but a simple game with bright colors, good music and voice sample. Not every game has to be Contra to be good and sometimes you want a simple game that can be beat in 1 sitting. Glad I did this one. Its even got an English Translation Patch that is pretty solid.

Just beat Life on Earth on Sega Genesis. Its a 2D Run N Gun in the future of the 2040s and takes inspiration from 80s things like Blade Runner and Akira. You play as this chick in a skimpy pleather thing like Gowcaizer and gotta stop this plague from spreading. 1 button is Jump, 1 Shoot and 1 Slice with a blade but using Shoot close to a foe Slices. You hold Up and Jump to go higher and Jump + Down and Shoot is a Dive Kick. There's power ups for more life and different Ammo like Machine Gun, Spread Gun and an Arcing Grenade but they run out. If yu get a new Gun it replaces the last one but when that runs out you go back to the remaining Power Ups. Also you can stack Guns and have 2x the Ammo w/2 Power Ups. You have life in % and refill it with dropped things from some foes. If you die you restart the zone and get Infinite Continues so if you keep at it, you'll get good or lucky. There's bosses and and are often pretty big but can be beat. If you die you lose all power ups but you keep em as long as you live and don't run out of ammo. Some levels are autoscrolling and tricky but keep on til you get through. Enemies are preplaced and once dead don't return til you die, but in the later levels you gotta go through a gauntlet of em and they seem different depending on how you go through it. In one of the last ones its best to go right and fire and get a rhythm. There's other modes like easy/hard and an arcade mode and hero mode where 1 hit kills but you resummon where you fell and other things. The graphics are really good and there's voices, but the things you jump on and background seem too similar. There's parts on the hovercar level where I fall through the platforms even by going left/right. And you can shoot up or diagonal but not when jumping. You can slice through walls and bust foes. The music is great and there is naked bits in 1 scene. Its connected to Life on Mars and controls mostly well. Glad I got this. It a newer Genesis game and is worth it.

Just beat Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games on DS. Its a Sports thing where you gradually unlock Mario/Sonic guys to beat events to win 4 Spirits at a time to melt Ice Walls to face a boss in an event. Each character has different stats but some you gotta use for some events. You go around maps and talk with guys while using Mario/Sonic's skills to get past things like springs/pipes. To do events you must unlock the item for it like Skates or Skis instead of just playing the event the 1st one. There's Whitestones hidden in the ground/barrels to trade with Rouge for Olympic memorabilia and you can find Trivia in places. You have a Save File and can save anywhere out of events/dialogue. There's various games that use either the buttons or touch screen and some are simple like jumping at the right time, others you gotta beat it with a condition. The Touch Screen games are rough as you gotta use 1 finger to move/boost/use items/other and it don't usually work well for me. It as harder at 1st but it either got easier or I got better as the later stuff wasn't as bad. If you lose it costs a heart and if you run out you go back to the start of the last cleared part and gotta re get the last up to 4 Spirits you had. There's an item to skip a event but I didn't use it cuz I'm not a weenee. I saved before a match and reloaded if I lost too much. You can retry for 1 Heart. There's instructions before each game but you gotta sit through em/can't skip parts. Nice Graphics And Music and there's voces from the series. I like the story but some parts were a slog. There's Mini Games to unlock things with unlimited tries. Some parts have you watch the opponents turn and can't skip. Its not bad but I think I preferred the 1st one. Glad I did it though. Its a decent Crossover. I think there's Multi Player modes but I didn't use em. The last part is Mario and/or Sonic vs Robotnik/Bowser 3x but you don't go back if beat w/Hearts.. I mostly used Sonic guys.

Just beat Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished: The Final Chapter for NES on my 2DS. Its an Action RPG where you continue the story of Adol from the 1st game and picks up where the 1st ended with him in some new place 1 button uses an item the other uses Magic, Start pauses and Select opens the Menu. You talk to people and solve issues to get through areas and beat bosses. Combat is done by using a Fire Rod to blast foes at the cost of Magic or plowing into em a bit off center like BeyBlades clashing. You can walk into a wall and the foe walks in, gets caught and chopped away. You get Exp/Gold from beating guys and buy Armor/Sword/Shield. Its got good music/Graphics and the story is good. It plays well but I kinda preferred the Mater System 1st game. I had to use a Japanese ver to do this as on my 2DS the game glitched out for the English Fan Translation. After a while the letters devolved and in the final castle it was a mess of Graphics and wouldn't let me go on. So I used a longplay to see what to do and who says what. It can be beat in a few hours and you gotta Grind to get tuff enuff to beat newer guys. There's a Warp Magic that sends you to other towns you were in b4. 1 Magic turns you to a monster and you can talk with enemies. Its called The Final Chapter but we got many sequels so its like Friday The 13th. Its a solid game and worthy sequel, kinda like T2 for Terminator, and tells a good story with a few unexpected twists. Its even got good Anime Art from the 80s when Anime was good. In he 1st town is a shop with an Elixir that fully restores you when you bite it but its really expensive, so get it before the final boss You can save in most places and load from it but I used Save States as its easier, but didn't use it when I couldn't save naturally .Oh and leveling up fully heals you but you have a Max Level so time it. In some places standing still heals you but in  others you need this Spirit Gown or w/e item selected. Glad I finally finished this.

Just beat Earth Bound/Mother For Nes on my 2DS. Its an offbeat Jrpg where you play as a psychic kid  and go on an adventure in late 80s America. You equip items and travel around  and eventually get more team mates. You get money beating enemies but gotta withdraw it from an ATM. You can guard, use Psychic powers for PP that heal or do stat changes like boost attack or defense or shield you or seal enemy Psychic moves. You gain Exp and level up and theres a few permanent stat boost items around. Its very American with fighting things like Trucks and Bigfoot and has good humor. You save by calling dad on the phone and characters can die but can have them healed. Its a bit tough but if you grind for a bit it gets better. I used save states in case the Save File didn't hold. Its not very long and you can do things out of order a bit, like getting the 3rd party member before going to the haunted house, or fighting the dragon that wakes up when you are at least level 25 before the Yucca Desert. There's a magical land where you can buy the best Defense items in the game that you can go to at any time and there's Bread you can use as a warp to go back where you started dropping the invisible crumbs. The final area is tough but if you start using Teleport and run into something as you start automoving it prevents enemy encounters. I used a guide as there's a number of maze levels and wanted to get all the items. For the final boss you block and heal and put up a shield until he finishes talking and you can use the Sing command and use that while healing when needed til he falls, kinda like Robotech with songs beating the enemy. It has a nice vibe and a good story with great music and likable 8 bit graphics. You gotta collet these 8 tunes across your adventure and they are found as you play. I named my team after me, My NY chum Tom,  Minako after Sailor Venus and Slug after my chum GoTeamSlugs. I named the food POOP cuz its fun. Glad I did it. Its not too long.

Just beat Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon on 2DS. Its a Legally Not Castlevania game from the guy who did many Castlevania classics. 1 button is jump, 1 is attack and 1 is subweapon with L/R to cycle between characters and Start is Pause. It plays like Castlevania III but more than 8 bit like Double Dragon IV and you unlock characters as you beat bosses. You can walk past em, ice em to get their soul to unlick more abilities, or join em and have em to use. Each has it own abilities like turning into a bat or using Magic to get past things or longer reach and jump. Each character has their own subweapons but I found it tough to keep track of which did what. I joined the characters instead of eating their souls for power and each has its own life bar that keeps track when you resummon. If 1 guy dies you can't use him til you beat the level or the others fall and you go back to a checkpoint. You can switch between em at pretty much any time which helps if 1 is low on life. Hearts heal and Bottles and I think gems are ammo for subweapons. You don't lose any lives unless all the party falls and there's usually a 1UP along the way you can get once per life so you never run out. Its a fair game but you gotta learn the enemy attacks. You can use abilities like the Alchemists Fire Shield and switch to another guy and that one has it. Some areas can only be reached with certain characters so it that ones dead, you gotta skip it or die til you get it back and try again. There's Save Files but I never ran outta guys so I never game overed. Its by Inti Creates who did Mega Man Zero and Mighty GunVolt so you know its good. Good dark colors but with life and stands out like on the NES. The music is good and it plays well, but Jump turns you back from bat forme with 1 guy and you fall. You automatically think A is Boost Height but you use the D Pad to move. I think there's life bar extenders but I didn't get em. Beat it w/o a guide, only skill. Great game. Not too long or hard.

