Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Amazing Digital Circus Review

 Note: I Spell like the digital world

The Amazing Digital Circus

This is my review pn The Amazing Digital Circus from the distant future year toRonald Reagan of 2023 (The year of Robotech II The Sentinelas)

Its directed by something called Gooseworx and i know nothing of it as its not on back door, candy a55, sodom bottom, aids bag, banana crammer, openly wrong wikipedia the soviet republic of misinformati.

It stars no one I'm aware of and  was a youtube thig i never saw b4 but was a popular thing and they made a 2nd ep but thats about it when I'm reviewing this

A homie I know wants me to review this so imma do it for him

so it starts with a title and colorful graphics like a higher end GameCube game and this guy with teeth fora head and eyes in his mouth (like beatlejuice? ) welcomes us to The Amazing Digital Circus

the a theme song introducing us to the characters but this jestershows up confused and accidentally f's up the show

ringmaster sez its a new human and she trys taking off a headset  but i dos diddlrey d0ng as she pulls her face like a 40s cartoon and reveals she put on a headset and is now here

shes like wtgat athe f's going on but was bleeped out and reveals its an all ages place w./o swearing and she swears more but its bleeped each time

now people think "if you dont say a swaear word but a censired version, its still swearing" like dsaying f his butt instead of the actual word, or bleeping it out like on springer or powr rangers outtakes or rugrats or spngebob

but by that logic, i there's a blurred out nude scene or black bars over the nips and b0ners, it counts as nudity, or if you urn the blood green and call it magical energy is still blood

its revealed she ant leae and this is her new home and body andshe thinks its a dream and this drama masks guy is bummed his comedy mask is broken as the rabbit a55 hole steps on it and is cold to the new chick

so the chick gets a tour of the circus area  and theres pentagras in the sky, and there's a void she's tld not to go into and the ringmaste sez he watches everything in the circus area

after the moon comes onto ringmaster, which means she might have b0ned him b4, she seez an exit and is warped back to the tent where she barfs blickety black ink and the bubble licks it up

she tells em she saw anexit but the others said they'd have seen it by now and ringmaster not the jerry springer movie sez its digital hallucinations from her mind adjusting

its revealed she forgot her name and all do so when going to the digital circus, but rngmaster cant control their minds and sez a list of things her name can't have like profanity or explicit cr-p, and ringmaster spins a slot machine of letters that cmes up with pomni

ringmaster has em have an adventure where ey gatherthiese things called gloinks tat steal things like gaijin at a yugioh tournament and this  doll sez they are given these to keep from going insane

also ringmaster is called caine like the bible guy who chopped up his brother or w/e and thischic made of pieces of things is taken apart and carried off by gloinks

doll sez they gotta see aufmo like franz kafa and h0m0 and this chess piece hiding in a pillow fort sez kaufmo was nuts rambling of an exit lke poni wjo sez this might mean it real but then sez its a dream in total denial

rabbit butt hole gets sick of the gloinks and takes doll and pomni to look for kaufmo and leaves the actor masks guy and chess piece to get da gloinks even though both are unbalanced

doll sez they dont sleep but take breakes to have a routine and ponmi has a door for her room and she asks why not truy to leave and doll goes on an unhinges monologue of wanting to at 1st but seeing it as futile drives em nuts and they give up or go insane

kaufmo dont answer the door but rabbito has keys to all the rooms and hints he left a centipede in dolls room ehich she fears

in the room kaufmo is a black spazzy thing with eyes all over and the word exit written all over the room and doll sez he reached his limit and they otta get caine to try to save him

he comes out and dol sez sorry for fake laffing at his jokes and is slammed around the hallway by him then starts glitching out a bit

pomni reaches for her but doll's hand shocks and glitches pomnis hand so she sez sorry and books it as kaumfo chases her and attacks as i guess she drew his attention, but sheducks to the side at the exit to the hall and he busts through the guardrail and scurries out like a human centipede

after thinking of it, pomni runs back and we cut to the mask guy and chess piece by a hole in the grounds a55 andsay a gloink took one of the lego like chicks pieces in it and rabbit anus comes in

