Sunday, May 26, 2024

Game Reviews Volume 35 From 2024 Part I

Another 10 games I beat in this year. Its 2024, where's all the hovercycles and mars bases and power armor?

Just beat Spellcaster for Master System on my 2DS. Its a mix of 2D side scrolling Run N Gun with some point and click adventure, then the last level is a Vertical Scrolling Shmup. 1 button fires a Ki Blast that can be charged by holding it for a bit but you can't walk while charging. The other button is jump but Down when holding Attack uses Magic that uses up meter. You get Blue Orbs hat heal life and Gold ones that boost Magic from busting enemies. There's some puzzle solving with talking to people, using items at the right time and looking at the right spot on the screen with the Look and At What commands. There's Armor pieces you collect that boost power and a password system that uses a lot of characters. You have spells like Kannon that sends the dead to the next life and Mars that heals you or Makiri that lets you fly. There's a Pyramid level that's a maze to get through that's tricky but its best to use a guide to know what doors to go through. You get unlimited tries and even if you fall on a boss you return to the battle or place you entered the area. Its a bit annoying at times and you can't crouch and fire or aim up or down and going up stairs is tricky as if you get touched, you fall off. The graphics are pretty good and the music is nice and fits the supernatural theme. It controls pretty well but some parts are tough, but its best to farm for Gold Orbs to get a lot of Magic Power. Its based on the 80s Seinen Manga Kujaku-Oh/Peacock King/Spirit Warrior and the Genesis game Mystic Defender is a sequel to it in Japan. But as they didn't use the series License Rights they changed the names like in Last Battle with Aarzak. Its a solid game and not so bad but can be annoying and you probably wanna us a guide. Some things are only accessible by talking to the right guy and doing things in the right order. Sometimes you gotta try each option or spell to figure out what works as it don't let you use what you can't. Glad I played this one.

Just beat Shenmue on PS4. Its a Dreamcast game ported over but with a lot of bugs like music cutting out and humming or screeches when at the harbor or getting stuck in 1st person mode. Its a 3D game where you try to find the guy who iced your dad and go from clue to clue, talking to anyone who might help and find the next place to go. You have a notepad that tells you the clues you found and you get money to spend on things like capsule toys of Sega guys or going to the Arcade to play Space Harrier or Hang On as Yu Suzuki did em too. The graphics are pretty good for 128 bit and its fully voiced with some kinda bad voice work, but it adds to the feel and makes it better. There's a few fight levels where you beat guys up and Quick Time Events that you got a second to press a button or D Pad to do a move important to the story. If you fail you go back to the last checkpoint and try again endlessly. There's a day cycle and sometimes you gotta wait for time to get there but can kinda speed it up by going home and going to the door to choose to go to a place then run back to skip a few mins. It kinda has Tank Controls of up is forward and left is turn left, but its 3rd person and you get used to it. Kinda rough though. The characters are designed well and there's good personality and heart. There's also 1 part of driving a motorcycle on an empty road and a story arc of working at a shipping yard with driving a Forklift, like the other Sega Game, Spider Man Vs The Kingpin. It controls weird but I got used to it after a bit. Its an interesting game and holds your attention but the camera is kinda spazzy and makes me feel like puking. Its in 1980s Japan in the Reagan Years of the Showa Era and has a good feel of 80s Japan. You got a few save files and some parts are tricky but its pretty forgiving. Plus if you screw up enough it lefts you go on. I liked it and you kinda do things at your own pace, but can skip things if you know where to go. Glad I did this. Its different.