Just beat Life Force AKA Salamander for NES on my 2DS. Its a Shmup like Gradius where you play as Vic Viper and blast enemies in 6 levels, alternating between horizontal and vertical scrolling. There's bosses like the Core ships that you gotta zap the barriers to open its weak point, and a level on the sun with fire dragons like in the Yugioh GX Opening 1. Busting certain enemies or all enemies of the right color in a squad, gives a Power Up that collecting raises the bar at the bottom. 1 button is shoot and the other is choose Power Up that gives you more Weapons or Speed or a Shield or Option that  acts like a mini 2nd ship shadow clone like Ninja Gaiden 2 that attacks and follows your movements. The Konami Code of Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A On the Title Screen gives you 30 lives instead of 3. Some Power Ups can be done 2x for more power. There's some slowdown with full options and weapons but it makes the game easier. I'm not big on Shmups but this one was good. Nice graphics and the music is good. There was a 3 episode OAV of this in the 80s by the guys who did Abashiri Family, Baoh and Lily C.A.T. which adds a story of human characters and was also based on Gradius games but is non canon I used save states as I started playing this at work on Lunch and I'm not big on Shmups. Its a solid game and on a good run can be beat in like under an hour. If you get iced you resummon where you fell but less power ups. Glad I did this one. Its pretty forgiving but some parts are tricky. Its got some Bio Zones with living organism levels you gotta blast through. Its by Konami when they were good and plays pretty well.

Just beat  X-Men vs. Street Fighter on my Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics for PS4. Its a Tag Team 2D fighting game where you choose 2 fighters and face 6 rounds against another tag team, then Apocalypse, then the one who beat Apocalypse facing the other and thats it. You get unlimited continues and gotta beat both opponents before they beat you, but can switch between em somehow, but I never figured out how. When not fighting, the other player heals slowly and there's a timer but I never ran it out. There's Punch and Kick in Light, Medium and Heavy and spazzing the D Pad with it lets you do stronger moves. There's a gauge at the bottom that fills up as you give/take damage and can use 1 bar to do a super move that does high damage. The graphics are great and it plays fast and well. The music is good and there's voices from the 90s Fox Kids X Men Cartoon. I used Rogue and Chun Li and you change colors by using the X and O buttons to select em. You can change your characters after being beat and the levels can change looks as the fight goes on. I saw this in Arcades as a 90s kid and thought it looked cool and it feels great to play it after all these years. I had got my 1st Genesis around when it came out so It was pretty cool. Each fighter plays an looks different and accurate to the series. It took a bit to get used to but I had a good time with this and I'm glad I did it. It didn't anger me but pushed me to keep trying as its not cheap but fair and you only need to get good or lucky. Its worth it.

Just Beat Samurai Deeper Kyo for GBA on my 2DS. Its a top down Beat Em Up Hack And Slash based on a Manga and anime I never saw but had the 4Kids Actors. It came out in 02 but by 08 the Anime came here an they brought it out as one of the last GBA games in America. I saw it boxed with the DVDs at the mall in the 10s but never got it and the store closed, so I looked online and saw its pretty expensive, so I Downloaded it. But it didn't run ell on my 2DS and was playing in SloMo. 1 button attacks and the other Jumps, Start pauses and R is a Super move that you gotta hit with your weapon to fill up a lower bar to use and it burns the whole thing, but does high damage. If you spam attack it does a combo that does more damage up to 4 hits. You get 1 save file and no lives or Continues, but enemies and signs drop health like Rice Balls or Chicken and there's Scrolls that do tuff. I hear there's hidden weapons but didn't find any and you can change weapons before a level. Its not hard and biting it sends you back to the last save. There's a few characters to play as that fight different but play similar with different attacks. You can jump but it does little and there's not really platforming other than 1 level you gotta jump up steps. Its not bad and isn't too hard but 1 or 2 bosses are tricky. Most of it is fighting the same few guys who look like they might be Oni or Yokai and they never stop so when the Red Arrow shows to go somewhere, you move there and waste more of the same guys, then repeat til you reach a boss. And Branching Paths In Some Areas but it goes to the same place. It has a CG look and there's Anime cut scenes with images of the Characters and text, but some voices from the 4Kids Actors. Its a decent game and makes me wanna watch the Anime. Glad I played this.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Frozen North Review

Note: i spell Canadian by not with extra u's

The Frozen North

Thi Is My Review On The Frozen Nirth from the distant future year to American Hero John Wilkes Booth of 1922(100 years before Robotech II The Sentinels)

Its directe by Buster Keaton who did Our Hospitality/Sherlock Jr./The Navigator/Seven Chances/Go West/The General/ The Cameraman/Steamboat Bill Jr, an also doreceetec by Edward F. Cline who did The Scarecrow/The Electric House/Captain January

It stars Buster Keaton from Coney Island/he Scarecrow/he Electric House/he Balloonatic/ur Hospitality/herlock Jr./even Chances/he General/he Cameraman/Sunset Boulevard/Around the World in 80 Days/The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn/It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World/The Twilight Zone/Steamboat Bill Jr, Joe Roberts from The Scarecrow/The Play House/The Electric House/Our Hospitality, Sybil Seely from The Scarecrow/Sailor-Made Man, Freeman Wood from The Coward, Edward F. Cline from The Scarecrow/The Electric House/Captain January, and 1 chick not on back door, aids bag, banana crammer, cripple nipple, Sodom bottom, soy boy, beta male, gender offender, queer as a deer with a steer in its rear, hippie vegan stoner mpeta tree kung fu baded o plants, Wikipedia who dont have a page on max bielas but does on mariah carry sayng " dony know her"

this was made to mock William s hart, not kevin hart who's obnoxoiopus, andhow back door billie attacked the right honorable Roscoe Arbuckle over false accusations he b0ned a h00ker dead

I never even heard of back door billy hart til looking up this movie but like Buster and Roscoe, so history decides who really won

billy was butt hurt over this and didn't talk to Buster for years after rhis was made

It parodies Erich Von Stroheim who was a Cstholic and h-his film Foolish Wives but he liked it

I never saw this but was watching that Twilight Zone ep wirh Keaton and looking him up to see if its him on soviet wikiedia had me fin this film

afte title we see buster coming ot from a subway to a snowy wasteland in a western town with roulete  and having 2 guns

he sees a poster for ammo and guts the guy on it off, puts it in the window and sez "hands up" then comes in and taes heir gns and throws em outaide then the money

a guy noticis the guy in the window with a bandanna over his fave like a beta wearing a mask or a gaijin who's god tells em to, is a cut out and bings it in o show em

buster puts the money back and leaves as the casino thriws him out the winow and we walks off to a cabin with a living human adult male and a living human adult female in love and cr-ppily cries with fake tears as a jab at bac k door billy who was a wooden actor