mask guy asks how kaufmo is and hopes hes not mad for not laffing at the jokes and rabutthole named jax like jack and daxter fused, sez hes great and happy

babbit hole nails chess guy with a bowling ball into the gloink hole and he pulls mask guy down and jax the rabbuttole jumps in and they slide down an intentinelikepath to an underground area with a nest for bugs and a red with yellow dots worm anake thing with a mouth on eac out s it cr-ps ot its mouth like that south park ep or catdog

pomni goes back for dall andsez sorry for leaving her  but she didnt know what to do and doll sez t find caine to fix em but dont know where he is and her eyes are playing pong with her nose in a sice detail

doll sez sorry her 1st day here was fd and pomni calls out for caine and searches various rooms like that 90s batman ep in the computer thing but finds kaufmo

the catdog double ender sez its the gloink queen and jax mouths off to it calling it gross and chess guy sez he too is royal

the pieces chick calls for help being carried around and chess guy grabs her head with his hand w/o arms like rayman but its carried away and eaten by the gloink queen and i think a gloink starts litching out

pomni runs from kaufmo and sees herself in the mirror looking f;d bt hides behind a monkwt barrel as the monkeys run out and 1 is f;d out by kaufmo

she fids an exit and goes in it and its a room with another exit door that loops to smilar but different rooms and re exir door disintegrates

gloin queen sez she has to make everythng into gloinks link the commies wanting everone to be commie or athiests attacking anything not like them

then kaufmo falls through the ceiling and nails the glionk queen who's red and yellow like the regess in robotech and spits and/or poops out the pieces chick as kaunfo beats on it

they take an escalator thats off to the side to get out and wonder where pomni is, as pomni goes through an endless thing of doors and rooms until se seez  a computer thats off, snaps and runs back througj it laughing for a bit

she gets ti the void after the last door and it does 2001 a space odyssey refs and in a restaurant cane gets a watch aleart and sees someones in the void and will be spoiled

he instant translocations to her, then back to the crcus and sees its all f'd and the guys tell him kaufmo abstracted so he sends kaufmo to the cellar with what looks like other abstracted ones in a cosnic horror under realm

caine snaps his finges and fies doll and caine sez sorry for lying of the exit anddidnt finish it as he didnt know what to put on the other side

as they beat the glionk qeen they won and they get a digital meal but digital food only gives the sensation of eating as they dont need to eat and the ep ends witha zoom on a cracking pomni, then a zoom out to the crcs, then void, then the computer that was off inthat part pomni reavhed, then tile to epic music

then credits of 2d cartoon animated style characters and graphics like a 2010s game

the end

That was cool

A bright colorful cgi style like in the 90s, but cleaner and smoother with higher tech

a dark story with charem and hidden by bright colors and charisma, like Starship Troopers

Great acting and fun jokes and each character had a well defined personality that fit te looks

Its based on I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream and I never read that nor played the game, but from what I heard of it, seems like a good adaptation homage

i notice the chicks take physical comedy too, its not only the guys getting a boxing glove to the face or slammed around like hulk on loki, pretty cool as most shows queer outta chicks taking damage and only do it to dudes cuz the writers fear the feminists

The show is fun and libley and has good energy and live and is a nice pg time

I'm glad my homie reccomended this to me, its like a 90s show we had when TV was good

For The Amazing Digital Circus II I want a new character to arrive and has an ability to resist the effects of the heasset from having psychic powers, but caine tries to break him and he feeds off caines powrr and digivolves into a scorpion creature that battles caine until the other members of the cirvus give him ki and he beats cains, which makes the digital circuz disintegrate amd they get back to their lives and find only a few mins has gone by as computer time is on a faster rate. Then the go to find each oher to reunite and share bonds. Also its a 16 bit fighting game on Sega Genesis, SZnes, GBA, TG16, and Atari Jaguar where you play as Prerendered characters ad battle copies of the characters in the circus and the boss is cane with various magics.

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