Just beat Streets of Rage 4 on PS4. Its a Beat Em Up sequel to the 90s games  on Sega and continues the story.  You can change the controls and 1 button jumps 1 attacks, 1 is Strong move that costs life but that can be healed by beating on guys w/o being hit, and there's options for Throwing weapons or Back Punch or w/e, but you can use 2 button at once to do that. Its got great graphics that are hand drawn animation and a lot of babes, unlike most remakes or sequels nowadays. The music is good and you can change it to 16 bit style, which I did. It plays pretty well and forward and attack in a combo can do a stronger move that don't use life. Its got a counter for combo hits in a row. You an use weapons on the ground but they eventually break and can grab and throw guys by walking into em, which is good against the Karate guys and the Gun guys as well as the fat guys. If you get thrown, hold ump and you land w/o damage like in the past games. Its got level touches like a chandelier that you can cut down on guys with a sword on a rope and pits to throw enemies into that only damage you if you fall in. Its got unlockables like past game players and hidden secrets as well as cameos from other guys not in the game. You start each level with 2 lives and 0 counts as a life, and can get more with points. The style of the art and characters is really 80s/90s and its not censored like some of the past games were with covering up the chicks. The story is good and relates to music which fits this series and the new characters work. Its a solid game and holds up well. You get Infinite Continues but gotta restart the level you were on and there's 12 levels. You can choose the health items like pizza or poutine and there's Stars to find that can be used as a powered move that varies by what character you use. It took me around 4 hours to get through it and I had a mostly good time. It was tricky to get foot when I wanted it when holding an item though. Glad I did this one.

Just beat Zillion for Master System on my 2DS. Its 8 bit and side scrolling and is compared to Metroid meets Impossible Mission. Its based on an 80s anime from the Robotech guys Tatsunoko that's based on a Laser Tag thing. You gotta find these 5 Floppy Disks hidden in capsules and rig the base to blow, then get out. 1 button is jump and 1 is fire and they seem to have it backwards and Start is the Stats screen but a button on player 2 does it too. You go through this base of rooms and blast open capsules to get symbols and put all 4 of em in the computer to unlock the exits. The symbols are mostly mirrored numbers and the exits stay unlocked. You can use a keycard to put n a code to turn off room traps for a bit or warp and can heal by getting Bread or Opa-Opa things that level you up. You can unlock 2 other guys and level up their life and gun to break tougher capsules and some walls have Bread or break away when shot enough. You can heal/go from 0 to 1 card by returning to your base and get 3 Continues where all your guys bite it in Game Over. The graphics are really good and the music is from the show and it plays pretty well but could be better. If a guy bites it you can't get him back w/o using a Continue and depending on how you leveled em up, might be stuck with being unable to jump higher or blast capsules w/ your remaining power level. The base gets kinda confusing so I say use a guide. I made it to the end w/o 1 of the 5 Disks so I looked all over to find it. Its a pretty good game and is better than the sequel that did its own thing. The characters have different life bars so you can switch when low and heal when you find life or upgrades. Its a bit tricky but worth going through. The codes to open the exits are random each time you enter the room and you can put em in any order on the screen. There's 1 boss at the end and you gotta escape the base b4 it blows in 300 seconds. I wrote down the direction//number of screens to go for it. Glad I did this.

Just beat Batman: The Brave and the Bold – The Videogame on DS. Its a beat em up platformer based on the cartoon and has you fighting guys as Batman or other DC HEROes and swap between em with the Touch Screen. B is Jump, A and Y are Attack, X does a stronger thing, L is Grappling Hook and R is Block. The DC HEROes have different moves based on who you use. If you do enough hits fast enough you get a Super Attack with the Touch Screen where both HEROes Team Attack. The Graphics are bold and colorful and there's a lot of little details, like when Gorilla Grodd Devolves Batman into an ape, Aquaman's Team Move shows Aped Batman. The music is lively and there's a few voices in it. It really captures the show's feel and style and even has a ref to the 60s Adam West Batman at the end. You collect money and can buy upgrades like firing more Batarangs or better Armor and its really forgiving with unlimited tries. I fell into pits over and over and never got a game over. It saves and there's a buncha levels to beat, then it unlocks the last one. It can be beat in a few hours and is pretty fun. When the show started I actually hated it as it seems stoopid, but then I saw Frobman's art where he said its a love letter to the Silver Age Comics, I saw it was doing it on purpose and was actually pretty good. It by WayForward and they usually do pretty good things and this is one of em. I think its made more for kids but it don't mean its bad. Not every game has to be Ghost's N' Goblins. Sometimes a lighter game is pretty good. Glad I did this one. I got it in box and the game pak has a damaged sticker but it was like 20$ with the middleman.