Buster pulls his gun and blows em out for no reason like its a Go Nagai Manga and checs the bodies and sees this isn't his home or wife and he capped e for cheeting on hm

he goes home and his woman comes oto him but he pushes her away and dont wanna b0ne her so she screams an a Mountie hers em and comes

she pushes a thing and a pot falls on her head and KO's her but he don't gie a f and ignores her brain damaged body

the Mountie knocks so buster puts on a record and fakes dancing with her limp body so he comes in w/o a warrent and sees em  so he leaves

buster dumps her body on the floor like the sack of boar cr-p she is and ees a chick outside so he puts on a wite suit lie a mafia guy with a p-m cane and goes to her and pulls out a flower on the ground

a female seems bummed with a guy in a big coat and a guy on a dog seg comes by and coat man goes but buster is  there like a horror movie

heh heh heh, you said butt buster

so buster holds the flower behind his ack and it catches fire on a candle and when he shows it to her he drops it and they stomp it out

he teies winning her over and coat guy returns and kicks buster in the a55 and buster gets p-ssed, which is rare as es the great stone face and this shows he was a great actor

they leave him in their home where if he was today he'd sh-t it up but he leaves and snow falls on him from the roof and he pulls out

this big guy is there and he wants to follow the couple andthe couple leaves and big guy gets in a big a55 sle an has a bunca cr-ppy dogs pll it and run off as the roe falls from it

buster gets in a sleigh taxi and its not crazy taxy by sega and they go after the couple

the couple gets to their destination and sends the dog sle on as buster goes  on in rhe sleigh and a guy in some kinda sled with a fan on the back like a steampunk snowmobile goes after em

h sop ahead of em and gives em a letter an buster takes off the fan, flips it and puts it back soits in reverse

the sleigh goes on and the snowmobiler goes after em but reverses and goes in te ice water to probably die

buster and big guy get to an igloo anfthe sleigh f==s apart and big guy plays banjo or guitar as buster falls back and busts the wall

busters a baa55 to take the cold

big guy goes oyt in snow shoes and buster uses guitars on his feet as macguuver snow shoes

why were there 2 guitars??

they go to a lake and buster takes off his gyuitars and uses a getter tomahawk to us a hole in thr ices a55 and stomps it to fall in bt get ouyt

he goes ice fishing with sardines by another guy not far off and uses saedins as bait and pills out the guys fish and then both figt over the same thinguntil buster pills him under the ice and pulls his a55 out

buster goes off on snow shows bit the guy throws snowballs at him so he uses his snowshoe as a tennis racket and sends him off but sees it was a big black bear the guy ran from

buster goes back and theres a dog around and kicks the big guy in his big aa55 and hears sweeping so he walks back to where his wife was an ooes in

he hears the coat guy coming an he bars the doorwith his arm but is on the wrong  side and the coat guy opens it and comws in

coat guy chaes buster and he escapes out the highwr window so coat guy runs out but mosses buster who's got snow o his back and buster goes in

woman sees buster as a Spanish war guyan he runs to her as we cut away and see big guy on flopy skiis come by and fave coat guy who throws gim ff a cliff

coat guy comes bak and sees bste with a fake eard or fae wig and pulls a knife  and they struggle bt wife i think comes b and wait she just looks lik her, and shoots buster through the window in the back like that Luigi commie did to the ceo he was jealous of and broke the commanments gaiat coveing your neighbors a55 and thou shalt not murder and love your neightbor as yourself

buster pulls a gun and i reveals its a movie and buster slept through it in an empty theatre like Little Nemo, which explains him killing those people

the end

that was pretty fun

its like under 20 mins and a good parody of movies i never saw

people at the time loved it an i enjoyed it

its got good jokes an gags and stunts and is creative and fun

Buster showed good acting and good bad acting to mock a cr=ppy actor and has real range

you can feel the anger in his face an hear it in his voiceless voice

its bada55 with his wacking those people for mo reason and makes sense as its a dream an we all kill pople in dreams

it feels lonher than it is bt the ending sneaks up on you

I liked it and its a fun entertaining comy

For The Frozen North 2 I want him to fall asleep in a shakesepeare play and go through various mixes of shakesepraare stories and waste the charactrs with guns. Also its a 16 bit Run N Gun Game on Sea Genesis, Snes, TG16, Atari Jaguarand GBA where 1 player is Buser Keaton and the other Player is Roscoe Arbuckle and you fight a mishmash of Shakesepear cr-p and in the end, fight Shakesepeare who's towering over you and takes up much of the screen, but after you beat him, the REAL author of his books is the final boss.

Friday, February 21, 2025

The Defiant Ones Review

 Note: I defy real spelling 

The Defiant Ones

This is my review on The Defiant Ones from the distant future year toThe Italian Stallion Napoleon of 1958(81 years before Rovbotech Season 2)

Its directed by Stanly Kramer who did Inherit the Wind/Judgment at Nuremberg/It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World/Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

It stars Sidney Poitier from No Way Out/Blackboard Jungle/The Defiant Ones/The Greatest Story Ever Told/Duel at Diablo/In the Heat of the Night/A Patch of Blue/Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, Tony Curtis from The Flintstones/Rosemary's Baby/Spartacus/Some Like It HotTheodore Bikel from The African Queen/the 60s The Twilight Zone/Little House on the Prairie/Charlie's Angels/Murder, She Wrote/Law & Order/JAG, Charles McGraw from T-Men/Blood on the Moon/Joe Dakota/Spartacus/The Birds/It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World/In Cold Blood/Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here, Lon Chaney Jr from Manfish/My Favorite Brunette/The Ghost of Frankenstein/The Wolf Man/Of Mice and Men/Jesse James/law of the lawless/Young Fury/Town Tamer/Money, Women And Guns, King Donovan from Angels in the Outfield\Singin' in the Rain\Invasion of the Body Snatchers\It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World/cowboy, Claude Akins from From Here to Eternity/Joe Dakota/60s Inherit the Wind/Battle for the Planet of the Apes/The Gambler Returns: The Luck of the Draw/Dragnet/he Rifleman/60s The Twilight Zone/Matlock-/Eerie, Indiana, Lawrence Dobkin from Broken Arrow/the 50s Angels in the Outfield/the 50s The Day the Earth Stood Still/Deadline - U.S.A./50s Julius Caesar/Them!/the 50s The Ten Commandments/Patton/The Rifleman/60s Star Trek/Matlock/Star Trek: The Next Generation, Whit Bissell from The Red Badge of Courage/Creature from the Black Lagoon/the 1st Invasion of the Body Snatchers/60s The Time Machine/Birdman of Alcatraz/I Dream of Jeannie/Airport/Soylent Green, Carl Switzer from thre little raslcals/I Dream of Jeanie/*The Ten Commandments 50s ver, Cara Williams from nothing else i saw, and some guys not on back door, beta male, soy boy, aids bag, banana crammer, cripple nipple, Sodom bottom, gender offender, soviet, commi, hippe vegan peta stoner tree kung fu based on plants wikipeidea who thinks lincon was good but musolini wasn't

i saw some of this before years ago but dont recall much, but people liked it

it almost had back door brando but the guy who made it delayed so brando was filming some other cr-p and had to queer out

after credits and ttle to a storm of rain anda truck going in it singing a redneck song, wait its a truck of cons andopenly blck sisney is songing in a thing of Whites

Tony curti and him bicer anda car drives near it and it goes off a cliffvanmd in a low place

te cops investigate and no dies and2 esapes and thre cops wanna getdogs to hunt em but some townsfolk wanna help and be deputied but are turned doqn

Sidney is arrested for assault and attempted murder and tony for robbery amdthe sherrif says a judhe had a sense of humor to hain a whte and black together but they'd probably ice each other b4 5 miles

Robert mitchum was in a chain gain or somegthimg and said they wouldn't link Whites and coloreds in that era in the south

1 gy eats in frot of the bloodhounds and a guy whines of it as its mean

in the woods tony an Sidney try breaking the chains with a rock butr steel resistes rock attacs in pokemon

tony wants to go south to get the chain off but sdneythinks he'd get iced in a Southern town and wants to go 60 miles to a turpntone train to bust the chain

they nicker and say theres a time coming to settle it

the cos get on the case andthe duo crosses a river and have to hlp each other

is this whee Knuckles Chaotix gort the combi thing from?

they get swept away and tony catches a tree andpills syd up bit sez he did it to keep from being pulled in

later they ice a frog ofscreen and eat it as they talf animals and smoke and sid sez an owl got a weasel and they only make noise when they di

syd sez thanks and tony dont like it and is b--cy over saying thanks for tps and dont like being an indentured servant

he has ptsd and syd dont like being alled boy and they say each othera words and bicker as he called him a n=ggur and he dont have issues being called h=nkey  and they argue over it being like it is and following it

it rains and they sleep on each other andwe ee real owls and they walk on but dive in a hole in the grounds a55 full of waterto evade a horse cart seeing em

they ry cimbing up but fall and syd gives advice and tony gets b--chy over eing told what to do

they almot make ot but fall bac in and try again with tony climbing on syd of valis and trying to oull to the top with 1 arm as the other pulls the syd

syd sees tonys arm is infectecand tony is b--chy but lets him chocolate up his arm with mud and gets whyny over saying thanks but syd sez he was thankful in church despite having no soes

the dog owner now b0ner i hope whines over having to cross water and a delay is gonna cost em 2 hioures and he dyo has a 12 hour start

tony sucks faegs gv'nuh and they b whot did him in for troo andtalk about their lives and syd has awife and i think son who was 5 when he left and dont remember him

tone aint seen his dad since he was 14 like a blue y losevwho got into b0ing dudes andgetting aids tests bt thinking its normal

tony made cars but wanted to drive em and got caught sealing em an thinks he otta be a bigger crook to not get caught

that dont add up

a guy pulled a gun on syd and he beat the black offa him and is tied of being nice and jut wants to go apesh-t

they see a guy using the out house andsyd sez if he found a sae place his woman wont be afraid

they go to steal things andtony s too white despite being jewish andsyd chocolates him up wth mud or cr-p or sh-t or poop

they sneak around in  the bright night anda crow scares em and they sneak silenly like ninja on the roof

tey open the roof hatch an not Richard hath from survivor b0ning dues in the mouth and tony i lwered but falls and hads by hs chain

sud jumps and knocks over a shelf and the town wakes up and checks the store

they try to escape but get caught and the town is suprized tony cutish is kinda white

the reporter tells the sherrif to call in men or the duo escapes and something abouy being a lawyer before

the town is gonna string em up bt tony tries talking his way out but lon chaney GX steps into the grad tour and stops the main twn guy and confronts the town to end em to shoe em theydont wanna

when main tonie goes 2 urn out their eyes with a torch, the lon chaney thr ne generation slugs him out and sez to send em back the next day

hih, we're 50 mins in, that didn't feel lie much

in daylight the syd of non valis sings and talk of how tony saw a lnching b4 andorries the lon chaney 2 will fall asleep and the guys will syring em up

lon gt come in and frees em and they see hes got an arm scar from a chain gang

the duo run for a while and syd has a smoke as tony Curtis b--ches and syd tells him hes a cr-ppy guy and they devolve into a fist fight like anfry soviets

eventually a White American Boy gets em at gunpoint and they alk up as he stands thee was a ret-trd an they smack him down and he busts his hea

tony wants to go but syd looks out 4 the kid by when he come to, he rars the syd for being openly black

he tells em his life story and where he lves like an idiot as these guys might come back and 0ne him dead, esp after finding his mom is the only one there

they go to se his mom anf she feeds em and if this were made tday, tony and syd would fall in love and raise the kid after the mom gets it

threy talk of paintings and mardi gras anf the kid is gone anf the housewife starts hitting on tony Curtis like the fat gaymo in Spartacus

teres a train by here her husband worked for and kid  gets a chisel and suf breaks off the chains

Spartacus unchained, rate r, or butt stuffing

tny blcks out or rather African americans out in pc spell check and has an infection and syd carrys ton

sherrif charcs with the toen and lon Jeremy sez they broke out but the door has jimmy marks on it from outside

sherru sez if they lunchd em he'd find the bodies but lon sezthe sherruf is better equipped for it than them

sherrif rns his men and dogs hard and they want a break but he sez no

tony wakes up later and talks with mom of her cr-ppy life and he encourages her to dream and imagine

they grow closer and make out and it pans away to the sun rising and tony in bed as i think he b0ned her

he wakes up andgets on a shirt and goex out with a gun and goes out to water his face with mom there

she sez her husband might come back but she wants to go with him and has a car but its f'd and wont start

he works on it with her truning it on and he gets it working

she wants to dup her kid at her relatives and skip town with him and he dont wanna leave syd but she sez they'd travel as man and wife and they will be looking for the 2 guys and his chances are good on his own

tony agrees but notices syd is therw and was there the whole time in the reflection on the window and isn't keep on it

she makes syd something to eat and later gors off on his own after being told theres a railroad y a swamp

tony isez bye and is uneasy of leaving syd and later he makes out with mom but son catches em and seems uneasy

he worried if the cops will catch syd but she sez the swamp is full of quicksand and bogd and he's done for and she did it to cover lose ends sohe'  nto talk

i like how the chick is the bad guy here

both tony and woman get their irish up and she gets b--chy and whiny and leaves after throwing her out of the way and kid caps tony for no reason as he lubers out like sasqatch

the cps check with mom and she sez they didn't do anything

yony runs through the swamp liek an idio and yelling and falls in the mud but finds syd and sez what happened and he cant go on but syd tells him to suck it up candya55 and they go through the swamp

they cops track em through the swamp and get Dobermans but sherrif sez no dogs as they got the scent

1 cop sez this aint his jurisdiction but sherrif is gonna cap the dogs if they come and the others go with it

the duo reach the train and imagine someone editing the brokeback mountain theme to this as a trailer

they climb the area and the train is gong by and  syd gets on but cant pull up tony and the both fall off as it goes by

tonys burned out so syd smokes an give him a poof as he's outta breath nd needs some tobacco

they hear the bloodhounds and say "we gave em a ride" and shffrif comes by as syd sings

sherrif alks up, dont say a word and blwos em both out and says "i found em, they wont run again" and they lay dead and bleeding

jk really  siyd sings and is annoying to the herrif and probably dying  tony

The end

that was quite good

nice acting and writing an the music was good

nicestory and it went places and had a good development of the relations and characters

its well filmed andlove the b/w style

tony being a car worker came back to fix the car

i figured with the hayes code they'd not get away but it was still a surprise

Sidney is good a usual and tony gies a good performance as does the chick

it holds up and i;m glad they dodged that planet brando as he's a p o 

For The Defiant Ones 2 I want e to be in prison as homies and keep getting attacke by members of various races who think cross race friendship isbad. Eventually they can't take it andsnap and go all ut and beat dead all the guys in jail t get tp the prison boss and once they beat him, they wn the al a the twin kings. Also its a 16 bit beat em up on sega genesis, snes, tg16, Atari jaguar and gba where 1 player is tony and the other is Sydney and they fight in the jail areas like the med ward, ym, yard, caff, cell blocks and engine room.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Steamboat Bill, Jr. Review

Note: I spell like a back door billy

Steamboat Bill, Jr.

This is my rebiew on Steamboat Bill, Jr. from the ditant future year to Civil War Hero Nathan Bedform Forest of 1928 (100 years before Robotech Season 2 and maybe Transformers Zone)

Its directed by Charles Reisner who did nothing Ore Samma aaw, and also an uncrdited Buster Keaton who did Our Hospitality/Sherlock Jr./The Navigator/Seven Chances/Go West/The General/ The Cameraman

It stars Buster Keaton from Coney Island/he Scarecrow/he Electric House/he Balloonatic/ur Hospitality/herlock Jr./even Chances/he General/he Cameraman/Sunset Boulevard/Around the World in 80 Days/The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn/It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, Ernest Torrence from Tol'able David/The 20 The Hunchback of Notre Dame andThe King of Kings/he Cossacks, Good Wife Marion Byron from nothing I've seen, Tom McGuire from nothing I've seen, Tom Lewis whos no on wikipedea, and Joe Keaton aka Busters Dad from The Scarecrow/The Electric House/Our Hospitality/Sherlock Jr./Go West/The General