Just beat Samurai Shodown on PS4. Its a 2D Fighting Game with Weapons that can be knocked away and picked up again. 1 button each for Heavy, Light and Mid attacks and 1 to Kick and using the D Pad can do other moves. It takes play in 1787 between Samurai Shodown V and 1st Samurai Shodown and is animated in 3D with the Unreal Engine instead of Sprites like most SNK Games. Despite the title, most characters are not samurai, but Ninja, Kabuki, Ainu and a lot of Gaijin. The animation is pretty good and has a bit of a cartoony look that's not trying to fake being reality. The music is pretty good and has that feudal Japan feel. It plays pretty well and I used my main man Ukyo who I found the Down and Heavy Sword attack could do a roll that when spammed, could handle most guys in a few hits. You get unlimited continues as this is an arcade style game and in arcades you can put in an other token. There's 2D art and the game is voiced in Japanese with American words subtitled. At the credits is a pretty 90s sounding song in English and I liked it. You face a few guys then its the final boss so you might not face all the fighters in here. There's good blood and wounds and its pretty cool but you can turn it off if you're a wiener. The final boss is this naked chick who went emo and goes demon and you gotta beat it outta her. After you win 1 round vs her she powers up and  starts the fight with a ki cannon that creams you if not blocking, but can do a huge ki arrow later in the fight, often after teleporting to the other side so if blocking, you now face the other way and ain't blocking anymore. She gave me some trouble but I beat her. The game can be bean in under an hour and it keeps track of how much fight time you had. I made it to her in under 6 mins of fighting but those cut scenes eat a lot of time. Its a cool game and I had fun doing it. I even beat a guy after losing my sword and backhanded him, plus didn't know what to press to get it again. Glad I played this.

Just beat Shantae for GBC on my 2DS. Its a really well made 8 bit game that came out when the GBA was out so most missed it. Its by WayForward and is kind of a Metroid thing where you play as this half genie and go after this pirate chick to get these element stones and stop her from using a steam engine to take over the world. A is jump and B is attack and holding B makes you run. Start brings up a menu and can choose to use Items you buy with gold enemies drop. Select opens the Dance and you use A B and the D Pad to do moves to turn into animals or teleport to towns when you unlock the options. You can collect things and heart containers and more of the game opens when you get more formes. you can also unlock attacks in Beast Mode by finding talismans and each Beast Mode has its own feel and weight and abilities. Its got great graphics and the music is good and it plays and controls well. Its got good world building with creative likable characters and good writing and various minigames like a dice match or dance DDR thing. Looking back her dance and bikini top thing reminds me of Jungle De Ikou a bit, plus her red outfit and the rival being blue colored. You got towns to visit and can heal in the bath or save and there's save points in the wild. There's a day/night cycle with stronger enemies in night and things to collect like Warp Squid where after getting 4, you go to town and give em to the mom and unlock a Dance. For the Dance you press the thing when the meter at the bottom gets to the note and the next one when it loops around, but you gotta have it reach the note again w/o pressing anything to have it activate. Its got infinite continues and you go back to a save point with 4 lives, but biting it on the final level has you return on the segment you fell on, even using Continues. Spikes are 1 hit kills and there's hidden paths and secrets. Dungeons have you getting Keys to unlock doors/solve puzzles and its not too hard. Glad I did this one. Its great.

Just beat Soulcalibur VI on PS4. Its a 3D Fighting game from Namco Bandai where you play as a 1500s guy or girl or monster and fight 1 on 1 matches til 1 is outta Life. Its kind of a retelling of the 1st game but more info and there's a Libra Of Souls Mode that has you make a character and fight through a long tale. I didn't do that one as I don't really like creating my own characters and in Sonic Forces I didn't customize Original The Character. You could use it to make your fave anime character like Cutey Honey or Miko Mido though. there's a button for Weapon and Kick and Guard and Another Attack and Up and Down on the D Pad or A Stick moves into the Back or Foreground. It plays good but the D Pad on the PS4 doesn't always get it right and I roll around instead of attacking. There's a Story Mode where you get each character on a Timeline and fight battles with dialogue between em. As far as I know there's no credits if you beat all or any of these or if you do the Original Character Mode or the Arcade Battle Mode of fighting various guys, so I just did it with Taki. After downloading the game from Disc, you gotta slog through a user agreement that says you don't own the game you bought and can't use it for making adult or explicit or lewd content, which is odd considering the characters are half dressed, really buff or curvy, and have SM Themes. Also it wants your data and to track what you do, so good thing I didn't connect my PS4 to the Web. You can change the controls but it says letters like A and G and I didn't care to figure out which is which so I mainly spazzed on the D Pad and hit the Square Button to spam attacks. I never actually lost a fight in here and somehow did Super Moves with a Cinematic thing. There's a Paper Scissors Rock thing where the fighters slow mo clash and you gotta press a button to decide the winner. Its got great graphics and nice music and the voices are a bit stiff but not bad. Its a decent game but didn't synchro with me much.