I saw this years ago and it was pretty good. but it f'd out at the box office

its been reference countless times and inspired the 1st mickey mouse thing steam boat willies

it was Busters last creatve film as the studio didn't trust him anymore and they had him doing jokes and use a stut double instead of his action mopves

after title and creitswe se this river and forest pan and boats in it with the nw steamer owned by jj king and  the old steamer the stonewall Jackson by billiam canfirld a steamboat bill

he as a 1st mate who looks like popeye and the king goes by and he owns a lot o the town with the people loving him and wants to stop steamboat bill

bill sez 1st mate might need to find a new river

a telegram gets to bll that bill jr hs son comes to visit ater finishing school and bill aint seen jr since he was a baby

garlic jr, piccolo jr, cell jr, hoku, jr, vegeta jr, asuka jr, ect

bulls cr=mobile drives through town to get more rides on his boat and king's daughter imma call king jrcomesby from school

a train comex hy nd its not the general anil an 1st mate come to see jr and see a guy in a buster Keaton hat but hes blac and bill didn't b0ne one  so he looks on

he asks if these boys need a father but theres none abd sews a rabbi but goes on

the train leaves and Keaton in a beret like joey Jeremiah in Degrassi jr hgh comes by looking aro7und andchecks guys to find his dad

he almst meets bill but the pass over each other and wander aroudwith buster Keaton looking like an 1800s pee wee herman

bull sees his ag sez its jr andjr accidentally bumps a baby car and tries to cheer it up by acting like a jacka55 which dont please bull

jr meets bill an looks like fench hitler with more moustache andbull hides jrs ukelelein his coat

jr is nearl loaded into kings bus but bill stops that and they drive off in his cr-pmobile

they go to a hotel adwait its a barber shop anhe gets jr a shave which is pretty funand he meets king jrin the other chair andthey know each other from school

he sez his dads here and she sez soes her and he'd love him and thy go off

bill puts on his beret and ad takes it off an Keaton puts on a heckerboard hatwhich dad replaces ith a farmer be bur Keaton like the checker one

dad tries a bowler and this is like Homer's idea for Mel Gibsons mr smith gos to Washington with a motage od trying on funny hats

they try a fwincusing a buter Keaton ne this keeps going with the Keaton used a few times but as they go oy the wind blows it away

go seie the wind playmaker

king jr brings her dad who se, is dat steam boat bill jr? andbill yas him to a clothes guy to get work for boat clothes

bil dops r's ukulele and stomps it as king is looking and king laughs but king r hels him get good clothes

jr come to the boat and 1st mate gives bill a gun sayong "no jury would convic you" ut h dont wanna ice is son cz hs or lee marvin or back door brando in soiet calufornia

jr goes aroud f--king things up and bamming into things while  fillipng around i mean flipping aroubd

king jr snaks off from her dad to meet buster who sneaked off but she gets called backand so does buster

hope they dont seppuku like Romeo and juliete

king jr goes back to bustr but he senfs he back wurh dad and king sez he'd rong busters meck if he sees him o his boat again

buster steps on th in steamr and get pushed back an forth til hec falls nd brins a king werker on bulls oat ane they bicker tol bill punshes worker with bisters hand and sez if anyones caught on this boat, jr will hndle him

bill goes to laubh the boat and slugs out a gu i think 1t mat for getting ands on buster

he takes buster inthe boat to see how to work it and buster plls a lever tha makes it ram the king boat 2x so dad yells at him

1 guy i thik maybe king is in the drink and bill laughts at him ad praises his son and chews tobacco and gives buster some which he swallowsnd blacks oyr

later its 8 am anddad goes in bustets room and sees cr-p on the floor and goes by

bustr is awake and has a note from king r t meet in the saloon abd it 8 pm i think

he sneaks out having his clothes under his jammies and looks like a flight attendant and dad comes out and he hides in bed

dad sees buster inthe outfit and makes him change to his jammies and king tells king jr he'd choose her man like its the 3rd rorld

busters dad se he'd choose his girl ad it wont her someone with a dad like that and buster oes to bef with his butt in the air yo get b0ned but after dad goes he redresses and put pillowa in bed to fake being him and sneaks out on the roof and wiggles down

uster is gonna jump to the king boat but in bill boat dad staps on coconut shells left by buster and yells at the place he thinks buster is

buster uses a board to cross the ship gap andays on the board as a lookout comes by but the king boat moves and he falls in

dad checks the bed and finds buster is gone andlooks around to find him climbing out on the other boat and wants to send him to soviet boston

buster sneaks around but is found and accidentally knocks 2 guys in the water but jumps into it wh4en a third coms

he climbs on a boat with an openly black, i wanna say woman but i'm not sure, maybe hermaphrodite

the next AM itsbuster in bed and dad throws water in his faceand gives him a ticket togo back to back door boson and hes bummed

they go out in he day and see a note condemning the stonewall Jackson and dad rips it off and goes off but buster, heh heh heh, butt buster, ges his cr-p

bill confronts king of condemning his boat and king throws a rock an breaks a wondow and a figyht reaks out like lesser evolved people playing soccer

a crowd gathrs and ing sez billy thratned him ad defied da law so he's taken away

buster goes to the station and king jr ses him andbuster's bag is taken by the car with dad in it

he gets it back and king r follows and the cops say billy wont get put for a while uz of king

but he was only accusd, he didn't even get formally aresed, is this a feidal sstem or monarchy like England where if you defy the regent you get silenced?

so buster goes back aits raining and he steps in a hole in the road thats wist deepand the wind blows his umbrellainsie out like maruta do to cats

buster sees his dad in jaol and his umbrella spills water from it like a bowl on the aileer

buster broyfht a big bread for dad but dad dont want it and buster waves to dad  but covers it by pulls a thread from the jailers shirt an leaes a hole

buster is gonna wait til dad is hungry and looks at the pisoners song  on the wall and hims it or whistles or w/e and does hand movements

buster throws a thing at the window and it breaks the glass and rain get in so when guard looks, buster shows dad the bread has an item in it

buster goes and dad wants da bread but buster sez he dont and  tries to talk im outta it so dad begs and wants jailer aka sherrif with a hexagram badge to how hes into daemon worship talk with him

ailer is gonna unlock the cell but tools fall out of the bread on the floor cuz its meta and in soft white breadand buter sez da dough fell in his tool chest

sherrif is gonna jail busterand he trys to run but does didsley d0ng a dad sz to ick his a55

jailer thinks buster is a candy a55 but dad sez if buster did it would bea his jaw and buster dont wanna huet him

jailer givs him a free shot and buster nailed him in the gut and he blacks out like in gundam wing endless waltz with Heero KOing Duo or iron virgin jun manga with Akira fudo nailing Jun Asuka in the womb wuth 1 unch

buster and dad lock him in the cell and escape but busters clothes are in the door anddad runs off w/o him as buster strggles for the keys

he unlocks he door and sees guys drie up and goes in to get his umbrella inside ot but jailer comes out and beats buster s head in offscreen and they take him to the hospital

dad comes ack and slug out jailer and returns to his cell for some reason

along the ride in the storm buster xomes to and jumps out and the driver woners wtf like hes a ghost or w/e 

ing is told the pier isn't astrong enuff to hold the boat against the win and this car is blown away by it as the roof opens like a parachute

the king boat is blownand moves aroud and the storm winds dragon in attac mode blows builings down and the town is f--ked as eople scramble around like a Godzilla movie

the roof of te hospital blows off and buster comes to and gets out of bed but the buiing ehind his f'd out and he gets back in and is blwn around

he hides under it and a man jumps out his window and stops him on the bed and after the bed bows away he gets up and thrbilding falls on him bt he goes in the window in a perfect scene copid endlessly

the wind blows him around and he strggles to walk against it and a trck of boes gos by and falls on him

he goes by a theatre and the door falls on him and so do sandbags and he jump into the water but its a painted onbackground

he sees a dummy and the wind makes it move and he runs and oes a magic trick of falling in a trap door behind a curtai

the wall falls as he goes in the door and theres more door cr-p and a cool scene of a ouse falling on him but he comes out the door, goes in, comes out and it crumbles to sticks

eally good effects for the 20s

he tries getting in a storm cellar but its closed and grabs a tree but the tree is blown around with him on itlike power ranges

this house is blown in the water and king jr is on it so he thros n anhor from ths steamboat to hold it and climbs across to get to her

this guys a f=kin bada55

he carries himself and king jr across the rope but the anchor breaks off and he pulls em with his manly power

the jail is in the water ad dads going under lie yugioh or something and buster  gets rope and ties it on things to activate the motor from the steering this and ramthe jailthen pulls the levers to stop it so his dad is free

a literal jail brea

this guys freakin cluch cargo meets nacgyuyver

so buster saves king by tieing roe on him ad jumping in to pull him out  and king is thankful and king jr kisses him and he gets a life saver and jumps in to ave a guy

the end

tht was cool

a bit slow at 1st but it builds up

the last act is all action and stunts and holds up

its got a good stoy and nice manning up kinda ike Hrold Lloyd whee a guy seems candya55 but is rewally amazing

buster went all out in this and its his last film before the studio took control and made him tell jokes and use a stunt double

this is a cool film and i recommend it

its only like 70 mins and does it well

For Steamboat Bill, Jr.2 I want it to be rvealed a sasquatch witch is what caused the storm andis trying to get the humans away so it can use the land to make a base to take bak the land from the humans. So Bill and Buster team u to take it on. Also its a 16 bit beat em up on Sega Genesis, Snes, TG16, Atari Jaguar andGA where 1 player is bill and 1 is buster and you fight forest animals who side with the sasquatch like deer, mooe, wolves, cougars, bears, beavers, and self hating hmans who side with the enemy.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Gun Brothers Review

 ote: I pell better than mario does in 3d

Gun Brothers

This is my review on Gun Brothers from the distany future year topail buyon  of1956(70 years before Transformers Zone)

Its directed by Sidney Salkow who did The Last Man on Earth with Vincent prizce

It stars Buster Crabbe from Flash Gordon seriel in the 30s/Alien Dead, Ann Robinson from the 50s war of the worlds/Gilligan's Island, Neville Brand from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn/Birdman of Alcatraz/Cahill U.S. Marshal/The Ninth Configuration/the 60s The Twilight Zone, Michael Ansara from Outpost in Morocco/Road to Bali/50s Julius Caesar/The Robe/The Ten Commandments/The Greatest Story Ever Told/It's Alive/Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero/I Dream of Jeannie/Star Trek/The Rockford Files/Rambo: The Force of Freedom/Batman: The Animated Series/The New Batman Adventures/Batman Beyond, Walter Sande from Mr. Smith Goes to Washington/Citizen Kane/Sergeant York/Tortilla Flat/Dark City/Warpath/Red Mountain/Apache/Bad Day at Black Rock/Along Came Jones, Lita Milan from The Violent Men, Slim Pickens from One-Eyed Jacks/Dr. Strangelove/Blazing Saddles/The Swarm, Dub Taylor from Mr. Smith Goes to Washington/THEM!/The 50s a star is born/Bonnie and Clyde/The Shakiest Gun in the West/Back to the Future Part III/Maverick/Twilight Zone/Maor Dundee, James Seay from The Son of Monte Cristo/The Mad Doctor/40s Miracle on 34th Street/T-Men/the good The Day the Earth Stood Still/50s The War of the Worlds/Fort Ti/Vera Cruz/What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?/The Ballad of Josie/The Green Berets, Roy Barcroft from Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe seriual/Texas Across the River, Dorothy Ford from The Picture of Dorian Gray/Love Laughs at Andy Hardy/The Seven Year Itch, super Slavic Rick Vallin from Batman and Robin 40s sereal/The Adventures of Captain Africa (Not the Disney captain America)

i never saw his but its like 79 mins and 2 hours on gruit

afer logo title and credits in b/w and proper fullscreen to dramatic music its wyonimg in 1879

some military guys come by and theressmething about gold and they stop by a saloon and a guy checks out a chuck eating as i think this is a restaurant

shes the 1st girl he saw in months as he was rounding up reds to the reservation

a bow tie man hits on the girl and she dont like it but army guy sends him off and she sez she was followed by him for a year and shes going to a saloon to sing

his bother is a rancher and he's going to Laramie and they go off on a coach and talk of how his bro is his last family after the reds iced his rents and he hasn't sen his brother in years

some rouhs or wasteland warriors attack andits bandits like the frito bandito

the drivers are unguarded driving the thing like in robotech with hovertank guys and as main guy is gonna fight em, bowtie beats him out s he dont get em killed

the coach was robbed and they take hicks broach and bowties boot money but head bandit sez leave the army guy  for his oen reasons and book it

bowtie was a gambler and slaps her for coting him his oney but she slugs him and it goes like erry springer until mai  guy comes to and takes care of him

then its night and they are 20 miles from Laramie and her hand is bruised from slugging a guy

they mert yellostone Kelly not like barbies siter and hes the superior to main guy

main guy reveals the gang is lead y his brother and the army guys who came by get them to Laramie and not the cigareettes

army guy is in civilian clotes and meets chick andgot her a broach and he meets Yellowstone Kelly whotalks with him of working for him as a trapper but he wants to ranch with his brother

main guy and chick goes to lunch andkelly thinks mai  guy can be trusted  even though he has a brother jubal

at dunnal i mean dinner he sezbrother sez theres a ranch by Laramie but no one here knows of it and his bros red woker and red guys womancome by to get him andhe dont trust the guy but rusts his b riter

cain and able wre brothers, as were joseph and jude

sp red gy/gir bring main guy to his bro and bro punched him hin the gut and tanks it but chooses to do his turn later as he used to save em up and nail him

they talk ofhow main guy was nearly iced by reds and when he found he lived he wrote him

main guy knows jubal is into crime and the ranch is a scam but ubal wants his brother back

they eat and the red chick hasthe main chicks broach and sez she got it frored guy so main guy slugs him and brother tells em to stop

main guy sez he dont like guys roughting women and it belongs to the chick and sees they got money stealing

bro sez the land was took from the red man and he'd use it to open a legit ranch, but thats fruits of the poison tree, andthe reds didn't know about owning land

main guy is gonna work for Yellowstone Kelly and red guy sez he might turn em in but main gy sez he wont

they go back to  town and chick is singing in a saloon and he tells herthings went f'd with his bro and hes leaving and wants her to come with him to be a trappers woman and he'd make 2000-3000$ in a winter, which is a lot of money in the 1800s

she wants him to turn in his bro to stop the killing like kazinsky's bro but he cant turn on his brother like Cuomo the huomo

the sherrif comes by to get info but he jumps through the window and boks it but takes 1 in the arm and escapes

red chck gets main chick to get bandages to treat main guy but bowtie gambler stops em to get em to the sherrif so red chick kills him with a knife like a gaijin in England

the red does surgery on him and cant find the bullret so he cuts around andchick saves him and gets it out

a ed guy cutting up a White man? how standard, what next? a Sumo eating unkosher food?

so they wanna send chick back but she wanys t stay wuith main guy bt dont agree to arry him

theres a 5000$ reward for the gang and red chick goes to sherrif to get  him to catch the White Chick so she can have no competition

chick talks with main guy of not wanting to trust bro as he's gonna f em up andhe wants to get out tonight

at night the gang plays cards and bro sez when main guyleaves nxt week dont take main chickand red guy wants her as his woman butmain guy sz he'd waste anyone who tries to take her

main guy and chick leave bt red guy tries to sypp em but gets shot

the sherrif comesby eith his men and bro fights em but gets capped as main  guy wants to go but chick sez he cant do sh-t

the gang is caght and bro escapes in the lants but ins red chick did it so he sends her to h e double soviet Mexico under stinkbaulm

shrrif an men searh the area an bro hears em talking and at night caps the guys in his mickey mouse club house and drinks booze and uts sme on his bulet hole and not anus hole

red guy comes by and is wounded and sez main guy got red chick to sell em out and saw they were leaving thinking he knew they were gonna attack

he checks the room and the blankets are gne so he thinks the red as right and vows revenge

later main guy goes out to yellowstne Kelly and is welcomed and goes for his offer to be a trapper