Just beat War Gods on N64. Its a 3D Mortal Kombat style game where you play as these guys devolved by a space thing and fight to get the other space things to become the ultimate. So kinda Highlander. You can choose what buttons do what and there's High/Low Punch/Kick, 2 Roll buttons that have you dive away, A Block and 3D one that lets you move in/out of the background. Start Pauses and Z can't be used except to choose Fighters but you can use the A Stick or D Pad to move. Its typical Mortal Kombat kontrols like Forward Forward High Punch for a move or back and a kick to sweep te leg, but here you can trap foes in a move that stuns em for a bit like a net thrown on or skeletons holding em. The AI is pretty easy to exploit and if you stand away from em and jump kick then jump back, as I call it: Rainbowing, or for some, Jump around kicking, you can get em easy. There's 12 fights including a Mirror Match and 2 bosses, but the 2nd last one can fall with constant jump kicks forward. You can get up to 5 Continues and its best of 3 fights but the winner can finish the for MK Style. I played it on the easiest and it took me a while but I did it after like 4-7 attempts. I hardly used the moves and found it easier to jump kick everyone using Vallah the Viking Bikini Chick. Its by Midway and often the camera rotates to get the fight 2D based and that throw me off a bit, and often my attacks were a bit out of reach of my foe. The graphics are good for N64 and the music is fine. There's no Ring Outs and there's voices with some MK guys. Its not a bad game and can be beat in under half an hour on a good run but its not the greatest thing ever. Some hate it but its a decent game that you can have fun with and there's nice touches like the rock guy taunting the SM Chick using a Medusa finisher as he can't be turned to stone, but then gets nuked by laser eyes. Glad I played it.

Just beat Marvel vs Capcom infinite on PS4. Its a 2D Fighting Game where you play as 2 Marvel and/or Capcom guys and face 2 others. there's 4 attack buttons and the D Pad or A Stick with em does different moves. Also is a swap characters button and a way to activate the Infinity Stone you choose. Typical Strong and Fast attacks and Up to Jump with Back to Block and you build the Infinity Stone Gage with attacks and blocks. You can use a Button and combo I'm not sure how to do fully to use an Infinity Bar and do a Super Move, but if the bar is fully filled, it has a super effect based on the stone like Soul reviving a beat ally. It plays pretty well and the Graphics and Music are pretty good. It goes for an Openly CG style like Reboot instead of faking reality like Star Wars. There's a Story Mode I didn't do but did use the Arcade Mode to face a few guys, then Ultron Sigma then Omega Sigma who looks like a Yugioh Card like The Blazing Mars or Marik fused with his god card. The voicing is good and you can change what buttons do what. The game keeps trying to go online 1st and then has the option of playing it real. I used Spider-Man and Zero from Mega Man X as I used to use Spider-Man in the Arcades when I did the 1st game, and I liked the X Games with Zero and the Zero Games on GBA. People chose Dragon Ball FighterZ over this when it came out but this is a good game and don't got much wrong with it. They did shrink Morrigan's chest for this one, which I suspect Disney of doing as they owned Marvel when this came out and had the X Men excluded as Fox owned them then I hear. Also they don't like Jessica Rabbit from Roger Rabbit, which is rather suspect. Bu this was a good game and I had some good time s with it. You get infinite rematches f you bite it and the final boss is tough, but keep at it til you get good or lucky. Glad I did this one. Its better than others thought when it 1st came out. Oh and the other character recovers some life when not in use.

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