Kelly sold las years thing for 27000$ and each man got like 2000$

they meet a Mormon who tells of sodo and Gomorrah and how they gotta fight sin and they wanna get married but its a Mormon priest and they aint like him

bro and red come after main gy and hed fd but toughts out the bulle and thenmain guy marrus chick

as main guy ad another goes trapping and getting dead animals, main guy senses something coming for him

main guy filled his woman with his male gender fluids and shes pregnant with a baby in her gut and bro and red wants to take his time and winter in Jackson hole for a while and get more men b4 his counterattack

is winter and jubal bro or jubro has a new gang who are gonna jack the station to get the furs

jubro comes over an contronts bro and woman and he sez he didn't send the posse and chick sez she begged main guy to turn him in but he refused

main guy quotes thr Bible and says how cain said "am i my brothers keeper?" and was banished to the land of nod and bro believes him and red dont and takes main guys woman and has a bunch of minions there

bro sez sorry as 2 years in jail made him not think straight and sorry and wait i think hick is still thee

the gang wants to get the furs and sell em and they wanna shoot the place up but red wants to wait

the bros and woman make a all of barrels and ready for the final battle and bro sez sorry for being a c=ck sucker and he knows of her unborn kid in her womb wiggling around

they eat dinner by dcanfelight but its more dangerous as there a pack of homies after em and them being in a cabin as enemies are coming is ike birth of a nation

the coworkers come by an say the sawmill is on fire and the main guy thinks its cuz the baddz did it to draw the workers away

jubro is gone and she thinks he joined the bad guys cuz she dont kniw him like he does

red and his 5 other super Saiyan gaijin are there and wanna attack but jubal sez hes gonna give em the furs and wangts him to come down to talk pivate

main guy sees they are going into hs ambush andmain guy and bro fire on em like ninja

bro runs back after main guy calls em and he took out 1 and sez he didn't answer as they was in earshot and main guy sez t=it used to be them agains the world but is told its them against 5

chick joins in with my axe an blows t=otu the candles  and the badds nock over the barrels all with a cart rolling down the hill

theya ttack and 1 is blwos ow=t and a gunfight breaks out like its a rap concert

1 falls 2 bool it and red fies at em and nails main guy who i think saved his bro

bro fires against red but gets hit and red comes back but main guy caps him and sends him back to h e double oviet Mexico and bro sez he tried to roll back the years and bites it

later main guys woman shoots a baby out and its a girl andit dont sho her squeezing it out covered in womb goo

she named it jubilee or jubal lee after his dead bro and like the x man 

the end

hat was pretty good

nice pacing  ad t didn't drag or feel lomng but had good flow

nice acting and filmng

the bad guy had good in him and went on a bbad path bu wasn't a bad guy inside

good bble tefs an romance that didn't get in the way

i kinda figured he'd bite it saving his brother but it was well done

glad I saw this one, its a good western

For Gun Brothers 2 I want it to be years latr and the daughter is grown up and has a younger sister who is starting to go on the wrong path and the dad sends the big sister to guide her back. Then they go on a mission to help people an fight dog headed people andthe girls gotta team up to fight the dog men. Its also an 8 bit point and click adventure on nes, game boy, Sega Mase Syste, Game Gear Atari Lynx and 7800 where you play as the big sister and choose options to get different endings based on what you choose,

Friday, February 7, 2025

Love Field Review

 Note: My keybord is ad but i love it

Love Field

this is my review on Love Field from the distant fiture year to j fk as he got whats coming to him, of 1992(20 years before Robotech Season 1)

Its directer by Jonathan Kaplanwho did nothing i saw

it stars Michelle Pfeiffer from Scarface/Batman Returns/Wolf/What Lies Beneath/I Am Sam/White Oleander/Hairspray/The Simpsons, Dennis Haysbert from Major League/Wreck-It Ralph/Growing Pains/Superman: The Animated Series/Godzilla: The Series(Which was really good)/the 00s Justice League/How Murray Saved Christmas/Blue Bloods, Brian Kerwin from King Kong Lives/1996 Jack/Law & Order: Special Victims Unit/Law & Order/The West Wing/Boston Legal/Desperate Housewives/Blue Bloods, Louise Latham from Highway to Heaven, and Firecreek, Peggy Rae from 7 Faces of Dr. Lao/Valley of the Dolls/All In The Family/The Waltons/Hamburger: The Motion Picture/The Golden Girls, Beth Grant from Rain Man/The Wizard/Flatliners/Child's Play 2/The Dark Half/Speed/City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold/Dr. Dolittle/Donnie Darko/Pearl Harbor/Rock Star/Flags of Our Fathers/No Country for Old Men/Rango/The Artist/The Golden Girl/Coach/Sabrina, the Teenage Witch/King of the Hill/Malcolm in the Middle/Judging Amy/The Office/American Dad!/Modern Family/Justified/The Secret Life of the American Teenager, Cooper Huckabee from Little House on the Prairie/The General's Daughter/Space Cowboys, Troy Evans from Teen Wolf/Matlock/Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers/Men at Work/Demolition Man/Ace Ventura: Pet Detective/Fudge/Boy Meets World, Rhoda Griffis from The Rage: Carrie 2/Road Trip/The Hunger Games 1/42/Matlock/Drop Dead Diva, bada55 confederate Nick Searcy from Nell/Cast Away/One Hour Photo//Moneyball/Terror on the Prairie/Chicago Hope/The West Wing/Boston Legal/Justified/Archer/Hot in Cleveland, and a bunxha guys not on back door, candy a55, beta male, soy boy, ender offender, cripple nipples, aids bag, frooty booty banana crammer, hippie vegan sotoner peta tree kung fu based on plants wikipegia which lies and wants you to pay for it

i neve saw this b4 but it as filmed in 1990 but Orion needed money and pooped it out in 92 b4 the oscarsafter title and credits to a so and looking through a photo album we see a blonde whining of things like rain and the krooked kennedy klan

she puts up an American flag and takes down wanted posters for j fk for treason ashe was a cr-ppy guy and his dad was into crime and got him elected wuith crime connections with the mafia and he cheeted on his woman and liked the germans and nearly did wwIII and got his fam appointed and had the press oppresse to keep storys of it down and lied ofhis health

but when THEY say that about Trump the people believe it

so thrygo toa thing where they see  fk and his woman and blonde goes mental overseeing em like these apes are gods among men instead of lusty crack smoing apes with jonny being on meth to get through the day

so she dont get to talk to em through the morass of immorality and later shes driving and it seems dark and srs so she goes to a tv store to seewhats going on as her carmate turns on the radio and hears the monkey went back to the zoo and by zoo i mean h e double Ireland, but unlike when susan mcpolish name got it, it was by the gov and not a vengeful God smiting the wicked

so they hope for j fk to pull through getting harambe'd but the cult member Cronkite sez he's sucking d0ngs in h-ll

so main cick watches on tv and sees mrs j fk with her irish butt buddys blood on her and lbj goes on and she dont like him, probably sensing his hidden hand in the mix

she wants to go to jiant foul kr-ps service as she liked him and sez something of those apes getting her through the baby and she'd be dead if not for em, but her husband had enough of her j fk fetish and tells her off

at night she sneaks out and this big blac guy from the altate adds takes the bus with her to see the j f k sealing where they keep it from coming back from h-ll

husband wakes up and reads a note and blonde on bus gets to some bus terminal at sun up

blackasaur makes a call and blonde finds they are keeping the dead irish in the house til Monday

blonde helps blackasaur by bringing his daughter in the womans room as the colored bathroom is out of order and she dont wanna go behind a dumpster like others

she talks with blacasaur of his daughter ad sez her kid bit it last summer and likes kids but blackasuar seems distant

on the bus she gets help figuring out where the bus goes and he heps her find its across the river in virginia in the vets graveyard

he warms up to her and is nicer as it goes on and gives her a magazine wuth puctures as i tink he thinks shes a bimbo

later he wakes her up and shes scared like the boogy man(her words) and he sez theres a stop coming in 10mins andthey're dumping the irish body in Arlington as he heard on the radio

she shows daughter photos and t hink she has some issue wuth gum and he goes to the back with her and blonde talks with blackdad asv daughterputs gum on the seat and she talks of her dead daughter

at nighr a car tries to go around the bus but it comes to a bridge and a truck swerves and misses and the bus goes off the road as a trk trns and a car goes under t and cleaves the yop off

she tells the op blackasuer saw it andthe cop is not keen on him and it turns out his name isn't what he told the blonde

blonde whines of her crp like her husband not liking her and the president went to h-ll and gir asks if blondes mom bit it as her 1st lines and girls mom bit it

blackasuar is interviewed as blonde gets a coke for the girl and gets in a photobooth and notices girl has blood on her head

blonde takes girl to bathroom and finds she has wounds and blackasaur is nervous of hs daughter wuth blonde

blonde grills girl o her real name and she calls operator to tak about a kidnapping and asks if theres a missing colored girl as the gi would totally care in the 1960s

blackasaur asks who she called and she claims its her husband andshe dont like him and knows somehings up

h sez hes her real dad and se sez he acts guilty and sez if he ries anything shed scream

he shows girl photos of her mom and girl who i think is ret-rded sez he didn't beat her and blackasaur sez someone beet her and the eff bee eye calls bak andthey book it

he gives the girl to blnde and ditches em and tells em to get the suitcase, and not prison lingo for carrying something in the a55 cavity

he sneaks around a dark area like batman or the outsiders or darkman or something and blonde is gonna ditch girl and gives her a number to all as a little girl alone in the city totally wont be b0ned dead

she returns like batman and misses the bus as the cops check da bus and find blonde and blackasuar are missing anfget her suitcase

blackasaur steals a car and drivs off with em as the cops go through blondes stuff including her undirs probably and are gonna stuff e in their butts to imagine being b0ned by her

she talks of the car being cr-ppy and wanting one and they stop at the gas station and he wants her to get out b4 shes linked to it but she dont get it and he sed shes an accessory to kidnapping and gta confederacy and how he shouldn't have trusted her

she sez he oewes her by some bad female logic and dont wanna be let by the rod in the wastelands and if he dont hep her, se' out hi as she nows is name and face and the cars licenseplate yto blackmail the male black

the cops go to husband and the oreo team goes to a shetto to fix the car ad blonde thinks j fk did a lot for their kind but the blacks know better

mechanic sez to have th White wman ride in the bak seat and jokes with blackasaur of her and blonde dont like it

she sees how she did so nmuch for him and hi ind and they mock her so she joins the klan

jk that would go against the theme of the movie, like captain America being in hydra, or birdget giving in to grilyness

she sits in the back and is malcontent and as they rive she whines of how she thought the n=groes likes j fk(her words) and thinks them not liking him is predjudiced

later she drives and singsand he joins in and later she makes a sandwich and talks of he rcr-py husband who is ok not having ids and she talks with him of wanting to marry his baby mamma but she turned him down and went to anti soviet dallas

they talk of him needing a gf and she cheers him up and they stop by a fd out house to take a big black greasy dump

she chex the paper and finds theres friends nearby and wants to go to em but dont wanna tell em the hole truth like the media does

the car f==ks out and they stop and some rednecks stop by and dont trust the openly black guy but they go on and chick is tld to go up the road to get help and the Africanized wil wait

the blacks hide behnd the car and a pig harmer brings blonde to town but the blacks are gonna go off on their own with girl anting to ait for her

then a car drives up and its the rdnecks who dont lie himwith the blodne and they beat him up

as he's on the ground they get pliars an say "you gon never use dat big thing on one of our kind again!" and pulls off hir parts!

jk really blonde gets to a frinds place and calls husband and he thinks she was caputd by that guy but she explains it and wants money

he wants her to go to the cops but she sez shes staying at the motel t they had their honeymoon and she gets b--chy

he sez he'd take her to a dr for her head, i assume a lobotomy, and she hangs up, gets a car and gets blackaaur and girl and brings em back but has em stay in the car

he comes out and introduces himself and her husband is fd like joe kennedy got

the right honorable lee Harvey oswal who was framed  gets capped bn tv by Jacob Rubinsteiin and crippked husband claps liek the brain rippe itnis

mom; when'd we start killing people to solve problenms?

black gy;when'd we stop?

i mean going back to ancient time of greeks, turks, mongoliods, Egypt, the dynansy of chna, sengoku Japan, idnia, the red man, it goes back to cain and able, its not new or only American

blonde treats the blackasyaer and has a nice moment talking of going to soviet Mexico before stinkbaum came in

the cps come by and blonde goes out and cps say they are looking for a colore guy and a White woman who tried to retporyt him so he took her too

she sez theres no n=ggers here and om wakes up and sez she can't see sh-t (like stevey wonder o steven universe after the diabetes from his obesity)and is tired

cop sez thers roadblocks and leaves and mom who i thnk isn't blondes om but anothers mom sez to stay but blackasaur is gonna go and leave em

she sez she only said n=ggur to thtow the cops off and he sez thansk for not meaning it and getting the eff bee eye on me

he tells her off and she thought they were the same and he tells her off for thinking it and she sez go to h-ll but it could be worse, she could send hi to the third world

being a woman and unable to handle things she crys and he comforts her and they kiss even though shes married and i think they b0ned and his daughter and the mom eat in the kitchen

today on springer!

at night mom sez she feels for her and to be out in the daylight and she left clean clothes for em

husband checks the motel and asks for his wife and in daylight she sens black guy and girl off as the cops are looking for 3 and 1 whos white

he goes off, goes bacl and brings her with them and i think she missed the sealing of j fk's a55

he drops her off at the motel and husbansd is p-ssed at her for going on this crazy thing with a colored guy and she gets b--chy at hm so he smacks her around

blackasaur comes over saying hes the night manager and asks if thing are ok and he heard screaming

husband sez shes upset over j fk going to h-ll and he raizes hes the guy and gets a gun

she sez she didn't do anything with him (a f--king lie about f--king) and she sez if he wacks the guy everyone wil know she was with a colored guy

he's gonna cap the bug black guy who b0ned his wife and the girl comes in and blackasayr sees his chance and fights husband

after struggling and beating him out, they book it and get to a traffic thing and find the area by the White hoose is blocked off but they say they were going there but wwre directd away

the black cop lets em by and as they hear theres an apb for em she sez they can't make it and runs with the girl as the blackasaur is arrste by a swarm of cops

blonde gets caught and girl and blonde get caught by the cops and i realized the cops probably dont know about the stolen car as no one saw em

in the cop car she sees j fk's baby mamma driven by

ten its 64 and lbj is running to ruin America like biden and barock and other irishinmen of frenchi disase 

blonde stops by a colored house and gives a dress to girl who sez she heard dads not leaving jail

blonde gets a locketwith a phoro of her and girl fom the photobooth and londe has 1 of it too

they hug and she comforts her and its nice and sez it gets better and blonde is in pants like a modern girl even though she was in dresses befoe

black guy comes by and is out of jail and is onna bring her home and she ditched her man who found a better woman

she sez sorry and she lied to the cops i think of them b0ning and they hug

then his head blos apat and we focus on a redneck with a shotgun saying "yee haaaw! I got me one!

jk really he goes in to see his daughter but she drives of and dries back and gors in as piano plays

the end

th was pretty good

nice filming and actinh

good music and effects

nice twists and good heart and a good story

i didn't know where it woul go but it surprised me and worked out well

Huh i only now reaize the  fk plot kinda ffell off and it devolved into a fugeitve story, but it did it well.

Glad i saw it

For Love Field 2 I want them to go on  vacation to Alaska and run into the partridge creek beast and try to avoid being ten by it and the ice gremlons who live in the area, also its a 32/64 bit adventure game lie Zelda on Sega Saturn, N64, playstation and Panasoic 3d0 where you play as the guy or the girl or the now teen daughter and make weapons to fight em off from remains fpeople and animals and ancient tech temples in te wastelands of Alaska.